Chapter 566
On March 22, there was no court meeting and the weather was fine.

No big news from the north.

It was rare for Li Xingzhou to have a free day.

The Yongyue Pavilion School prepared by Shiyu has invited a gentleman, and classes have already begun. All children over six years old in the mansion are sent there to learn how to read.

Shiyu and He Qian went to Gillian and Yueer's workshop to see how they made colored glaze.Qiu'er was busy with the debugging of the second batch of two steam engines.

Li Xingzhou has no one to accompany him. He inspects the process of many craftsmen polishing their own boring knives in the back mountain workshop. The drawing of the boring knives he designed is the boring knives.

Now there are more than 100 artisans who have come to the palace after hearing the news, and the palace has opened a new residential area in the back mountain, allowing more than 100 craftsmen to live in it.

But so far, no one has been able to create a usable boring tool, which he can accept. After all, such high-precision and high-tech things cannot be produced in a short period of time.

The inspection was to express his importance to this matter, and also to reassure many craftsmen that King Pingnan cared about this matter, and the palace has always cared about it.

a few hours ago.
In the morning, there is another big event in the palace, which is the round table meeting. This time, Yan Kun and Qifang have caught up.

Apart from the previous managers, there was a newcomer. This newcomer was Fang Xin, a down-and-out literati taken in by Yan Kun. Cheng Tingyulou is in charge.

It is inseparable from Yan Kun's importance. Of course, he must have strength himself. Yan Kun has also told him several times in private that this person does have skills, not to mention arithmetic, and he handles things very decently.

Li Xingzhou wrote it down in his heart, but it's not easy to use it directly, because he is just a down-and-out literati. He has only been in the palace for a month or two, and he has already taken the position of Tingyulou shopkeeper. It would be bad to hurry up.

It was the first time he saw this person. This person was over the middle of the year, and his appearance was not outstanding, but he was also five points handsome. Compared with him, he must be a little worse. From his report on the business situation of Yulou recently, he also said some improvements From the perspective of the plan, this person does know how to do things and has read books, and there is not much to see other than that, after all, it is a restaurant business.

Almost every roundtable meeting is very successful, because Li Xingzhou used a lot of psychological knowledge (I will talk about it later) when arranging this meeting to ensure that everyone can speak freely.

It was a great atmosphere, asking questions, then coming up with strategies together, debating them, and finally working together to solve them.In it, Li Xingzhou just acts as a guide and a person who finally summarizes.

Fang Xin obviously has never experienced such a scene. He must have never seen anyone who can discuss things like this. He didn't get involved at first, but after he got involved, he was very involved. Several problems raised by the manager were the best solutions he gave. .

For a while, everyone looked at this newcomer who participated in the Wangfu round table meeting for the first time with admiration, and Li Xingzhou also looked at him with admiration. Sure enough, according to what Yan Kun said, this person is very good at handling things!
After the meeting, Li Xingzhou wanted to leave Fang Xin alone, but Fang Xin didn't wait for him to stay on his own initiative.

Before he could speak, Fang Xin cupped his hands and said, "My lord, let me be presumptuous. I have spent half my life downstream, and I have never seen such a way of discussing matters. I don't know where the lord learned it from, and why?"

Li Xingzhou smiled: "This is the method I came up with. This king calls him the round table meeting of the palace."

Fang Xin was taken aback: "Wang Ye thought of it?"

"Yes, the reason is very simple. I am the prince. I am destined to be born and cannot be changed. How can others dare to tell the truth to me?" It’s not possible, only by facing everyone directly, if we communicate on an equal footing, will we brainstorm.”

"Equal and equal, brainstorming." Fang Xin silently read these two words.

Yes, in such an environment, equality is impossible, but at least equality is possible. Mencius, as a revolutionary, most emphasized that the monarch and the people need to communicate on an equal footing.The so-called equality does not mean that we are the same, but that even if there is a disparity in status, we have a gap in terms of status and economy, but at least when communicating, we are equal, and the two can speak freely.

This kind of thinking is very important, and it is also the reason why he changed the discussion in the palace to a round table meeting.At least we are equal when it comes to chatting.

Fang Xin was silent for a long time before arching his hands, with a complicated expression on his face.

Li Xingzhou didn't know why he had such an expression, but he just said: "This king has just seen Mr. Fang's talent, and feels that if he is just a shopkeeper, he is too inferior. Now Yan Kun needs to take care of the business in the north of the palace.

The many restaurants he left behind are left unattended. Although there are shopkeepers, the palace now has Tingyu Tower, Zhiyue Tower, Zhiqiu Tower, and Yongyue Pavilion in the capital. Regarding the matter of Manager Quan, I want Mr. Fang to come, how about it. "

Fang Xin was so surprised that his mouth opened slightly: "My lord, this...before next month, I was just a down and out scholar. It is a great kindness for the lord to take in me, so I dare not ask for more. Besides... Besides, the lord is not worried about being displeased. A well-meaning person?"

Li Xingzhou laughed: "You thought you were acting in a TV series."


"Ahem, I mean that there may indeed be many people with ulterior motives in the world, but I believe you are not, and this king trusts you, so you don't need to be suspicious, and you don't need to be suspicious of your employer." Li Xingzhou said.

Fang Xin was silent and bowed heavily.

The reason why Li Xingzhou is not afraid is because the population in ancient times was not like that of later generations. A city could easily reach tens of millions. Before the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the only big city with a population of over one million was probably only Chang'an City in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty.

He knows the big fart Kaiyuan City and the government servants of Kaiyuan Mansion. A large number of storytellers, singers and singers headed by Sun Wenyan often help the palace, and Sun Banzhang, a dark force, also makes a living in the palace. ?
So he didn't worry about this new life experience at all.

While Li Xingzhou was patrolling and chatting with a few craftsmen from time to time, Yan Gu from the mansion came to tell him that someone from the palace was summoning him to enter the palace.

Li Xingzhou was curious. When he returned to the mansion, he found that the lame little eunuch Guilin had come. He respectfully said that the emperor let him enter the imperial city, and summoned many adults.

On the way, he asked Guilin what was going on in confusion, Guilin said that it seemed that an envoy from Xia had come, and he was talking about something important, so he let him go.

Li Xingzhou nodded.

Soon, they arrived at the Meridian Gate, dismounted and went straight to the Changchun Palace. When he arrived, many important people had already arrived.

He Zhao, De Gong, Xue Fang, Lu Jie, Tang Zhouwei, Mao Luan, Bao Zheng, Meng Zhiye and so on.

Although the prince returned to the capital, he was still confined to the East Palace, so he did not come. As soon as Li Xingzhou entered the hall, many eyes gathered, he stepped forward quickly, came to He Zhao, and asked in a low voice: "Lord He, what happened. "

He Zhao glanced at him, and said calmly: "Xia Guo is here as an envoy, and he wants to submit to our country, and worship Jing Guo as the suzerain!" After he finished speaking, he looked proud.

Li Xingzhou's heart skipped a beat, saying Cao Cao Cao Cao is here!His tulip plan can continue to advance!
(End of this chapter)

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