The rise of the prince

Chapter 398 265, The news of the transfer envoy

Chapter 398 260 five, the news of the transfer envoy
"Young Master, someone robbed the shop in the west of the city again this morning, and the shopkeeper reported it to the officials, but when the officials arrived, the criminals had already left." The servant wanted to report in a low voice to Shen Yinfeng with a face full of fear.

"What's missing?"

"The gangsters robbed two bottles of general wine, and a good yew wine raisin, smashed a table, two chairs and an abacus, and injured a clerk, losing more than 200 taels," said the servant. Head down completely.

Shen Yinfeng looked sullen, and hammered heavily on the armrest of the official hat chair, only to sigh in the end.

He came back to Jiangzhou only a few days ago, but Jiangzhou was no longer the Jiangzhou he knew together.

On the day I first came back to the city, the streets were messy and disorderly. The Taoist priests were some bare-chested, idle people. The road was full of dust and dirt, and when the cars and horses passed by, the people on both sides of the road were unkempt.

What's more serious is that there are often miscellaneous robberies, and the government can't take care of them.

He has only been in Jiangzhou for a few days, and several shops in his family were robbed by gangsters for two to three hundred times. The business could hardly continue, and the government could do nothing because the streets

There are idlers and petty thieves everywhere.

He and other merchants, such as Wang's family and Bi's family, jointly went to the government of the country, and told the government that if the law and order were not improved, Jiangzhou's business would not be possible, and the scene of prosperity would no longer be.

The government judges repeatedly agreed, and they could agree to return, but the government had nothing to do.

These merchants also thought about gathering their own nursing homes to maintain law and order, but they didn't expect that some of the people they invited would come out to rob their shops instead, and ordinary nursing home servants did not dare to fight against those thieves, and they did not spend money. effect.

Instead, the situation is getting more and more chaotic, and more and more ordinary people are probably hopeless about the current security situation, so they simply follow the thieves to steal.
Shen Yinfeng's family has been worried recently, frowning.

"Young master." The servant suddenly thought of something: "But I just heard from the yamen servant on the street that the court has replaced a new official to deal with the chaos in Jiangzhou."

Shen Yinfeng sighed and smiled wryly: "So what about the new Shangguan? In the current situation, even if the Living Buddha is alive, there is nothing he can do."

The servant nodded: "The young master said yes, so it is."

"Besides, is it possible for the magistrate of Ningjiang to change? Wang Tong is the son of the current prime minister." Shen Yingfeng shook his head.

"Young master, it's not the magistrate, what is it... what's going on?" Jia Ding scratched his head.


"That's right, that's right, it's a transfer envoy. I don't have much experience, but that's what the official servant said." The servant nodded and smiled.

"Transfer envoy? Who, who is responsible for the transport envoy." Shen Yinfeng was curious.

"I heard that he seems to have a lot of background. He is still the prince of the court, called Pingnan King."

"Who are you talking about? What king!"

"Pingping Nanwang." Seeing that the young master was so excited, the servant said cautiously.

"Pingnan King!" Shen Yinfeng stood up, pacing left and right, muttering: "Pingnan King, Pingnan King, if it is Pingnan King"

Uncle Yu got up early in the morning, ready to go to work with his son.

His son, Yufan, was introduced by his sister and got a job as a "foreman". He was usually responsible for leading people to cut bamboo outside the city, and then boiled, dried, and baked the bamboo tubes, and finally handed them over to the Wangfu. The Wangfu paid according to the amount.

Relying on this job, the family can earn about ten pennies a month, which was something that they never even dared to think about before. How could such a fat job get their turn.I was surprised that my daughter had such a great ability to find such a good job for her brother.

The son found workers from his former neighbors, as well as people from the village outside the city. There were 24 people working under him. He simply didn't go to work for a rich family, so as not to be angry, and helped his son do it together.

He doesn't know what his daughter is doing now, but with this ability, she should be able to climb into a rich family, and her life should be better
Just thinking about it, the son came out of the house with pancakes prepared by the child's mother and said happily, "Father, let's go!"

He nodded, took two quick steps, and followed his son's footsteps.

"Mom, let's go."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

With a creak, the big red lacquered wooden door was pushed open, Uncle Yu went out with his son, outside the door were several noble ladies in silk and satin, knocking melon seeds and chatting in front of the door.

"I heard no. A few days ago, the emperor added King Pingnan as a transshipment envoy to Jingbei, and he is going to go to Pingbei." One of them whispered mysteriously.

"What, what fortune transfer?"

"You don't understand now. It's a transfer envoy. My guy said that. You don't know that he is a high-ranking official, just like a general. His subordinates can manage 10,000+ people!"

"My God! What an official that must be."

"You don't want to think that he is the prince! King Pingnan." The lady turned her head and just saw the two of them.

"how do you know?"

"My family is working in the Wu De Division. If there is anything going on in the palace, he must be the first to know!" the lady said proudly.

"Oh, then your family is really powerful, unlike mine, who is an official in the west of the city, and his subordinates can manage ten or so officers with knives."


Uncle Yu hurriedly walked a few steps to avoid the two of them. This big alley is full of rich and powerful families. Except for their family, most of them are officials or big businessmen. I don't want to cause trouble, just pretend I didn't see it.

No matter where I go recently, I hear people talking about King Pingnan. He is a mud-legged man, and he remembers this name after hearing too much. He is also a prince, and he said that he defeated 10,000+ rebels.

But Uncle Yu is just listening casually, there are those people with great abilities in this world, like the Pingnan King that everyone often talks about recently, who can easily kill 10,000+ people. If you can't hit it, just listen to it and enjoy it.

But involuntarily he thought of his daughter again, maybe she could talk to some respectable people.Otherwise, it would not be so easy to find a job for his son.

"Son, what does your sister do? Do you know." He asked in a low voice.

The son turned back and smiled as he walked: "Father, my sister is very capable now. There are hundreds of foremen like me under my sister's hands! Every foreman gives my sister their monthly stuff. The money was also sent by my sister."

"My God!" Uncle Yu was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth, "This foreman pays fifty guan a month, so the hundreds of teams, don't they want to..." Uncle Yu couldn't figure it out.

The son promised him: "It's five thousand guan. My sister is in charge of a lot more than that. Last time when I took people to hand over the bamboo tubes, my sister gave money to others. The big boxes and big boxes of snowflake silver were all pulled by horse-drawn carts." , there are dozens of palace guards with knives guarding them, and they all listen to her."

"Wangfu?" Uncle Yu was even more surprised.

"Yeah, my sister is doing things for the palace. Father, does King Pingnan know that she is the hero who defeated 10,000+ rebels in the south a few months ago! Storytellers in the capital are talking about it now, my sister is Help him with things." Speaking of King Pingnan, his son's eyes sparkled, which is the dream of every boy nowadays.

"Your she really so capable?" Uncle Yu was so surprised that he couldn't speak fluently.

The son nodded, curling his lips in disdain: "Of course, I wanted to tell them just now, what's so great about managing a dozen people, my sister manages thousands of people."

Uncle Yu was so shocked that he could only nod his head, and then hastily instructed: "Don't quarrel with them, it's all neighbors', and be careful not to cause trouble to your upper body."

"I know"

All the way Uncle Yu couldn't be at peace for a long time, ever since his daughter was sold to the Jiaofang, he always felt that he owed her, in that kind of place, a girl's family would lose her innocence and be bullied.So he was afraid of hurting her about what his daughter was doing, so he never dared to ask her.

He has mud legs and can't do anything, the world is just so helpless.Later, when his daughter bought a stockade for the family and changed the property, he didn't ask any more questions, but was full of guilt.

I didn't expect my daughter to be so capable!
(End of this chapter)

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