The rise of the prince

Chapter 661 Visit

Chapter 661 Visit
After a while, He Qian also rushed over, everyone laughed at her when they saw her, it was rare for the little girl to be shy.

It was a busy day, and the outside was also busy. In the afternoon, Li Xingzhou left the palace and took a carriage to Yang's mansion in the city. First, he came to visit Yang Hongzhao, and second, he came to tell him about his son.

Although Yang Jianye is young, he is a man. Unfortunately, good people don't live long, and he didn't survive.

The streets were full of cheering crowds, discussing the grand event of the prisoner offering just now.

Li Xingzhou's carriage passed through the lively crowd, and listening to the discussions of the people around him, the most common stories were either that he persuaded Anding and Weizhou to surrender, or that Di Zhi blocked the gate of Yanshan Prefecture and defeated ten thousand.

Regarding the emergence of these stories, Li Xingzhou just smiled. There are two kinds of psychology. One is that people can’t think of how he broke through Weizhou and Anding so quickly after thinking about it. It only makes sense, after all, no one has really seen how he won two important towns, and can still show his wisdom.

As for the other thing, why Di Zhi is said to be the enemy of ten thousand people, and the merits of more than 190 new army soldiers are all credited to Di Zhi, and he is not regarded as a person, because of the belief of real people.

Li Xingzhou is very worried about this point. In fact, the thousands of years of Chinese people's belief in real people does more harm than good. When the social change is not drastic, its confinement effect is not obvious, but when the society is undergoing drastic changes, it greatly confines people. .

And what Li Xingzhou wants to lead must be a world of drastic changes, so he is very worried.

Of course, at this time he was unable to think about those things, so Li Xingzhou didn't care, it didn't hurt anything, he was like a person who had just been able to eat coarse grains and was able to fill his stomach.

Soon, the car came to a stop. Compared with the hustle and bustle outside, the surrounding area was deserted. After all, the result is the most important thing for the defeated general.

There was no one guarding the door, so Li Xingzhou knocked on the door, and soon an old man poked his head out, "What's the matter?"

"I'm here to look for Yang Jiajun, is Yang Jiajun at home?" Li Xingzhou asked.

The old man glanced at him and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"Jin King Li Xingzhou, inform your master."

The old man froze, his expression became tense, he nodded quickly and retreated into the rear house.

After a while, he hurried back to open the door for him, "My lord, please come in, my master is waiting in the main hall."

Li Xingzhou followed him and quickly entered the mansion, only to find that there was almost no one around, it was deserted, and there was a thick pile of fallen leaves on the ground and no one cleaned it.

"What's going on?" Li Xingzhou asked.

"Oh, report back to the lord, the lord has sent away all the servants and maidservants in the mansion these days, leaving only me and a few old men." The old man said.

Li Xingzhou looked at the dilapidated surroundings and felt a little puzzled. Could it be that Yang Hongzhao thought he was doomed?So arrange your funeral in advance?
After thinking about it, they had already walked to the inner hall, and Yang Hongzhao was already waiting for him in ordinary clothes.

"Criminal Yang Hongzhao, I have seen the prince." Li Xingzhou just entered, Yang Hongzhao cupped his hands and said.

Li Xingzhou smiled: "No, Lord Yang is not a criminal subject in my heart." He returned the salute, and then the two sat down.

"My lord has only arrived in the capital today, why is it so exhausting?" Yang Hongzhao was puzzled.

Li Xingzhou said: "It's nothing, I just want to see Mr. Yang. After returning to Beijing, Mr. Yang will be in a bad situation."

Yang Hongzhao didn't say a word, it was a tacit consent.

He sighed and said, "This king knows this is unfair, Lord Yang shouldn't be treated like this."

"My lord." Yang Hongzhao was surprised.

"I am very clear about the matter, and I also understand that you are having a hard time, so I came to see you." Li Xingzhou said seriously, he really admired this frustrated veteran, "It is said that man makes things happen, and God makes things happen. When adults do it, they are better than ninety-nine percent of the people in the world, and they are better than those who are just talking and talking on paper.

As for success or failure, it still depends on the weather and luck, at least in this king's view, Master Yang has done his best and done well, as for failure, it is just bad luck. "

Hearing what he said, Yang Hongzhao's expression moved, he opened his mouth, his lips were trembling, as if he was too moved to speak.

Li Xingzhou said: "After the general returns to Beijing, he must have suffered huge slander, and the pressure he bears is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but I believe that Pi Jitai will always come."

"My lord, I don't dare to be an old minister!" Yang Hongzhao shook his head and bowed his hands. He couldn't control his emotions for a moment, and he burst into tears.

Li Xingzhou quickly pulled him up and held his skinny hand. The old man had big knuckles, which is a characteristic of people who use weapons all the year round. The palms are full of calluses. A pair of big hands are like solid rocks. .

"Master Yang, of course you deserve it." Li Xingzhou smiled, "I will find a way in the court, Lord Yang does not have to worry about his life, please bear with me during this time, I will find a way as soon as possible.

I have always liked a saying by Xunzi, and I would like to give it to Master Yang today, "The sky is not for the coldness of the people, and the winter is not. '" he finished solemnly.

Yang Hongzhao nodded: "The old minister will remember."

Speaking of which, Li Xingzhou asked his entourage to bring in a small box, "It contains 500 taels of silver. Recently, Mr. Yang has been dismissed from his official position. He has no salary and not much money. Please help him temporarily. You don't have to refuse. For me, 500 taels is just a drop in the bucket, so don’t feel like you owe me anything, it’s what the court owes you.”

Speaking of which, Li Xingzhou couldn't help but refuse, and asked his followers to put the box on the table.

"My lord, thank you, my lord!"

Giving money is also one of Li Xingzhou's goals. A veteran who was born and died, he shouldn't end up like this.

The next thing is to be sad
"One more thing, about General Xiao Yang." He hesitated, and finally said: "We found his body in Yanshan Mansion. He was killed by the Liao people."

Yang Hongzhao's eyes dimmed, and he nodded blankly: "The old minister already knew."

Li Xingzhou sat down, and his voice became softer: "When we found him, he had been dead for too long, and we couldn't bring him back, so he was buried on the spot. Now Yanshan Mansion is the territory of our Jing Kingdom, and it can be regarded as the hometown of the soul."

Yang Hongzhao only sighed lightly and did not speak.Li Xingzhou continued: "The bravery of General Yang, I and the soldiers all admire, so I have written a letter to the imperial court to seal him."

Yang Hongzhao was taken aback for a moment, and then he said in surprise: "But...but the old minister is a sinner, the son of a sinner"

"A merit is a merit, a demerit is a demerit, besides, merits and demerits are not involved, you are a guilty minister, your son is not, I will make this clear to the emperor." He said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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