Chapter 65

He Qian gave him a disdainful look, stepped forward and said bluntly, "No."

"Then why are you here?" Li Ye asked puzzled, and picked up a cup to pour tea for himself.

"This is a restaurant, Miss Ben can come whenever she wants."

"This is the third floor. Others can't go up." Li Ye took a sip before realizing that it was fragrant tea, and spit it out. The fragrant tea in this world is crushed tea powder, pepper oil and salt, and even dried meat. Li Ye couldn't drink the beverage that was boiled after frying.

He Qian gave him a strange look: "I can go wherever I like."

Li Ye shook his head amusedly, and didn't plan to argue with this unruly girl, she would get mad if she continued, but he was surprised by her frankness, and directly said that he didn't come to find fault.

He curiously picked up the paper on the table, on which were densely written some names, and the seal of Kaiyuan Mansion, in big square characters: Kaiyuan Mansion Yin He Zhao.

"What is this?" Li Ye asked curiously.

The little girl didn't want to say it at first, but she seemed to think of something again, and said impatiently: "This is the official announcement of the Kaiyuan Mansion, all thieves and criminals will be arrested within one year, and it will be posted to inform the people at the end of the year."

Li Ye understood, are these dense lists of crimes? It seems that there are so many criminals in a Kaiyuan mansion within a year, and the relative population density is indeed much higher than that of later generations.

"Can I give you some advice?" Li Ye thought for a while and asked.

"What?" The little girl turned her head, with a look of reluctance: "You dare to give advice, what do you know?"

"I don't know anything else, but I understand what people think." Li Ye agreed with a smile.

"You're just a flamboyant playboy, yet you dare to speak nonsense." He Qian sarcastically mercilessly.

"Don't you always say that the guests in this building are all cheated by me? If I don't understand people's hearts, how can I cheat people here?" Li Ye asked her with a smile. The little girl was stunned. Before it started, it was as if the world had turned upside down. Obviously nothing had changed, but it became one of the hottest restaurants in Kyoto. You must know that there are eighty restaurants in Kyoto if there are not one hundred.

"Humph" the little girl snorted, but she probably believed in something in her heart: "Then tell me."

Li Ye shook the piece of paper in his hand: "Don't post this thing, if you want to claim credit, let your father show it to the emperor."

"Why, this is the achievement of our Kaiyuan Mansion's one-year hard work, of course we must let the world know!" He Qian said confidently.

It's hard for Li Ye to explain, why?Because of the principle of social proof!Humans are animals that crave approval, want to be in line with the majority, and if you tell the world that so many people are committing crimes, the result will definitely be an increase in crime.

He Zhao wanted to use these lists to show the merits and majesty of Kaiyuan Mansion, but he didn't understand psychology.In [-], the British Customs faced a serious tax delay problem. Only [-]% of the people paid their taxes on time, and the taxes did not come up.The suggestion given by a psychologist after consulting is to write the real number of people who have paid taxes on the tax reminder form, a very large number, and tell those who delay taxes that so many people have paid taxes, and the tax rate suddenly soared to nine. become!
This is the power of social proof.In the same way, Li Ye believed that if He Zhao posted this large list, it would definitely only worsen the law and order in Kyoto.
He had no choice but to explain to He Qian in another way: "Let me give you an example. For example, a person wants to steal a neighbor's sheep, but he is still hesitating whether to do it out of conscience. At this time, you post this list, and he sees it." Afterwards, I thought to myself that there are so many bad guys in our Kaiyuan Mansion every year, so there is no more than one more than me, and a lot less than me. What is there to blame? Others can be bad people, why can't I, so I stole without guilt. gone."

The little girl was a little stunned after hearing his words: "It seems to make sense."

Social proof is almost human instinct, and people align themselves with large groups.

"Do you know what the law is not to blame the public? If there are few criminals this year, you can naturally post it to show that the law is strict and warn the world. But when there are many people, it will not work. When there are many people, the people will subconsciously move closer to the side with more people. an instinct.

For example, if there are only ten criminals this year, if you post them, the people will definitely shout that the Kaiyuan Mansion is powerful and the thieves deserve death, even if they were wronged.”

"How could my father wrong someone!" The little girl interrupted him angrily.

Li Ye waved his hands and smiled: "I'm just giving an example, but if there are a thousand criminals in Kaiyuan Mansion this year, even if they all deserve their crimes, the common people will subconsciously side with the criminals if they see the public opinion, and wonder if Kaiyuan Mansion is doing favoritism and wronging the law." Good man. This is called the law does not blame the public, even if the crime lies with the 'public', it cannot be blamed, understand?"

He Qian thought for a while, his face gradually became serious, and then he was indignant: "Could it be possible to let the villains get away with it?"

Li Ye's head hurt so much that he couldn't help reaching out and nodding her head: "Are you a pig? Didn't I tell you that this was just an example. You asked your father not to post it, and you want to ask for credit to show up to the emperor. Anyway, criminals are all He didn't deal with it as he should."

He Qian turned red when he realized it, and said angrily, "You're a pig! I just... just didn't think about it for a while."

Li Ye smiled and shook his head, then went downstairs to fetch a jug of wine by himself. When he went upstairs again, the little girl frowned and was still thinking hard: "Then don't post anything?"

Li Ye sat down, poured himself a glass of wine, and said, "It's not that I don't want to post it, but how many households in Kaiyuan Mansion can be posted. The safety and security of this year is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

The little girl pouted and said, "Isn't this nonsense? There are so many people who haven't made trouble, I can't even count them."

Li Ye shook his head in disappointment, with a look of hating iron for nothing, which made He Qian feel that his IQ had been insulted again, gritted his teeth and snatched the wine glass from his hand: "Pretend to be a ghost, don't drink if you don't say it!"

"Didn't I say it a long time ago, people's hearts are always on the side of the majority, and this is to tell the people which side has more people." Li Ye said and went to grab the wine glass, but the little girl was stunned. It seemed that she was really like that bastard What he said has great truth, but she is not sure. After all, she has limited knowledge and experience, so she just thinks what he said is very logical and reasonable.

"You still don't give it to me?"

"Oh" He Qian stuffed the wine glass back, twisted his neck and looked away, his cheeks flushed slightly, and it was only then that he realized that he had done a very rude move in embarrassment.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Why? My family is in Kyoto. If the law and order in Kyoto is in chaos, my life will be difficult, not to mention that I am Li Xingzhou who everyone hates." Li Ye leaned on the pillar behind him, drinking comfortably and answering, really worried about his family. .

"Hmph, selfish people."


"Cowardly and fearful!"


"You and I will tell my father."

"Okay" Li Ye replied leisurely, he didn't want to move his butt while he was roasting by the warm fire.

(End of this chapter)

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