Chapter 604 Ace
The Dazhai prepared for Di Zhi was bought by him at a cost of 2 taels. It has two yards in the front and back, 21 large and small wing rooms, and a small pond in the front yard. stockade.

The old man is more than 60 years old, and the official is Dr. Zijin Guanglu. Now he is going to return to his hometown in Mingzhou for the elderly. The stockade is not good. Gillian is a scholarly family, and he is also a prime minister. I bought it.

This kind of Dazhai is not much worse than the Princess Mansion, and the glass blowing technology learned from Kang Wang's Mansion, I don't know how much money it will make for the Wang Mansion in the future. In front of this money, 2 taels is just a decimal. Send Di Zhi It is just right for Princess Yongming.

Di Zhi hesitated after seeing it, because the stockade was much bigger than he expected. He is a child of a commoner family. Even if he is now a fifth-rank general and deputy commander of the new army, he has never lived in anything. A decent village.

The military officer's salary is already low, and he was deducted by Sanya before, and he also likes to hang out with soldiers to eat, drink and have fun, so it's no wonder that he can save money.

Li Xingzhou forced him to accept it.

In the evening, the two went to Tingyulou for a drink, and happened to meet Fang Xin in Tingyulou, so they called him up.

The three of them went up to the third floor, and Lu You's "Lying in the night to listen to the wind and rain, and the iron horse and ice river to dream" is still hanging there, and there are many masterpieces of talented people around, and they are all poems about killing the enemy and serving the country recently, like "There is no way to serve the country and nothing to complain about, that is, to whom to vomit if you have a plan", "wish in your heart, to protect the people and the country by flattening the captives" and so on.

There were also three or five sighs from downstairs: "I'm afraid it's God's will this time."

"Jiang Xian's army also suffered a disaster, what should we do?"

"I said a long time ago that the Liao Kingdom could not be defeated, but you just didn't believe it. The military book said that the army should be surrounded and the poor should not be forced. , of course they will fight back."

"That's right, that's right, that's what I said at the beginning, but unfortunately no one listened, it's over now, tens of thousands of soldiers' lives!"


There were constant discussions downstairs, and it was raining hazy at dusk outside the house, but judging by the posture, the rain stopped soon.

After the three of them were seated, the food and drinks came out quickly. Tingyulou's dishes were always improving, and they were always one step ahead.

Li Xingzhou poured wine for them very casually. Di Zhi had long been used to the casual way of getting along with him, but Fang Xin couldn't get used to it. He stood up in amazement.

The three of them had a drink, and Li Xingzhou asked with a quick braised mutton, "What do you think of the current situation?"

Fang Xin sighed and said: "Your Majesty, I have little talent and learning, but I think that whether this battle is fought or not, it will be a bad result for Jingguo. If there is a fight, there will be no reinforcements for the army, the supply road will be cut off, and the chances of winning are very small.

If you don't fight, you will let Juyongguan and Jin people in Shanhaiguan area think that the Central Plains is weak and deceitful, and their coveting heart is increasing day by day.And if one day, the Jin people really go south, there is no Yanshan Mansion that is difficult to hold on to.

There is only one good outcome, and that is to win the Yanshan Mansion. The problem is that this is a gamble with a small chance of winning. Personally, I tend to take a gamble. "


"Because even if you don't gamble, the best result is to keep the army to prevent the Jin people, but if there is no Yanshan Mansion and Qigou Pass, what defense do we have? If Yanshan Mansion falls into the hands of the Jin people, then the Jin people will go south From the east of Taihang Mountain to Kaiyuan, there is a flat plain, where the golden men and iron cavalry gallop across the world." Fang Xin said worriedly.

Li Xingzhou nodded, silently weighing in his heart.

Then he turned his head to look at Di Zhi, "If you were asked to take the new army to fight Liao now, would you dare to fight?"

"Dare!" Di Zhi nodded without hesitation.

Fang Xin hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, what I'm talking about here refers to the army stationed in the north near Qigou Pass. At this time, the heavy rain caused the road to be interrupted, and there were floods and landslides everywhere. Ear."

Li Xingzhou waved his hand: "I didn't mean that."

As he said that, he looked at Di Zhi again: "If you fight against the cavalry of the Liao army, how do you think the new army can defeat the enemy?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Xin said: "Naturally, we need to keep the distance. Xinjun firearms can easily kill people a hundred steps away. As long as you control the distance, you can fight." Fang Xin has also seen Xinjun firearms before. Yes, after all, it was the new army that escorted them on their backs.

After hearing this, Di Zhi said seriously, "My lord, the Liao people are good at cavalry and shooting. They like to harass the enemy to tire them out, and then confront them with heavy cavalry to break the formation. If I confront them, I will let the light cavalry Protecting the wings, the new army's chances of success lie in the musketeers approaching and firing from the front."

Li Xingzhou was overjoyed: "Not bad!"

Fang Xin looked puzzled, and then repeated: "My lord, even if Deputy Envoy Di is right, I still can't go north."

"I'm not talking about going north by land." Li Xingzhou said: "Follow the river to the sea, go north from the Bohai Sea, go up the Haihe River, and go directly to the city of Yanshan Prefecture! There are no natural obstacles to hinder this route all the way north, and it can be unimpeded."

"The Liao people should have thought about it too, right?" Fang Xin was still worried.

"Of course they could have imagined that the Liao people would set up a big camp in the north of Haikou, in the northwest of Nanjing City. A battalion with more than 500 people stationed there would block the river, but that would be nothing to the new army." Li Xingzhou said confidently. Zhi also nodded.

It should be nothing to the big ship of the Wangfu. Although the big ship of the Wangfu usually runs for business, there are shooting windows on the sides. After a quick modification, up to twelve cannons can be added to each side.

Of course, twelve ships are too heavy, and it is most appropriate to add six if you want to transport troops, and give up the remaining load to the soldiers, but even so, the firepower of more than a dozen large ships cannot be blocked by a battalion of more than 500 troops.

"My lord, are we going to fight?" Di Zhi stood up excitedly.

"It's very likely, get ready." Li Xingzhou patted him on the shoulder and took another drink, "To be honest, this time is not just for you, for Jingguo, but also for me. If you can win, then the prince You are no longer qualified to challenge me." He said bluntly.

Fang Xin was surprised again, how could he say such words to his subordinates, Di Zhi looked solemn, and replied seriously: "Don't worry, my lord, as long as I have a chance, I will definitely win."

He nodded, he was at ease with Di Zhi.

The route Li Xingzhou mentioned was the route used by the Eight-Power Allied Forces to invade Beijing. It entered from the Bohai Sea and went all the way from Tianjin to Beijing with a powerful navy. Perfect.

It has to be said that although the Eight-Power Allied Forces are abominable, they chose a professional and efficient route to fully utilize the advantages of the navy. The good firing range provided by the plains allows the fleet's fire support to play perfectly, and the army can catch people by surprise even if they land directly in the hinterland. .

And now the equipment of the new army is almost catching up with the level of the eighteenth century.

This is his trump card.

After noon the next day, all the important ministers of the court gathered at the Meridian Gate and walked towards the Kunning Palace. When they met, they still greeted each other with smiles, but most of them were smiling, and there was an undercurrent. The atmosphere was extremely tense, and everyone knew that the emperor This is a choice to be made, the current situation is rotten, the emperor is ill and no one can take charge of the overall situation.

(End of this chapter)

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