The rise of the prince

Chapter 572 Xia Country Layout

Chapter 572 Xia Country Layout
"Brother, to tell you the truth, each of these things can be sold for hundreds of taels?" Liang Zhi asked tentatively.

"So expensive!" Zhang Wang said in surprise.

Liang Zhi was even more surprised, he was puzzled and excited at the same time, any piece of high-quality glassware is worth more than a thousand taels, but this man didn't understand!

Does he really not understand or fake?

"Your little brother doesn't know that either." He fixed his eyes on the young man in front of him, rolled his eyes, and asked tentatively.

"That's right, the colored glaze at home is for the emperor, and takeaway is never allowed.

Brother, you must not talk about this matter outside. If the emperor of Jingguo finds out, it is a serious crime of beheading. This time I come to Xiaguo to sell things, which is something that Jingguo dare not blatantly buy and sell. Big brother, You can't sell me! Zhang Wang said seriously, his face full of sincerity and pleading.

"What did you say, brother, don't worry, it will never spread." After speaking, he was ecstatic in his heart, and whispered, "So, so it is."

Then Liang Zhi said with a heroic and righteous attitude, "Brother, I think so, you came all the way here, you are not familiar with the place, it is dangerous to go out with this thing, and it may not be easy to do business.

How about 100 taels, I'll buy it from you! "


Seeing that the other party was overjoyed, Liang straightened his chest, as if he was really a good person: "Keep your word, never break your word!

But I don't have enough money at hand, so I'll take you to my brother's place. "Liang Zhi was going crazy with joy in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface, as if he had suffered a big loss.

This person carried a total of eight pieces, which cost 800 taels, but once he bought them, he could sell them for at least 8000 taels, a profit of 200 taels!

Liang Zhi couldn't hold back anymore, if this kind of profit was not in the Xingqing Mansion, he would even dare to kill someone!
But this is Xingqing Mansion, if it can be solved with money, it is best to use money to solve it.

He only saved more than a hundred taels, definitely not enough, but his brother owns a restaurant.

He doesn't have that much money, but his brother must have it. Although he doesn't want to share the profits with his elder brother, it's better than not getting anything. His half-life savings are only enough to buy one, but the Jing people have eight Only!Eight times Liu Run!

He hurriedly looked for his elder brother with Zhang Wang, and when they met, he winked and said a few hints, and the elder brother gradually understood.

The two brothers cooperated with each other, ate and drank treats, and finally bought eight Linglong crystal cups at the price of 500 taels from Zhang Wang, a businessman from Xia who was drunk.

Once the goods are in hand, I don't bother to care about the Jingguo businessman.
Liang Zhi was afraid of leaking the news, so he took him in for a night at home, and kicked him out the next day.

As a result, the businessman from Jingguo looked around and regarded him as a benefactor, and left with 500 and [-] in gratitude
In Yan'an Mansion, the team brought by Qi Fang lives in an unremarkable courtyard in the north of the city. Wei Yubai informs the local magistrate. When the local magistrate hears the background of the people, he is very shocked and wants to send yamen servants to protect them, but Wei Yubai refuses.

One hundred New Army cavalry and 150 musketeers camped outside the old house.If this can't protect Zhou Quan, then it's useless for the yamen servants to come. They did hear a lot of rumors of bandits along the way north, but no one dared to attack them.

After all, anyone with a little foresight can see that they are the regular army of the imperial court, and they are strictly checked when entering and leaving the city gate.

As soon as they settled down, they dispatched people to start from Yan'an Mansion, walk through Sanchuankou, enter Xia State from Shilijing, then go to Hongzhou, Yanzhou, Yaode City, enter Xiping Mansion, cross the river from Jingzhou, and arrive at Xia State. The capital is Xingqing Prefecture.

This road is far away and takes more than ten days, but it is one of the best routes so far.

The information comes from various merchants. Many of the merchants who do business with the Xia Kingdom have contacts with the Wangfu. The most profitable business is selling wholesale goods from the Wangfu to Xixia.

So for the request of the palace, they scrambled to bring Xia Guo all the way, the latest news, all kinds of anecdotes and strange things to Qifang.

Qifang was originally one of the most important stewards of the palace, and she knew most of the businessmen, so it was very convenient to handle affairs.

But what surprised her was Fang Xin who was accompanying her. She was planning to leave him alone because she felt that he would be in the way.

Unexpectedly, this little-known middle-aged scribe was really capable. Among other things, the businessmen from the north provided very diverse and disjointed information, and he quickly sifted out the useful ones from the many and summarized them. Summarize the general situation in Xingqing Mansion.For example, which big family is bigger, those people are closest to Xiaguo Palace, which areas in the city have more rich people, which areas have fewer rich people, etc.
No wonder that guy used him, he didn't seem to miss anyone, Qifang thought to himself, let Fang Xin do all these things for the time being.

But the most capable assistant is Wei Yubai. She seems to have a very high prestige in the border area. All the magistrates, prefects, and even Xiang army commanders, as long as they hear her name, will give three points of face and follow her orders.

This made it very convenient for everyone to move around. Qifang was a little jealous, and this guy didn't miss women. She claimed to be good at bowing horses since she was a child, and later led the Xiang army, but compared with Wei Yubai, there was still a lot of difference.

Wei Yubai is also one of the few women in the palace who can talk to her. After all, she also commanded the Xiang army. As long as she talked about her career as a soldier and military expeditions, Wei Yubai was very interested. She talked endlessly, which opened her eyes.

In any case, the main work went smoothly at first. She sent six people in the first batch, each of whom brought eight pieces of glazed wares to the north. After 48 days, all six of them came back one after another. For different reasons, it flowed into the bottom market of Xia Kingdom without anyone noticing.

The six people who came back were all fine, and one of them encountered robbers halfway, but fortunately, he scattered his money and came back safely.

Qifang is very relieved that money is not important, talent is the most important.

Everyone reported one by one how they sold things, most of them were under various names, whether they were stolen, or their family had a relationship with the court, they got them from special channels and so on.

In short, they are all shrewd traders selected by Qifang. They have seen all kinds of people from all walks of life, and they can adapt to changes.

"That man really thought I didn't know anything, and he offered 100 taels for one bite! What can I do, of course, I was almost scared to death by his shocking 'high price', hahaha." A young man laughed after speaking.

Everyone also laughed, Zhang Wang was Qifang's relative, but not very close, after all, he was his cousin, who was in Suzhou on weekdays, and the Luzhou generation was doing Ulan nuclear business.

Black olive kernels are used for medicinal purposes, but there is not much demand. They are more often used as charcoal fires for tea and wine by wealthy families.

Because of its uniform fire and light green flame, and people in the Taoist school claim that its flame color is nourished by immortal energy, the brewed tea and wine are more nourishing and mellower, and are very popular with some particular wealthy families.

So this thing is consumed by wealthy people, ordinary people can't afford it, and don't want to use it. It's not as convenient as charcoal fire.

Buying and selling such things is a test of the eloquence of the merchant, but his cousin Wang Wang can make a living by doing this business, and he has friendship with almost all the big families in Suzhou and Luzhou, so he can see his ability.

Sure enough, Xia Guo was no exception. Relying on his superb acting skills, he sold eight glazed wares to a barber and his brother at a price of 500 taels.

The other five people are similar, but the prices are different. The lowest one was sold by pretending to be a down-and-out businessman for a tael of silver while begging.

Qifang wrote down the reason, and then let them go back to rest first.

"Being in charge, when will the next batch of people be sent?" Fang Xin asked next to him.

Qifang took out the plan that the guy wrote for her and glanced at it, "Wait a little longer, it will take time to ferment."

The plan is only a general direction, and some guidance or examples, and she will plan the specific arrangements.

He really was so relieved of himself, Qifang snorted inwardly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The next step needs to be fermented. Only when some people make money, others will not be able to sit still. This process will take time.

In fact, all the people present had experienced such a thing for the first time, or they had never imagined that there was such a way to attack the enemy country. Let alone seeing it, they had never heard of it.

If the prince hadn't explained the truth clearly and opened their eyes, they would not be able to figure it out or understand it at all.

Marveling at the prince's foresight, strategy and wisdom, he is also facing a huge dilemma.

The lord can't leave the capital, because the prince has gone back, and the lord has added to the affairs of the Privy Council and took over the Privy Council. It's just when the army is going out, and the affairs of the Privy Council can't be left behind for a day.

Under such circumstances, the prince had no choice but to send out trustworthy people like them. The prince's letting go of trust moved them, but they also knew in their hearts that knowing the truth is one thing, and actually operating it is another thing. It's unprecedented, they're the first to do it, it's hard.

(End of this chapter)

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