The rise of the prince

Chapter 645 Really caught

Chapter 645 Really caught

In the luxurious Kunning Palace, the atmosphere was a bit strange, and the silence continued. The two of them had been hungry for a long time, and together with the excellent meat pies from the imperial dining room, they devoured them hungrily, and the emperor couldn't care less about it.

Wen Daoli wanted to remind them to be gentle, but this is the Kunning Palace, the emperor didn't speak, and it was inconvenient for him to speak.

"My lord asked us to put the last two boats across the river, with planks in the middle and logs on both sides, so that the brothers on the south bank can also cross the river. When it is getting dark, they will all cross the river and occupy Nanjing City."

"Is there no Liao army in the city?" Wen Daoli asked.

"Yes, but not many. General Di and the others tried their best to block the door. No Liao people entered the city. Those Liao people in the city were timid and scared. They surrendered when they saw us."

"After dark, General Yan took us to light torches, surrounded the place where the emperor of Liao lived, and asked them to come out and surrender. Otherwise, they would kill them and leave no one alive. As a result, dozens of them rushed out wearing iron armor and wearing blue copper masks. The Liao people don't want to die, they are not afraid of death, and they are fighting us desperately."

"Liao Kingdom Suwei!" Wen Daoli exclaimed in surprise, the Liao Kingdom Suwei is the emperor's personal guard, the most elite troops.

"How is the result?"

"They are not our opponents at all." The soldier grinned and said, "They were all defeated in just one round, how could their broken armor withstand our fight.

Then General Yan rushed in with us, and the little Liao emperor and queen inside were all caught. "One person was talking, while the other was still stuffing meatloaf into his mouth, he must be really hungry.

He talked about catching the emperor of the Liao Kingdom lightly, and he said it casually, but everyone in the hall didn't sound so light, and they were even dumbfounded when they heard it. Living?It's that simple!
"Are you sure you have captured the emperor of the Liao Kingdom!?" The emperor leaned forward slightly, his fingers trembling while pinching the armrest of the chair, and asked solemnly.Wen Daoli rubbed his forehead in cold sweat, he only knew how to eat in front of the emperor, these two people really had big hearts.

"Your Majesty, I really caught it!"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes."

"Did you really see it with your own eyes?" The emperor leaned forward again, with excitement in his words.Wen Daoli clenched his fingers even more, and stared at the two of them closely. This was what he wanted to confirm the most.

Because it is so dreamy and unreal, even if it is written in the battle report, it does not seem to be true.

Liao Kingdom, a powerful northern country that has been at odds with Jing Kingdom for hundreds of years, the long-cherished wish of successive kings to regain the land of Yanyun, after so much hard work, how many generations have paid blood and tears for it, countless people have died in other places, and there is still no fruit outside the burial. The emperor of Liao was captured by Jing Jun!
The news was like a dream, the emperor was excited and afraid of being wrong, so he asked, even him, this feeling is completely understandable.

The messenger nodded affirmatively: "Your Majesty, we saw it with our own eyes. When General Yan escorted the little emperor to meet the prince, many brothers went to watch the excitement, and thousands of people saw it.

When the little emperor was escorted to kneel down in front of the prince, he cried into tears. When he saw the prince in fear, he knelt down, kowtowed, and couldn't understand what he was saying. He didn't look like an emperor at all. "

"Yes, there are a large group of imperial concubines with her at such a young age, dozens of them."

The emperor was completely excited, and nodded again and again: Hahaha, "Okay, okay! It's all good!" Said the body completely leaning on the chair.

Eunuch Fu An standing beside the emperor was also overjoyed, and said excitedly: "Of course he doesn't look like him, only the emperor is the real emperor!

King Pingnan is truly a legendary general, unstoppable and unstoppable. To have such a grandson is the blessing of the emperor and the blessing of the country! "

"What is your lord going to do next?" Wen Daoli suppressed the excitement in his heart, so as to calm himself down and not lose his composure when speaking, but when he spoke, he still put on a vibrato. He couldn't suppress the emotions in his heart for such a big event.

The messenger said: "Your Highness has sent us a letter to ask Mr. Wei from Qigou Pass in the south to go north with his main force so that he can take over Yanshan Mansion."

After hearing this, the emperor nodded happily: "Okay! Focus on the overall situation, don't take credit for everything, and have the demeanor of a general." After speaking, he looked at the two of them and said, "You have done a good job, come here, and each will reward ten thousand coins. Go down and have a good rest. "

The two knelt down and kowtowed excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After sending the two away, the excited atmosphere still spread in the Kunning Palace. After a day of experience, everyone could not be calm for a long time, even the maids and eunuchs serving around.

Wen Daoli was also very excited, and opened his mouth to say something nice for King Pingnan, but when he got to his mouth, he felt that there was no need to say more, no matter how much he said, what King Pingnan did would pale.

Wen Daoli is not a good fighter, he has never fought any battles alone, but he is still considered an old man on the battlefield.

Zhong Daoyu was old before, and he personally presided over the change of the imperial guards managed by the Privy Council every year. He had led troops to guard the border for many years, and because of these qualifications, he gradually reached the position of deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

He has never fought a big battle, but there are many small battles. Even so, he wrote that he couldn't understand how King Pingnan did it.

It has only been about a month since the army left!
Breaking through Weizhou and Anding, the important towns in the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun, and then defeating tens of thousands of elites from the Liao Kingdom with a few thousand people, breaking through the Yanshan Mansion, and capturing the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, he never even dared to think about such a thing , but it actually happened.

He opened his mouth, but in the end he could only sigh softly, King Pingnan, is it true that he is the reincarnation of a prodigy like the legend in the market, and the Divine Comedy from the sky cannot be accomplished.
The emperor's face, which is usually not revealing, is also unabashedly happy at this time.He stretched out his hand and asked Fu An to help him stand up. He paced around the hall without speaking for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, he spoke again, as if he had made up his mind: "Fu'an."


"I haven't been quick enough recently. You write a letter on my behalf, and pass it on to the people of the Imperial Academy, and ask them to draw up an edict and choose an auspicious date. King Gapingnan will be the Prince of Jin!"

As soon as these words came out, Wen Dao's head shook and he didn't make a sound. Being in the middle and upper echelons of the court, he naturally understood the meaning of the emperor's decree.

It is not easy for Jing Guo to become a king, especially for a prince, but if it is a prince of Jin, it has another meaning.

Among the princes, the titles are all respected by the powerful country in the Spring and Autumn Period. This has been the case in the past dynasties. The most distinguished titles are Jin, Qin, Qi, and Chu. Throughout history, the kings of Jin who finally ascended the throne as emperors are the most.

But in any case, no matter which one of these No. [-] princes, they must show their love and love, and have the intention of appointing a successor.What's more, in Jingguo, a country with no such fourth prince among its direct descendants, the emperor's move is tantamount to telling the world that the day when King Pingnan became the prince of Jin is the day when the emperor's grandson Li Xingzhou ascended the throne.

The prince had long lost his Sacred Heart, and had been grounded one after another before, and was even dismissed from Beijing.

When the war in the north started, the prince was able to return to Beijing only when he needed to stabilize his heart.But now the war in the north has also been ended neatly by King Pingnan, Prince Jin, and so on.
Anyone with a little brain knows that the prince no longer has any capital to sit on the high platform, and the East Palace must not be able to stay any longer.

Wen Dao knew these things clearly, but he didn't dare to say them out. He pretended nothing happened, and stood aside silently, but he was glad that when King Pingnan was in charge of the Privy Council, he didn't have any difficulties, but tried his best to cooperate.

The general trend has come, and he is becoming more and more unpredictable who is King Pingnan, how high is the ceiling of ability for a young man of sixteen or seventeen?He doesn't know, but looking up, it's amazing
Jingguo is about to change, Wen Dao thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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