The rise of the prince

Chapter 721 Find an umbrella

Chapter 721 Find an umbrella
Di Zhi thought for a long time, "My lord, if I meet, the subordinates think that the best way is not to get entangled with him, and go directly to the important place, the king's court. If he comes to harass him, he will fight back with superior firepower."

Li Xingzhou nodded and smiled, "You think more than Yan Shen and the others. Wei Qing and Huo Qubing did this when they dealt with the Huns. Regardless of their harassment, relying on the experience and determination of the coach, they drove straight to the court of the Huns.

This is the best way to deal with the nomadic tribes in the Mobei grassland. "Li Xingzhou nodded, "If you use offense as defense, you will have a chance of winning. If you defend passively, you will only be dragged to death." "

But when he came to this, he changed the subject; "It's a pity that Jingguo is not the Han Dynasty at the time. The Han Dynasty first had the Liaodong Plain, and later Huo Qubing recovered the Hetao area. He had two horse farms in his hands. Later, there were tributes from grassland countries. The Han Dynasty can organize A cavalry army of about [-] people, one man and two horses, combined with powerful crossbows, rushed thousands of miles to attack the royal court on the Mobei grassland, do you think I, Jingguo, can do it?"

Di Zhi shook his head: "My lord is right. Now I tell you that the Hetao Grassland is in the hands of the Xia State, and the Liaodong Plain is in the hands of the Jin State. Even with the power of the whole country, they cannot squeeze out so many horses."

"That's right, so if we encounter such an opponent, we won't be able to take the initiative to attack." Li Xingzhou also felt helpless. Facing this kind of tactic, all he needed was to defend his own city, and then use high-mobility troops to ignore the opponent's harassment and attack directly. Its gathering place destroys the living force.

It is a pity that Jingguo is currently unable to achieve this.

Jingguo has few horses, and cannot stop the army that can raid the nomadic gathering area in Mobei. Xiaguo has horses, but few people. Three thousand iron kites are already Xiaguo's family property.

The Kingdom of Jin is currently the most likely to realize this plan. The Kingdom of Jin has a horse factory in Liaodong, a nomadic area near Yinshan Mountain, and a horse factory left by the Khitan people.

But it is difficult for Jin Guo to realize that the threat from the north is a big problem, and the reason why he thought of such a battle is also from the perspective of God, looking at the rise and decline of the Mongolian Golden Family. Among them, it is difficult to think of a way before the loss is heavy.

"But these are not the key points right now. I want to form a new navy." Li Xingzhou said.

"Navy!" Di Zhi was a little surprised.

"Yes, you can also understand it as a naval army, but in the future you will need to travel more by sea. The military port is located outside Kaiyuan City, along the river to the east to enter the sea, and to the south to enter the river through the canal." Li Xingzhou said, although Kaiyuan is surrounded by flat rivers, it is not suitable Defense, so in history, the Kingdom of Jin could drive straight in and surround the capital, but there is also an advantage.

That is, the surrounding water network is dense, it is convenient to connect to the Yangtze River, and it is also convenient to enter the sea. As a military port, it can be said to extend in all directions.

To the northwest, you can follow the river to support the cities along the river, and threaten the important towns along the river in Xixia; to the southwest, you can follow the river to reach various important towns.

Going east to the sea, you can quickly radiate Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Jiaozhou, Yanshan Prefecture, Liaodong, Korean Peninsula and other places, which can be described as strategically important places.

Di Zhi was very excited, "My lord, this subordinate has thought about it a long time ago, and I'm afraid that my lord will disagree!"

"After the Battle of Yanshan Mansion, my subordinates discovered that the navy has at least two advantages over the army. First, it travels faster. It takes ten days and a half a month by land. If the waterway is on the way, it can be reached in one or two days. Horses don't have to work hard, and they can go into battle as soon as they reach their destination.

Second, it is flexible and changeable, and it is impossible to defend against it. Take the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Xia as examples. If we want to use troops against the Kingdom of Jin, if we march westward, we will be Datong Mansion, and if we march eastward, we will be Shanhaiguan. If we cannot pass these two places, the army will be blocked. Death, as long as the Kingdom of Jin increases its troops in these two places, we must fight if we fight, or we must fight if we don't fight.

However, if there are thousands of navies and more than a dozen cities in the Jin Kingdom along the Bohai Sea, they can attack everywhere, and they can attack wherever they want. The city can be attacked, and the navy can be placed on the sea, and it can be bombarded when it is close. "

Di Zhi became more and more excited as he spoke, "My lord, Xia Guo is also the same way. If you go by land, Jingsai Junsi, Yongle City and other places are important towns and strong cities that must be attacked. But if you have a capable navy, go up the Yellow River and go along Dingzhou, Huaizhou, Jingzhou, Shunzhou, Mingsha, Xingqing Mansion, Xiping Mansion, etc. in Hezhong Township are all on the banks of the big river. They don’t care where they want to guard. They deploy troops on land General, let the soldiers rush to defend, never as fast as in the water.

What's more, land transfer consumes the soldiers' physical strength, and most soldiers can rest on the boat when they are transferred in water. They will be exhausted and lose in the end. "

Li Xingzhou looked at Di Zhi in surprise: "You can think of so much, this injury is not in vain, take good care of your injury, I have asked Shen Lin to do the recruitment of naval personnel, and I will teach you a 1 yuan in the spring of next year." manned naval force."

"My lord, where's the boat?" Di Zhi asked excitedly.

Li Xingzhou smiled mysteriously: "Have you heard the story of Lu Meng crossing the river in white?"

Di Zhi nodded half-understood.

"I asked you to do the same thing. Your analysis is very reasonable, and the Kingdom of Jin and the Kingdom of Xia are both the goals I expected. In fact, there are four big ships in the south of the palace, four in the north, and small boats from merchants in various places. Keep the north-south voyage, but why do I have to suffer [-] ships." Li Xingzhou said, in fact, after the development of shipping, thousands of private ships of all sizes began to invest in the north-south waterway, and the share was not exclusive to the palace.

"What does your lord mean?"

"My lord told you in private that after the formation of the navy, the primary goal is to fight against Jin, targeting the cities along the Bohai Sea, especially Liaoyang, but this must be done to deceive people and paralyze the people of Jin, so they pretended to be merchant ship guards, trained soldiers, and familiarized themselves with the waters. That's the purpose." Li Xingzhou said in a low voice.

"I'll give you a year and a half, and within a year and a half, train a navy capable of fighting."

"My lord, please rest assured!" Di Zhi cupped his hands and said, "This subordinate will definitely live up to your lord's expectations."

"Haha, don't be so serious, I believe in your ability, but the specific implementation is still what I said, you must be careful not to make Jin Guo suspicious, let the soldiers pretend to be merchant ships during training, as for the details, you will handle it yourself .”

"This subordinate understands." Di Zhi cupped his hands again.

"Okay, that's the end of the business." Li Xingzhou waved his hand, "Tell me how you get along with Princess Yongming."

Speaking of this, Di Zhi's impassionedness just now disappeared, and he smiled awkwardly: "My lord. This."

"What's the matter, Princess Yongming is still my sister-in-law in terms of seniority, you don't like it."

"The subordinates dare not, but after returning from Yanshan Mansion, Princess Yongming seems to be a different person. He speaks softly and takes care of him in every possible way. The subordinates really can't adapt to it." Di Zhi said awkwardly.

"You are sick, you have to get used to people showing cold faces to you." Li Xingzhou said amusedly.

"No, I always feel a little uncomfortable." Di Zhi said helplessly, "The subordinates can't tell what's wrong."

"Forget it, this is your family matter. I don't ask too much, just because I'm afraid you won't be able to recover from your injuries. Don't worry now. As for how to get along with Princess Yongming, you can figure it out yourself." Li Xingzhou said awkwardly.

Afterwards, Li Xingzhou bid farewell to Princess Yongming and left Di Mansion.

In a sense, Princess Yongming is Di Zhi's amulet.

There are strong unspoken rules in the officialdom. Although the story of going from humble beginnings to a high position is very inspirational, behind the inspiration, there must be intertwined interest entanglements. If there is no one to protect it, it will definitely not end well.

For example, Wei Qing, even though he has made great military exploits and is a great general and great Sima, there is still quite a bit of disdain for him in Tai Shigong's Shiji, saying that he relied on his relatives for his position.From this, it is enough to imagine that if Wei Qing hadn't had an older sister, Wei Zifu, and a powerful Emperor Wu at that time, he would definitely have ended badly.

And Di Qing in the Song Dynasty was another model for Wei Qing. He was born in the army, and also relied on his illustrious military exploits to reach the high position of a privy envoy.But in the early stage, Fan Zhongyan protected and supported him, not all civil servants were called Fan Zhongyan.

After Fan Zhongyan died and Di Qing lost his support, even though he was a privy envoy, he was impeached by the civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty on the grounds that "the black dog at home has long horns".

Di Zhi was also born in the army and relied on his military achievements to become the commander of the infantry of the bodyguards and infantry. He may soon follow in Di Qing's footsteps, so Li Xingzhou is eager to give him an identity.

The status of a county horse is to give him the best protection. In this way, if the officials in the court want to attack him, it will also depend on his and Prince Kang's face.

It would be even better if Di Zhi could get along well with Princess Yongming, but that would only depend on their fortune.

When his thoughts were wandering, a family member of the palace came to him in a hurry, saying that Fang Xin Youxin had already talked with the envoy of Xia Guo, and hoped that he could go back and meet the envoy of Xia Guo if he had time.

Li Xingzhou was overjoyed, "Then let's go back quickly." The past few days have been full of happy events.

(End of this chapter)

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