The rise of the prince

Chapter 786 The great feelings that I don't understand

Chapter 786 The great feelings that I don't understand
At noon, the sun is high, the vast land in the north is vast, the sound of horseshoes is rumbling, the dust is flying, the sky is full of yellow sand, the west wind is strong, the banner is in the sky, and the iron riding a flying horse is like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

The first-line elite cavalry in Pingzhou City, plus more than 100 recruits, a total of more than 600 people, about a battalion of troops, all heavy armored cavalry, galloped northward.

I learned from Gu Lichuan that because of the lack of horses in Jingguo, it is rare for such heavy cavalry to be biography on a large scale.

Li Xingzhou put on the armor of an ordinary soldier and followed Wei Chaoren, calling him a special envoy sent by the imperial court.

"The most important thing on this trip is to let the recruits know the way. From Pingzhou to Shanhaiguan, there are seven or eight roads and small roads. There are few signs in the middle. The surrounding vegetation is not as dense as in the south, but it is still easy to get lost. There are several important outpost camps in the middle. To admit.

If you’re in the mainland, it’s okay to go the wrong way, but if you go the wrong way here, if you accidentally meet a golden soldier, you may die. "

"Is there only one battalion of such cavalry in Pingzhou?" Li Xingzhou asked.

Gu Lichuan nodded, "There is also a battalion of light cavalry, and there are two battalions of cavalry in Pingzhou's 100 garrison. In addition, there are some scouts who also ride horses, adding up to more than [-] cavalry."

Li Xingzhou nodded. It seems that there is no Liaodong Plain, and there is no Hetao area. There is indeed a big gap in the number of war horses compared with the north.

"Although the horses are limited, the troops in the border area will try their best to form an organized heavy cavalry unit." Wei Chaoren said: "This is all due to Xia Guo's losses back then. It weighs two or three thousand catties, and the people and horses are connected by iron chains. Even if a person dies on the horseback, he will not fall off, and will rush into the army formation with the horse. The bones are broken."

"Three thousand iron kites, can Your Majesty imagine what it would be like for them to rush together?"

I heard people talk about the iron kite again, so it can be seen how much shadow this legendary heavy cavalry unit, which is famous all over the world and will surely leave a long history, has left a shadow on Jingguo. Almost anyone in the army knows its name, " Pingxia iron kite."

Li Xingzhou has also seen some documentaries about this legend in later generations, and the unearthed cultural relics are indeed armed to the teeth, and there are iron masks on the whole body, only two eyes are exposed.

Moreover, their special cold-forging armor was unique in the world at that time. It was the secret forging technology of the Xia Kingdom. The iron was not heated, and it seemed to be forged at room temperature. Not afraid.

The [-]th and [-]th centuries were the era of the rise of heavy cavalry all over the world. Not to mention the western knights, in the eastern land, Xia Guo’s iron kite led, followed by Jin Guo’s Iron Buddha, Yue Fei’s Beiwei Army, and Mongolian cavalry. (The Mongolian army is not all light cavalry as most people understand. The number of heavy cavalry in the Mongolian army is as high as [-]%. The heavy cavalry launched a charge to severely injure the opponent, and it was also the heavy cavalry that ultimately decided the outcome of the battlefield.)
"It's definitely not someone who can make Master Wei worry and fear."

His face was gloomy, as if he remembered something bad: "It's not that I'm afraid. There are more heavy cavalry in the Kingdom of Jin, and the veterans are not afraid. It's just that they are unwilling and ashamed."

"Unwilling? Ashamed?" He asked puzzled.

"Your Highness, there are some things that I, an old man, only dare to tell you." Wei Chaoren smiled vicissitudes of life on horseback, "The people in the court must have told Your Highness that we fought hard with Xia Guo, but in the end we won. The country signed a non-aggression covenant, and let Xia Guo become a vassal?"

Li Xingzhou nodded. In the capital, most people said so.

"Hehe. Of course historians would write like that, and civil servants would say that too, especially in the capital." Wei Chaoren spoke in a low voice, and he had to be careful to hear the rumble of horseshoes behind him.

"Actually, we lost, does Your Highness know why we started that war in the first place?

In order to regain the land of Xixia, it was once the land of Liangzhou of the Han Dynasty, where the Liangzhou iron cavalry of the Han Dynasty frequently defeated the Huns, Qiang people, and Xi people. It has always been the territory of the Central Plains Dynasty, so we want to recover our homeland "

Li Xingzhou suddenly realized why Wei Chaoren's face was so gloomy when he talked about Xia Guo: "In the end, the recovery of the homeland became a peace covenant," he said.

Wei Chaoren nodded, and sighed helplessly: "The ambition to regain the homeland was crushed by the iron hooves of the iron kite, and finally a peace covenant was made, and it was said to be a tie.
Coincidentally, Liao Kingdom also sent troops to Xia Kingdom, and they faced enemies from both sides. The ruler at that time was a hero with a broad mind. There is a covenant of not using swords, and there is also the condition of bowing your head and proclaiming yourself as the lord of Xixia and not the emperor. "

After hearing Wei Chaoren's words, Li Xingzhou had another understanding of Xia Guo: "In this way, the defeat was actually a bit miserable."

"It's tragic. Although everyone is talking about a tie, we actually lost many more people than them." The voice of the old man on horseback was low, "The most embarrassing thing is that Xia Guo is still Xia Guo. After that war, there will be no one." It is possible to regain the homeland, alas.
Haha, but sometimes the old man would dream of regaining the land of Liangzhou in his dreams. If he didn’t think so, he wouldn’t know how to show his face to the ancestors under the nine springs after being buried. The land bought by blood and sweat, we unworthy descendants can’t keep it live. "

Wei Chaoren smiled bitterly, and Li Xingzhou felt a little uncomfortable watching it. Only then did he understand why Zhe Weizhong, Yang Hongzhao, Wei Chaoren and other veterans would never forget Xia Guo, and not the land to the east.

After all, he comes from a later generation, and he doesn't have such a strong sense of family and country, but for these veterans, Xia State is the hometown of Liangzhou, the land left by their ancestors to future generations, and it is occupied by their descendants because of their incompetence. The greatest disrespect.

Shocked by this emotion, Li Xingzhou remained silent for a long time on horseback.

"Don't talk about that, let's talk about the Ma Jun." Wei Chaoren changed the subject: "Xia Guo defeated Jing Jun one after another. We suffered a loss and realized the importance of heavy cavalry. The court did not support it and tried to buy it from everywhere. War horses, get more cavalry."

Li Xingzhou came back to his senses. He knew why the imperial court did not support it. It was because many civil servants obstructed it. Some of these civil servants even had moral officials. Why did they obstruct it? Because they mobilized their smart brains and after thinking about it, they came up with something that sounded very reliable. It is also a very reliable theory: the price of raising a cavalry can raise three infantry.

(End of this chapter)

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