The rise of the prince

Chapter 392 The First Formal Negotiation

Chapter 392 The First Formal Negotiation

In the afternoon, he went all the way back to the palace, and began to plan for the new palace in his mind.

Rather than talking about the new palace, it is better to talk about planning a new industrial zone in the name of building a new palace. In the name of building a palace, no matter which piece of land he wants to use, the emperor will definitely approve him.

The cement fired in the Palace has also been hoarded to a certain amount, and the drawings are almost drawn. It is time to start work. Among the people in the Palace, Zhu Rong knows cement best, and it may be most suitable for him to lead the work.

The new hydraulic drive system will have tanks and dams so that the water flow can be controlled at any time, and other traditional manual parts do not need to be moved there.

With that in mind, he arrived home in a short while.

Because of the help of Mr. De, Li Xingzhou relaxed his threat to Yu Chengan and the others. After all, all memorials had to go through Mr. De before they could be passed on to the emperor.

Later in the afternoon, Liu Xu brought Wanyan Yingge to visit, accompanied by a tall warrior of the Kingdom of Jin, Shuhu. Liu Xu also brought Jurchen musk, wild ginseng and other treasures.

"I heard that the lord is now the Minister of Honglu Temple. From now on, the lord will be in charge of negotiating with us, and I will come to pay a visit."

Li Xingzhou also smiled. Although Liu Xu had a smile on his face, Wanyan Yingge's complexion was very bad. He tried hard to force a smile, but turned into an awkward face instead.

Li Xingzhou was amused. Looking at her face, he knew that his threat had worked.

His threat is very simple, that is to show Liu Xu the big ships of the palace. If those big ships are full of people, each ship can carry about 700 fully armed soldiers. Now the palace has six ships, and there are still more under construction.

Once the winter is over, next spring will be the time for the Liao and Jin battles. Naturally, the Liaojing Alliance will not be afraid of sending troops north to the Kingdom of Jin.

But by next spring, the palace will have at least twelve or more large ships. If they are fully loaded and used together with small ships, they can carry about [-] troops from the Bohai Sea in the East China Sea to the north, and go straight to Tokyo Road, the old nest of the Kingdom of Jin!
Small boats can't withstand strong winds and waves at sea, but those big boats like hills in Wangfu obviously don't have such a problem.

That's what Liu Xu was afraid of, that's why Li Xingzhou took him to see the launch of the royal ship. Liu Xu is a smart person, and he understood it right away.

Li Xingzhou asked people to serve tea, and then cupped his hands and said: "Congratulations, now the Jin army has broken through the Liao Kingdom in the north and occupied Zhongjing. It's Mid-Autumn Festival again, so I don't have time to visit."

"Where is that, my lord, you are very polite. We haven't had time to thank you for the Mid-Autumn Festival gift from your lord." Speaking of this, Liu Xu rolled his eyes and said casually: "As for the situation in the north, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of your country sent a We were told."

Li Xingzhou was stunned, the prince told them. This prince is really uneasy, he must have wanted to tell them the battle situation, it will be more difficult for him to negotiate, but unfortunately, he has another bargaining chip.

But why did Liu Xu tell him?

This is worth pondering, Li Xingzhou smiled slightly, and took a sip of tea. I'm afraid Liu Xu also has ulterior motives, trying to provoke him and the prince to be at odds.

So he smiled casually and said, "That's good. Now that you know, maybe we can talk about cooperation."

As soon as Liu Xu heard about the cooperation, he immediately became serious: "Rong, please ask me, can King Pingnan represent your country?"

Li Xingzhou nodded: "Of course, since this king is the Minister of Honglu Temple, of course he can represent our Jingguo."

Liu Xu nodded, put down the teacup in his hand, and became serious: "If so, I hope that your country will not help the Liao Kingdom during the period when the Jin Kingdom sends troops. After the Jin Kingdom destroys the Liao Dynasty, there will be a generous reward. I would like to offer 50 silver Two, one thousand good horses, two thousand cattle and sheep, what does King Pingnan think?"

Li Xingzhou said with a smile: "Master Liu is just joking, after you arrived in Jingguo, do you feel that Jingguo is short of money and cattle and sheep?"

Liu Xu didn't speak, maybe he had expected that things would not be that simple, so he cupped his hands and said, "Then please tell me clearly what your country wants."

Regarding this matter, Li Xingzhou had thought about it a long time ago, so he said directly: "We want Nanjing Road and Xijing Road in Liao Kingdom, because they are the land of dark clouds that I lost in the previous dynasty. If your country can agree, we will not only Send troops from the sea, and attack Liao from the north."

Liu Xu also looked a little ugly now, stood up hastily and cupped his hands and said, "My lord, the Five Dao of Liao Kingdom, Tokyo Dao is a place of bitter cold, and Shangjing Dao is sparsely populated.

There are only three roads, Zhongjing Road, Nanjing Road, and Xijing Road, with fertile water plants and open terrain. Now that Jingguo is going to go to two roads, how can we agree!

Furthermore, as far as I know, the land lost by the previous dynasty of your country is only one Nanjing Road, plus a small part of the Xijing Road. How can there be two lands! "He became more and more excited as he spoke, and his face flushed slightly at the end.

Li Xingzhou spread his hands: "The rest will be used as interest. The Liao Kingdom has been occupied for so long, and there must be some interest."

Liu Xu was dumbfounded, and was speechless for a while, because he had never heard of such a rascal.
In the end, he said forcefully: "We swear we will not agree to the prince's proposal. At most, the Nanjing road will belong to your country, and your country will take it for itself. As for the Xijing road, Jin Kingdom cannot give up an inch of land."

Seeing Liu Xu and Wanyan Yingge looking at him with righteous indignation, Li Xingzhou also stood up, and then seriously cupped his hands: "Then there is no other way, please think about it, Xijing Road and Nanjing Road belong to Jingguo, or we Send troops from the sea to Tokyo Road and take the capital of your country."

This was already a blatant threat, and the expressions of the few people became even more hostile, and they gritted their teeth.

Liu Xu might still be restrained, but Wan Yanying didn't hide her ferocious expression of wanting to kill him.

The words were not speculative, several people snorted, got up in a hurry and were about to leave, Li Xingzhou stopped him quickly: "It's not too late to leave after eating."

"Hmph, we have nothing to say, what are we going to eat!" Wanyan Yingge said angrily.

Li Xingzhou laughed: "When discussing state affairs, each is his own master and seeks his own policy. Naturally, there will be conflicts. If we don't talk about political affairs now, the two of us are still friends. It's not an exaggeration to stay for a meal."

Wanyan Yingge was taken aback for a moment, unable to speak for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

The reason why Li Xingzhou wants Xijing no matter what is foresight is that Xijing can govern Xixia, and Xixia's left wing heroic army and Heqing army garrison are all connected to Xijing Road.

And the most important point is to guard against the Mongols!

Li Xingzhou also has a headache. He lives in an era where heroes emerge in large numbers and powers rise side by side. Apart from Jurchen, there is also Mongolia. Others don’t know about it, but he dare not relax his vigilance.

But the world does not know that after Jurchen, there is an even more invincible Mongol.

Jingxi Road is connected to the grassland in the northwest of Shangjing Road, and also connected to the Mongolian tribe. If there are changes in Mongolia, you can know it at the first time.

That afternoon, Liu Xu, Wanyan Yingge and his party had dinner at the palace, and the atmosphere was not very good. If it wasn't for Gillian's conciliation, they might not be able to eat any more.

After eating, the atmosphere eased up a lot. Before leaving, Liu Xu took another small step. Xijing Road can cut off the land of the seven states in the south and return it to Jingguo. The area is about one-third of the entire Xijing Road.

Li Xingzhou did not reply immediately, but sent them back to the post house.

On the way, Liu Xu sighed worriedly: "Your Highness, this time we are afraid that we will meet someone who will deal with you in the south."

Wanyan Yingge also frowned: "Prince Pingnan is so aggressive, he is really deceiving! So what if we don't care about him."

"If you don't pay attention to it, they formed an alliance with the Liao Kingdom and sent troops across the sea to Tokyo Dao on the condition of Nanjing. How should we deal with it?" Liu Xu frowned: "This King Ping'an is sure that we are afraid of being attacked by two sides."

(End of this chapter)

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