The rise of the prince

Chapter 819 Is the big gold going to end?

Chapter 819 Is the big gold going to end?

In Shangjing, the sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it is near dusk. The North Hall is full of Qionglouyuyu, watchtowers and jade bricks, white tiles and blue bricks, under the west slanting sun, figures are swaying, walking in a hurry, and everyone's faces are full of panic.

Pu Chaling was leaning on the cold jade railing, dressed in a golden phoenix-patterned costume, followed by many court ladies and eunuchs.

These gorgeous jade railings were left by the people of the Liao Kingdom. They have managed this place for hundreds of years, and finally left only cold dead things. Now, the fear of people leaving the building is once again shrouded in my heart.

In the middle of last month, when Jingguo was approaching Ningyuan, many concubines and concubines in the palace, including the emperor's new favorite who had been indifferent to her before, showed their affection one after another, chatting with her and giving her all kinds of rare treasures.

Naturally, she would not feel that she, a fallen queen, was worthy of the emperor's new favor, and her status was also precarious.

She understood what these people were thinking, if Jing Guo's army continued to go north, they could only run east and take refuge in Liaodong, which was the territory of her Pucha family.

A few days later, King Yan Zongbi of the Liao Dynasty took over the army and forced the Jingren to retreat. The news spread to Shangjing, and the whole country celebrated with joy. Everyone was so excited that they almost shed tears.

Those people who were flattering before gradually became alienated from her, and returned to their lukewarm appearance, and never sent the things they gave before.

However, within a few days, news came again that Li Xingzhou's army regrouped, defeated the King of Liao's forward, surrounded Ningyuan, and Ningyuan was in a hurry again.

Many people expressed their affection to her in horror again, repented of their previous mistakes, scolded themselves for being blind, and ran to her bedroom every day to give benefits.

But such days didn't last long, and even more terrifying news came from the east. Li Xingzhou's general Di Zhi landed directly from Liaodong, captured the coastal states all the way, and then invaded Liaoyang!

When the news reached Beijing, the whole country was shocked!Many people were frightened and stupid at the time.

When the news reached the harem, Pu Charing even trembled and fainted from anxiety.

When she woke up, the person who flattered her before was alienated again. She was also amused by this repeated jumping operation while sad and frightened, but it was just a wry smile.

Liaoyang is the land of dragon prosperity in the Kingdom of Jin. There are nobles in the imperial court, such as Queen Pucha's clan, Emperor Wanyan's clan, Wulin clan and other clans. There are relatives in Liaoyang. Liaoyang is lost, and the court is in panic.

Then the court quickly reached a consensus, let her father Pu Chayi lead the remaining imperial guards to guard the main road to the south of Shangjing, and the main force of the Jin army gave up Jinzhou to rescue Liaoyang, the sooner the better!
Because according to the person who reported the letter, there were not many people who landed in the Jing army, only a few thousand people, which is also reasonable. There are too many people and there are so many ships.

For Jin Guo, Liaoyang is too important.

Since that day, Pu Chaling also looked to the east every day, praying for the blessing of the Buddha every day, hoping that the good news would come soon, because her elder brother, younger brother, younger sister, and niece and nephew are all in Liaoyang!

More than half a month later, the news was not good, one after another was bad news, Li Xingzhou won Ningyuan, Li Xingzhou broke Jinzhou.
Li Xingzhou broke through Laizhou.
Li Xingzhou broke through Lizhou.
Li Xingzhou attacked Yizhou.
All kinds of bad news came one after another, and the name of the Shura-like ghost kept spreading to Shangjing accompanied by the sound of the scouts' horseshoes, causing countless people to wake up in a dream, sweating coldly, and the fear deepened layer by layer, almost crushing everyone.

When dreaming, Pu Chaling also dreamed of Li Xingzhou with blue face and fangs, who was about to bite and devour her with his bloody mouth. She had never seen him, but those legendary images seemed to be more and more concrete, saying that he was tyrannical, Said he killed innocent people indiscriminately, said he raped and plundered, said he loved to eat children
For the Jin people, Li Xingzhou's name is more frightening and frightening than the evil spirits in Buddhist scriptures.

Every time Pu Chaling thought that such a terrifying monster was approaching them quickly, she would tremble with fright.

She was always looking forward to good news from Liaodong, but there was no news.

Pu Chaling held the railing tightly, and the blue blood vessels on her delicate and white hands were particularly conspicuous.

"How is Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty stayed up all night last night and scolded those adults." The little eunuch behind him replied.

"Is there any news from the front line?"

The little eunuch hesitated, "It's not good news. Li Xingzhou captured Huizhou, Jianzhou, and Yuzhou again. Jingguo's army surrounded Zhongxing Mansion. Zhongxing Mansion has already sent more than a dozen people for help."

"Zhongxing Mansion! Huizhou." Pu Chaling trembled again, every time he heard the name Li Xingzhou, nothing good would happen.

Huizhou is very close to Shangjing. If Zhongxing Mansion falls, then Shangjing
She began to be afraid, what would happen to her if Shangjing fell?
She had heard too many rumors and stories like this, men were killed, women were raped and killed, and those who were lucky might be valued by some big shots and taken as concubines, and promised to spend the rest of their lives.

Either way would end in a miserable end, and thinking of Li Xingzhou, as cruel and terrifying as rumored, it would be a nightmare even if he saw it.

“There is still more”

"What else?" Although she was uneasy, Pu Charing still asked, she was not someone who escaped from reality.

"A cavalry soldier from Jing Kingdom has fallen [-] miles south of Shangjing, and even fought against King Qi further south." The little eunuch said submissively.

"Who did you listen to!" Pu Chaling couldn't even maintain his pretended composure.

"The minister of the Ministry of War said."

Many eunuchs and maids in the palace were arranged by Pucha's family. This little eunuch was responsible for adding charcoal to the stove in the corner of the hall. It was bitterly cold in Beijing, so that the ministers who discussed affairs would not freeze in the court hall, so they knew what the courtiers were talking about.

"What's the result?" Pu Chaling asked anxiously, King Qi is Pu Chayi, her father.

"Minister of the Ministry of War said that Jing Guo's cavalry were dressed in black, armed with muskets and iron lumps that would explode and hurt people. The first time they confronted King Qi's soldiers, there were many casualties."

"Father, does King Qi intend to retreat?" Pu Chaling became even more anxious.

"The villain doesn't know, and the ministers of the Ministry of War didn't say anything."

"With his father's temper, he will never withdraw to the capital. He may be stubborn to the end." Pu Chaling whispered anxiously, feeling even more anxious and at a loss. In the past few months, the world seems to have changed suddenly, becoming elusive , unable to hold, intangible, frightening, full of malice.

The three words Li Xingzhou were like terrifying hands, pinching her tightly, pinching the entire Kingdom of Jin, and might crush them in the palm of their hands at any time.

"Where's the emperor? What does the emperor say!" Pu Chaling pinned her last hope on the emperor.

"Some ministers have already suggested that the emperor flee north and take refuge in the dense forest east of the Great Xianbei Mountain, but the emperor said nothing."

"I didn't say anything," Pu Chaling murmured to herself, that was because of her thoughts.
Her body swayed, Pu Chaling couldn't stand still, and the maid behind her hurriedly supported her.If the emperor escapes, what will they do!
Although she is a woman, she has been under the influence of her father and elder brother, and knows a thing or two about warfare. In the past, Jin Guo had always hoped to trap Jing Jun to death in Liaoxi, and when winter came, Jing Jun would be forced to withdraw when the supplies were insufficient.

But now that the Jing army has captured Jinzhou and several surrounding states, it has completely established its foothold. It will not be a problem to use Jinzhou as a supply base and then attack Beijing. It will not be a problem to fight for several years.

In front of Li Xingzhou, they couldn't hold on for several months, and Jing Jun was twenty miles away from the city!If you play for a few more years, it will be fine!
Fear almost made her suffocate, is Dajin Kingdom really going to end!Where should these women in the palace go!

(End of this chapter)

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