Chapter 673

In the imperial garden, wine and cups were intertwined, and everyone chatted and chanted poems, and it was very lively.

This atmosphere did not change until the emperor came. The empress and concubine Tian also came, and many people surrounded Li Xingzhou, He Zhao, Mao Luan, Xue Fang, Tang Zhouwei, Bao Zheng, Ji Chunsheng and so on. Degong also came over.

Halfway through the conversation, some people also began to recite poems. Most of these officials were literati, so they were naturally very talented, and their poems were of a higher level than those of outsiders. The yard is full of plants, the core is cold, the fragrance is cold, and the butterflies are hard to come.If I were Qing Emperor in other years, the retribution and peach blossoms will bloom together.

Talented and interesting, he is worthy of being a master of Neo Confucianism, and he reads a lot.

Some very talented officials also came up with good sentences one after another, and some people asked him to write, but Li Xingzhou quickly declined. The imperial garden was full of chrysanthemums, and the writing was mainly about chrysanthemums, so he would recite the song "Picking Chrysanthemums" "Under the Eastern Fence", the artistic conception is not suitable for this occasion, it is a thousand miles away, so don't be ashamed.

Everyone was not embarrassed, but said that he was hiding his clumsiness. Tang Zhou took the opportunity to flatter him, saying that if he wrote poems, the rest of them would not have to write, which made the empress laugh.

While everyone was happy, Li Xingzhou also kept observing the situation secretly, and gradually he found that the prince still didn't come after it was completely dark.

Li Xingzhou felt even more uneasy. Has the prince given up struggling?

No, before the emperor issued the decree to abolish the prince, he was still the prince. How could he not come to such a grand banquet.

He was just about to ask the little eunuchs around him about the situation in the Eastern Palace, because the Eastern Palace was also in the imperial city, but at this moment, he heard people talking about Yang Hongzhao.

Li Xingzhou looked over and found that it was Yushitai's new censor Zhongcheng Tianfeng. The surrounding areas were probably Dali Temple, Yushitai and officials from the Ministry of Punishment. A senior official like Yang Hongzhao needed the assistant of the third department to deal with it. The three divisions are the Yushitai, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment. It is not surprising that they gathered to discuss at this time.

Li Xingzhou walked over curiously and said, "My lords, what do you think about Yang Hongzhao's treatment?"

When everyone saw him, they quickly saluted respectfully, and he returned the salute earnestly. Only then did the other party speak. Tian Feng obviously has a high EQ. He didn't say the opinion of the third supervision department first, but said with a smile: "I don't know if Prince Jin will say anything about it. If you have any opinion on the matter, the prince’s opinion, I and all my colleagues will carefully consider it.”

This is to give him face, and at the same time please him. After all, the situation in the court has gradually become clearer. Li Xingzhou is not hypocritical, and said directly: "Since you are giving this king face, I will be blunt. The first crime is Tong Guan, Yang Hu and others. As the coach, Yang Hongzhao, although he has

In the middle of speaking, Li Xingzhou stopped suddenly. His mind started to buzz as if he had been hit by a giant hammer. A light flashed and he was quickly caught. He took half a step back, a little dazed.

"Where is Tong Guan? Is Tong Guan in Yushitai Prison?" Li Xingzhou asked anxiously.

Yushi Zhongcheng was taken aback: "My lord, Tong Guan was imprisoned in the Yushitai Prison before. Later... Later, someone in the family begged, so he was allowed to go home and wait for the third division to issue it."

Li Xingzhou muttered to himself: "Smart is misunderstood by cleverness"

"My lord?" Tian Feng and the others looked at him puzzled.

"My lords, I have to leave first." Li Xingzhou said hastily, turned around and left, leaving behind everyone with puzzled faces. Li Xingzhou went through the crowd and began to look for Ji Chunsheng.

When he mentioned Yang Hongzhao just now, he suddenly realized that Yang Hongzhao may die, but Tong Guan is definitely dead!
The imperial court likes to make sinners idle at home, waiting to be punished, which is a manifestation of law, tolerance and civilization. This trick is really useful for civil servants who have no power to restrain their opponents, but it can also be used for military generals. What kind of gifts does he give?
In the past, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, as well as him and Shiyu, were all attracted by Yang Hongzhao's life-and-death debate, so all attention was focused on Yang Hongzhao, but Tong Guan was forgotten. Tong Guan's guilt is indisputable and dead up!
But Tong Guan is also the commander of the bodyguard's infantry!Although he is not the commander in chief, he has led troops to fight for many years, and he must have prestige in the army. If he is forced to die, and with a wave of his hand, it is not impossible to gather the forbidden army who have long been full of resentment towards the court.

Li Xingzhou's bad premonition reached its peak, it was completely dark, and the crown prince hadn't come yet!Tong Guan and Yang Hongzhao are not in Yushitai Prison either.

Although Yang Hongzhao is bloody and a general, he also has a bottom line. On the contrary, he is Tong Guan, a person who can send troops to plunder innocent people at will in Yanshan Mansion, maybe he can really do anything.
Li Xingzhou quickly found Ji Chunsheng in the group, he was having a drink with Degong, this is where Degong is more open-minded than He Zhao, He Zhao is old-fashioned and doesn't know how to adapt, he would definitely not be able to have a drink with a warrior.

But Degong is not. Degong is principled in doing things, but he knows how to be flexible and not rigid. The so-called essence of the mean is that there is authority. This is the case. Sutras are long-term and immutable; rights are expedient and can be flexible. Some things are Classics, some are rights, and Degong has a good grasp of them.

But this was not the time to praise the old man, Li Xingzhou stepped forward, pulled Ji Chunsheng and said, "Uncle Ji, I have something to entrust to you!"

Seeing him in a hurry, Ji Chunsheng was drinking happily, and he didn't dare to neglect, he quickly put down his glass: "My lord, what's the matter, just give orders."

De Gong also came over: "What's the matter?"

"I have some bad guesses." He whispered: "Anyway, it's not too late, Uncle Ji, I want you to go and gather the eight guards to the imperial garden."

"But the Wu De Division sergeant is not allowed to enter the inner city, my lord." Ji Chunsheng's eyes widened.

Li Xingzhou said: "You don't need to enter the inner city. If you want to enter the imperial garden, you can only go to the Xuanwu Gate. You gather all the defenders outside the Xuanwu Gate. I will talk to the Emperor."

A slight carelessness in this kind of action is tantamount to treason, what do you want to gather a large number of troops to the emperor's side?But Ji Chunsheng trusted him very much, nodded and said: "I'll go here."

Li Xingzhou nodded, "Come and go quickly."

Just as Ji Chunsheng was about to turn around, he grabbed him again. He took a deep breath and said seriously, "Uncle Ji, be careful all the way."

Ji Chunsheng understood the meaning in his eyes, and nodded earnestly: "Little prince, don't worry about doing something." After saying that, he cupped his hands and hurried out.

Degong looked at him, and his expression became serious: "Do you think so?"

Li Xingzhou nodded: "Tonight is the best opportunity. If it were me, it would be tonight, and Mr. De, the crown prince has not come yet."

De Gong didn't say much, nodded and said, "I'll go with you to the emperor's side."

Li Xingzhou nodded, a little moved in his heart, and then the two thought about the emperor's side and walked. The emperor was in a small pavilion in the imperial garden, surrounded by hundreds of officials, and behind him was Mr. Fu'an, who was known as the number one expert in the capital. Wei Li, the commander of Shangzhi's personal guards.

Li Xingzhou walked through the crowd and walked to the front. Before he reached the pavilion, he suddenly saw fires rising into the sky under the night curtain in the southeast, illuminating half of the night sky.

Many people slowly noticed, looked over there, started pointing, whispering whether the palace was flooded, Li Xingzhou's heart skipped a beat, cao!

(End of this chapter)

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