The rise of the prince

Chapter 415 Li Xingzhou's Countermeasures

Chapter 415 Li Xingzhou's Countermeasures
Wang Ke, the old judge, sighed more and more: "The matter has come to the end, which county really has bandits? Which county has no bandits?
They couldn't figure it out. Xiang Jun heard the news and ran around, but the thief didn't see him. When they arrived, they said that the thief had left, and Xiang Jun also complained.What's even more frightening is that with such a big commotion, the people spread rumors, and there were thieves everywhere in Ningjiang Mansion, making people panic. "

Wang Ke shook his head, "That's why the magistrate was furious, ordered the Xiang army to stop, thoroughly investigated which counties were lying, and no one would respond to the report. But the precedent has already been set, and it can't be easily stopped.

But at this time, Xu County in the north was attacked by bandits, and they sent people to ask for support from the Xiang army. Everyone thought they were cheating money and food, and ignored them. It was only later that they found out that they were really attacked by Heishan bandits, but it was too late. When the Xiang army arrived in Shixu County, men and women, old and young, all died under the knives of black bandits.
Hundreds of people died at once, and now the people are even more afraid, and the area around Jiangzhou is even more chaotic. "

Speaking of this, Xie Linjiang next to him lowered his head and added in a low voice: "At that time, I went to Xu County to investigate, and found that the black mountain bandits locked the city gate and guarded the top of the city.

After the Xiang army broke through the city and killed the thieves, it turned out that the magistrate of Xu County wanted to be greedy for money and food, so he paid for the Heishan thieves and opened the city gate to let them enter the city.Unexpectedly, after entering the city, the Heishan bandits suddenly turned against each other, started killing people, and then closed the city gates and defended the city.
I dare not tell the magistrate about these things, for fear that he will not send Xiang troops to support other counties. "

After listening to these, Li Xingzhou finally had a complete understanding of the ins and outs of the chaos in Jiangzhou.

In the final analysis, a bookish magistrate, facing a group of old fritters who only wanted to make profits for themselves, and the resurgence of black mountain bandits, led to the current chaos in Jiangzhou and suffered countless people.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xie Linjiang asked: "I dare to ask, does the lord have any countermeasures? If the lord can't do anything, I'm afraid there is no one in Jiangzhou to save now."

Li Xingzhou turned around and looked at the dark night outside the building. It is not yet the curfew time, but there is almost no one to be seen on the streets of Jiangzhou. big man.

This is a completely different world from Kaiyuan. Ningjiang Mansion used to be one of the top five richest mansions in Jingguo, but now it looks like this.

Li Xingzhou patted Xie Linjiang on the shoulder, and said with a confident smile: "If there is no other way, this king will not come. This king is new here, so it is impossible to rely on the people inside." He pointed to the many people who were singing and dancing and feasting Officials.

"Old Mr. Wang Ke, from tomorrow onwards, this king will temporarily transfer you to listen to me, and thank you, young master, you can come with me, I have many things to ask you."

"But go through fire and water for the prince!"

When Wang Ke heard that the prince actually called him an old gentleman, he was very moved, and also handed over his hands: "If the prince really has a way, I will do whatever I do!"

After the banquet was over, all the officials surrounded him and returned to his residence. The place Ningjiang Mansion arranged for him was a special large garden named "Tubi Mountain Villa". Idle, no one dares to live.

This garden is almost as large as the palace of the king. Excluding the living room garden, stables and latrines, there are [-] large and small wing rooms, directly occupying two streets, which is simply extravagant. It is said that the emperor lived in this place when he went to the north to escape the summer heat.

This garden was also built by local officials to please the royal family, so it is not a royal property.

Li Xingzhou simply ordered all the two hundred gunners and artillerymen of the two squads who came with him to live in. Unlike the emperor, he didn't bring so many palace maids and eunuchs, and he couldn't live so many by himself.

Wang Tong and several county magistrates were taken aback, and gently reminded him that this is the place where the emperor lived, and would it be impolite to let ordinary soldiers live there?
He didn't care. After sending a few people away, he waved his hand proudly and brought over 200 soldiers to live in. He didn't even need to set up camp. There were so many wing rooms, they couldn't finish them all.

The soldiers were naturally happy and novel, and all faces were smiling.

Li Xingzhou was not prepared to delay, that was not his style.

Early the next morning, he rejected all the invitations to "clean up the dust" for him, including those from his father-in-law Wang Tong's family.

Then he quickly drafted documents in the name of the envoy from the north of Beijing, and asked the soldiers of Shenjiying to send them on horseback to Ningjiang Mansion three streets away. In the afternoon, one official from each of the eight houses of the mansion, plus fifty yamen servants, came over. At your service.

This is for the convenience of him asking about the local situation.Then Wang Ke, the judge of the Ningjiang Mansion, and Xie Linjiang, the head of the house, were transferred to Tubi Villa, the temporary residence of the Jiedushi in Beijing.

After the two came to visit him, they also had high fighting spirit. Because of the conversation last night, they thought that King Pingnan really wanted to save Jiangzhou.

Li Xingzhou met the two in the corridor by the lake, and asked straight to the point: "You two think, if the chaos in Jiangzhou is to be brought under control, where is the root cause?"

Xie Linjiang gave a blue official uniform, and thought for a while: "The lower officials think that the bandits in Heishan colluded with some officials, ran amok, robbed pipelines to and from business travel, and made the people panic. Thieves and bandits!" Xie Linjiang said excitedly.

Wang Ke's blush-colored official mansion is older and more stable: "Young Master Xie's words are reasonable, but the lower officials believe that there are too many thieves in Heishan, and it is not a one-time achievement. Right now, we should start by cleaning up the government and maintaining law and order. Especially It is the heinous people who take the lead in booing, demagoguery, murder and arson, and we must get rid of them as soon as possible."

Li Xingzhou nodded, and what Wang Ke said made sense, "But what Mr. Wang said is also difficult. In the current situation in Jiangzhou, who can tell which ones have committed minor crimes for a while, and which ones are the real heinous desperadoes?"

Wang Ke was dumbfounded for a moment: "My lord is really astute. Now Jiangzhou is in such a predicament. The yamen and prisons are almost full of people, but there are still people committing crimes in the market every day. Those who commit major crimes cannot be caught, and those who commit minor crimes cannot be caught.
If you deal with it all together, you won't be able to arrest all the Xiang troops. If you focus on arresting people, you can't find those who have committed the most crimes. After all, the ground is full of muddleheaded people! "

Li Xingzhou nodded. This is the current situation in Jiangzhou. He said to the two with his hands behind his back: "So, we must change our thinking at this time. The usual path is no longer feasible."

He said seriously: "Nowadays in Jiangzhou, the actions of many people can only be regarded as negative behaviors, which are far from the level of illegal crimes.

Such as disrupting public order, fighting, and bullying the weak.However, once such negative behaviors are superimposed, they will have a fueling effect, because every signal, no matter how small, will convey the meaning of social norms. "

Xie Linjiang and Wang Ke were a little confused.

Li Xingzhou said: "In short, you may have some doubts during the period, and it is difficult for me to explain clearly, but as long as you listen to me, great things can be expected, understand?"

The two nodded.

"Starting this afternoon, each of you will bring ten yamen servants to find people, women over 40 years old, and not from rich or noble families, but from poor families. At least find about 30 people to come to my house to listen to them."

The two of them were stunned immediately after hearing this: "My lord, this... Your officer heard it right, right?"

"That's right, let's execute it." Li Xingzhou waved his hand.

The two were still very puzzled, but they had no choice but to obey orders.

As soon as the two left, Li Xingzhou recruited the remaining yamen servants and picked out two who were good at equestrianism.

He wrote a letter to them, and then said: "You take this letter to the Xiangjun barracks outside the city, and say that it is an order from King Pingnan that the commander of Jiangzhou Xiangjun must come to see me before noon tomorrow."

"It's the prince!" The two yamen servants took the order and hurried out of the garden on the fast horses of the yamen.

As a transshipment envoy, he only has the right to supervise the officials on Jingbei Road. Officials are obliged to cooperate with him, but they are not the immediate boss after all.

But as for the two armies of Ningjiang Mansion and Taiyuan Mansion, he is now the immediate boss and has the right to mobilize the two armies. This time it will also depend on these armies
(End of this chapter)

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