The rise of the prince

Chapter 778 709, getting closer to the war

Chapter 778 Seven hundred ninety-nine, getting closer to the war
Outside the capital, Duke De took him off with all the military officials in North Korea and Chinese.

De Gong, He Zhao, Xue Fang, Tang Zhouwei, Lu Jie, Mao Luan, Bao Zheng and others all attended the scene one by one.

Li Xingzhou drank the farewell wine, De Gong took the wine glass, the wind was so high that the sky was high, and the green grass was low, the nameless birds sang, and the faint voice scattered in the sky.

He smiled and said, "Don't Mr. De tell me anything?"

"What are you telling me? I'm afraid you'll dislike me for talking too much. If you want to leave, go quickly." De Gong waved his hands, avoiding his face.

"Hahaha, I don't think you talk too much, I like to listen to what Degong says." Li Xingzhou laughed.

Degong was stunned and stared at him: "It doesn't matter what you say, don't think too much when you go here, fight hard, things are easy to make mistakes when you are upset, you don't have to worry about the affairs of the capital." Degong looked There are more than a dozen people behind him, which means that these people are all his people.

"Also, your temper can no longer be reckless. You must always remember that you are not only the commander-in-chief of an army of more than [-], but also the grandson of Emperor Jingguo. If there is a bad sentence, you have to remember that even a [-]-strong army will I can't compare to you." De Gong spoke earnestly, holding his arm tightly as he spoke.

"Swords have no eyes, and soldiers are ruthless. Take good care of yourself and keep your temper, not only for you, but also for those of us who stand behind you, soldiers who bleed for you."

Degong said solemnly: "Take care of yourself."

Li Xingzhou nodded.

"Go, come back soon."

He arched his hands, then turned around, stepped on Meixue, raised his whip, Meixue raised his huge head and swung it, raised the horse's hooves high, leaving only a trail of dust.

Amidst the rumbling hooves behind them, Yang Hongzhao, Zhao Guanghua, Yan Shen, Wei Yubai, Liu Ji and other new army generals in armor followed suit one after another. The soldiers holding flags behind them carried various flags and headed north in the dusty sky. away from the big river.

In May, it happened to be summer, and the weather was very hot, but the army marched unexpectedly fast, because the food, grass and luggage had already been transported to Yanshan Mansion, so the soldiers walked briskly.

Although it is by land, the speed is not much slower than the water.

At the same time, the news of Jing Guo's dispatch of troops will soon spread throughout the world, which is inevitable.

"Your Highness, what should we do if someone takes advantage of the opportunity to rob our Jingguo? This time, the 10,000+ army is all elite, and it is almost the strength of the whole country." Li Xingzhou was riding Meixue, and Yan Shen asked next to the army. road.

He was wearing a thick armor with leather armor inside, and he was not too hot, but he himself said that he had to get used to it sooner. In fact, such equipment has long been eliminated in the new army, and the soldiers are all light cloth uniforms that give up defense.

Even the most heavily equipped light cavalry were equipped with cotton armor. The people led by the black leopards in the Taihang Mountains took root to grow cotton, and sold it to the palace every year to make cotton clothes and cotton armor, which were all equipment for the new army.

"There are still tens of thousands of forbidden troops in Kyoto." Li Xingzhou said.

"But all the elites have been transferred away." Yan Shen said with some concern.

Li Xingzhou was funny, it was rare for Yan Shen to think about it, but he enjoyed it, and everyone looked at it curiously.

"So who do you think we have to worry about?" he asked.

Yan Shen thought for a while, "I think the Xia Kingdom in the northwest is restless. They attacked Tanglong Town before. Now that the civil war stops, maybe it won't stop."

"That's right, Xia Guo should not be underestimated. However, they have been fighting civil wars for so long, even if they don't want to stop, they are powerless. I heard that they have suffered heavy losses in several battles, especially when they forcibly crossed the river. Even if they succeeded, many people must have died. It will not be slowed down for a while, let alone two or three years," Li Xingzhou judged.

"Xia Kingdom is originally located in the barren Northwest. The environment is harsh, survival is difficult, and the population is not sparse. Unlike Jing Kingdom, it cannot withstand too much internal friction."

"What about Dali?"

"Hahaha, don't worry about Dali." Li Xingzhou said with a smile. At this time, Dali is probably in the area of ​​Yunnan in later generations, but it is not the colorful Yunnan, a tourist attraction with both snow-capped mountains at an altitude of 5000 meters and tropical rainforests in later generations.

Instead, there are poor mountains and bad waters, there are many ethnic groups and chieftains, and internal conflicts are very serious.

"When the country was first established, the Dali Kingdom proposed to attach itself to our country, but was rejected by Emperor Taizong. Do you know why?"


"The land of Dali has high mountains and far rivers, it is difficult to get in and out, the ethnic groups are complicated, and the internal conflicts are so difficult to reconcile. If you accept it, you will have to spend a lot of effort to deal with it.

So it's too late for them to fight internally, so how could they go out to conquer and execute. Li Xingzhou patted his horse as he said, "Furthermore, Dali is a small country with few people, and the people are meek and meek. "

Yan Shen nodded with a vague understanding.

Whether the people from Yunnan or Sichuan, what they care about is comfort and comfort. They are the most docile subjects. Of course, the premise is not to push them into a desperate situation.

So Li Xingzhou has never worried about Dali Kingdom. As long as they don't push them into a desperate situation, he believes that Dali Kingdom will never pose a threat to Jing Kingdom.

And when the time is right, the recovery of Dali Kingdom will be a matter of course, and it will be a matter of course.

The army continued to go north, because it would rain from time to time in summer.

Seven days later, the army entered the territory of Ningjiang Mansion. The new prefect Wang Ke and the new co-prefect Xie Linjiang came to meet him in person, and at the same time prepared to serve the army with wine and meat.

Wang Ke naturally understood that he was able to serve as the magistrate because of Li Xingzhou's praise, so he was grateful to Dade.

Li Xingzhou asked him to get up, and then said: "You don't have to thank me, and you can't relax. You are willing to replace my father-in-law because you value your ability to do things. If you can't do well, I will also replace others. Jiangzhou is too important. I hope You can live up to your trust."

"Don't worry, Your Highness, I will definitely do my best and make no mistakes!" Wang Ke bowed.

Xie Linjiang also stated: "I will never let you down."

Li Xingzhou nodded and asked them to get up.

He only stayed in Jiangzhou for one night, and he didn't enter the city at the post station. He continued to go north the next day.

As he said, Jiangzhou is too important a place, and it is an important gateway for north-south transshipment.Whether the north-south shipping is smooth or not depends entirely on Jiangzhou, so he can't leave it to the bookworm father-in-law.

Wang Ke is capable of doing things, while Xie Linjiang is a scholar, but he is not rigid. He knows how to do practical things, but he still needs to learn. The two have been colleagues for several years, so they are a good match.

For the next few days of marching, sometimes it will stop for a while when it encounters heavy rain, and the summer rain comes and goes quickly.

It is unbearable for ordinary people to travel around for several days. Fortunately, after years of exercise, Li Xingzhou's body is very strong. On the bumpy trek, such as Chai Rong.

Part of the reason why Li Xingzhou has worked hard in the past few years is to prepare for the present. If Li Xingzhou's body was weak before, he would definitely not be able to withstand the pain of a long journey.

After marching for [-] days, Li Xingzhou asked Yang Hongzhao beside him where he was. He only knew that he had entered the boundary of Guanbei Road, but he didn't know the exact location.

Yang Hongzhao said: "Your Highness, you have entered the territory of Bazhou."

"Bazhou." Li Xingzhou chewed these two words. Bazhou was an important border town of Zeng Jingguo. Later, after he captured Yanshan Mansion, he set up Yanshan Mansion Road. The border moved northward, so it was no longer the border.

In this way, they are getting closer and closer to the war.
(End of this chapter)

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