The rise of the prince

Chapter 509 is a woman

Chapter 509 is a woman
This matter is a bit hard to say.

But he still felt that he should remind the emperor earlier. After all, whether people's hearts are stable or not, he can feel whether Jing Guo will collapse thousands of miles when facing Jin Guo.

The role of psychology is far beyond people's imagination, and sometimes its influence really exceeds that of matter.

Just like Japan, their per capita GDP is very high and their living standards are high, but their suicide rate ranks high in the world, and their people's sense of happiness is very poor.

Sometimes people will be very surprised, you say that the Japanese have food and drink, and their lives are rich, why are they not happy?Also commit suicide.

But from a psychological point of view, this is normal, because people's sense of happiness often comes from increments rather than stocks.

If you earn [-] this month, [-] next month, and [-] next month, you will be in a positive state of mind and your sense of happiness will continue to accumulate.

Earn [-] this month, [-] next month, and [-] next month. It seems that it is much more than before, but people’s psychology will be anxious, uneasy, negative, and various negative emotions will continue to accumulate. keeps slipping.

So emphasizing potential is very important, but some articles in Zhongshu have stabilized the hearts of the people, but they have been emphasizing his achievements.

The emperor was a little puzzled: "What do you mean by that?"

Seeing everyone looking over, Li Xingzhou cupped his hands again: "The meaning is, the emperor must reassure the people, not just let them look at the past, look at the present, but mainly look at the future! The potential of the future is more inspiring than the achievements of the present."

The emperor thought silently after listening, and He Zhao, Degong, Zhong Daoyu and others also thought about it.

This is a common sense mistake. A novice interview will definitely emphasize what I have done before and what kind of resume I have. Even if I don’t have any, I have to compose some.

For a veteran interview, he will naturally talk about his resume, but he will focus on talking about his future potential and ambition, and what he will bring to the company.

To put it bluntly, psychological research has found that the past has already been determined. If you say it again, it is still the past. The future is the focus of most people's attention. If you want to motivate people and make people motivated, then talk more about the future and various dreams. .

This is the knowledge given by psychologists after a large number of case studies, "People's expectations of potential are better than reality."

So if you are selling a house, tell a person that this place has great potential in the future, it may be opened in the future, and it may increase as much as possible. He is absolutely excited and wants to buy it even if he sells a kidney, and ignores whether this crappy place is worth it now. worth the money.

But if you just emphasize how good the place is now, how good the hardware is, and how the traffic is, then the chances of selling it will be greatly reduced.

The same is true of people's panic nowadays. Bookworms like Zhongshu and the Hanlin Academy are naturally good at writing articles, but they don't understand this truth. One emphasized how good his military exploits are, but no matter how good he is, how could he almost wiped out the Liao Kingdom in a year? His perfect face and dark bones are more than that?
"The Zhongshu document should emphasize more that I am still young, with a bright future and unlimited potential.

Contrast Wanyan Wugunai with what he was doing when he was sixteen or seventeen years old. Only in this way can he calm people's hearts. One person emphasizes military exploits, how can he compare with Wanyan Wugunai? Of course, the people are not at ease. "

Li Xingzhou continued to explain, "If you want me to reassure the people, then I am superior in my potential, and I am superior in reality.

Using past military achievements to motivate the people is to use my reality against his reality, how can I win.Only by emphasizing the potential of the future, will the people feel that maybe they can really fight, and will feel at ease. "

After listening to it, Degong seemed to suddenly realize, nodded and said: "This statement is reasonable, and the ruler is short and the inch is long. It should be based on your own strengths and the other's weaknesses." Degong said, arching his hands, "Your Majesty, old minister Support King Pingnan's statement."

He Zhao also nodded slightly: "Hmph, I didn't expect King Pingnan to sell himself and boast his own skills, but it is indeed reasonable, and the minister also agreed."

The emperor nodded in satisfaction: "King Pingnan has unique insights, and it makes sense after careful consideration.

Zhongshu Hanlin chooses another day to rewrite the document. If you have any questions, you can ask Pingnan King for advice, and he will check it. After writing, you don’t need to pass the official document, and you can directly hand it over to the Kaiyuan Mansion for pasting, which will stabilize people’s hearts. "

Zhongshu Sheng, the officials of the Imperial Academy, and He Zhao quickly knelt down to accept the order.

At the end of the court meeting, it was almost noon, and dozens of eunuchs were waiting outside the Changchun Hall under the leadership of Father Fu'an. Every minister who came out presented a beautiful box, and Li Xingzhou also had a copy, which contained precious wild ginseng, musk and other things.

Many ministers are naturally grateful to Dade.

Li Xingzhou looked up at the sun on the steps of the main hall. It was about noon, and he didn't rush to leave together. Instead, he told Fu An that he had something to see the emperor while he was sending out things.

Fuan quickly asked the little eunuch beside him to take him to see the emperor.

The little eunuch was a slightly lame eunuch. He lowered his head and led Li Xingzhou all the way to the harem.

On the way, Li Xingzhou was a little curious. He always felt that the little eunuch looked familiar, and there was a little eunuch with a lame leg. How could he become a close friend of the father-in-law of Fu'an?
"Have we seen it before?" Turning a corner, the tall Kunning Palace appeared in front of him, with high crimson walls on both sides and sparse figures, he asked.

The little eunuch was flattered and smiled: "The prince still remembers the villain! The villain is Guilin, the eunuch in charge of Mr. Fu'an. The villain gave the prince an umbrella last time outside the Changchun Palace."

Li Xingzhou suddenly remembered that it was before he went to Jiangzhou.

There was indeed a little eunuch who gave him and the prince an umbrella outside the Changchun Palace, and then looked down at his feet, and suddenly understood that the prince kicked the little eunuch heavily because he was angry with him that day.

Presumably, the reason why Fuan asked him to send the umbrella was because he regarded him as a confidant, and wanted Guilin to show his face in front of the prince and himself.

Seeing him looking at his legs, the little eunuch quickly lowered his head.

Li Xingzhou sighed, the world is like this, let alone a hard kick, the crown prince killed him in anger, and no one would appeal for a small eunuch, "What did the crown prince do?"

The little eunuch nodded, bowed his head and said in a low voice: "The imperial doctor said that the back bone of the calf is broken, and from now on, I will be lame from now on."

Li Xingzhou patted him on the shoulder and didn't say much, offending the prince would be good if he survived, even though it wasn't an offense at all.

The little eunuch continued to lead the way for him.

The two soon came to Kunning Palace, Guilin went in to report, he waited outside the palace gate, after a while, Guilin came back, sent him in and respectfully said goodbye.

The palace lady told him that the emperor was changing clothes and asked him to wait for a while before bringing refreshments.

After a while, the emperor changed out of his court clothes, and the emperor in ordinary Chinese clothes came out with the help of two court ladies.

The emperor sat down at the throne, Li Xingzhou just stood up and wanted to salute when he was stopped: "My family, please excuse me, you said you have something to see me, why?"

Li Xingzhou sat down, hesitated for a moment, thought for a while and said, "I want to set up a commander for the new army to rule over the horse army."

"You can decide this kind of trivial matter by yourself." The emperor said casually: "You are the prince and the commander of the new army, and the tiger amulet is also in your hands. You don't need to ask me about this matter."

Li Xingzhou had long thought that the emperor would say that, but
"The commander in this compartment is a woman."

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and quickly put back the teacup that he had just picked up in his hand, luckily it didn't fall.
(End of this chapter)

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