Chapter 462
The sky was dim, and the sky and the earth were of the same color. Black olive seeds were burning in the small copper-yellow furnace, and the pale blue flames were jumping, which was too beautiful to describe.

Ordinary people naturally can't afford to burn this thing, and they don't use black olive pits to burn it. The blue flame can't be said to be gorgeous and beautiful, but it reflects a precious gold.

Just like the golden nanmu that can only be surrounded by a few people in the hall, these golden nanmu have natural patterns that are as bright as gold. ,Refreshing.

The emperor touched these smooth pillars silently, the prince knelt a step in front of him, covering his head on the ground, all the eunuchs and maids retreated, and the hall was empty.

"Did you know that these nanmu trees are more expensive than gold of the same weight, and they have to travel thousands of miles from Lingnan and Shuzhong to transport them here." The emperor's voice was very flat, just like usual, without ups and downs: "You are not old. Phoebe has no golden lines, and last year's nanmu weighs several thousand catties. Those dangerous places have high mountains and steep roads, deep ravines and dangerous ridges. It would cost a lot of money to transport such a piece of wood to the capital for thousands of miles, and the laborers died and injured all the way!
So every time I open my mouth to ask for those woods, there are complaints from all over the place, saying that I am wasting money by wasting people, and urging me to use other woods instead. "

"But I ask for it every few years, do you know why?" the emperor asked.

The prince covered his head and dared not speak, his voice trembling: "My son, my son is stupid."

The emperor said with a cold face: "Because I will ask for more every time, and then promise to reduce or deduct, sometimes half, sometimes take one of four; but in fact, after the reduction, it is the amount I wanted at the beginning!
In this way, they will say that the emperor is considerate of the people and thinks of the people, and all the officials will change the reference to the eulogy, and the people will be grateful.

In this way, the people are grateful, but after all, only the dead will be afraid of the emperor, afraid of the court, and dare not act rashly! "

"Do you understand this!
It's not that the royal family can't let it go, but if it lets go, the world must sing its praises!Let the world be afraid! "The emperor said heavily: "Hehehe, if you understand these principles, you won't do such unscrupulous things, Nizi! "

His tone became faster and faster, and he gasped a little at the end.

"What do you think you are doing? Suppress dissidents? Consolidate your own power? Who do you think are dissidents!
Thinking in your mind is different from yourself is a different person?I'm different from you if I can't tell you anything?Everyone in the world is different!

If you think about it this way, those officials who obstructed my fortune and those thousands of workers who feared me are all dissidents!Why did they obediently obey me in the end, and still sing praises to me, ah!You pig brain! "

The emperor pointed his finger at the prostrate prince angrily, "Do you know what a dissident is? How dare you act so boldly! Lawless!
Those who shake the country and the country are aliens!Now, you rebellious son is my biggest dissident! "He said and kicked the prince on the ground hard.

The kick hit his forehead, the prince cried out in pain, knelt down on the ground, not daring to make a sound.

"Do you think I don't know about your little actions on weekdays? Withholding the offerings from the palace, you think I don't know!" The emperor's tone became more and more serious:
"At the beginning, I was just thinking, you are still young, you still don't understand" he said while shaking his head.

"When you see the world, your horizons will naturally broaden, and you won't care about trivial things, so I let you follow Yang Hongzhao on the southern expedition, and I want you to see the world
Hehehe. But at the end of the day, what do you think of it!

Hundreds of boats, countless supplies, and a treasury of millions of taels of silver are the price you pay for going to the south to take a look! "

The emperor's gaze was like a sword, cold and sharp: "But you are the prince, the prince
Who made you a prince!
Go back to the East Palace, this matter will be blamed on your prince’s mansion Zhan, this year I don’t want to see you, and you don’t want to leave the East Palace, the East Palace has not been enshrined since then, until I sent my troops to capture Nanjing Road. "

"Thank you, Father, thank you, Father!" The prince was so frightened that his tears flowed down his face, he kowtowed again and again, and then hurriedly retreated out.

"Tell me." He Qian looked around cautiously, and when he saw no one, he continued in a low voice: "You said that such a big event happened, will the emperor depose the prince in a fit of anger?"

Li Xingzhou smiled and said, "Of course not."

"Why? He colluded with foreign enemies and even deceived the king." He Qian pouted, his pretty face was flushed red from the cold, Li Xingzhou couldn't help but touched it with his hands, he hadn't seen Shiyu for a long time.

"The emperor probably has intentions, but there will be no immediate change." Li Xingzhou understood that the crown prince was a crown prince after all, and Jingguo was going to fight. Unstable, he couldn't take such a risk.

"If you have a heart, then there is still a possibility in the future?" The little girl leaned over and asked.

He nodded, and then said amusedly: "Don't come over, be careful not to burn you."

"Oh, then I'm done talking about what if, if the crown prince is deposed, will you succeed the emperor's grandson?" She asked curiously, her eyes sparkling.

Li Xingzhou was taken aback by her question, put down the rabbit in his hand and picked it up again, and brushed the dust off his bangs for her with a smile: "Maybe, I didn't think about these questions before, but now that you say that, I'm But I realized that maybe there will be such a day, hahaha. Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

While brushing honey on the beautiful golden rabbit, He Qian said, "I just thought about it. I'm a little scared. The emperor is so scary. If you become the emperor in the future, will you become so scary too?"

"Hahahaha." Li Xingzhou laughed, feeling a sense of loss in his heart. It has been almost two years since he came to this world. Before that, he never thought that he would have to face such a problem one day.

He knew what power was, so he didn't even dare to give the little girl an affirmative answer.

"How many times have you met the emperor, why do you say it's scary."

"I..." the little girl hesitated, her face suddenly flushed red: "I just saw it before I came to Jiangzhou, my father took me there, the emperor and queen were there, and I had dinner in the palace."

Li Xingzhou nodded without thinking too much. It is not surprising that He Zhaoneng received such treatment.

If De Gong and Zhong Daoyu symbolize the old generation of power ministers, then Kaiyuan Mansion Yin He Zhao must be the representative of the new generation of power ministers, and He Zhao must be indispensable in the transfer of power.

Or it can be said that after a few years, He Zhao will be the Duke of Virtue today, and the handover of power between the old and new generations will be completed in their hands. It is not surprising that the emperor summons He Zhao to dinner.

"It's reasonable for the emperor to invite your father to a banquet."

"No. Yes, the Empress Dowager invited me." He Qian blushed even more, and said in a low voice, "I didn't invite my father. The Empress Dowager invited me. Daddy will accompany me."

Li Xingzhou paused, and suddenly realized why the little girl was blushing. No wonder He Zhao was relieved that his precious daughter had been alone in Jiangzhou for so long. He couldn’t even worry about it. The little girl had grown up, and he had to think about her future. .

It has to be said that He Zhao is a good father with a rough surface but a delicate heart.

He's so smart, he knows it all.Up to now, he has been in this world for almost two years. Not only is he changing the world, but the world is also changing him. Every time he takes a step higher, his state of mind is always different.

The young supervisor of the Military Weapons Supervision, the Prince of Pingnan County, the Commander of the New Army, the Minister of Honglu Temple, and the Transit Envoy of Beijing North. Every time, his mood would change, and he suddenly laughed: "Why didn't you say it earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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