Chapter 636
In the open sky and low trees, under the vast sky, dark blood-colored clouds stained the four directions. Outside Nanjing, blood flowed like a river. The blood and the pungent smell of burning gunpowder permeated the battlefield. The two transport ships at the end of the queue quickly paved The bridge across the river was temporarily used, and the army on the south bank quickly crossed the river and entered the city of Nanjing.

Li Xingzhou ordered the fourth battalion to be the first to cross the river to clean up the battlefield.

At dusk, the sun was setting, even though the battle was over, there were still sporadic gunshots from time to time, because the solid bullets swept across the battlefield, leaving a large number of severely disabled wounded. These people basically can't survive tonight, and the army can't take care of so many For the wounded, it is a relief to send a bullet. Life is so worthless in such a situation.

From the river bank in the east of Nanjing City to the tens of miles of the upper reaches of the Wuding River in the west, the Liao Kingdom began to charge from the front of the eastern front until it was completely blocked by Wei Yubai's troops in front of the majestic Taihang Mountain. Everyone surrendered. On this long front, tens of thousands of soldiers from both sides engaged in a day-long fight. The Liao army was defeated again and again. The armored tents, cattle and horses, swords and flags abandoned were all over the mountains and plains, and the mountains and mountains were countless.

The bridge on the ship's deck has also been completely erected. When it was getting dark, all the troops on the south bank crossed the river and began to enter Nanjing City.

Under the bloody battle between Di Zhi and more than 190 black-shirted cavalry, the new army had occupied the south gate, and the rout did not enter the city. The other three gates in the city basically had no decent defenders. There were only a few dozen people at the gate, and since they had seen the situation outside, they surrendered as soon as the army arrived.

Before it was completely dark, the new army had completely taken over the entire city of Nanjing.

Guns outside the city rang out all day, and when entering the city, the gates in the city were closed, and no one dared to make a loud noise, and no one dared to light fires in many residential houses at night, for fear of exposing someone in the house.

However, their worries were obviously unfounded. The new army had strict military discipline and obviously had no intention of looting houses. Besides, Li Xingzhou had also explained this matter, especially in an area like Nanjing City where various ethnic groups are mixed.

Li Xingzhou has long been prepared. Taking history as a mirror, he can gain a lot of experience. In the thousands of years of Chinese history, there are not a few generals who are good at fighting.

But behind many miracles, there must be many revelations.

The rise of the Kingdom of Jin left Jurchens with the myth that the Jurchens were dissatisfied and invincible. Wanyan Aguda led the first few thousand Jurchen warriors to defeat the Liao Kingdom's hundreds of thousands of troops along the way. At a very fast speed, it was unstoppable. Destroyed the dynasty that dominated the north.

It is easy for people to see the superficial comparison of military power. Fearing the terrorist forces of Wanyan Aguda, they show their surrender one after another, but ignore the most important policy of Wanyan Aguda.

War is a continuation of politics. During the Wanyan Aguda period, wherever the army went, they immediately reduced taxes and prisons after occupying the city, and did not disturb the people in the city.

At that time, the high-level leaders of the Liao Kingdom were immersed in the past prosperity and glory, and the taxes were heavy, squeezing the people, so Wanyan Agu beat down a city to stabilize the city, and the more people fought, the Liao Kingdom blamed the opposite. Excellence, and mostly policy vision, went hand in hand.

In addition, the nomads in the north have weaker national consciousness than the people in the Central Plains, mostly because of their nomadic life, so they care more about who is stronger, so powerful that they are afraid, and whose policies are good can make them profit , not who is the orthodox royal family, so they don't care that the emperor passed the throne to his wife as regent, and they don't care that the man who is the regent queen is a Han.

In fact, the policy to deal with the Liao State is very simple, hit a big stick, give a sweet date and it's over.

Originally, Jing Guo had taken down Nanjing City long ago and completed the step of hitting a big stick. As a result, Tong Guan and Yang Hu, two bastards with brains on their asses, didn't understand what it means to accept when they are good, which led to an instant situation. deterioration.

This time, he couldn't make the same mistake again.

The new army was busy all night that night. On the other side, Li Xingzhou ordered the prisoners of war to dismantle the fortifications such as horse rejection and baffles in the Liao army's riverside camp, and then placed more than 4000 prisoners of war in it.

The camp of the new army is stationed on the north side. In this way, the south is the river, and the other sides are the guns and artillery erected by the new army. We are not afraid of their actions. All matters concerning the custody of prisoners of war will be handled by Wei Yubai, Liu Ji He is responsible for taking over the defense of the four cities.

It was not until the middle of the night that all these matters were basically sorted out, and the soldiers of the new army who had worked hard all day were able to slowly fall asleep.
Early the next morning, Li Xingzhou went to the wounded barracks to check the situation. Among the more than 50 people who survived at the South Gate, three of them did not survive last night, and two of them started to have a high fever.

The older military doctor in the new army shook his head and said softly: "My lord, in my opinion, the two of them can't hold on anymore."

These military doctors have been with the Imperial Army for decades, and they are not comparable to civilian doctors. Most of their practice is based on accumulated experience.

Li Xingzhou sighed. They were injured too badly. Although alcohol was used to disinfect them in time, both of them were not only injured on the skin.

The human body is so fragile, a broken rib may puncture the lobe of the lung, or the bone marrow may flow into the blood. Either way, it is a fatal danger, and with the current level of medical treatment, it is basically impossible to save.

"My lord, feed them some medicine stones, at least they can walk more comfortably." The doctor suggested again.

"Wait until the evening, if it doesn't come down tonight, I will do as you said." Li Xingzhou said.

Afterwards, he went to see Di Zhi again, and Di Zhi was much better now, and his injuries were also serious, but fortunately, they were all external injuries, and there was no injury to the muscles or bones. Such injuries are likely to cause infection, fever, and death. There is alcohol, after timely disinfection, coupled with subsequent uninterrupted disinfection, there is basically no risk of infection.

However, with such an injury, the surrounding muscle and skin tissue will definitely die and then grow back. This is a long process, let alone a few months. During this period, he may find it difficult to walk.

"My lord!" Seeing him coming, Di Zhi burst into a happy smile, but soon grinned in pain.

Li Xingzhou was both happy and helpless, and he didn't know whether he should praise him, but he was also afraid that he would say something good. It's gone.

No exaggeration, he fought bloody battles with 190 black-shirted cavalry, and prevented the Liao army from entering the city with courageous courage. Not only did the new army lose many follow-up casualties, but it also easily took down the fortified city of Nanjing.

(End of this chapter)

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