Chapter 464
The news from Weizhou came one after another, and the fast horses entering Jiangzhou one after another, all the way to the north of Beijing, suddenly panicked.

In the end, after a dozen times of information revisions, it was basically confirmed that the Weizhou garrison had seen at least two thousand black mountain bandits, and it was not sure if they hadn't seen them. .

In short, it will only be more than two thousand, not less. This is a big trouble. There are countless examples in history that have shown that stragglers can't make a fortune, but once they get together, it will become a big trouble.

At the beginning, the Jurchen ministries scattered into one group, fishing and hunting in the northeast area for a living, and they were crushed to death by the Liao Kingdom, and there was no room for resistance at all.But Wanyan Wugu ruled all the Jurchen ministries, and then Wanyan Aguda was qualified to rise up, and the Liao Kingdom was almost destroyed in one blow, and the Song Dynasty lost half of the country. The soldiers were invincible.

The Mongolian ministries are also very similar. At first they were suppressed by the Liao Kingdom, and later they were bullied by the rising Jin Kingdom.

Until Temujin was born and unified all the Mongolian tribes, the Mongolian iron cavalry instantly became invincible in the world, crisscrossing the world, killing all over the Eurasian continent, breaking through the Arab world, and forming the five khanates that occupied more than half of the human territory at that time.

In the same way, Li Xingzhou, a group of black mountain bandits, never takes it seriously. He is not afraid of black leopards, bear villages, and jade-faced foxes. Nearly a thousand people is the limit, and the fear is that these people will unite.

As the magistrate, Wang Tong came to him anxiously to discuss countermeasures after hearing the news.

When it comes to countermeasures, there are actually not many. The reason is that Jiang Xian's army was transferred to Guanbei, and the Ningjiang Fuxiang army only had five or six hundred. This matter can only be relied on by the Yang family army in Taiyuan.

However, in the land of Sanjiao, Daizhou, Ninghua, and Baode are independent armies. Yang Wenguang is not only the prefect of Taiyuan, but also the commander of Sanjiao.

The three commanders are like his new army commanders, only the emperor's tiger talisman can give orders, otherwise they will form an independent army, not to mention that he is a transfer envoy, even the Jiedu envoy cannot call it.

In this way, the sergeants he could use were nothing more than [-] Jiangzhou Xiang Army, plus [-] sharpshooters from the new army, which were later increased to six artillery squads and six artillery pieces.

There are only seven or eight hundred people in total, and with the auxiliary army, it is barely a thousand. There is really no way to face such a large-scale bandit.

Having no choice means not daring to fight. Li Xingzhou is not afraid if he fights head-on. The problem is that the battle line is too long, and the Black Mountain bandits have the initiative, so they don't know where they will attack.

After discussing overnight with Wang Tong, Wang Ke, Shen Lin, Xie Linjiang, and the head of the eight-bedroom house, he finally decided to let Shen Lin lead the Xiang army to station in the north of Jiangzhou to prevent accidents. , in several counties in the north, the Black Mountain bandits can go to any county they want. This is a front that stretches for more than 200 miles, and it is impossible to defend it with more than 500 people.

This made things very complicated and difficult. If the Black Mountain bandits came out again, they could attack any county in the north. If they also came out in full force, it would be difficult to deal with.

After discussing until midnight, they came up with an expedient solution. Li Xingzhou went back to the yard to rest. When he returned to the yard, He Qian was waiting downstairs.

"Go to sleep in my room, I promise I won't do anything." Li Xingzhou said something that he didn't even believe. He Qian snorted and handed him the food box, "You, don't even think about it."

While eating the midnight dinner brought by He Qian, Li Xingzhou couldn't help but sigh in his heart, his grandma the queen was really considerate of him.

In fact, he had heard from De Gong long ago that when he went to the Plum Garden with the little girl, he was seen by the emperor and queen. He just didn't think that the queen would act so quickly.

The Queen's intentions are obvious, but there are some things that he still needs to make clear to the little girl.

While eating, he said to the little girl at the table: "Do you know why the queen would do that?"

He Qian blushed slightly and shook her head.

Li Xingzhou then pulled her over and put her on his lap.

"Eat well, don't touch your feet." She protested, but her body didn't stop her.

"The queen is thinking about me. She is thoughtful. Degong is the head of the old ministers' faction, so she promised Gillian to me in the hope that Degong will protect me in the past few years." Li Xingzhou said, taking a sip of chicken soup: "And your father is the head of the new sect of powerful ministers, so she may have given you to me in the hope that your father will protect me when Mr. De comes down, understand.

In this way, in the next few years, ten years, someone will protect me. Even if the prince succeeds to the throne, she doesn't have to worry. She is the emperor and may be the queen mother in the future, but the prince is not her own, so she doesn't have that much capital. She is very smart and knows that she cannot protect her grandson by herself, so she borrows the hands of Mr. De and your father. "He said, put down the spoon, and touched the little girl's head.

The little girl lowered her head, "I see, what about you?"


"I don't care what the empress thinks, I want to know what you think." He Qian raised his head, his eyes were not the lively ones in the past, but something closer to stubbornness.

"I envy Sister Gillian. She is well-educated and beautiful, but I know in my heart that I am definitely not Sister Gillian." The little girl's eyes became firm: "I am also different from her. She is excellent and powerful, but I am I.

When this girl thinks of what she wants, I will fight for it. I don't just watch, even if there is no queen, I... I will come to Jiangzhou. I have already thought about it, and I will come by myself.

So. I want to know what you think, I only care about what you think."

Li Xingzhou stroked her back, feeling a sense of indebtedness in his heart, and said with a smile: "Even if there is no queen, I will blackmail your father and ask him to honestly send you to the palace."

"Why is it blackmail?"

"I'm afraid he won't like it." Li Xingzhou thought of He Zhao's black face again: "Stay here tonight." He was uneasy again.

"No." The little girl firmly refused. She was careless, but she was not stupid. She knew how to fight for herself. She knew how a good girl would win a man's appetite, so as not to take advantage of this pervert.
A few days later, when the Jiangzhou government was busy planning to deal with the Heishan bandits, the emperor's imperial decree came, and the 2 taels of silver allocated by the magistrate also arrived at the well-ordered Jiangzhou ferry along with the official ship.

For the Beijing-North transshipment envoy Pingnan Wang, there was only verbal praise, and for Shenlin, a ranger general was added, and he went to Beijing to listen to the tune.More than [-] officials including Tongzhi of Ningjiang Prefecture were escorted to Beijing, and they will be handled by Yushitai and Dali Temple.

Many vacancies were vacated at once, Wang Ke was promoted to co-prefect, Xie Linjiang was promoted to judge, and Shen Yinfeng was added by the emperor because he killed his relatives due to righteousness. Giving it to the family of merchants is tantamount to a life-saving trump card.

The situation in the court has changed drastically, and so has Jiangzhou. Many officials have broken through the threshold. The San family, which had been dimmed due to the relationship between Shen Sheng, suddenly became popular again. Not to mention the wealth of the family. Ling Jiazheng is a fifth-rank guerrilla general, and he can be raised in the spring of next year.

The most important thing is that they have a good relationship with King Pingnan.

Many people's noses are more sensitive than a dog's nose. This time, there are big figures in the court taking the lead, and a lot of people in the north of Beijing follow suit, in order to kill Pingnan King. In the end, Pingnan King is still fine, but none of those jumping up and down Good end.

Even the deputy prime ministers of the DPRK and China were exiled to Guanbei, so it was clear at a glance who would win and who would win, so there was no need to think hard about it.

In this case, if you don't stand in line, you are a fool.

But Li Xingzhou didn't have time to care about the big environment. Jiangzhou settled down, but the Black Bandits didn't, the Jin Kingdom didn't, and the Mongolia behind it didn't either.

The Kingdom of Jin is invincible, and Mongolia is flattening the world. Those huge uneasiness and shadows hang over my heart, and the more I care, the more I am afraid.

People are like this, the more people or things you care about, the more fulfilling and tiring your life will be.

So some people choose to escape for the sake of comfort. They pray for what will happen in the afterlife, and then live this life with carelessness, hoping that they will see through the world and have no worries.

Because if there is no worry, there will be no pressure. Unfortunately, Li Xingzhou can't lie to himself. Whoever let him come from such a distant future has long been denied the afterlife of gods and Buddhas by cold science. He can only rely on himself.

Science is cruel, cruelly telling you how small you are, and cruelly erasing those excuses to comfort yourself, so people are forced to a dead end, either carrying a heavy load or being driven crazy on the road.

Therefore, there has always been a market for anti-science, because science is cruel and ruthless.

It's all right now, and He Qian has been added. Although she is only seen but not eaten, this little girl has long regarded the palace as her own home, so what can she do with her?
Looking up at the gray night sky, Li Xingzhou thought in his mind, probably at this time, with the rise of the Jin Kingdom and the weakening of the Liao Kingdom, the wolves on the grassland will soon start to move around. A lone wolf is not scary, but a pack of wolves is not scary. The Tigers also have to concede three points.

"There are more than a dozen steps downstairs. The crossbow is more than an inch deep into the wood. It is not an ordinary crossbow. It has beef tendon and hardwood arm, and the tension is more than two stones. It is a strong crossbow that can only be found in the army." Wei Yubai touched the wooden pillars of the tower and went up the black mountain The crossbow left by the bandit said.

"Miss Wei is well-informed," said the 25-year-old man who followed her, dressed in iron armor. He had a dark, thin face and a masculine air.

Behind them were other lieutenants and officers, a total of seven or eight people. The young man was the prefect of Taiyuan.

Before that, he had been guarding Daizhou City and confronted the Liao people for many years. This time, such a major incident happened in Wei Teng, and he took people south to check the rations of the Yang family army in the jurisdiction of Taiyuan Prefecture.

"Being at the border, it's just common sense." She said casually, continuing to observe her surroundings.

The entire aisle of the tower was almost shot into a sieve, and the crossbow arrows on the pillars were blocked, but the room behind the wooden boards and windows was the place where the soldiers lived at night. Soldiers shot dead and wounded on the bed.

According to what the defenders said, the sergeants patrolling the city at that time did not expect that the opponent had a crossbow in their hands, and they were shot and killed immediately.

A crossbow is not as strong as a bow, but if it can draw two stone bows, it can be regarded as a unique warrior in the army.

But any soldier can easily deploy two stone crossbows, and the crossbows can be skillful, without much effort, years of practice.Therefore, it was impossible to defend against, and it was dark at that time, and the soldiers patrolled the road with torches, and the bandits attacked from the dark to the light, and they were all shot down in an instant.

Wei Yubai was going to Jiangzhou, especially after hearing about the recent events, she was excited and couldn't wait to meet that person.

She set off from Taiyuan, took Yongli, took Weiteng, and then went south to enter the jurisdiction of Ningjiang Prefecture. She didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the road. He hurried on with his own soldiers, and when he arrived in Weiteng early the next morning, the thieves had already ransacked the place.

Yang Hu came on the third day, bringing with him eight hundred elite troops from the Yang family.

"I will check for a whole day. I have asked many people. The bandits should be around [-]. Otherwise, they would not be able to take so much food. According to the defenders, the bandits finally withdrew to the valley road to the east. Go there. Entering Taihang Mountain, I guess it’s the Black Mountain bandits.” Yang Hu stood at the top of the city and looked at her: “What do you think about my reasoning, sister of the Wei family?”

Wei Yubai was a little absent-minded, but just nodded: "Brother Yang is right. At this time, we should sort out the records as soon as possible, and report to the south to King Pingnan, the transshipment envoy of Jingbei." She had a strange thought in her heart, that is, as long as the matter is left to him, Nothing can't be done.

Turning around, she found that Yang Hu was looking at her with a bad expression.

"what happened?"

"Wei sister, this is our Taiyuan matter, it has nothing to do with what you said about King Pingnan."

"Taiyuan also belongs to Jingbei Road, and King Pingnan is the transshipment envoy of Jingbei."

"Coco Taiyuan, our Yang family has the final say in Taiyuan!
Besides, I will admit that King Pingnan is powerful, but he is powerful in intrigue and scheming. These days, I heard that he even put down the deputy minister of the court. I am not as good as him in those insidious and cunning tricks. I have played ten years more than him! "Yang Hu puffed up his chest.

"Besides, his hands are nothing more than some Xiang troops that can't make a fortune. What's the use against thousands of black bandits with strong crossbows? It will only hold back."

Wei Yubai felt that his tone was a bit strange, so he frowned slightly and said, "Brother Yang may have misunderstood the point. The point is where do these Black Mountain bandits come from? Have you ever thought about it?

Also, the black bandits used to be scattered and disorderly, fighting on their own, why are they twisted together now?If these can be investigated clearly, they may be able to find bad accounts and disintegrate them easily.

Fighting is not something that can be won by simply rushing upwards. Brother Yang said that King Pingnan does not know how to fight. I don’t think that the prince led thousands of people deep into the hinterland of Luzhou, and finally defeated [-] rebels. merit. "

"A good fighter has no great achievements, and maybe... maybe it's just a rhetoric and a big talk."

Wei Yubai didn't know what happened to her elder brother Yang, the more she heard, the more angry she became, she flung her sleeves and went downstairs, not bothering to say much.

"Sister Wei" Yang Hu froze in place.

"General, you chased him for hundreds of miles just to put your hot face on someone's cold ass." The officer behind said.

"Shut up, what do you know?" Yang Hu's face turned ugly, "Send more people, send them to the east, check for me, find out those black bandits, I will let her see what is an iron-blooded man, and what is a soft-boned boy."

"Major General, they have a lot of people, and they still have strong crossbows in their hands. It is very dangerous to rush in." Someone reminded.

"They have it, but we don't?"

A veteran with gray hair and beard stood up: "Major General, it's not a problem. They know the way, they know the terrain in the mountains, and we outsiders are not familiar with the mountain roads at all."

"Shut up!" Yang Hu said fiercely: "I am the Major General, not you! Carry out the order for me, or you will disobey the military order, and I will kill you!"

The veteran stared wide-eyed at him for a while, finally sighed, and stepped back.

(End of this chapter)

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