Chapter 42
The weather is getting colder and colder, Li Yewo stays at home, the New Year is approaching, and the capital is full of excitement.

Over the past few days, Wangjiang Tower has become more and more popular, with a daily net profit ranging from 40 to [-] taels.And the benefits are more than that. For a while, "November [-]th, a stormy storm" spread all over the capital, and many people also remembered the old things and thought about Xiao Wang Ende. In the past few days, people have given gifts to the palace, including his theoretical guardian, Huangshu Li. Yu, there are also all kinds of high-ranking officials and nobles, all of whom are strictly dealt with by him. After all, others set him up as unreasonable and mischievous playboys, how could they do these things.

It's only been a few days before and after, and the various gifts of gold and silver are worth more than 3000 taels after Yan Yan's conversion!The palace was full of joy.

For Li Ye, hiding behind the scenes is always the safest. This is not only a biological instinct, but also a very effective means of self-protection.

Once you are underestimated by a potential enemy, the challenges you face will be greatly reduced, because the opponent will relax psychologically. Don't underestimate this small psychological gap. Small gaps often lead to huge differences.

He writes, practices, teaches Qiu'er and Yue'er math every day, and then goes to Tingyulou from time to time. After Degong lost chess that day, he went to play chess with him as soon as he went, but he couldn't win even once. This time he hinted that he should respect the old and love the young, but unfortunately Li Ye was merciless.

Chen Yu even attracted a large number of literati and writers for Tingyu Tower. He is a third-rank official of the imperial court, sentenced to Tokyo Imperial College, and personally went to the third floor to see the authentic works, which made his poems more famous. It’s raining every day” and I’m too embarrassed to go out.

A few days later, Li Ye received the invitation from the prime minister's mansion, which was actually sent by Gillian. Li Ye was a little surprised by this. It said that a Yiyuan poetry meeting would be held in Wang's Yihuayuan a year ago, but he was invited to the appointment .

Li Ye realized that this was probably A-Jiao's gesture of favor to him, after all, he helped that girl to push back her marriage with him.Only then did he realize that the girl who could only pour wine for him and cry was also a well-known talented woman in Kyoto.When I saw her for the first time, she seemed to sing lyrics for my grandfather, which is why Li Ye misunderstood her as a concubine. Now that I think about it, it might be that she made the lyrics herself, so she sang them for De Gong to judge.He didn't know how to tell whether it was a new word or an old word.

Li Ye was not interested in any poetry fairs, he was more willing to chat with Wang Yue, a well-informed old man.He wrote poems, but the poems he wrote were all other people's poems. After writing, they were framed and hung in his own room. This kind of atmosphere is very good and makes people feel peaceful.

Inside the Changchun Hall, the lights were brightly lit.The winter night is long, and the sky is still bright at this time, and the inside is already full of courtiers, all standing in purple robes, holding jade wats in their hands.The first red and gold dragon robe, pearls and jade earrings, and twelve black jade crowns with tassels are the current emperor.

The few ministers standing at the front below you have been arguing for a long time.

"Your Majesty, no matter what the defeated generals say, they are evasive and sophistry words. I spend a lot of money to maintain the Guanbeixiang Army every year in order to prevent the northern military disaster. The so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, when the time comes, the Guanbei Army will not As the head coach, Wei Chaoren has committed a great dereliction of duty and cannot be forgiven lightly!" The person who spoke was a fat old man, holding a jade wat in his hand and wearing a purple gold robe. He was the head of civil servants, and it was Yu Cheng'an, the prefect.

The first emperor nodded: "It makes sense."

"Victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Who can make a decision on the battlefield? Although Wei Chaoren's defeat in this battle was at fault, there were also natural disasters. Please think twice. The land of Guanbei has been plagued by wars for years. The year is like a day, and it is a great credit to have no major disasters before!" The old man who spoke was ranked first in the generals, thin and tall, with a refined air, you can see his straight spine and protruding bones He is a martial artist.This person is the privy envoy of the court, General Zhong Daoyu.

The emperor nodded again, pressing the corner of the case in Phnom Penh, without making a decision.

Seeing this, Yu Chengan took a step forward and spoke again: "Master Zhong's words are justified, and the number of victory and defeat is undetermined, but if you forgive the Holy Grace for this and give him a lighter sentence, the hearts of Guanbei will be fearless in the future. The security is loose, and dereliction of duty is underestimated. How can the northern border be safe? Your Majesty, please punish Wei Chaoren severely, so as to make a warning to others, to scare the northern border, and to stabilize the country!"

His words were sincere and sincere, and all the officials in the hall were whispering for a while, thinking so.

Zhong Daoyu frowned, and cupped his hands again: "Your Majesty, Wei Chaoren is a man of sincerity, loyalty and courage. It was only a momentary mistake, and he did not intend to dereliction of duty. Please learn from Your Majesty."

"A momentary fault? If there are tens of thousands of troops, the innocent people in the twelve city fortresses are just a momentary mistake. Isn't Mr. Zhong being too lenient?" said Yang Hongzhao, the commander standing in front of the palace behind Zhong Daoyu. Up to forty or so.

Zhong Daoyu glanced at him, his expression remained unchanged, and he didn't reason.

The first emperor waved his hand, and said to the red-robed man standing in front of all the officials, "Prince, what do you think about this matter?"

The prince gave a red robe, held a jade wat, and had a pointed chin and a thin goatee. He looked thirty to forty years old and had a thin body. He took a step forward and saluted respectfully before answering: "My son thought that Master Yu's words were reasonable, and the defeated army If the general is not severely punished, it will not be enough to deter the officials, and there may be new defeats in the future."

Hearing this, Zhong Daoyu behind him sighed softly, shut his mouth and stopped talking.

The emperor pinched the case and asked again: "He Zhao, what do you think about this matter?"

He Zhao stepped sideways with no expression on his face, held his wat and said: "Your Majesty, I have never been familiar with military affairs, border defense, and have never been to the bitter cold north of the Guan, so I dare not speak falsely."

The emperor waved his hand in disappointment to let him go back, and then said: "He Aiqing is the most upright on weekdays, and has always been outspoken. Today's matter is hesitant. I wanted to hear your opinion."

Speaking of which, the old emperor stood up and walked to the Jin case: "I have listened to all parties' arguments, and I know more or less from the bottom of my heart. Today's court discussion ends here."

"Your Majesty." Seeing this, Yu Chengan anxiously wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the father-in-law next to the emperor who shouted "retire", and quickly bowed his head to salute, watching the emperor leave, and the matter of Wei Chaoren was once again left alone.

Yu Chengan took a long look at Zhong Daoyu, who was looking calmly on the side, and walked away with his sleeves. It was just dawn, and a little eunuch hurried over and whispered to him: "Master Yu, the prince has Please, please sit in the East Palace for a while."

Yu Chengan nodded: "Go back and tell the prince that it is inconvenient for you to enter the Eastern Palace wearing court clothes at this time, and come when I go home and change."

The little eunuch nodded and hurried away.

Yu Chengan looked at the red sun in the sky, and muttered to himself: "I have magnificent scenery and mountains, and I must protect them!"

(End of this chapter)

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