The rise of the prince

Chapter 492 Li Xingzhou's Means

Chapter 492 Li Xingzhou's Means
"Princess, some people have asked to see me these few days, but they all shirk away.

I estimate that within a few days, Emperor Jingguo will summon us and make an alliance with him at that time. Presumably Jingguo dares to take Nanjing City and its six cities beyond at the moment, and absolutely cannot give the rest of the land. "Liu Xu said.

"Didn't you agree with King Pingnan on a five-state plan before?" Wanyan Yingge asked. She has actually recognized Liu Xu for a long time since she came to Jingchao. She couldn't figure it out even after thinking about it afterwards, but he was able to peel it off, see the relationship clearly, plan strategies, and strive to make profits for Dajin.

If it wasn't for him, he and others would have been counted against the emperor Shangjingguo, and that smiling fat man, the most important cunning and conspiratorial King Pingnan, and the emotions in his heart were slowly changing.

Liu Xu was very happy after receiving the news that Shangjing was suppressed. He smiled and said: "It was the past, and now it is now. We used to be afraid of King Pingnan, but now it is different. The Liao Kingdom was defeated, and it is difficult to fight back in a short time. little things.

The most important thing is that with Shangjing and Zhongjing, my Daikin has a solid foundation, and I am not afraid of being attacked from both sides.

The emperor only needs to send one general to Liaoyang and one general to Zhongjing, then the east can be far away from the enemy in Liaodong, and the south can contain the counterattack of Liao. , encircling Nanjing Road, Nanjing can be broken easily. "

Wanyan Yingge was puzzled again: "In this case, Jing Guo's help is not needed at all, so why give up Nanjing and the six cities to the south?"

Liu Xu smiled confidently, as if everything was under control.

It was not the first time Wanyan Yingge saw this kind of expression, but it made her a little distracted. When she came back to her senses, she was slightly sullen: "Then Master Liu, hurry up and say it."

Liu Xu stroked his beard: "Princess, this matter is my subordinate's intention, but I think the emperor also thinks so.

Has the princess thought about what will happen after taking over the Liao Kingdom?The fertile fields in the south, the prosperity in the Central Plains, the emperor is so talented, will he be inferior to the north? "

Wanyan Yingge's heart was beating wildly. After going south for several months, she also saw a lot of the prosperity and prosperity of the Central Plains. If she said she was not envious, it would be a lie. Who wouldn't want a better life and a richer land?
"Nanjing City and its six cities in the south are just a cover. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. Although we have been in Jingguo for several months, we have never seen the strength of Jing's army. Nanjing and the six cities are an opportunity." Liu Xu was determined. .

"This is Jing Guo's last chance. If they want to profit from Liao, they must send troops quickly to take down Nanjing and the six cities. By then, we will be north of the Great Wall, so we can take a good look at what Jing Guo's army is doing.

If you have the strength, you can manage the north and make plans slowly.If it's just a local chicken and a dog, you can take advantage of the victory and go south to seize the rich and prosperous land in the Central Plains. "

Liu Xu spoke very seriously, Wanyan Yingge nodded, she was just happy to hear that her father had won Shangjing, but Liu Xu thought of so much at once, even how Dajin would go in the next few decades. , and ready to practice.

This may be the reason why the father valued him so much, she thought to herself, from this point of view, even though he has the insidiousness and cunning of the Han people, he is not so hateful.

"I will do what Master Liu said." She promised earnestly, and then wanted to say something, but Liu Xu nodded, and said with dignity: "Thank you, Princess." Then he exited the room respectfully, and walked away in a short while up.

Inexplicably, she felt angry in her heart.

The situation in the world has changed dramatically, and it has nothing to do with Li Xingzhou in the mountains. There are more than 900 prisoners, a lot of food, and piles of corpses. Everything has to be taken care of.

Fortunately, they had a lot of mules, and the bullets and shells were almost the same. The mules and horses were used to carry food, and some were carried by captives.

These people were obviously scared. When they saw him, they didn't dare to look directly at him. Real adults didn't dare to look at him, and children didn't dare to cry.

Then Li Xingzhou planned to arrange these people to go to the stockade of the Black Leopard, and left them a lot of food, and warned them to work hard and live here. Everyone will naturally obey the devil's warning and dare not disobey orders .

He wants to take the black leopard back to the capital to meet the emperor, leaving behind his old black head.

As for military exploits, a flag with the word "Han" on a black background with gold characters, a fox with a jade face, and the heads of the three Xiongzhai brothers raised the matter from suppressing bandits to suppressing rebellion.

Li Xingzhou understands that sometimes power must be delegated.

In the Taihang Mountains, there are not only black leopards, bear villages, jade-faced foxes, but also many sporadic villages.

Because these villages are separated by mountains, they are natural places outside the world, but the central government wants to use political means to control them. However, such places are isolated from the world. If you talk about politics with them, who will talk to you?

This is a mistake made by many dynasties in history, especially treating the sea power far away from the center, starting from the Yuan Dynasty and reaching its peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Fearing that political means would make it difficult to control the ever-growing maritime power, the sea embargo began, causing China to miss the era of great navigation.

In fact, Chinese pirates were so powerful that they were beyond everyone's imagination during that period, especially Wang Zhi and Zheng Zhilong in the Ming Dynasty.

Zheng Zhilong is even more, not only defeated the navy of the Ming Dynasty several times, but even defeated the Dutch fleet twice with an absolute advantage, controlling all sea dominance from the South China Sea to Japan. Secretly buy the command flag to obtain the right to travel.

But the central dynasty interest group composed of the emperor and ministers really wanted to monopolize political resources.

Therefore, I would rather ban the sea, but also firmly cannot tolerate these pirates, and I can't beat them again, so I adopt methods such as recruiting, trapping and killing.

But how did Europe treat emerging power pirates at the same time?At that time, the rapidly rising empire Britain on which the sun never sets, even had a large number of royal pirates active in the seas.

For the Ming and Qing Dynasties, sea power was uncontrollable, and those who robbed them of their political resources were terrified of the rise of sea power.

They have never thought of changing their methods, and the first thing they think of is suppression and disintegration, which is also the harm brought about by a high degree of centralization to the point of perversion.

Li Xingzhou has another way to deal with this kind of power beyond his reach. If he can't use politics, then use economics!

He needs an agent, and then use the economy to control the area in the Taihang Mountains, connect with the business network of the Wangfu, and achieve a win-win situation. The focus is on cotton!

Yes, nothing can be grown in this poor place, but cotton can be grown!Li Xingzhou finally racked his brains to remember his shallow junior high school geography knowledge.

Knowledge is power, that's true!
In the future, the fleet of the Wangfu will travel all over the world, and the flags of the Wangfu will be planted all over the world. It is impossible without something that can effectively protect against the cold. Linen and silk have limited ability to protect against the cold, and the latter is also ridiculously expensive.

But if there is cotton, everything will change. If nothing else, the army will take the lead in fighting north.

"Why is your lord smirking?" Wei Yubai walked over and asked.

Li Xingzhou quickly stopped laughing, it's a bit silly to laugh like this at piles of loess and snow, but I have great ambitions!
(End of this chapter)

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