The rise of the prince

Chapter 532 Culture Clash

Chapter 532 Culture Clash
Prince Kang watched the two leave, and then slowly turned his head.

When I returned to the front yard, my precious daughter was already waiting there.

"Father sent them away?"

Prince Kang nodded, and then said cautiously: "Yongming, this matter. Cough cough, let this matter pass like this, don't worry about it anymore, you know."

"You have a lot of brothers and sisters in your family. Usually, the father doesn't care about you, and he can't control you. It's up to you. But this is completely different!"

Prince Kang looked serious: "Don't look at your imperial nephew, King Pingnan, who is respectful to you today, it is because he wants to save people, but you have to understand, now the emperor has banned the prince from the East Palace, but your imperial nephew's official position Getting taller and taller, he is in charge of an army alone, manages the transfer from Beijing to the north, also manages Jingguo's foreign negotiations, and manages military weapons supervision.
You are smart, you should understand what this means. "

"Look at your emperor's nephew's attitude towards Di Zhi. He came to the door in a hurry all by himself, and kept whispering to you. He was afraid of hurting him. Obviously, Di Zhi is very important to him." Prince Kang said earnestly.

"The so-called one king and one courtier, not to mention that Di Zhi is not an idiot, he is a senior official at a young age who has been in the fourth rank because of his military exploits. When he wants to be promoted in the future, who will say no?"

Princess Yongming nodded unwillingly: "Now that I know my father, I will not bother him in the future."

"Of course it's better not to look for him. It would be better if you can establish a good relationship with him. After all, the advantage of Leisurely Cloud and Wild Crane is that you don't get jealous, but the disadvantage is that if I'm not here one day, the palace will be difficult to gain power and lose its former glory."

"Father, what nonsense are you talking about?" Princess Yongming complained.

Kang Qin laughed, didn't say anything more, and went into the inner courtyard on his own.

Li Xingzhou finally heaved a sigh of relief. Di Zhi was just beaten up, and did not suffer any serious injuries. Moreover, the beating was given by Princess Yongming.

On the way, Di Zhi recounted what happened yesterday. It turned out that he dared to carry the princess and was stopped by the guards of King Kang's mansion before he ran very far. Because the distance was too close, he kicked over two guards and continued running in a hurry.

He didn't know the way of the Xiangfu, so he had to run around, and was finally surrounded by the guards of the Xiangfu, and two were knocked over, and finally outnumbered, he was held down and tied, and then he was taken home by the princess angrily and thrown into the stable inside.

Everyone didn't hurt him much. After all, his strength was there, but he was beaten up by the princess. He had already been untied from the rope at that time, but because of his fault, he kept gritting his teeth and being beaten.

Li Xingzhou almost laughed out loud after hearing this, and Di Zhi also looked bitter.

Li Xingzhou also noticed that there are so many glazed wares in Xiangfu, and he doesn't know where he bought them from, so he has to ask when he has time, maybe he can find the glazed craftsman by following the clues.

Li Xingzhou told Di Zhi not to go back to the barracks first, the wedding banquet at the palace was still going to be held for a few more days, so he finally had a chance to relax.

After returning to the palace, Li Xingzhou settled Meixue himself, and Shiyu came to him in a hurry, saying that the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin had come!
Li Xingzhou was shocked, and hurried out to greet him. Although he offered an olive branch, he knew in his heart that someone as ambitious and ambitious as Liu Xu would never betray easily. This time, he was only here to say goodbye. of.

But things are not urgent, the seeds have been planted, always waiting for it to take root and germinate.

Only Wanyan Yingge came.

Li Xingzhou looked puzzled, and asked her directly: "Where is Liu Xu?"

Wanyan Yingge's expression was very bad, and he said calmly: "He's leaving first, let me take his farewell on behalf of the lord."

"I'm leaving"

Wanyan Yingge nodded, stopped talking, and her eyes were a little dazed, completely inconsistent with the image of a reckless woman with a tiger head and a tiger brain a few months ago.

Li Xingzhou frowned: "Did something happen?"

Wanyan Yingge didn't speak.
The room was quiet for a while before she spoke: "You Han people, I will never understand when to tell the truth, when to tell lies, and when not to tell the truth. I want to learn, but I can't learn at all. How come I don’t even understand.” As he spoke, there was a cry in his tone.

"I just said bluntly that I fell in love with him, and what I said was the truth! But what he said was not in line with etiquette, he was ashamed of his father, and he said he would never see me again, so he went north first. What does this have to do with his father!" Wanyan Yingge suddenly asked loudly.

Li Xingzhou was stunned, and then realized that there was a conflict of ideas.

Not to mention the East and the West, just the Central Plains and foreign races, the geographical gap has also created a huge cultural and ideological difference.

It is said that the peak of the Liao Kingdom was in the reign of Empress Dowager Xiao. At that time, the Liao Kingdom paid tribute in the Northern Song Dynasty, Xixia bowed its head and proclaimed its ministers, and the Mongolian tribes waited for orders, and the Jurchen tribes obeyed.

But how did this prosperity come about?

Empress Dowager Xiao's husband died young, leaving orphans and widows, but she ordered Empress Dowager Xiao, who was not yet thirty, to be in charge, which shows the love between their husband and wife.

Afterwards, Empress Dowager Xiao slept with Han Derang, who was favored by the former emperor, at the same table. They didn't have the name of husband and wife, but they were husband and wife, and they didn't avoid suspicion when they received foreign envoys.

When the late emperor's beloved wife and favorite minister came together, they were also very affectionate.

Internally, Empress Dowager Xiao has political skills, and externally, Han Derang vigorously carried out reforms, and the national strength of the Liao Kingdom is unprecedented.

It was also at this time that the Song Dynasty learned of the relationship between Han Derang and the Empress Dowager Xiao, and felt that this was simply a filthy and chaotic court, and it was a great time to break through and recover the lost land!
Immediately send troops, and then suffer a crushing defeat and heavy losses.

At this time, the ideological conflict between the Central Plains and foreign races was fully reflected.

In the eyes of the Liao people, it is completely understandable and reasonable for Empress Dowager Xiao to be a widow and find a new husband for herself.In the Liao Kingdom, there is also the custom of the sister-in-law marrying the younger brother after the death of the older brother.

Whether Empress Dowager Xiao's life needs or to stabilize the country, this is recognized by people in the Liao Kingdom, and Han Derang is still a capable person.

But from the perspective of the Northern Song Dynasty of the Central Plains Dynasty, this is the disorder of the general rules, the collapse of rituals and the destruction of music, which is a precursor to the subjugation of the country, so troops are sent.

This is a conflict of ideas.

Now this also happened to Wanyan Yingge and Liu Xu.

From Wanyan Yingge's point of view, she admired Liu Xu and admired his talent, so she should express her admiration; but from Liu Xu's point of view, it was simply unreasonable, her ethics collapsed, and she was ashamed of the Emperor of Jin.

Li Xingzhou sighed, and said helplessly: "You should forget about this, I can't help it."

This is a cultural difference, which Wanyan Yingge may never understand.

What's more, it is still the same after a thousand years, like a famous scientist in the 80s who married a wife of about [-] years old, and was condemned verbally and pens. , What to do with outsiders.

In other cultural circles, there are no such big waves.

These things are inevitable, cultural exchanges are always in the process of gradually seeking common ground while reserving differences in conflicts, and the process is very difficult.

But this is also an inevitable trend, especially in the future he yearns for, so how to deal with cultural conflicts must also be anticipated.
Li Xingzhou can only give them a group of gifts, and then send them out of the city, because he is the minister of Honglu Temple.

Walking outside the south gate, Li Xingzhou sang to the depressed Wanyan Ying: "Go back and tell Liu Xu that since he refused, let's bid farewell this time, and if we unfortunately meet each other on the battlefield in the future, I will not show mercy."

 The previous chapters are blocked again, I really can’t drive at all
(End of this chapter)

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