The rise of the prince

Chapter 86 Why Not Eat Minced Meat

Chapter 86 Why Not Eat Minced Meat

When he saw Wei Yubai for the first time, Li Ye couldn't help feeling an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart, which made him baffled.After thinking for a long time, he suddenly realized that this should be Li Xingzhou's fear. Usually, these memories are scattered in his mind like dusty glass shards. Only when he concentrates on recalling can he wipe off the dust and see clearly. The memory of Wei Yubai's name also emerges. come up.
Most of them are vague, because they are all childhood memories, but to Li Ye's surprise, there are still people who can clean up Li Xingzhou!
Through these memories, Li Ye also roughly understood the affairs of the Wei family. Wei Chaoren, the governor of Guanbei Jiedu, was unfavorable in the battle before, and the thirteen cities in the north were destroyed.I heard Yue'er said that on the day of entering Beijing, many officials and common people cursed, and the scene was spectacular.

Li Ye didn't go to find out, because Guanbei was too far away, and at that time he just wanted to keep a low profile and save his life.

Now that I see Wei Yubai triggering the memories in my mind, I realize later that Wei Chaoren and Li Xingzhou's father Li Chengshe are family friends, and when King Xiao led the Lingjie Army to garrison Guanbei, the two families were only separated by a wall. How close is the relationship? The extent can be imagined, Wei Yubai is considered his childhood sweetheart.

With these memories, Li Ye can roughly understand something even if he doesn't ask about the Guanbei War, because every era has such tragedies.This is like the famous saying "Why not eat minced meat?".

People who live in comfort will never know what cruelty is. Those who can face cruel people directly enjoy comfort, so they are self-righteous, do not have a comprehensive understanding of things and other problems, and many times they will ruin a dynasty.

This is the tragedy of the backwardness of information technology, and it is also an almost unsolvable problem.For example, Zhong Shidao, a famous general in the Song Dynasty, was decisive and ruthless, rich in experience, and advocated fighting against gold, and won repeated battles in foreign wars.

But he knew that the lack of horses in the Song Dynasty relied on heavy infantry bows and crossbows to defeat the enemy. The enemy had many horses and was highly mobile. Possibly ran over the horse.

So he fought step by step, steadily and steadily, and advanced all the way to build a high fort. The foreign enemies suffered terribly, but it also cost people and money, and many laborers died.For this reason, the ministers of the rear joined him to harm the law of nature and harm human life, and Zhong Shidao was relieved of his military power until the Jinren went south all the way to the capital, and he was used again as a last resort. The Northern Song Dynasty perished the next year.

The tragic death of laborers is indeed inhumane and inhumane, but what else can the Northern Song Dynasty, which has lost its horse-producing land in the north, do?A group of ministers who don't understand military affairs, don't understand the cruelty of war, and can't help but talk about it, the first thing they think of is a book on the way of teaching and learning, but this reference is the destruction of the country and the species.

This is the sorrow of "why not eat minced meat". The ignorance and lies of those who sit back and enjoy the comfort lead to disaster.

But this problem is unsolvable in this era, because it takes more than ten days to go from Guanbei to Beijing at a fast pace. If the weather is bad, wild animals appear on the road, or bridges and roads are blocked, it may even delay for several months.

Li Ye took a look. The soles of the cloth-soled shoes under her feet were worn out but she hadn't changed them. She must have been extremely embarrassed.

After listening to her request, Li Ye asked, "How are the officers and soldiers in Guanbei? Did they suffer heavy casualties?"

Wei Yubai was stunned on the spot, her nose felt sore for some reason, she ran around the capital for several days, all the officials saw her talking about the northern affairs, all of them were stern and angrily denounced the killing of innocent people, but they didn't mention the soldiers who died in battle.
She hurriedly said: "When I went south, there were over ten thousand casualties, and it happened that the weather was bitterly cold, so I'm afraid of the injured."

Li Ye nodded, feeling sad in his heart. Winter itself requires a lot of energy to maintain body temperature. In addition, after the defeat, there is a shortage of food.

"I know you feel uncomfortable. It's not just the situation in the north that makes you feel uncomfortable. It's the fact that you fail when you try hard, but you have to be ridiculed and insulted by those who stand by. No matter how much you laugh, the onlookers are always just on the sidelines, and there will never be a chance for anything to happen, right?" Li Ye understood her psychology and comforted her.

Wei Yubai's heart was shocked, and she froze on the spot as if struck by lightning, her eyes couldn't help getting wet, after so many days and nights, someone finally understood the humiliation in her heart!
The father and the soldiers fought bloody battles in Guanbei, but in the end they were defeated. The defeat was the defeat. The father did not deny or argue. He just wrote the battle report and reported it truthfully. Then he was escorted to Beijing. It may be a capital offense!
After she rushed to Beijing, no matter the people in the capital or the officials, they did not shed a drop of blood for Guanbei, nor saved a single person in Guanbei, but they kept saying righteous words, insulting and cursing her father and the soldiers for being disadvantageous in battle. Those who didn't do it insulted those who did.

In order to save her father, Wei Yubai did not dare to offend anyone, so she endured it silently and did not retaliate, but the humiliation made her heart ache.

People who dare not even go to the battlefield humiliate those soldiers who died in battle!They spoke in a pitiful and sympathetic manner, opening their mouths to talk about how the people were doing, but the lives of the soldiers were gone!Could it be that just because they were defeated, they couldn't be counted as human beings, so they could be humiliated casually!
The son's words instantly hit the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time, even if the woman of the Wei family cried, she would not cry out, she hurriedly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your enlightenment, Yubai remembered. "

Li Xingzhou deliberately turned his face away, pretending not to see, she couldn't help but think that the prince is actually considerate.

"You said that not only the Liao people went south, but also other people. Can you describe their appearance to me?" Li Ye asked after seeing her calm down.

"They come and go like the wind, almost all of them are cavalry, one man has two horses or even one man has three horses, they use a lot of knives and guns, they are good at riding and shooting, and most of them wear braids," Wei Yubai described in detail.

Li Ye frowned the more he listened, could he be a Jurchen from these descriptions?Are there Jurchen in this world?

You must know that in the previous life, there was a saying that "Jurchens are not satisfied with ten thousand, and they are invincible". Moreover, when Jurchen began to rise, it was indeed extremely powerful. 2 people defeated the 70 army of Liao Kingdom, which is rare in the history of ancient warfare.

And Wei Yubai came here to beg him to save his father, Guanbei Jiedu envoy Wei Chaoren, Li Ye would never have been involved in such a thing before, but now he is hesitant.

"Master Wei saved a lot of people in the north." Li Ye asked the last question.

Wei Yubai nodded: "When the army couldn't resist, my father ordered the strongest people in the city to withdraw first, and then the army was copied by an unknown enemy, causing heavy casualties.

Therefore. Therefore, many old and weak women and children died when Liao broke the city. The officials and people in Beijing all said that it was an act that violated nature and reason.
But my father said that if the able-bodied people are allowed to withdraw first, they will be able to defend the North Pass in the next year. If not, the Liao people will come back next year, and there will be no soldiers to guard the pass in the north. At that time, the Liao people will definitely go south. to do, I think"

(End of this chapter)

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