The rise of the prince

Chapter 426 Wei Yubai's Westward Journey

Chapter 426 Wei Yubai's Westward Journey

Wei Yubai waited outside the door for a long time. She came here this time to help her father deliver a letter.

After the defeat of Liao's heavy troops, the army led by Han Derang retreated to Nanjing Road and reorganized, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Han Derang is not a small fish or a small shrimp. Almost everyone who was born in the northern border knows his name, especially in Liao Kingdom.

At the beginning, Liao Jingzong, the husband of Empress Dowager Xiao, valued him very much, and he did not shy away from entrusting him with great responsibility as a Hanchen. Later, the talented and bold Liao Jingzong died young. Chubby.

Xiao Chuo then served as Han De's commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army and was in charge of the guards of the capital.After that, Han Derang entered and exited the palace tent, and fell in love with Xiao Chuo as husband and wife.When two people go out, they share the same car, and when they enter, they share the same account. Even when they meet with foreign envoys, they don't shy away from it.

And Han Derang was indeed a talented Han official. With his assistance, Xiao Chuo made a series of drastic reforms to the system and customs of the Liao Kingdom.After Xiao Chuo's revolution, the Liao Kingdom "had no good people, the rules and regulations were revised, the officials were more obedient, and the people broke the law again." A thriving scene.

Han De made himself resist Jingguo, quelled the civil strife, and conquered Goryeo to the east, forcing him to bow his head and surrender, which can be described as a great military exploit.

Han Derang of the Liao Dynasty is like Zhong Daoyu of Jingzhi.

How can such a person feel at ease now that the army is stationed in Nanjing, Liao Kingdom.

The Nanjing Road and Xijiang Road of the Liao State are both bordered by Jing State, and according to the detailed reports of the spies, in the Liao-Jin war, Khan Yelushulie Khan's army was the first to flee, and half of the casualties recovered.

The left army of Xiao Baoji, king of the North Academy, was besieged by Jurchens at the foot of the mountain because the Chinese army was fleeing. Almost the entire army was wiped out, and Xiao Baoji died in battle.

On the other hand, Han Derang's Zhangde army was brave and good at fighting, and almost defeated the left wing of the Kingdom of Jin. If the Chinese army persisted for a while, the outcome might not be known.Moreover, Han De asked the right army to retreat in an orderly manner, and walked the most calmly, with the least casualties. More than half of them were preserved and retreated into Nanjing, Liao Kingdom.

After that, Han Derang also recruited soldiers on a large scale, and it is said that the number now exceeds [-].

Such a large army is stationed in Nanjing of the Liao Kingdom, and the distance from the border of the Jing Kingdom is only more than two hundred miles away, so it has to be guarded.

There are two lines of defense in the north of Jingguo, one is Taiyuan to the west of Taihang Mountain, and the other is Zhending to the east of Taihang Mountain. The two are not far away, but they have to cross the mountains. My father also has close contacts with the Yang family on the west of Taihang Mountain, just to take care of each other.

I often discuss important matters with Mr. Yang, so this time she sent a message.

Of course, this is just one of them, and there is another thing. She heard that King Pingnan joined Jingbei Transit Envoy and has already gone north, and Taiyuan Mansion also belongs to Jingbei Road.
After a while, the sergeant came out and invited them in, and a few others helped them set up the horses to salute. Wei Yubai asked his followers to follow the Yang family to set it up, while he went straight into the mansion.

She was familiar with the house, and she walked to the main hall in a short while, where the current ruler of the Yang family, Mr. Yang Wenguang, was already sitting there.

The old man has a hulking back and a Chinese character face, with gray hair and beard, but a pair of big bull eyes are piercing.

"My niece has met Uncle Yang." Wei Yubai did not salute like a woman, but cupped his hands.

"Hahaha, no courtesy, no courtesy!" Yang Wenguang laughed and asked her to sit down: "You come to see me, and you don't care about the red tape and what to do, you are all generals, don't bother, your brothers are all going to the border If I go, only my old bones are at home."

Wei Yubai smiled, and immediately relaxed. I haven't seen him for more than a year, and Uncle Yang is still the same.

Even the old chairs in the main hall have not changed, they still look old, and the hand guards are so worn that the paint is smooth and have not been replaced.

"This time, you are not here to see me." Yang Wenguang asked while making tea by himself, "There is really no one in the family, so you can just make up for it. Your uncle and I are also good at craftsmanship."

"I've been used to it for a long time." Wei Yubai smiled, didn't go to help, just waited, and then said: "Father asked me to bring a message, he said to ask Uncle Yang to be careful of Han Derang,
The army, the two sides had better be able to discuss a countermeasure to take care of each other.

If the Kingdom of Jin captured Shangjing and the Khan of the Liao Kingdom died there, or surrendered, then Han Derang might appoint another prince, Yelu Dun, as the new king in Nanjing, and he would have to guard against it at that time. "

Yang Wenguang nodded while making tea: "I've thought about this question too, so recently I'm slowly adding troops to Daizhou, Ninghua, and Baode, otherwise I won't be living in ruins, hahaha.
Naturally, there must be a solution, but it can be discussed slowly. After all, it is winter, and it is not easy for the Kingdom of Jin to send troops. "

He said and laughed, but it was true, the Yang family's mansion was just an empty house now, and there were not many valuable items, and all the valuable things were pawned, just to increase troops in the Sanjiao area.

With the changes in the north, the pressure of the frontier defenders is far beyond the comprehension of those in the center or the south.

The battle of tens of thousands of people often determines the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands or millions of people.

Many times people think, how can a country with a population of several million perish?After all, a famous person once said that even [-] pigs cannot be caught in three days and three nights, let alone millions of people?

But history is often like this, the battle of 10 people determines the fate of hundreds of people, if 10 people lose, then the rest will be slaughtered.

Even during the life-and-death period of the Anti-Japanese War, based on the ratio at that time, the number of troops accounted for four to five percent of the country's population. That is to say, the battle of 5 to [-] people will determine the fate of millions of people.

The two lines of defense at the border, Taiyuan and Zhending, will also determine the fate of the entire Jing Kingdom to a large extent, so whether it is Yang Wenguang or Wei Chaoren, the pressure on their shoulders is far beyond imagination.

But even under such pressure, Mr. Yang could still laugh and make fun of himself. Wei Yubai naturally admired him in his heart, but he didn't say on the surface that Mr. Yang didn't like flatterers.

However, Wei Yubai was surprised to find that the old man made tea by soaking the tea leaves in boiling water, not by mixing tea powder, oil, salt, and diced meat. This drinking method was first created by King Pingnan, "Uncle Yang likes to drink clear tea."

"Yeah, this tastes bitter, it quenches your thirst, hahaha. I'm not used to drinking tea before." Yang Wenguang said, handing her a large porcelain bowl of tea. "There are no decent utensils at home, so I use bowls, don't be disgusted."

"Where?" Wei Yubai smiled, and boldly took it with one hand.

"This way of drinking was actually invented by King Pingnan first. I didn't expect it to spread to Taiyuan in less than a year." Wei Yubai said, unconsciously turning the topic to King Pingnan. , because she wants to know more.

"Oh, King Pingnan, speaking of it, the most important thing is that King Nan was appointed as an envoy to the north of Beijing. As the prefect of Taiyuan, I should have come to pay a visit. Recently, there have been a lot of things, so it was delayed for a while." Yang Wenguang said.

"Does Uncle Yang have any news about King Pingnan?" Wei Yubai asked.

Yang Wenguang picked up a big bowl and took a sip of tea, "Yes, there are, and I listened to the merchants who went north from Jiangzhou, but it's not good news."

As he spoke, he told Wei Yubai what King Pingnan did when he came to Jiangzhou. She listened intently, until the tea cooled down, and took a few sips of bitter herbal tea before finishing.

"As an old man, I don't understand King Pingnan. It's probably just like the merchants said, it's children playing around, or they are spreading rumors and talking nonsense." Yang Wenguang said, it seems that there is no such thing as the so-called King Pingnan. In my heart, thinking about it, King Pingnan is most famous for his great contribution to suppressing the rebellion in the south.

But for Yang Wenguang, a veteran who has guarded the frontier all his life and fought countless battles with the Liao people, that is not enough to watch. Apart from this, there is nothing more eye-catching.

Wei Yubai shook his head after hearing this, and thought of that young man who planned strategies at such a young age, quietly changed the civil and military positions of the Manchu Dynasty, and was a little incomprehensible, and he was no different from his two little maids, and had no gap with many servants , but she always seems to be majestic and convincing when she speaks, she understands that things are by no means that simple.
That guy is definitely not as simple as he looks on the surface. He must have a lot of things hidden in the dark, hidden in places that ordinary people can't see, and he will show his fangs at some point.

That kind of mysterious, calm, and deviant always thinks about it, which makes her feel uneasy. Maybe... can I go and see?
(End of this chapter)

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