The rise of the prince

Chapter 368 King Pingnan's Strategic Vision

Chapter 368 King Pingnan's Strategic Vision
When Li Xingzhou entered the Changchun Hall, all the ministers began to whisper.

Eunuch Fu'an came down in a hurry, then handed him a battle report, and explained the situation.

Although I had thought a lot on the way and made some preparations, my heart still sank when I saw the battle report sent by Guanbei, which was clearly written in black and white.

The Jurchens really won, and the rise of the Jurchens may become a problem they have to face.

After staying until Li Xingzhou finished reading, all eyes in the hall were focused on him, and no one spoke to disturb him.

"How does King Pingnan view this matter?" Zhong Daoyu spoke first.

"It's expected, but it's still amazing." Li Xingzhou smiled wryly, 10,000+ elites were beaten by 2 people.

The emperor was a little anxious: "Tell me how to deal with this matter."

The emperor spoke, and all the officials watched.

Degong whispered next to him: "If you don't know how to say it, just say you have to weigh it."

Li Xingzhou nodded, but in fact he already had an idea in his mind: "First of all, the Jurchens have occupied a large area of ​​Tokyo Road and Zhongjing Road. They are powerful and independent. Come to unnecessary trouble."

All the ministers quickly nodded and said yes, although the generals frowned, they didn't say anything in the end.

"Under this situation, the Liao Dynasty wants to win us as an ally, and so does the Jin Dynasty, but I think it remains to be seen which side it takes." Li Xingzhou said.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was puzzled.

"The battle between Liao and Jin has already been won and lost, why should we wait and see?" He Zhao was the first to ask.

"That's right, now that the Liao Kingdom has been defeated, it's a great opportunity. We will take the opportunity to attack the Liao Kingdom with the Jin Kingdom, and then we will be able to regain the land of Youyun!" Tong Guan also echoed.

"Your Majesty Tong's words are reasonable, and I also think it's a great opportunity. This time, the Liao Kingdom is newly defeated, and the capital and Nanjing are separated by the Kingdom of Jin. When Jin attacks Shangjing and we attack Nanjing, the north and the south will inevitably be unable to care about each other. It will be easy to regain the lost ground! "Wen Daoli also spoke second.


"The minister is also the same"


Afterwards, people came out to agree, no matter civil or military.

Li Xingzhou already thought that someone would say that.

The defeat of the Northern and Southern Song in the previous life can be said to be inseparable from the Kingdom of Jin. The Song Dynasty made two major strategic misjudgments, and four major countries perished, the Northern Song Dynasty, the Southern Song Dynasty, the Liao Kingdom, and the Jin Kingdom.

These are all related to the rise of Jurchen.

At the beginning of the rise of the Jurchens, the Kingdom of Jin captured most of the land of the Liao Kingdom with lightning speed.The Northern Song Dynasty, which originally had an alliance with the Liao Dynasty, immediately thought of taking the opportunity to break up the soup, so they sent envoys to unite with the Jin Kingdom and sent troops to attack the Liao Kingdom, and the Liao Kingdom was destroyed.

Then as soon as the Liao Kingdom fell, the Jin Kingdom took the opportunity to fall, and the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed
Then in the Southern Song Dynasty, Mongolia rose up, and the Kingdom of Jin was beaten from the north. The Kingdom of Jin fell into the quagmire of war.

At that time, there were also rational ministers who proposed that the Jin Kingdom should not cut off the annual tribute, nor should it go to war with the Jin Kingdom.

He also bluntly stated that although the Jurchens occupy the north, it is reasonable to "respect Confucius and Mencius, read the Six Classics, wear cultural relics, and be similar to China".

However, the Mongols are brave and good at fighting, without their own writing. After breaking through the city, they burned, looted, massacred the city and killed people. They are completely barbarians. There is no reason to speak with the Mongols. Self-preservation.

It's a pity that there were angry youths everywhere in the Southern Song Dynasty, and there were not many people with long-term strategic vision.

In the end, the Southern Song Dynasty cut off the old coins of the Jin Kingdom, and the Song Dynasty formed an alliance with Mongolia to jointly attack the Jin Kingdom, and the Jin Kingdom perished.

Once the Kingdom of Jin was destroyed, Mongolia bordered the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Southern Song Dynasty perished
It can be said that there were many reasons for the demise of the Song Dynasty, but at the war level, a large part of it was due to the lack of strategic vision of the upper echelon of the Song Dynasty.

Now Li Xingzhou is afraid that this situation will happen again. Everyone only thinks about exterminating Liao with Jin, but what happens after Liao is exterminated?

The Kingdom of Jin was growing strong, and the Jurchen tiger and wolf division had beaten the Liao Kingdom to its head. How would such an enemy that was several times stronger be dealt with?
However, the rise of the Kingdom of Jin was not only due to the fact that the first group of Jurchens led by Jin Taizu were too fierce and unrivaled, but also because of the policies of the Kingdom of Jin.

Li Xingzhou cupped his hands, and everyone fell silent upon seeing this.

He took a step forward, looked around at the ministers and said: "Everyone does not know that the Liao Kingdom is different from our Jing Kingdom. In our Jing Kingdom, more than [-]% of them are Han Chinese. Even if they are not Han Chinese, they still respect the Chinese tradition and have one heart and one mind , so up and down.

But the Liao Kingdom is different from us. There are Jurchens, Khitans, Mongols, Han people, Koreans, etc. in the territory of the Liao Kingdom. The common people don’t care who is the master of the world, and whoever treats them well, they will listen to whoever orders.”

"But what does this have to do with our countermeasures?" The emperor interrupted impatiently, "My nephew's remarks are probably off topic."

"Of course it has something to do with it." Li Xingzhou said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't you understand? Since the people of the Liao Kingdom don't care who is the ruler of the world, as long as the Jurchens treat the people well, they can turn their heads and work for the Jin Kingdom!
If there is a real hero in the Kingdom of Jin who can understand this principle, he will be able to win people's hearts in a short period of time and become bigger and stronger.

In this way, the Jin Kingdom is stable in the rear, and there are tiger and wolf divisions. What we should worry about is the Jin Kingdom, not the Liao Kingdom. Once the Liao Kingdom is destroyed, the Jin Dynasty will be connected. How to resist the Jin Kingdom's tiger and wolf division is the big problem! " Li Xingzhou spoke so loudly that all the civil and military personnel in the hall quieted down and listened carefully.

"At this time, it is the best policy for Lian Liao to reject gold.

Conversely, if the ruler of the Jin Kingdom does not have great talent and strategy, does not know how to appease the people and stabilize the rear, but only knows how to burn, kill, loot, and conquer by force, we can instead unite with Jin to defeat Liao and regain the land of Youyun with peace of mind.

Therefore, I think we have to wait and see how the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Wanyan Wugunai, will deal with Zhongjing. " Li Xingzhou spoke in a clear and clear manner, and as soon as he finished speaking, there was a lot of discussion in the court.

The rise of the Jurchen in the previous life was indeed powerful, and many people only remember the military strength of Anyan Aguda, and the myth that the Jurchen was less than ten thousand and invincible.

However, one important issue has been overlooked. War is an extension of politics. What really made the Kingdom of Jin grow stronger in a short period of time and destroyed the Kingdom of Liao was not only the strength of force, but also the abolition of harsh laws every time Wanyan Agu attacked every city and pool of the Kingdom of Liao. Law, tax reduction and exemption, preferential treatment for captives, and win the hearts of the people to consolidate the rear.

In this way, the Kingdom of Jin overthrew the powerful Daliao Kingdom in just a few years.

Li Xingzhou knew from Wanyan Yingge that their leader is called Wanyan Wugunai, not Wanyan Aguda, but it is unknown whether he has the talent of Jin Taizu. It remains to be seen. If they also know how to treat the people preferentially and stabilize the rear, the rise of the Jurchens will be really unstoppable.

As soon as King Pingnan's remarks came out, all the civil and military people in the room felt that they were amazed and justified, and after careful consideration, no one stood up to refute.

But Duke De asked, "But what if you don't have time to wait?"

"The autumn harvest is coming, and winter is coming soon. After the winter, the north is bitterly cold, so it is not suitable to use troops. We have a winter time to observe and see what the Jurchens will do next." Li Xingzhou replied.

Duke De nodded, then cupped his jade wat and said, "Your Majesty, I think King Pingnan's words are feasible."

The emperor nodded and looked at Zhong Daoyu.

Zhong Daoyu also bowed his hands and praised: "King Pingnan is a young hero, with far-reaching thoughts and insight into the overall situation, and I think it is feasible."

The emperor looked at He Zhao again.

He Zhao bowed: "King Pingnan is thoughtful and long-term."

"The minister also agrees with what King Pingnan said." Yu Chengan expressed his position before the emperor asked, and now, it is useless for him to object, it is better to sell personal favors.

The emperor smiled slightly, nodded, and then said expressionlessly: "Then it's decided at this time, and we will act according to King Pingnan's words. What we said today, Xingzhou remembers to write a memorandum after returning home and submit it to Zhongshu.

Now the Honghe Temple under the Ministry of Rites should be reopened to deal with the Liao and Jin affairs. There is still a lack of Honghe Temple Minister and Shaoqing. Since all the lovers agree with the theory of King Pingnan, I will let Xingzhou take charge of this The matter, Jiaping Nanwang Honglu Temple Minister. "

(End of this chapter)

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