The rise of the prince

Chapter 664 1 Nose Grey

Chapter 664 A Gray Nose

After returning to Beijing for a few days, Li Xingzhou finally realized his dream of sleeping with Gillian Shiyu. I have to say, it was really an unexpected harvest. Although Shiyu still had some conflicts, he complied even after being coaxed and tricked.

Another thing is that both Shiyu and Gillian reminded him that he should visit He Fu.

After all, He Qian is already a member of the palace in name, the little girl has a thick skin, and he is used to running to the palace every day, but what about her family?It is inevitable that people outside will have some criticisms, and it is only natural for him to go to the He Mansion.

Even Shiyu prepared a gift for him, and Li Xingzhou was ready to go, because there is another point, that is, among those who advocate severely punishing Yang Hongzhao, He Zhao is the most important person.

When he arrived at the gate of the He Mansion, Li Xingzhou got off the car far away, and saw a young man pulling a bow at the gate. He felt a little familiar from a distance. When he walked in, he saw that it was He Xu and He Qian who went to Mongolia to do business back then. Second brother?

The other party also saw him, stunned for a moment, and then excitedly said: "My lord!"

"Master He." Li Xingzhou cupped his hands.

He Xu laughed: "My lord is here to find my little sister, she is dancing sword in the inner courtyard."

"No, I'm here to visit Mr. He." Li Xingzhou smiled, and then He Xu opened the way and led him to the mansion.

On the way, Li Xingzhou curiously took the bow in his hand: "What is this?"

Li Xingzhou has seen the bow used by the imperial army before. The bow arm is longer than this one. The advantage of the long bow is that it can store more energy, so it is more powerful. This bow is shorter, and the bow tip is very wide, enough to crush walnuts This kind of nuts is also different from the bow used by the Jingguo Forbidden Army.

"The bows used by the Mongols." He Xu said as he walked, "My lord, what advantages do you think this kind of bow has over the Central Plains bow?"

Li Xingzhou looked at it and said: "It is convenient, easy to open, and convenient to use immediately."

He Xu nodded: "Passing through Datong Mansion, Yunneizhou, passing through the Gobi Desert, and further north on the grasslands, everyone rides horses and everyone shoots arrows. How old do you think a child in the Central Plains can use such a bow?"

Li Xingzhou thought for a while, pulled the bow to test the tension, and said, "At least to the left and right."

He Xu nodded: "I thought so too at first, but the children on the grassland have been riding horses since they were young, and all of them have been shooting arrows. I have seen with my own eyes that many children aged [-] or [-] can shoot bows like this, and they still shoot bows while riding horses." .”

Speaking of this, He Xu shook his head: "I was a little scared at the time, but fortunately they were far away from the Central Plains, and there was Liao Kingdom in the middle, now Jin Kingdom, and Xixia in the northwest. If not, how would Jing Kingdom deal with it? ?
Not to mention that it is impossible for the people of Jingguo to be proficient in horse bow and horse since they were young. Even if they have the opportunity to practice bow and horse martial arts, everyone thinks in their hearts that "everything is inferior, only reading is good". Learning martial arts, such a comparison is completely incomparable.

Also thinking about this, I bought this bow from them in the north, and brought it back to Lai to motivate myself, to practice more martial arts at home, it is best if I don’t need it, and if there is a day, I can also protect myself.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days of practice, my father scolded me for not doing my job properly, I dare not learn bows in the mansion, so I had to go to the door to make gestures, alas." He Xu sighed, and Li Xingzhou understood why he was drawing bows alone at the door.

Li Xingzhou laughed, and then said: "Your worries are justified. You were also worried about this issue at the beginning, so I hope you can help me collect some information about the Mongolian tribes."

He Xu smiled: "My lord, I really tried my best on this matter. Just after I arrived in Mongolia, they fought over there. They dared not go out in such a state of chaos. Moreover, the people fighting over there were far more cruel than those in the Central Plains."

"Oh, let's hear it." Li Xingzhou said.

As they talked, the two of them also slowed down. He Xu said, "Beforehand, I was in the eastern part of the grassland. Because it was quieter there, most of the news was just hearsay."

"It's okay, let's talk about it." The two walked to a corridor and sat down on the side of the corridor.

"It is said that a tribe rose up on the grassland, which attracted dissatisfaction from other tribes. A total of thirteen powerful tribes united to attack the newly rising tribe. Therefore, during that time, the grassland was in chaos and everyone was in danger."

"Xingxing Tribe?" Li Xingzhou frowned: "Do you know what it's called?"

He Xu shook his head: "I can't hear clearly either. The Mongols call them disasters or something, but judging from their conversations, they probably belong to the tribes living on the banks of the Onan River."

"Wonan River" Li Xingzhou frowned even tighter.

"The result?" he continued.

He Xu said: "Naturally, one tribe cannot stop the joint attack of thirteen tribes. When I was about to go south, I heard that the tribe by the Onan River was defeated by the thirteen coalition forces. Many captured soldiers were boiled alive by the coalition leader in a big pot die."

Speaking of which, He Xu shook his head with a look of unbearable.

Li Xingzhou also shuddered when he heard that. In a big battle, as the majority of Mongolia, at least ten thousand troops could be dispatched. After the defeat, the number of prisoners can be imagined, and they would all be boiled alive in a pot.
Killing people and torturing people are completely different things. If you kill prisoners, Li Xingzhou is understandable on the battlefield. In many cases, you have to make up your mind. All need condemnation.

But from the perspective of Qin's interests, Zhao was the only big country that could compete with Qin at that time.

In the Battle of Changping, Lian Po fought against the Qin army for several years. Not only Zhao Guo ran out of ammunition and food, but also Qin State. Therefore, many people say that Zhao State can’t consume more than Qin State. It doesn’t make sense. They can only say that Zhao State The top management does not have the determination and courage to go all out like Qin.

By the end of the war, the King of Qin had to go into battle in person, conscripting all males aged 16 and above to the front line for support. It basically means giving up farming. If this battle is lost, it will be a fatal blow to the mighty Qin State.

Qin Guo won this gamble at the last moment when he collapsed from exhaustion.

The many prisoners of Zhao Jun became a big problem. If they kept them, Qin Jun himself had already run out of ammunition and food. How could there be food to feed so many people?
Let them go, these people returned to Handan to be Zhao Guo's new force. Qin Guo fought the national fortune, although he won, but he couldn't deal a huge blow to Zhao Guo.

So morally, it is right to condemn Bai Qi, but strategically, it is Qin's most correct choice to kill all Zhao Jun's prisoners.

Bai Qi should bear the infamy, because he did it.As for himself, he must have a clear conscience, because he is a general of the Qin State, if you ask him to choose again, he will still kill him.

Li Xingzhou did not dislike this kind of tragic choice.

At least if it were him, he might not have the courage and cold-bloodedness of Bai Qi, but he still prefers that in his heart.

But killing people like what He Xu said is purely tyrannical and senseless
At the same time, thirteen tribes rose up. Li Xingzhou vaguely had some associations, but he didn't say it.

"Poor, it's better to die in battle than this." Li Xingzhou sighed.

He Xu smiled: "My lord, this is not the most pitiful, at least their tribe has not been destroyed. After winning a battle, the thirteen coalition forces did not dare to underestimate them, so they dispersed.

On the grassland, it is the worst thing if a tribe is defeated, according to unwritten rules, if a tribe is completely defeated, all the men who are taller than the wheel will be killed, and the remaining men and women will be slaves for generations."

Speaking of this, He Xu shook his head, and said with a smile: "It is also because of this that most people on the grassland are brave and good at fighting, fearless of death, ferocious and bloodthirsty, accompanied by bows and knives since childhood, and excellent in equestrian skills.

If one day they pass Yanmen Pass and Juyong Pass, I bet that the Central Plains is definitely not the opponent.

They are a pack of wolves who grew up in such a cruel environment, as for the Central Plains people.
On the contrary, I feel like a gentle sheep from a pet.Especially those scholars who recite poems and compose Fu all day long, and travel around mountains and rivers.I advised them to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and to be prepared for military affairs, but in the end they turned out to be the target of all the attacks." He Xu shook his head helplessly while covering his head.

"It's a headache to think about it. Fortunately, they are thousands of miles away from us, and there are Jin Kingdom and Xixia in between, so there is no need to worry. When I returned to the south, the most eastern tribe on the grassland was also the strongest tribe in the east. Tatar The Ministry has surrendered to Jin Guo.

Some other tribes wanted to avenge the Dajin people for Liao, but almost no one sent troops, just talking.In this way, it seems that the situation in the north may be stabilized, at least it will not affect the Central Plains. "

Li Xingzhou smiled wryly after hearing his words, but became even more worried.

Because the Mongols are different from the Central Plains people.In the Central Plains countries, most people have a strong rural complex, and the idea of ​​returning to their roots is deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Therefore, expeditions are difficult to achieve. The farthest expeditions of the Central Plains Dynasty were the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. For example, Huo Qubing, Wei Qing, Su Lie, and Gao Xianzhi represented people who went west to Central Asia and north to Lake Baikal. These people finally came back after finishing the fight.

The Mongols are different. They settled down wherever they went. The Mongolian conquests often took them several years to march. They went west to Poland in Europe, and went north to destroy the Russian countries. They almost killed all the Russians. Nobles, and then hit where to stay
Not to mention the thousands of miles, they can call over thousands of miles away, so He Xu's idea is good, but he still doesn't know Mongolia well enough.

Li Xingzhou chatted with He Xu for a long time, and then he also found out that He Xu is different from ordinary rich kids, those noble sons, talented people are different, well-informed and experienced, and then he thought about it, which noble son is as young as him I have been to the Gobi desert in the northwest and the northern prairie.

It's a talent!This was what Li Xingzhou thought.

Li Xingzhou admired this man very much from the bottom of his heart, but he also remembered that he came to visit He Zhao today, and said immediately: "If you want to practice archery in the future, you can go to the new army barracks outside the city to practice, and I will give you the house number."

He Xu stood up excitedly: "Really!"

"Of course it is true, but you have to abide by the rules of the barracks when you enter the barracks. As for suffering, it must not be a problem for you."

"Thank you, my lord." He Xu cupped his hands excitedly.

Li Xingzhou agreed with a smile, and then the two continued to walk in to visit He Zhao.

He Zhao didn't go to court today, nor did he go to Kaiyuan Mansion, but Zi Ah's mansion was preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival. His new wife was a beautiful woman who still had a charm, and she was also helping to direct the family's servants at this time.

"Father, there are guests here." He Xu said loudly.

He Zhao and his wife looked this way, Mrs. He asked He Xu with some doubts: "Who is this?"

"Mother, this is the Prince Jin that people are talking about recently, Qian'er's future husband." He Xu introduced that he has a more cheerful personality, and it seems that he gets along well with his stepmother.

When Mrs. He heard this, she opened her mouth wide, and then hurriedly said: "Your daughter is rude, but I really didn't expect the prince to be so young, and it seems to be quite different from the legend."

Li Xingzhou laughed: "Uncle was joking, I'm free today, so I specially brought a gift to visit you two."

He Zhao was calmer, just nodded, and then ordered his servants to prepare tea.

After entering the hall, they exchanged pleasantries. In fact, they hadn't spoken to He Xu very well, but Li Xingzhou tried to be as polite as possible, because he had something to ask for.

He wanted to ask He Zhao to help protect Yang Hongzhao.

When the words were almost finished, He Zhao's wife and He Xu retreated, leaving only the two of them in the room. Li Xingzhou made this request, but He Zhao remained silent.

After a while, he slowly opened his mouth: "Why?"

"Yang Hongzhao is a talent." Li Xingzhou said directly.

"But as the commander-in-chief, he lost the battle and lost the army." He Zhao refused to give an inch.

"This is the right time, and it's not the fault of man. Besides, even if he has no credit, he has worked hard. He has worked hard for Jingguo all his life." Li Xingzhou said.

"It also depends on the result. Even if you spend your whole life running around, in the end it will be a waste of time and money, and damage to the country's power. That's still a crime!" He Zhao still didn't let go.

"The crown prince is responsible for the trouble in the south, and Tong Guan is responsible for the trouble in the north. What can he do?"

"But no matter which time, he is the coach. That's called incompetence and connivance."

"Joke, how does he control the crown prince as a commander in front of the palace? Tong Guan is the commander of the infantry of the bodyguards. He is at the same level as him. How can he control him?" Li Xingzhou asked back, speaking faster and faster.

"As the commander-in-chief, these are his responsibilities, and these are things that he should mediate. How do I know?"

"Excessive words!" Li Xingzhou said angrily.

"The prince said yes, but there is no room for this matter."


The two of them were talking in a hurry, the faster they talked, the more gunpowder in their words became more and more intense
In the end, Li Xingzhou wished he could yell out that sentence, "If Yang Hongzhao were a civil servant, would you still want to kill him?"

Of course reason made him hold back, because once he said this, he would offend the entire court. Although He Zhao has always been fair and upright, his fairness is also fair from the standpoint of a literati.

Even the emperor would not dare to say such words, let alone he is only a prince now.

After a pause, Li Xingzhou took a deep breath, drank two sips of tea, and said, "Okay, you don't need to help, but I will do what I say, Yang Hongzhao, I'm sure, you'd better think about it."

He Zhao also had a dark face, and said stubbornly: "Hmph, the old minister also told the prince that this ambition will never change, and I will leave the words here."

Li Xingzhou was so angry that he almost smashed his teacup on his black face, cursed a few words, "Old stubborn, stinky stone in the latrine!" Then broke up unhappy.

When he left He Mansion, he was still full of anger.

Degong is getting old, and now He Zhao is slowly leading the court. Many people are looking at He Zhao's attitude, so his statement is obviously the most important, but he didn't expect to be ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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