The rise of the prince

Chapter 535 Situation + Attitude of the Kingdom of Jin

Chapter 535 Situation + Attitude of the Kingdom of Jin
Because Nanjing Road and Xijing Road are still in the hands of the Liao people, although news has come from the north recently that Jin Guo has begun to attack Xijing Road, and it is still invincible.

There is also news that the Liao people have been beaten to the point of fear of women like tigers. When the Jin people came to attack, many states surrendered directly, and some people fled to Nanjing Road. The entire Xijing Road did not have any decent resistance at all. Winning streak.

Liu Xu didn't take it too seriously. It may be that Jin Guo specially asked someone to let him go, or it may be boasted by the business traveler, because the more the war goes on, the harder it is to fight.

One is that the Liao Kingdom has no retreat, and the other is that a large number of people who really ended up in the Liao Kingdom are forced to gather on a small piece of land to resist, and they will help each other in the same boat and fight against the same enemy.

So it seems that the Liao Kingdom has been beaten to a small area, but because of this, it has reached the most difficult time to fight.

After more than ten days of ups and downs, he crossed the Bohai Sea from Jingguolai, bypassed Liaodong, entered Shangjing from Tokyo Road, and finally arrived at Shangjing.

Back in Shangjing this time, the former Liao Kingdom was already the capital of the Jin Kingdom. The towering blue-black city wall is still solemn and ancient. The people come and go, and the pedestrians are in a hurry. A row of heads, no one would have thought that only a month ago, there was a big war here.

When he arrived at the gate of the city, the gate officer stopped him, so Liu Xu had no choice but to explain his identity.

The gate officer glanced at him, became respectful, and let him directly into the city.

When entering the city, unless he is a dignitary, he is not allowed to ride a horse. Although he is a person trusted by the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, he is still not a Jurchen, and he will not cause trouble if he can, so he has always kept a low profile.

This trip to the south, there will be difficulties and obstacles, in fact, he somewhat expected it from the beginning, because he was originally from Jingguo.

He understood the difference between Jurchens and Jingguo people, so he prepared many plans in his heart from the beginning, but things still exceeded expectations.

One is Princess Yingge. To be honest, he never thought that such a thing would happen, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that he never thought of it.

He is obsessed with state affairs, and has never paid attention to the princess around him. The reason why he brought Princess Wanyan along is also an important consideration.

He discussed this matter with Wanyan Wugunai, because they were initially afraid of the alliance between Liao and Jing.

Because there is another possibility, that is, the Liao Kingdom was forced to let Dao Jingguo give the eastern coastal land, let Jingguo go north, and attack the Jin Kingdom.

Moreover, Jing State had every reason to send troops, because the Liao State invaded the border of Jing State the year before last, burned, killed and looted, and the Jurchens also participated in this.

It was based on this consideration that after discussing with the emperor, he took Princess Wanyan Yingge with him.

To the princess, they just said to let her increase her knowledge and look at the fertile land in the south on behalf of the emperor. In fact, he and the emperor have already agreed that if the matter is urgent, even if the princess is married to Jing Guo and the marriage is facilitated, they must be stable and not let it go. Jingguo sent troops.

Only when the Kingdom of Jin completely takes over Shangjing, the city of Zhongjing is as strong as Zhongjing, and the soldiers, horses, food and grass are sufficient, the threat of the Kingdom of Jing will be considered lifted.

Looking at the bustling crowd around him, feeling all kinds of gazes, and walking all the way to the palace gate, he began to worry about the second big problem.

That was King Pingnan, a person who always surprised him.

Before, he sent troops out of Bohai Sea to control his neck, and later he defeated most of the court's political opponents with ease. Even Jing Guo's deputy prime minister died tragically in his hands.

The point is that he is only 16 years old!

A 16-year-old young man, who saw the situation in the world so clearly, crossed the Bohai Sea and hit Liaoyang with one move, completely crushing their lifeline.

If it is said that the Liao State lent the eastern coastal land to the Jing State and put the Jin State in danger, then if they succeeded in crossing the sea to attack Liaoyang, it would simply crush the throat of the Jin State and put them in the embarrassing situation of fighting on both sides.

He naturally knew the pros and cons of it, so he gave way again and again, even almost giving up the land of the two realms, to keep King Pingnan from using poisonous tricks.

Fortunately, he really found an opportunity, that is, Jing's internal struggle, a kind of people headed by the prince were dissatisfied with King Pingnan. Taking advantage of this, he finally stabilized the situation and dragged it until the Kingdom of Jin broke through Shangjing.

If it wasn't for the emperor's quick action, if it wasn't for Jing's internal struggle, they would have bleed a lot this time.

So it can be seen that the Pingnan King is terrible.

many more
The more he saw him, the more he felt that the second son was not a treasure.

Now, he vaguely began to regret his cooperation with King Pingnan.

King Pingnan exchanged a land for his help and helped plan to deal with his political opponents.

At first Liu Xu also thought it was a good deal, after all, it is a Xijing Road!
But slowly he finally realized that things were unusual, because after he helped, coupled with King Pingnan's operation and means, all of a sudden, in Jingguo's court, starting from the prince, and even the deputy prime minister, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of War, and the Central Committee A lot of people, such as Shusheren and Sanya Shousi, suffered disaster.

And after this group of people fell, King Pingnan stood up immediately!

If there is no crown prince, wouldn't he be Jing Guo's most promising successor?This is a huge game of chess, he thinks he has won it, but now he sees it.
If he had to choose one more time, whether to face an enemy like King Pingnan, or want that land, he would rather give up the Xijing Road.

If the emperor of Jing Kingdom in the future is the present prince, then Jin Kingdom has many opportunities to take back those lands.

But if someone like King Pingnan takes power in the future, it will be difficult for the Kingdom of Jin to covet the land in the south.

"Oh, the old man is still not thoughtful enough." Liu Xu sighed.

In a short while, he had already walked outside the imperial city. The prosperity of Shangjing and Kaiyuan couldn't be compared, and neither was the scale.

So the road from the city gate to the imperial city is not far away. This was originally the imperial palace of the Liao Kingdom, but now it has changed hands.

He led his horse to the wall, explained the situation to the guards, and let them go in to report that the Kingdom of Jin had not yet been established when he left, so naturally there was no such thing as a scepter booklet to prove his identity.

Liu Xu could only wait on the spot, he began to sort out the thoughts in his mind, he had too many things to tell the emperor.

Liu Xu was pacing with his head down, while meditating. After a while, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a group of five or six rode out on horseback. He was thinking, so he had no time to dodge and startled the horses.

The war horse neighed and stopped abruptly. The man on the horse was almost thrown off, "Are you looking for death!"

The visitor got off his horse angrily, pointed at him with a whip and yelled at him, and his followers also got off their horses and surrounded him.

"Do you know what this place is!" the guard reprimanded.

"Sorry, I was negligent in the next moment." Liu Xu apologized.

As a result, the other party did not leave, but stared at him carefully, and said, "Liu Xu!"

Liu Xu raised his head, took a careful look at the other party, and quickly said respectfully: "So it's the fourteenth prince." This person is Wanyan Wugu is the fourteenth son, Wanyan Yun.

Wan Yanyun's complexion was not good, she stared at him and turned around: "You still have the face to come back, you traitor!"

Liu Xu's heart froze, "I don't understand what the prince means."

"I don't understand? Hmph, you bastard of the Han people, at the very beginning you bewitched my father and asked us to give up our ancestors' traditions, and now you're giving up the city of Nanjing to the people of Jingguo! It's not a traitor, what is it!" Wanyan Yun said angrily. road.

Liu Xu had no choice but to explain patiently: "This is a strategy. The later the battle, the more difficult it is to fight. The Liao Kingdom will shrink and gather in Nanjing. In the end, Nanjing will definitely become the hardest bone to crack. Let Jing Guo fight. Can you see how much Jingguo weighs?"

"Hmph, that's just the thinking of you cowardly Han people!" Wan Yanyun was furious: "My Dajin warrior is invincible in the world! There is no city that cannot be conquered."

As he spoke, he gave Liu Xu a vicious look: "Coward, in my Dajin, many people want your dog's head. You'd better be careful, don't let me have a chance." He got on his horse and rode away.

Liu Xu sighed on the spot, this is his situation in the Kingdom of Jin.
He shouldn't have come back, just like King Pingnan warned him, especially when Jin Guo won consecutive battles and he gave Nanjing and the surrounding five cities to Jing Guo.

If Jingguo didn't have such a number one figure as Pingnan Wang, maybe he would really live in seclusion in Jingguo, or Xixia, and never return to Jintu.

But because of King Pingnan, he had to bring the news to the emperor, otherwise he would not fulfill his duty and feel uneasy.

After a while, the guard who informed came out and sent him in personally.

Just arrived at His Majesty, Jin Guohuang Wanyan Wugunai had already come out to greet him in person, helped him up with a smile, took his hand and walked into the hall side by side with him.

Liu Xu couldn't help tears welling up in his eyes, no matter how hard it was, no matter how wronged and slandered, this moment was worth it.

It's just that the emperor in front of him is prematurely decrepit, with sunken eye sockets and white hair, no longer as majestic as before.
"This is the emperor." He said worriedly.

Wan Yan Wugu waved his hands, and laughed: "It's not a big deal, living in the open air, fighting for years, it is inevitable to get sick. But I am physically strong, these are nothing to worry about."

Liu Xu feels sad
"By the way, where is Yingge?"

"Oh princess, the princess is walking slowly behind. I have something urgent to do, so I hurried back to see the emperor." Liu Xu said.

"Let's not talk about this, you have been busy for so long, you have worked so hard for me, go to rest first, I will host a banquet to welcome you in the evening, and it will not be too late to talk about it, hahaha." Wanyan Wugunai said boldly.

Seeing this, Liu Xu could only nod his head.

That night, the emperor held a big banquet in the palace, and roasted two fat sheep specially for him.

All important figures from the Kingdom of Jin were present.

Apart from the emperor Wanyan Wugunai, there is also his younger brother Wanyan Zongbi who is also the number one general in the Kingdom of Jin.

There was also the second prince Wanyanli at the table, who is also the current prince of the Kingdom of Jin. He followed his father to conquer the north and south since he was a child.

There is also the first prince Wanyan Liang, who was the one who defeated the Liao army in Liaodong, but although Wanyan Liang is the eldest son, he is indeed a concubine, so he has no right to inherit.

There is also the fourteenth son, Wan Yanyun. Compared with his two elder brothers, Wan Yanyun is greatly inferior, but he has also been on the battlefield and can be regarded as a warrior.

The rest are foreign generals, General Zhemu, Pu Jianu, etc. are all illustrious generals under the emperor. After a year of war with the Liao Kingdom, they occupied three out of five large areas of the Liao Kingdom, relying on the illustriousness of these people Battle exploits.

Since the war with the Liao Kingdom, more than a hundred battles, large and small, have been fought by these people.

Most of them looked at Liu Xu unkindly, only Wan Yanliang gave him a friendly look.

During the banquet, the emperor deliberately created an opportunity for him, asking him to explain the reason for giving up Nanjing to fight against Jing Guo. There are two points in it, Nanjing will be the bone that can be gnawed the most in the entire Liao Kingdom, because all the last resistance forces will Gather there; and look at the strength of Jingguo to determine the strategy for the south.The weak enemy took advantage of the situation and went south, annexing large tracts of fertile land in the south in one fell swoop.

As a result, apart from Wan Yanliang and the emperor, everyone else looked disdainful and didn't even bother to listen to what he had to say.

Liu Xu had no choice but to keep silent, he knew that the successive victories had given these generals the illusion that they were invincible.

In desperation, he had no choice but to stand up and pull out the sword from his waist. This sword was the sword that King Pingnan gave to Princess Wanyan Yingge at will.

He showed the sword to everyone in the hall, and then borrowed the best iron sword from the Liao Kingdom from the emperor, and then cut it hard, the flames splashed, and there was a dull metal sound, and the iron sword was cut in two.

At this time, everyone was stunned, and finally attracted everyone's attention.

Liu Xu held the sword and stood in the center: "I know that all the generals are victorious in every battle, and I know that in your hearts, the Dajin warriors are invincible in the world. If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your weapons!

This kind of sword was given to the princess by a prince of Jingguo. At first glance, I was also very surprised, it was like a magic weapon.

But later, after a private visit, it was discovered that all of the tens of thousands of soldiers under the prince's command are equipped with such sharp weapons!Everyone, please think about it, if you encounter an army with everyone armed with such magical weapons, can you still win? "

There was silence in the lobby.

"I don't want to question the bravery of the generals, but this matter must be faced squarely and cannot be treated laxly!" He said loudly.

At this moment, finally someone was willing to listen to his words. Everyone passed the sword one by one, but they were still skeptical. Many people didn't believe that every soldier in Jingguo could be equipped with such a sword.

"If there are so many magical weapons, Jingguo can still lose to Liaoguo?"

"That's right, we invaded Jingguo Guanbei the year before last, why haven't we seen it?"

"Anyway, we are thousands of miles away, and we can't see each other. You have the final say on everything."


In short, there were a lot of yin and yang words, and Liu Xu was so angry that his chest felt tight, but there was nothing he could do.

After the banquet, the emperor specially left him behind with a serious face.

"Follow me to the back and tell me about Jing Guo."

Liu Xu was taken to the small room in the back hall, and there were only Wanyan Wugunai, Wanyan Zongbi, Wanyanli, Wanyanliang and other core figures of Jin Kingdom.

"Liu Xu, tell us, in more detail, what is Jingguo like, and the Pingnan King you just mentioned frequently." Wanyan Wugunai said seriously.

Liu Xu cupped his hands, "Your Majesty, this time I'm going north in such a hurry that I want to tell you about the matter of King Pingnan. Your Majesty must be careful, this man is not an idle person."

Seeing what he said, everyone became curious.

"Who is King Pingnan, King Jingguo? How old is he?"

"It's the grandson of Emperor Jingguo. He's sixteen this year."


(End of this chapter)

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