The rise of the prince

Chapter 688 Good News

Chapter 688 Good News
Li Xingzhou could see the ruins of the main entrance of the palace from a distance. Shiyu and others greeted him at the front gate. Seeing that everyone was safe and sound, he let go of the heaviest heart. Then he got off his horse and strode forward, hugging her.

The poem said in a low voice: "Someone is watching." Not only the people in the palace, but also many people are watching by the river on the other side of the palace. All cheered loudly.

"It's not her alone." Qi Fang next to her said dissatisfiedly.

Li Xingzhou smiled, opened his arms and hugged her deeply, and then hugged everyone again. In just one night, it was like a sea of ​​vicissitudes. Ji Chunsheng's death made him understand how important these people around him are to him.

Surrounded by everyone, Li Xingzhou relaxed his whole body and entered the palace. Even though the main entrance and front yard had been blown into ruins, it was more comfortable than inside the palace.

Shiyu blushed slightly, and pulled Gillian to tell him that no one was injured in the mansion, only three soldiers from the new army were injured by shrapnel because they were too close to the impact point during the battle, but they were not serious.

When Li Xingzhou heard the news, he felt a lot less gloomy. While avoiding the huge crater and walking in with everyone, he joked, "Did the bombing blow up all my shells, you prodigal bitch."

It was rare for Qifang not to refute him.

Everyone entered the hall amidst laughter, and Qifang stood blankly in the messy courtyard.

"What's the matter?" After a while, Wei Yubai, who came back from the horse, patted her on the shoulder.

Qifang was taken aback, and quickly shook her head: "It's nothing."

Wei Yubai and Qifang have a common language, they are both from the military, they share a common language, and their relationship is very good, better than ordinary friends, but they can't say words like girlfriends, because they are very capable, and girlfriends are too feminine to describe .

Wei Yubai then looked at the dilapidated scene around him, kicked away a piece of charred soil at his feet, "It must have been hit with a new cannon."

"Have you seen it?" Qi Fang was curious.

"Yes, I just came back from the north, and the prince took me to see him."

"That's right, you are his right-hand man on the battlefield." Qi Fang said sourly.

Wei Yubai smiled, "Don't be so sour, the new army hasn't fought yet, you are the first to use it, and looking at the yard, you are afraid when you think about it. Think about it, if the shell hits the army formation like this, what kind of army can fight it?" I can bear it." As she spoke, she looked at the ruins around her with emotion.

Qifang smiled triumphantly: "You must have never imagined that this is only eight rounds."

"How many people are there?"

"You don't know?" Qi Fang asked back.

"The rebels explained that there were two battalions."

"Basically, I played once at night, and then when the sky was about to dawn, a small group came back desperately and fought again.

The corpses were cleaned up before you came back, and there were more than 400 people who died that night, including those who died of serious injuries, and those killed by the new army until dawn. Qifang said: "More than half of the people ran away in fear, and they scratched several with their tongues." "

"You are so powerful, even the two battalions can't get in." Wei Yubai praised as he walked.

"It's better than you in the north, but it's nothing more than a big witch." Qi Fang sighed: "Sometimes I want to go with you, but I have self-knowledge, and I have some experience. If you say that you are a soldier, you must be better than you, Di Zhi. , Yan Shen a few."

Wei Yubai looked at her and smirked: "You don't want to be with me, you want to be with the prince, right?"

Qi Fang paused for a moment, and immediately fought back, "Aren't you?"

Wei Yubai smiled and didn't answer her, Qifang asked after her, but Wei Yubai didn't answer, just smiled.

It was rare for Qi Fang to be deflated. Seeing that she stopped asking, Wei Yubai smiled and said, "You obviously think about the prince, why do you want to marry?"

Qifang was too lazy to refute, and said helplessly: "The family has no successors, my father forced it, and Luohua is intentional and ruthless, I am a little sparrow, I dare not climb the dragon and the phoenix."

"Whether you are a sparrow or a phoenix depends on the prince. Maybe you just think that a sparrow is a phoenix in the prince's heart."

"How come?" Qifang hesitated.

"I've never seen you so unconfident." Wei Yubai smiled.

"Don't always talk about me." Qifang gave her a dissatisfied look: "Besides, who will the prince be in the future?"

The two looked at each other, but didn't say anything, it was self-evident.

"Think about it, if he can see me, is it possible that he will be locked in that big cage in the palace every day in the future? I don't want to." Qi Fang leaned over and whispered in Wei Yubai's ear.

Wei Yubai was stunned, then shook his head and smiled helplessly: "You wild girl, how could you do such a thing."

"You can't say it outside." Qifang said.

"Do not worry."

The two walked while talking, and soon entered the inner hall.

In the middle of the lobby, Qifang told Li Xingzhou in detail the beginning and end of last night's battle, and reported the casualties.

Then Shiyu told him that Ji Chunsheng had been buried in the coffin, should he go and see him.

Li Xingzhou met Ji Chunsheng for the last time in the back hall. His family was full of tears. He was very quiet, without his former bravery, lying quietly in the coffin, motionless.

Li Xingzhou took Gillian and Shiyu along, kowtowed to him respectfully, closed the coffin for him personally, and then ordered him to be buried in the tomb of the palace.

The palace had just fought a war, and a large part of it was destroyed, and needed repairs, and the funeral could not be held in a big way, but almost all the dignitaries, court ministers, came. First, Ji Chunsheng was an envoy of martial arts, a senior official, and a colleague.

Secondly, that night Ji Chunsheng died protecting the King of Jin, and the King of Jin even killed the prince for revenge, which shows the status of Ji Chunsheng in the heart of the King of Jin.

And what is the status of King Jin? Once the crown prince dies, this matter will be settled.

Therefore, although the funeral was not a big one, the crowd was unprecedented. Hundreds of officials in the court and royal dignitaries all came to see Ji Chunsheng off. There were also many famous Confucian masters who had the right to speak to write funeral poems and poems for him. The word spread.

Various deeds of Ji Chunsheng are also passed down by word of mouth. Presumably, within a few generations, Ji Chunsheng's loyalty and bravery will become a figure like the enemy of thousands of people who will be talked about by future generations.

At least it is a kind of consolation.

On August 28, after the situation had completely stabilized, the emperor summoned Zhongshu, Shangshu, Menxia three provinces, plus three divisions, six ministries, and officials and ministers of the Privy Council to enter the palace. And the common people: Tong Guan conspired against the prince, and the prince was killed in the chaos. King Jin and his subordinate Wei Yubai rescued him in time.

Finally, it is said that the country cannot be without a prince for a day, and choose an auspicious day to set up the king of Jin as the grandson of the emperor and enter the East Palace.

This important news was quickly accompanied by a fast horse traveling all over the country, both inside and outside the capital.

When the Wangfu got the news, it was already dusk and most people were eating.

Because the emperor was worried, he handed over all the forbidden troops to Li Xingzhou for rectification and management, so he was too busy to enter the palace these days.

When the concierge was so excited that he stumbled several times to send the news to the main hall, Li Xingzhou, who was eating with everyone, put down his chopsticks, feeling mixed emotions in his excitement.

Others couldn't hide the excitement on their faces
(End of this chapter)

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