The rise of the prince

Chapter 577 In-depth details, emperor 1 life + infiltration

Chapter 577 In-depth details, the emperor's life + infiltration

Li Xingzhou turned his head, "From Fang's letter, talking about Xia Guo's affairs."

As he spoke, he handed the letter in his hand to Shiyu behind him.

Shiyu looked at it for a while, then asked in a low voice, "Is sister Gillian asleep?"

Li Xingzhou nodded, and said with a smirk: "A-Jiao agrees, let's sleep together next time, it's too troublesome to run at both ends."

For the first time, Li Xingzhou didn't refute him this time. Li Xingzhou was overjoyed and thought it was over, but found that she was actually absent-minded and didn't pay attention to what he said just now.

"What's wrong?" Li Xingzhou lay on the bed and gently pulled her to the side of the bed.

Shiyu turned around and asked him, "Am I being mean?"

"how come."

"Really, I'm actually much luckier than her."


"Qifang, I didn't like her the most, she's a coquettish bitch, and doesn't obey women's ways," she said deliberately looking at him.

"It's just my fault." Li Xingzhou said loudly with guilt.

"Hmph, you know what's none of your business." Shiyu snorted, and then continued: "Looking at it slowly, I think it's not easy for her to walk all the way, even harder than mine.

The best destination for a daughter's family is to find a good family to marry, a husband and a child, a husband who is not bad, and the family does not dislike it, and everything will be fine.

It is best to hide what you think and want to do in your heart. If you leak it to others, you will be ridiculed, despised, and said to be restless; "

Li Xingzhou hugged her and gently stroked her back.

Shiyu's rare response, tightly holding his big hand: "Fortunately, I don't have those scruples, I don't have those tragedies, because I met you."

"Hey. Now I know about my husband." Li Xingzhou smiled triumphantly.

"You, don't be complacent and have a whole body of bad habits." Shiyu said quickly.

"I wouldn't look at her coldly if she wasn't so aggressive.

It's so hard for her to walk this way, it's so pitiful, her daughter fought in the south, her brother died tragically, there is only one father left in the family, and she runs everywhere up and down the river, and now she goes to places like the Northwest, she still doesn't change at all, she is still so bitter Harsh," Shiyu said in a soft tone.

"She has such a personality, she is strong, she has a desire for power, and she took all the hardships herself, and she can't stop it even if she wants to." Li Xingzhou sighed helplessly.

"Hmph, you really understand her." Shiyu let go of him, turned her face away and said
Li Xingzhou was speechless, didn't you mention this topic first, women are really difficult to deal with.

In April, more than 200 craftsmen from all over the world came to challenge the boring knife grinding. Some people's boring knives were almost finished, and Li Xingzhou was overjoyed.

The buildings of the palace continued to expand towards the back of the mountain, and the residential area of ​​the craftsmen was like a town, bigger than the palace.

How to properly accommodate these craftsmen?

Li Xingzhou suddenly thought of the model of the employee community in later generations. If you want to retain talents, you must respect them.

In such an era, it is very difficult to have a safe place to live. If you can provide a stable place to live, you will definitely be able to attract a large number of talents.

So Li Xingzhou was about to start a big construction project, and it happened that the new industrial zone was completed half a year ago, and there was no big project in the palace.It is in the back hill of Wangfu, northwest of the new industrial area, to build a large residential area, similar to the planning of later generations of residential areas, which can not only consume the redundant output value of cement, but also accommodate more craftsmen to live in.

At this time, the palace also has spare money to provide artisans with good accommodation conditions, which can attract and retain talents, and at the same time solve the housing problem of so many foreign artisans.

The reward of 1 taels was just an introduction, like buying a horse bone with a thousand dollars, attracting craftsmen from all over the world, many of them had real skills, and he planned to keep them in the palace.

The project was discussed by the stewards of the mansion, and most of them were in favor of it, but there were also a few people who opposed it, such as Gu Feng, who thought it was good for the prince to respect the craftsmen, but it didn't have to be so. risk.

The matter was finally passed, and Zhu Rong was still in charge of the construction of the entire project. This was a challenge. Although Zhu Rong had used cement to build the new industrial area of ​​the Wangfu before, this time it was obviously different. What was to be built was a building that could live in people.

According to the plan, it is a five-story building. Although the adhesiveness of cement far exceeds that of any building material today, and this height is obviously not the limit of cement, the first time is always the hardest.

Zhu Rong didn't dare to neglect the job, and began to seek advice from some masters everywhere, preparing to officially start work in mid-April.

In the imperial garden, while reading a book, the emperor asked Li Xingzhou who was standing next to him: "Are you familiar with the affairs of the Privy Council?"

Li Xingzhou nodded: "I'm familiar with it."

"That's good. If you don't understand, just ask Wen Daoli. If you have anything to say, feel free to speak up. Don't neglect the important matter of the Northern Expedition."

"I understand." Li Xingzhou cupped his hands. He actually didn't want to come, but the emperor recently made a rule for him that every three days, he would enter the palace to report the latest situation to him.

The emperor frowned slightly: "I heard that you've been busy with affairs in the Northwest recently, from Xia Guo."

Li Xingzhou nodded. He didn't know who told the emperor, but at least it showed that there must be the emperor's eyeliner in the Privy Council, which is not surprising. No one who can climb up to the emperor will be a chaste and martyr.

"Yes." He had already told the Emperor about messing up Xia Guo, but he didn't mention the specific plan. There were many things and knowledge that he couldn't explain clearly.

The emperor just nodded without much emotion.

"You are still young, have ideas, and want to do things, I will allow you." The emperor spoke flatly as always: "There are some things that you won't understand just by talking about them.

But I also want to warn you, you have to distinguish between the primary and the secondary, and you can’t mess with the big. It’s good to have ideas, but it’s wrong to have whimsical ideas. You can try to deal with Xia Guo’s affairs yourself, but you can’t waste too much energy. on top. "

Li Xingzhou nodded, the emperor took his affairs with Xixia as a joke
He is not surprised, there is always a bit of loss, but it is not a setback, who would believe such a thing?He could only cope with saying a few words on the scene, and then slowly withdrew from the harem. In fact, he had a lot of things in his heart, and wanted to tell the emperor that this was no joke, but who would believe it.

After leaving the Meridian Gate, Yan Gu was already waiting outside the gate with a carriage.

Li Xingzhou boarded the carriage and fell asleep in the bumps
The deeper he goes into the vortex of power, the more cautious he has to be, and he discovers more and thinks about more things.

Every time he talks to the emperor, he is actually very tired, maybe it is a habit, maybe it is a sequela left by psychology. When it comes to critical occasions, he will focus on paying attention to the micro-expressions of people, so as to speculate on the inner state of the people at that time.

But this trick doesn't work for the emperor.

Generally speaking, people's micro-expressions are like instinct, they cannot be detected by themselves, and they are always revealed inadvertently.

Long-term training will be effective only when people themselves notice or know this knowledge and deliberately control it.Agents of later generations, professional deception masters, etc., will go through such arduous training.In order to prevent the instinct from being exposed to oneself.

The emperor certainly didn't know this systematic knowledge. Li Xingzhou didn't know how he managed to cover up his micro-expressions. It probably had something to do with his life experience.

The emperor's life is a topic that everyone avoids, even Degong deliberately avoids talking about it with him.

Wei Chaoren once told him carefully that the emperor had killed his own son because he was suspected of treason.

As for the brothers of the same generation as the emperor, there are only two survivors. He himself and Prince Kang. According to his age, many of the emperor's brothers could not have died of natural causes. Of course, there is also King Wu who died in the rebellion ten years ago.

When it comes to Wu Wang Li Xingzhou, in fact, he slowly thinks of more.

He has never heard of the title of King Wu, but the word king is basically a prince.

Jingguo was almost in the same era as the Song Dynasty. In this era, with countless historical lessons, the emperor was very scrupulous about the power of the royal brothers.

It is very difficult for royal children to become kings, and the requirements are very strict, let alone interfere in the government.Unlike the Han and Tang dynasties, any prince or grandson has a high probability of becoming king.

Those who can be crowned princes must be Prince Kang, who has enough qualifications and is old enough to be given a title to enjoy his old age.

Or like King Lin back then, he was the eldest son at the beginning and was going to be crowned prince, so it was reasonable to confer a higher status on the king, but unfortunately, King Lin died of illness early on.

After that, it was like King Xiao, who was named King Xiao because of his illustrious military exploits and the emperor's favor.

But "Kang", "Lin", and even "Xiao" are all very conservative and don't have such a noble title, which shows the imperial power's conservative and uneasy attitude towards the power of the prince.

The best titles for princes are "Qin, Jin, Qi, and Chu".

Among them, "Jin" is the most. Throughout the ages, the number of people who became emperors from "Jin" kings is the most, because Jin was the number one overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the end of the Spring and Autumn Period also ended with the division of Han, Zhao, and Wei into Jin.

Emperor Sima Yan of the Jin Dynasty, Emperor Yang Guang of the Sui Dynasty, Emperor Gaozong Li Zhi of the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Zhuangzong of the Later Tang Dynasty Li Cunxu, Emperor Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty Chai Rong, Emperor Gaozu Shi Jingtang of the Later Jin Dynasty, Emperor Zhongzong of the Southern Han Dynasty Liu Sheng, and Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty Zhao Guangyi all had titles of "King of Jin" before becoming emperors. ".

And "Qin, Qi, and Chu" are also overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period, and they are all first-class titles like "Jin".

If someone is granted one of the four titles, King Jin, King Qin, King Qi, and King Chu, then he is the most honored and favored person. If he is a prince, he has a high probability of becoming the Lord of the East Palace.

Although the king of Wu is lower than these four, he still uses the title of Spring and Autumn, which is much higher than the titles of Lin Wang, Xiao Wang, and Kang Wang.

Why did the emperor give King Wu such honor and favor?

After thinking about it, Li Xingzhou had only one possibility, that is, King Wu had a good relationship with the emperor at first, and there was a high probability that King Wu would still stand firmly on the emperor's side in the battle for the heir apparent, even as his right-hand man.

So after ascending to the throne, he was conferred the title of Prince Wu, which was the highest title in Jingguo at that time except for the emperor and empress, far higher than Prince Lin, Prince Xiao, and Prince Kang.

But he never expected that King Wu still betrayed him, which may be one of the reasons why he killed so many rebels in anger.

He killed his own brother, killed his own son, and fought with local big clans. As a result, his favorite son died tragically, and his trusted brother betrayed him. This is the outline of the current emperor's life.

In the end, he became ruthless and ruthless. He first agreed to the surrender of tens of thousands of rebels, and then slaughtered all the unarmed rebels. Before that, Zhu Yue ransacked his family, Yu Chengan was exiled in winter, and froze to death on the road
This kind of life experience has created such an emperor, Li Xingzhou is not surprised why he can't see through it, probably because he is numb.

Zhang Xie spread out many dark iron sheets, and there were more than 40 sheets of them on the crowded table. He planned to spend most of his savings, but he didn't regret it at all.

Because it is still rising!
The price of Xuantie Token is still rising, from a dozen taels at the beginning, it has now risen to more than 900 taels a piece!It's only been ten days!

There have been rumors in the neighborhood for a long time that there was an official patrolling the city. At first, he became a seller to buy black iron tokens, but after only two or three days, he sold them for thousands of taels!Live comfortably ever since.There was also a beggar who exchanged the black iron order he picked up for more than 800 taels of fine silver, bought land, and became a country gentleman and rich man.

There are also people who sold the restaurant to sell the Black Tie Token, and then did nothing, and the restaurant did not redeem it, because there is money that cannot be spent in a lifetime.
Up to now, the Xuantie Token is not only an item that can be exchanged for glazed wares, but also an opportunity to make a fortune. The white silver is sought after by everyone, and the price is rising every day. This is what everyone is talking about.

And with the fanaticism of this thing, some people are opportunistic and imitated Xuantie Token for sale, and they can still be sold, but the price of these imitated things will be much lower, and most of them are used to deceive people who don't know how to do it. Tie Ling is not afraid of knives and axes, so it is easy to distinguish.

Zhang Xie has been holding a bunch of Xuantie Tokens sent by his son these days, and he has no interest in government affairs. He spends every day in the mansion watching the Xuantie Tokens rise again from time to time, and then calculates his assets.

"Master, it's gone up again!" Suddenly, a servant ran in happily.

Zhang Jie stood up excitedly: "How much has it increased?"

The servant panted, and said happily: "Someone just bought a piece in the west of the city. It cost 100 taels, and it was worth a carriage. This is the highest price so far! Previously, the ones bought and sold were only a few hundred taels, not more than a thousand taels." .”

Zhang Xie was overjoyed, one thousand and one hundred taels, and he brought a carriage, so wouldn't he be able to sell for around 100 taels for more than 40 yuan!

The restaurant in the west of the city has now become the main place where everyone trades black iron tokens, business is discussed inside, and now it is also the busiest place in Xingqing Mansion.

"Okay, okay! In just one day, I made more than 1 taels!" Zhang Xie was overjoyed, and then rewarded his servant with five guan coins, but he is not ready to sell it yet, and he believes it will increase!

Wait a little longer and earn more.

Not long after the servant left, the front hall said that his subordinate admonishing doctor Zhang Jian came to see him.

Zhang Jie is the prime minister of the state, but his official position is Xia Guozhongshu's assistant minister, the chief official of Zhongshu, who holds the administrative power, but usually the admonishing doctor under Zhongshu helps him handle government affairs, so Zhang Jian must be talking about important matters when he comes to see him. He carefully put away the black iron order and went to the front hall.

Zhang Jian had been waiting in the front hall, and saw him coming to salute and say hello, "Uncle."

Zhang Xie nodded. Zhang Jian was the most promising and talented young man in his Zhang family. He was the son of his second younger brother. "Why are you looking for me?"

"I don't know if Uncle has heard that the city has been full of ups and downs recently, and even people from other prefectures have rushed to Xingqing Mansion to buy the Xuantie Token." Zhang Jian said.

He nodded.

"Uncle, I think this is unusual. There seems to be something wrong. There may be some conspiracy. This black iron order should be banned and handed over to the government. It cannot be traded again!" The young man said with a serious face.

Zhang Xie's expression turned ugly, ban him!I still have more than 40 yuan in my house, which is most of my savings!

(End of this chapter)

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