Chapter 611
Every time the army sets off, it is always full of blessings and expectations, and the people line the road to see each other off, but not this time.

No one wants to watch a battle that seems impossible to win. Li Xingzhou locked up a few little girls in a small courtyard and refused to let them see them off. Yan Kun replaced Yan Yan and together with Ji Chunsheng personally put on the battle armor for him .

Degong, He Zhao, Mao Luan, Bao Zheng and others were also waiting outside the palace to see him off. They didn't wear official clothes, but just dressed in ordinary clothes, but He Zhao's face was not good-looking. I won’t let you go.” This was the only opinion he had ever expressed on this matter, and it was clear from the words that he was not optimistic either.

But until now, before leaving, he rarely said: "It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. The important thing is that you come back alive. If something goes wrong, a man will be able to bend and stretch. It is not a shame to run for your life. Don't be arrogant."

Li Xingzhou couldn't believe that these words came from the upright He Zhao, but he still nodded and wrote it down.

Then Wei Yubai in military uniform came to join him, and the two rode and led a horse each, with all kinds of soft clothes behind them, and set off towards the camp outside the city while everyone was watching.

Di Zhi packed up two sets of simple clothes and put them in the burden. He looked carefully at the sword in his hand, put it back in its sheath, and put the burden on his shoulders.

After leaving his hut, there was an old willow tree in the small yard outside the house. It is said that someone died under this tree before, so no one dared to live there. He smiled and bowed three times to the old willow tree: "Thank you for accompanying me these days." I."

As he walked out of the courtyard without looking back, he was excited, but it was a lie to say that he was not afraid. People would die in a war, and swords had no eyes, not to mention that they only had 5000 people.

What they had to face was Yelu Dashi, the famous general of the Liao Kingdom, and at least [-] of his elite men, who would defeat Yang Hongzhao first and then Yang Wenguang.

Di Zhi also knew that this was a rare opportunity for him, a chance for a boy from a humble family and a martial artist, if he missed it, it would be difficult to get it again, and besides, he didn't want to disappoint the prince.
The prince's trust in him is very understandable, and he doesn't know how he can make the prince trust him so much, but since the prince thinks highly of him, he will do his best and go all out!
Gradually his heart became firmer, and he turned around the corner of the small courtyard, only to find two people standing in front of him, one tall and tall, who was his fiancee in name, Li Qi, Princess Yongming's daughter.

Di Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he forgot to find time to talk to her as King Pingnan said, because he was rushing around the barracks and the ferry for the past two days to make various preparations, and he couldn't remember it for a while in a hurry.

Besides, the princess never wants to see him, and he doesn't like to have a hot face and a cold ass
"This subordinate has seen the princess." He saluted quickly.

Princess Yongming didn't speak, and the servant girl who followed her was a head shorter than the princess, and took a few steps back tactfully.

"Yes, I think you don't want to see me." The princess said coldly.

Di Zhi didn't know how to answer. He was only thinking about the army's expedition, so he said awkwardly: "The princess is serious. The princess doesn't want to see me. The subordinates understand, so they don't bother me too much. Don't worry, the princess can do whatever she wants. What, the subordinates will never ask. Now that the army is about to go out, we can’t talk to the princess.” He was about to leave, but was stopped by the princess Yongming.

"Stop!" The princess said loudly, "Why are you going! I've heard of an order from King Pingnan, and I've been asking people everywhere in the past few days. Those of you who go there are going to die. Are you Are you a fool!" As she spoke, there was a cry in her tone.

This made Di Zhi a little overwhelmed, and quickly said: "Princess, I'm not going to die."

"What is that? Do you think you are a god? Don't you think that if you die in the north, I will be happy and happy, and finally don't have to fulfill this disgusting engagement? Who do you think I am, Li Qi, woo woo . " As she spoke, she really cried.

Di Zhi was completely confused, and didn't know what to say for a while: "Princess."

She wiped her tears and said coldly: "My princess told you, I really hate you! But the marriage contract was proposed by my father, and I agreed to it myself. I, Li Qi, agreed, and I have never regretted it." , even if you die in the north, I will also be your wife." As he spoke, he stuffed a small bundle into his arms.

"You'd better not die." After crying, she turned and ran away in a hurry, leaving only Di Zhi stunned.

The water waves on the river bank beat the big ship, and the runners below creaked and creaked. After days of heavy rain, it was hot and the wind was blowing the sails, and the sound of giant sails beating was heard from time to time.

The new army soldiers around were talking and laughing, many of them were novelty, they had never been on such a big ship before.

The sound of the waves on the shore was still there, but he was absent-minded, even when the prince and many officials saw them off in person just now, he was also distracted.

"Master Di, there are not many people here to see us off." Someone looked at the shore from the side of the boat, and then came back dejectedly and said to him: "Every time the army goes out, the common people line up to see us off, and there are people standing everywhere. , so densely packed that you can’t see the sides, why is it different when it comes to us.”

Di Zhi was not thinking about it, and said casually: "If no one sends you, then no one will send you, and it's not that if you are not sent, you will not be able to fight."

"It's not a good feeling, they defend their home and country, so do we," the man muttered unwillingly, and Di Zhi kicked him impatiently, "You're the only one who talks a lot." He hurriedly ran away with a laugh.

No one bothered, Di Zhi returned to his thoughts, and there were only three things in the small bag that Princess Yongming gave him, a blue and black weapon made of high-quality fabrics, a pair of new boots, and a beautiful red embroidered mandarin duck purse, Inside was a lock of jet-black hair.

It can be seen that Princess Yongming still doesn't understand warriors. How can such a good weapon be used without any scruples.But he couldn't calm down for a long time, and for the first time he actually felt afraid of death.
He panicked, and hastily entered his special cabin, and put the little bundle under the bedding, out of sight and out of mind. A soldier is most afraid of death, and he is afraid that he will get in the way.

The big ship was moving very fast, and there was a businessman called by the prince to guide the way. He would discuss with him at the bow of the ship every day. learn.

He found his way by the compass and the stars in the sky.

After sailing along the river for a day, they finally arrived at the mouth of the sea, where the current meets the vast sea, and the light yellow color began to turn into dark blue, clearly drawing out a long strip separating the two colors, like a vision of heaven and earth.

The soldiers who had never seen such a scene were stunned.

After entering the Bohai Sea, the wind and waves became stronger, but they still could not shake the huge sailing ship of the palace. After Di Zhi gave the order, the commander at the bow waved the two-color flag to convey to the ships, and the twelve large ships began to change their formation. , Changed to a square array of three ships in a row, this is to prevent getting lost in the vast sea with no reference and getting separated from the brigade.

Soon, problems also followed, because many people took a boat for the first time, and it was okay when they entered the sea. After walking for half a day, they could not see the coastline at all. Without a reference, many people began to get seasick, dizzy, and vomited. Many people fell down at once.

(End of this chapter)

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