The rise of the prince

Chapter 871 Lure the enemy to go deep

Chapter 871 Lure the enemy to go deep
At the end of April, Li Xingzhou led an army of [-] troops across the Yellow River and arrived at Tanglong Town.

Among the more than 5 people, there are three new divisions, 1 Lingnan Jiejun Youjun, and 5000 Xiangjun troops from Hedong and Hebei as auxiliary troops.

The total force reached more than 5000 people.

At the end of April, Li Xingzhou met Zhe Weizhong and Yang Wenguang and asked them about the battle in Tanglong Town.

Because of the help of the telescope, Zhewei Zhongzhe's family army was originally a member of the party, so he was familiar with the terrain and people's conditions in the northwest, and understood the situation in the northwest. He was appointed by Li Xingzhou as the vanguard envoy of the camp, and he assigned two regiments of the new army to command him.

Everyone thought it was wrong, the camp vanguard was the person who led the forward in the army, everyone thought it would be Wei Yubai or Yan Shen, even Zhe Weizhong himself thought so, because the two regiments were more than his Zhejia army, Not to mention the new army, the emperor's grandson's pro-army.

Li Xingzhou stopped their discussion and said, "Everyone knows about Ma Di's loss of Jieting."

Everyone looked at each other, not understanding why he suddenly said that Ma Su lost the street pavilion.

"I used to think, why is Ma Di so stupid? He doesn't even understand the principle that people need to drink water." Li Xingzhou said: "After thinking about it, I thought of a possibility. It's not that he is stupid, but that he I do not know."

"The landforms of my country, after crossing the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River, the north and the south are different, with a huge gap. I guess Ma Su is in the land of Shu and Han, and he didn't even know that there was no water source on the mountain.

In the mountains in the south, you can find water in any valley, and you can find streams and pools in any lowland. How can there be a saying that there is no water source on the mountain?He didn't know that he had already crossed the Qinling Mountains, and it was another world when he arrived in the north.

Therefore, adapting measures to local conditions and appointing experienced people has always been the way to win. Among you, only General Zhe is the most familiar with the situation in the Northwest, and I am most at ease as the forward. "

Only then did everyone stop discussing, and Zhe Weizhong took on this great responsibility, repeatedly expressing that he would not disappoint his expectations.

Subsequently, the main force of 3 people began to march westward.

On April 27th, while the Chinese army was still on the road, good news came from the front. Zheweizhong's former army broke through six camps of the former army's Xishanzhai in the north of Xia State, killed more than 100 Xia soldiers, and captured more than [-] people.

Li Xingzhou was overjoyed, and the striker continued to advance westward, and then let the army speed up.

Along the way, the Chinese army basically couldn't see the battle situation, but could only smell the smoke left behind, the corpses piled up on the side of the road that were too late to deal with, and the prisoners who were constantly being sent back.

There are also people cleaning up the luggage, armor, and weapons discarded on the ground.

The forward army had already pushed all the way under the leadership of Zhe Weizhong, and the Chinese army followed up with almost no resistance.

The good news kept coming, until the fourth day of May, the army pulled out fourteen camps of the Xia army, killed more than 2000 people and captured more than [-] people.

Everyone was overjoyed. There were a lot of grids and roadblocks set up by Xia Jun on the side of the road.

Li Xingzhou is now considered a veteran, and he can become a good doctor after a long illness, not to mention he has fought so many battles.

More importantly, he heard a confession from Xia Jun who surrendered. The commander of Xia Jun West Road was called Weiming Linggong, and he led a total of [-] troops.

Others don't understand, but he has heard of the name Weiming Linggong. Because it is so famous, Temujin, the last general of the Xixia Kingdom, also suffered losses in his hands many times.

Such a person shouldn't be so impatient, Li Xingzhou became more and more uneasy.

Looking at the grids, mounds, camps, and fortifications that were temporarily built with stones and destroyed by the former army, he felt that the matter was not that simple.

Just in time, Qi Fang dressed up as a man and followed him. Seeing that he was worried, she was puzzled and said: "The battle is so smooth, the enemy is defeated again and again, and our army is winning every victory. Why is Your Highness still frowning?"

Li Xingzhou looked back at her heroic face, "The battlefield is changing rapidly, who can tell, I always feel that the Xia army should not be defeated again and again. We have superior firepower, but they are familiar with the terrain. In these valleys, our army cannot spread out. They It shouldn't have collapsed so quickly."

In fact, Li Xingzhou didn't finish his sentence. He wouldn't be surprised if someone else led the army and lost so quickly. After all, the new army's firepower advantage lies there, and there is a generation difference, but Wei Mingling is not an ordinary person.

Temujin's army, which was dominated by infantry, should not be so stretched and collapsed at the first touch.

For the past few days, the striker Zhe Weizhong has won consecutive victories all the way, hardly encountered any difficulties, and has advanced two hundred miles to the west.

"Who in the world is the opponent of the new army, Your Highness must have thought too much. Besides, beheading and capturing more than three thousand people will be a big loss to any army. There should be no fallbacks." Qi Fang didn't think that this was also true Normally, she knows the power of firearms, but she doesn't know Wei Mingling's reputation and what he will do in the future. It is reasonable to make such a judgment.

Li Xingzhou looked at the wreckage left by the Xia army all over the mountains and plains, and his uneasiness grew stronger. Then he reined in his horse, "Go back and go to the prisoner-of-war camp. I have something to ask those prisoners of war."

The soldiers in the rear were very surprised that Li Xingzhou suddenly came to the camp where the prisoners of war were being held.

Li Xingzhou immediately recruited a few soldiers who could speak the local dialect into the camp to interrogate the prisoners.

He didn't interrogate a single person, nor did he interrogate an officer. Instead, he questioned a dozen people.

Slowly, Li Xingzhou asked for several pieces of information. In fact, these were almost all recruits, and the second was that the main force of the Xia army was in the south.

The main force was in the South, and Li Xingzhou knew it long ago, because he was the one who deliberately misled, but almost all the captured and killed were recruits, so that would be too coincidental!

If Xia Jun was really defeated by fighting hard, how could he put all the recruits who could not fight at the forefront? Even if he really wanted to fight well, he should adopt the method of veterans leading recruits to exert their maximum combat power!

Li Xingzhou understood Wei Minglinggong's plan almost instantly when he was facing the obstacles all over the mountains and plains, and quickly waved his hands: "Hurry up and pass on Yan Shen, Yelu Dashi is here! Come and go quickly, don't delay!"

Liuta Town is an important town in the eastern part of the Xia Kingdom. In addition to the surrounding villages, there are nearly [-] households. Further west is the deserted desert next door.

If the Jing army passes through here, it will completely occupy all the important towns on the west bank of the Yellow River, and the army in the west of the Xia Kingdom can only be forced to move south or north.

Using this as a base, the Jing army from the east of the river can also attack the state of Xia from the south or north without hindrance.

The main gathering area of ​​Liuta Town is located in a long and narrow river valley. On the east bank of the river, the valley stretches for more than ten miles, enough for a hundred thousand troops, but they can only form a long snake formation.

Wei Mingling is firmly seated in a private house in the town, and the surrounding people have temporarily dragged their families away, because this place is about to become a battlefield.

Wei Mingling already knew that what he was facing was actually the main force led by the grandson of Emperor Jing Guo.

At first, I was actually very uneasy, and the morale of the army was also hit. Li Xingzhou was too famous, and anyone who met Li Xingzhou who destroyed Liao and conquered gold would be terrified.

They have an advantage in military strength, but Wei Mingling knows that it is impossible to defeat Jing Jun in a frontal battle, not only because of their powerful firearms, but more importantly because of their morale.

In the ravines, it is difficult for the army to deploy in the northwest mountains. The power of firearms is greatly limited. The Jing army's most powerful cannon is too heavy to keep up with the forward pace on the difficult mountain road.

Even so, Weiming Linggong also knew that a direct confrontation was not advisable.

But he is a veteran on the battlefield after all, so he won't dare to act because of this, and he will not be afraid to make a move.

After calming down, he thought of Liuta Town. This place is a natural ambush point. The hillsides on both sides are hundreds of meters higher than the bottom.

So he made up his mind that the battle must be fought, and it is related to the survival of the Xia Kingdom, but it is not a random fight.

He asked soldiers to build a city with stones in the north, and strangled Taniguchi with elites. Then he deployed more than 2000 iron cavalry, which Xia Guo was most proud of and was also the most capable under his command, on the top of the east slope, and deployed more than 2 elite infantry and soldiers. The crossbowmen are deployed on the hillside highlands to the east.

Behind the mountain on the other side of the Southwest River, 1 people were also arranged to cut off the rear. Once the Jing army entered the narrow and long valley bottom of Liuta Town, they would cross the river and cut off their rear.

On the way to Liuta Town, Weiming Linggong kept ordering the soldiers to set up a large number of obstacles, while dispatching unbeatable recruits to defend layer by layer.

One is to let the forwards of the Jing army continue to work hard and time-consuming to clear roadblocks and do hard work, which wears down their physical strength and patience. It is already at the end of their strength when they reach Liuta Town.

On the other hand, Jing Jun's forward won consecutive battles, arrogance and despise the enemy, and entered the ambush circle set by him without any scruples.

Weiming Linggong's idea is to set up an ambush with superior forces and concentrate his forces to eliminate the forwards of the Jing army who are advancing lightly.

He had found out early on that if the 7000 forwards of the Jing army were brought into the ambush site as planned, they would not be able to gather in the narrow and long valley, and their formation would inevitably be scattered. They would also face three-sided attacks by at least [-] troops, and the only way out was to retreat. to the river.

Wei Mingling is sure of winning this game, because according to recent information, Jing Jun is stepping in the direction he envisioned. Annihilating 7000 Jing Jun's forwards will definitely greatly damage their confidence and demoralize their morale!

He will also be the first person to defeat Li Xingzhou!

Wei Mingling is ambitious.

(End of this chapter)

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