The rise of the prince

Chapter 526 Exam for talent and learning?

Chapter 526 Exam for talent and learning?
On the morning of the twelfth day of the first lunar month, the rooster crowed before dawn, and the entire palace was already lit up with lights and festoons, and it was very lively.

As the sun rises slowly, dispelling the cold, milky white morning mist, three or five pedestrians come and go to the market, and the number of people continues to increase. Cars and sedans enter the city from all directions, until BMW cars fill the city, the traffic is so fast that the whole capital is lively stand up.

For Li Xingzhou, today is not just a big wedding, but also a coronation day.

Li Xingzhou was picked up from the bed by Shiyu early in the morning, and Li Xingzhou began to burn incense, take a bath, and change clothes.

His uncle Li Yu also went to the palace to wait early. Degong, Chen Yu, He Zhao, Tang Zhouwei and others arrived one after another. Li Yu, as his nominal guardian, personally led him into the palace to worship, After the worship, sacrifices are presented and incense is offered.

Then Li Yu began to report his actions one by one, his meritorious deeds, and report to his ancestors. Li Xingzhou could only kneel on one side.

The crown ceremony has actually been lost a long time ago, and it is not popular. It began to be lost as early as after the Han Dynasty. After that, basically no one knew what the crown ceremony was.

Until someone in Jingguo proposed to revive the crown ceremony and Confucianism, it still had little effect. Only the great nobles followed this ceremony, and it was also symbolic. The more important meaning lies in the selection of characters.

As his guardian, while everyone was watching, Li Yu put on a crown for him and paid homage to his ancestors. Then Chen Yu stepped forward and handed him the bamboo slips in his hand, which contained the Jiezi and Xinqu characters of his name. He put the solution on the table with his own hands, which meant to inform the ancestors.

As for the characters chosen for him, Chen Yu had already told him, and he agreed.

Names and characters are not messed up, they must be connected, such as Li Bai and Li Taibai, Zhuge Liang's "Liang" and "Kongming", Zhao Yun's Zhao Zilong, "Yun" and "Zilong" together form "Long Congyun". meaning.

Chen Yu gave him the character "Xiaohan".

After the self-improvement of Han, many people called themselves Han people, and powerful people were called heroes, but many people didn't understand what Han meant. Han came from the king of Han who was given to him by Xiang Yu to suppress Liu Bang.

At first Liu Bang was very angry and almost exploded. Even if he was not the first hero, he was at least the second hero in destroying Qin. In the end, he was sealed in a broken place isolated from the world.

On the spot, he was furious and didn't want to be affected by the King of Han. At the critical moment, Zhang Liang comforted Liu Bang like a child, and then the "Han" was preserved and became one of the deep imprints of the Chinese nation.

Zhang Liang's explanation is that the word Han is nothing at first glance, but it originally means Hanshui.The Milky Way has been regarded as the Han River in the sky since ancient times, and Xiaohan means the Milky Way in the sky.

Taking Han as the name, there is the image of the universe, the sky, and the vast galaxy, which means that it is favored by the sky, and it is orthodox.After listening to Liu Bang, he accepted the title very happily. After that, the Chinese cultural circle continued to grow, and more and more people claimed to be Han Chinese.

The word "Xiaohan" given to him by Chen Yu means boundless Milky Way, which fits perfectly with his name "Xingzhou".

Li Xiaohan?Sounds pretty good.

After crowning and taking the words, everyone withdrew, and he had to kneel alone in the ancestral hall for a stick of incense, almost an hour, which meant talking to the ancestors.

Of course Li Xingzhou didn't talk to his ancestors, but after kneeling for more than an hour, his knees really hurt.

After coming out, as elders, Li Yu, De Gong and others taught the younger generation respectively, which is the precious experience left by the elders to the younger generations who have grown up, and this is also a ceremony.

Li Yu meant to let him pay attention to his body and enjoy life.

But Degong still told him to be prudent in doing things.He Zhao asked him to abide by the law and not to act recklessly just because he is a prince, to let himself go, to have lofty goals, to have a strong will, and to stay away from vulgar tastes.
Chen Yu personally wrote for him, "Heaven is vigorous, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement; the terrain is good, and a gentleman carries virtue." Li Xingzhou respectfully accepted it, and asked people to frame it.

As for Tang Zhouwei, he just came to join in the fun
He Zhao and Degong are his future in-laws, and Chen Yu used to be his teacher, so it is necessary to be present.

But Tang Zhou had no relatives or reasons for this fat man, so he just relied on his thick skin. He is also a member of the imperial court, so it is hard to drive him away no matter what.

Unexpectedly, he also began to give serious lectures in a decent manner: "As an elder, I also have a saying that a wise man will lose a lot of worries, and a fool will gain in a thousand worries. It is good to be smart, but don't be too smart."

Li Xingzhou watched quietly the fat man pretending to be aggressive. He came as a guest, so it was not good, so he could only listen.

After finishing the coronation ceremony early in the morning, entertained everyone for lunch, and then started preparing to pick up the bride in the afternoon.

After lunch, the atmosphere in the entire palace was almost boiling, everyone was dressed up and down, and there was poetry in command, so he didn't have to do anything.

Putting on the new uncle's red and black dress, Meixue also wears big red flowers.It's also very coquettish and doesn't let others touch it. Li Xingzhou has to wear it himself.

In the afternoon, following Yan Kun's shout of "the time has come", Li Xingzhou rode a tall horse, carrying a ceremony, and a team of people beat gongs and drums and headed towards the prime minister's mansion.

Along the way, many people lined the road to watch, and the roads were blocked by horses and chariots from all over the place. The officials from the Kaiyuan Mansion came to help clear the way, so that the wedding procession could move forward smoothly.

The young Prince of Pingnan County, General Zhenguo, Commander of the New Army, Transit Envoy of Jingbei, and Minister of Honglu Temple are people who many people want to meet.

Apart from the brigade, naturally the best man is indispensable, his cousin Li Yu, Yan Shen, Di Zhi, Ji Chunsheng and other people in the rest of the palace also accompanied happily.

People were far away from reaching the Prime Minister's Mansion when the sound of firecrackers shook the sky. Second Uncle Gillian took the lead, and a large number of people from the Prime Minister's Mansion were already waiting for their arrival.

After all, he was a prince, and as soon as the horse arrived, everyone started bowing. Li Xingzhou told them to flatten and get off the horse, but even though he was a prince, these people had no intention of getting out of the way when they blocked the door.

Li Xingzhou laughed and asked Yan Shen to distribute wedding money, and then he sent everyone out of the way and took the opportunity to enter the Xiangfu.

But after entering, no one came to greet him, obviously on purpose.

Soon everyone didn't know where to go. Fortunately, it was not the first time for him to come here. He knew exactly where A-Jiao lived. He led the people to kill them all the way. He finally understood that the Xiangfu was going to embarrass him.

Soon, he rushed straight to the courtyard where A-Jiao lived, only to find that there was no one there, and someone was already waiting there. He only revealed after collecting 500 taels of happy money that A-Jiao was guarded in the hall by the girls.

Li Xingzhou rushed to the main hall with Li Yu, Yan Shen, Di Zhi and others, only to find that the door was blocked by many of Gillian's friends, all of them were rich and small families, including his sister-in-law, Li Yu Wife, a descendant of the Tian family.

A group of women were chattering, and when they saw him coming, they took a half step back shyly, their eyes flickering, and they avoided him one after another.

Li Xingzhou is tall and tall. As soon as he walked forward, the girls were shy, so they would naturally get out of the way. These rich girls are thin-skinned, but his is thick, evil hand said: "Hahahahaha, thank you, thank you, sisters, for making way! "He is right, many people here are older than him.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, a person suddenly stopped in front of him, and it turned out to be his cousin Li Yu's daughter-in-law!

Li Xingzhou hurriedly winked at Li Yu for help, but he didn't expect that Li Yu, who is not afraid of the earth and the ground, had a bad complexion, stepped forward cautiously, and said in a low voice: "Ma'am, you see Brother Xing is so kind to me, can you help me?" cannot"

"No! King Pingnan's kindness to you is due to your affection, and you must keep it in your heart.

But not today, we are here to help A-Jiao guard the gate, it is easy for the prince to go in and embrace the beauty, as long as he can pass the school exam of the sisters. "With her backing, the women around them became tough all at once, guarding the door again and not letting go.

Li Yu stretched out his hands to him helplessly, he never expected that he, the prodigal cousin who had been wandering around for more than ten years, and the fool who was fearless, was finally restrained.

Slowly, many surrounding guests and servants joined in to watch the fun.

The corridor dozens of steps away was full of people, and even Degong came over with the support of Wang Guanhe and Wang Tong and his wife. Everyone was laughing and watching from a distance, but no one came over, which meant to show that don't help him.

Li Xingzhou spread his hands helplessly, and said with a smile, "Then how will my sister-in-law plan to take the school exam?"

"King Pingnan has made great achievements in battle at a young age, and is famous far and wide, but I also heard that the prince is very talented, rich in learning, and has an incomparable talent in his chest. How can we little girls know how to fight in the battlefield? Naturally, we have to test our knowledge and talents! "

A delicate girl stood up and rushed to speak.

Li Xingzhou said with emotion, Gillian's friends are different, they just choose words and make sentences when they speak, and their words are also somewhat scholarly.

(End of this chapter)

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