The rise of the prince

Chapter 396 The grown-up He Qian

Chapter 396 The grown-up He Qian

In the afternoon, Li Xingzhou's cousin, Li Yu, sent a basket of autumn crabs, chilled in ice, saying that they had been rushed from Yingtian Mansion early in the morning.

Although Li Yu was not favored by the crown prince, the emperor would not care about him, and the Jingguo was like the Song Dynasty, and the management of the princes and grandchildren was relatively strict.

But the enshrining money must be much more than that of ordinary officials, and many people will give gifts for their connections. In short, life is comfortable, and he was born in a good family.

Li Xingzhou is an exception, it can be said to be a coincidence.

This spring, during the battle at Anxiakou, the prince’s stupidity made people in the world point their fingers at Tianjia. The emperor just needed a person from Tianjia to stabilize the hearts of the people in the south and save Tianjia’s face. He just happened to think of him, and he seized the opportunity again The emperor was naturally overjoyed when the southern rebellion was put down.

In the final analysis, it was the opportunity given by the crown prince that he was able to rise to the top.
Li Xinzhou couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the world is so unpredictable, the crown prince hates him to death, but without the crown prince's help, there is a high probability that the people in Suzhou will be wiped out by Yang Hongzhao directly, so there is no chance for him.

But Jiangzhou's matter is the most troublesome right now.
That night, Gillian and Yue'er steamed the crabs, prepared the seasoning dishes, poetry, and Qi Fang, Yan Chu, and Ji Chunsheng, who came back from Jiangzhou, were all called.

In the garden of the main courtyard of Wang’s Mansion, large tracts of yellow, white, and purple autumn chrysanthemums competed for beauty, and a large table was filled with people among the flowers. The autumn crab on Jingxi Road was a rare delicacy.

Everyone was very happy, but Li Xingzhou was worried. Gillian seemed to think of something and asked him to fetch He Qian. The troublemaker Li Xingzhou didn't want to pay attention to it, but Gillian had to go because he was begging. Gillian and she are also childhood playmates and good friends since childhood.

Along the way, Li Xingzhou was also thinking about how to solve the Jiangzhou matter. When he arrived at He Mansion, the concierge immediately greeted him with a smile. They were all regular customers, and they also knew Li Xingzhou's identity.

Li Xingzhou said directly: "I want to find your lady and report to her."

"Okay, does the lord want to sit in?" the porter smiled.

"Haha, no, I'll pick her up and leave in a while."

The concierge nodded: "The villain will inform the prince!" He said and hurried in.

After a while, the armed He Qian came out happily: "Why did you come to see me?"

"There are new crabs in the palace, and Gillian asked me to call you." Li Xingzhou sat back a little while talking, and moved out of the way: "Let's go, everyone is waiting."

"Oh..." For some reason, the little girl seemed to be a little unhappy suddenly.

But hesitantly climbed onto Meixue's back, and galloped away.

As soon as the two left, the concierge looked at the street corner in the distance and gossiped: "I think Miss will marry into the palace in the future."

"That's natural. You see, King Pingnan and Miss are both riding the same horse. Their intimate appearance must be a family." Someone laughed.

"That's right, look at the attitude of the lady, she is closer to the prince than to the master. Who have you seen the lady be so close to?"

"Hahahaha, that's a great thing. If the young lady marries the prince, our family will also be honored."

"As long as you understand! But this is the truth, relatives of the emperor, who wouldn't want it, the master might be secretly happy in his heart."

A few people were gossiping and joking, and when they turned around, they found that He Zhao had just left the house. They were immediately too frightened to speak, and straightened their backs, pretending to be serious about guarding the goal.

He Zhaoze had a dark old face, snorted, then sighed helplessly, and cursed weakly: "Little thief, this little thief." He has nothing to do with this little thief
On the way, Li Xingzhou was still thinking about Jiangzhou. Seeing that he was absent-minded, He Qian poked his waist with his finger: "What are you thinking about?"

Li Xingzhou came back to his senses: "I've been upset recently."

"What's bothering you?"

"I told you and you didn't know."

"You didn't say how you knew I didn't know." He Qian was dissatisfied.

Li Xingzhou laughed: "Hahaha, I didn't realize that you are very good at speaking. I usually thought you only knew how to dance with spears and sticks. I didn't expect you to be eloquent."

"Hmph, did you know?" He Qian was a little proud.

Li Xingzhou didn't hide it from her, and said to himself: "In a few days, I might go to Jiangzhou."

"Why go to Jiangzhou?"

"Jiangzhou is in trouble, and it's cool to go to govern Jiangzhou."

"I also need to go!"

"Hahahaha." Li Xingzhou smiled and didn't take it seriously: "What are you doing, little girl, bandits and disasters are rampant in Jiangzhou recently, and it's very chaotic."

"You are not afraid of anything I am afraid of." He Qian was not convinced.

"Of course I'm not afraid. I'm the commander of the new army. Before the emperor sent me to Jiangzhou, he would add a transfer envoy from Beijing to the north. His subordinates can mobilize about [-] troops, so I won't be afraid." Li Xingzhou said.

"Don't call me a little girl, I'm not a little girl, and I'm not young either." He Qian said and elbowed him: "I'm already sixteen. You're just one year older than me, why? Tell me so."

"Okay, okay, you are not young, can't you?" Li Xingzhou smiled, and then whispered: "Only children say that they are not young."

"Huh! You..." the little girl ignored him angrily, and protested softly after a while: "I'm not young, and I'm different from those girls. Even if this girl is young, I will grab what I want by myself." , fight for yourself, you can’t stop me wherever I want to go.”

However, Li Xingzhou fell into deep thought about Jiangzhou, and couldn't quite hear what she said.

When Meixue carried the two of them to the gate of the palace, the little girl jumped off the horse first.

Then she rushed into the palace. For the palace, she has long been familiar with the road. Many servants know her, no one stops her, and some people kindly remind her to walk slowly, as if they regard this little girl as a member of the palace.

In the backyard, the little girl happily found a stool by herself and sat with Gillian. Gillian picked out the crab meat for her, and Shiyu who sat on the other side picked out the sauce plate for her, and she was responsible for dipping it. Just eat it.

Li Xingzhou shook his head, feeling very puzzled, why didn't I get such a good treatment?

Autumn crabs are plump and full of crab paste, but it is the best season to eat crabs. The crabs that come from Jingxi Road in the early morning are very fresh.

The so-called Jingxi and Jingbei roads are not the west and north demarcated with Kaiyuan as the center. Kaiyuan is the capital of Jingguo, and the former capital is in Yingtianfu to the east, which is Tokyo. The sewers were clogged, and the sewage system failed so badly that it was almost uninhabitable, so the capital was moved to Kaiyuan.

Therefore, the Jingxi and Jingbei roads have long been divided.

Jingxi Road refers to the generation from Yingtianfu to Kaiyuan, and later included Lai County, Deng County and other places by the sea.

And Jingbei Road includes Yingtianfu, Kaiyuanfu to the north, until it intersects with Guanbei Road.

The crabs on Jingxi Road, because there is an inland lake, are all freshwater crabs, rich in crab paste, plump and delicious, especially autumn crabs.

As for Jingbei Road. Jingbei Road.

Li Xingzhou couldn't help sighing, the chaos in Ningjiang Mansion was more difficult to deal with than complete chaos.

Small chaos can be slowed down, and large chaos can be quickly cut up. But Jiangzhou is in that middle zone, just like Detroit, Columbia, etc. in the later generations, and there are many civilians who are sent to clean up with heavy troops. Who is a good person?Who is the bad guy?Who obeys the law?Who committed the crime?Can't tell at all.

And if it is normal governance, relying on the police to maintain order is completely ineffective, and it cannot suppress the wind of turmoil at all.

In this way, it will only become more and more chaotic and worse.

(End of this chapter)

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