The rise of the prince

Chapter 92 Wu Desi - Ji Chunsheng

Chapter 92 Wu Desi - Ji Chunsheng

As time passed slowly, the maids set up the windows and lowered the gauze curtains to block the glare from the outside, and placed burning charcoal fires in the four corners of the Kunning Palace to disperse the early cold in the palace, and fanned them from time to time to remove the charcoal odor.

The emperor was still concentrating on reading the memorial in his hand, and the queen didn't bother, just watching quietly.

Just at this time someone came in under the leadership of the eunuch, saw the emperor was reading the memorial and did not dare to disturb him, he stood aside after silently saluting, this person was dressed as a warrior, it was Ji Chunsheng from Prince Xiao's residence!
Two court ladies set up a tea stove on a special table at one side of the lobby, put in olive seeds, lit it with a burning charcoal fire, spit out a few inches of blue flame, and began to make tea.

The tea powder and spices are all high-quality tribute products from all over the world. They are finely ground and carefully selected. After a while, the smell of fragrant tea spreads in the hall.

The maid lowered her head and served the brewed tea, but the queen shook her head: "Recently, I feel dizzy when I look at these memorials. In the past, the scent of fragrant tea was okay, but now I feel bored and bored, so I don't want it today. "

The maid responded and removed the queen's scented tea before offering it to the emperor beside him, but he also waved his hand and said, "I feel the same way, so I won't make the scented tea today, just take it away."

The palace lady quickly removed the tea set in response.

"It's so deafening." The emperor put down the memorial in his hand and exclaimed: "What the friend of Wang Yue said made me suddenly enlightened. Half my life was a soldier, and half my life was thinking about the country and the society. There is one thing that I can't understand. Why did I arrive in Beijing to report it?" Even if people come from one place, there will be a huge difference. Why do some people rise up and cause chaos even though they are trying their best to rule? "

"Yes." The Queen also nodded: "At first glance, the concubine was surprised, but after careful consideration, she felt that there was a lot of truth in it, especially the questioning strategy at the end, which was logical and reasonable.

When the minister met His Majesty for the first time, he must have been afraid in his heart, and his spirit was tense all the time. At this time, his questions were all 'subconscious' words.But if you concentrate your energy, it will take a lot of energy and it won't last long. Just say a little about unimportant things and you will soon relax. Asking at this time will save you a lot of "subconscious" words, which is really clever. "

The emperor also nodded: "It's just that I've never heard of the word 'subconscious', and it must have been created by Wang Yue's friend."

The queen picked up the memorial and put it carefully into the brocade box: "This treatise can be used to educate future generations. It is a treasure that is hard to buy. Keep it well." Then she went on to say: "My friend Wang Xiang I'm afraid it's a talent with extraordinary intelligence and insight into people's hearts, such truths are beyond the imagination of Wang Xiang and the emperor, but he makes three points in one sentence, so what if such a person creates a word of his own."

"If he can become an official, he must be a good talent." The emperor also nodded.

But the queen shook her head: "I'm afraid it won't work. Wang Xiang didn't mention his friend's name in a sentence from the beginning to the end. Is Wang Xiang a jealous person? I'm afraid that gentleman doesn't want to reveal it. It seems that he is a person in the field and has no intention of official career, but he really has great knowledge."

The emperor said angrily: "A superficial person, is there no king in the world, who is not my subject, but he doesn't want to serve the court, isn't he disloyal?"

"Your Majesty~" The queen took his arm: "He will help the king even if he doesn't take an official position. He not only talks to the king about his knowledge, but in the end he is not only on your majesty's desk, but also serving the country."

"It's not proper after all." The emperor was still dissatisfied.

Afterwards, the two began to check other memorials, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye. The maids on both sides and Ji Chunsheng stood quietly, their foreheads were sweating and their legs were trembling, and they did not dare to speak. After reading all the memorials, the emperor stretched his body and The queen stood up and walked a few steps together.

When she turned her head and found Ji Chunsheng waiting respectfully, the queen said, "General Ji, there are so many reports, I forgot about you for a while, sit down when you are tired from standing."

"Thank you, empress!" Ji Chunsheng thanked him but did not dare to sit down. Firstly, the empress and emperor were all standing, and secondly, this was Kunning Palace, not everyone would dare to sit down.

The emperor also found him, and paced back and forth: "At the beginning, you were transferred from the Wu De Department to follow King Xiao to protect him. After the death of King Xiao, I wanted to transfer you back to the Wu De Department to take charge of the affairs, but you didn't Why do you insist on staying in the palace?"

"Return to Your Majesty, King Xiao is gone and there is still a son, and protecting the son is also the responsibility of the subordinates." Ji Chunsheng bowed his head and cupped his fists.

The emperor glanced at him: "I don't care what you are doing, but it's good if you are here. The queen is inconvenient to go out of the palace. You can report the situation of the palace for her once a month, so you can feel at ease. Tell me, what's going on recently."

Ji Chunsheng nodded, and quickly told what happened in the past month.

As time passed, the empress and emperor's expressions gradually became strange.

"You said that Xingzhou gets up before dawn every day, and is sweating profusely as if being chased outside?" the queen asked in disbelief.

Ji Chunsheng nodded: "After returning, Shizi will still do some movements similar to military horse stances. It seems that I am practicing kung fu."

"Practice?" The queen frowned, and then she was a little angry: "What does he want to do? Is it possible that he wants to fight the enemy like his father? The battlefield is a place where his sons should go!"

"I don't know about this humble job." Ji Chunsheng said, and then began to describe in detail the biggest change recently: the fact that Yulou became crowded in a blink of an eye.

". The prince just changed some white porcelain dishes and chopsticks, and asked people to change the green cloth into yellow cloth, and then asked the humble staff to take the nursing home to Wangjianglou to eat and drink every day. Later, I heard that there was a general named Lu You I wrote the poem "The Wind and Rain on November [-]th" there, and for no reason Tingyulou is already full of people, and the business is booming every day." Ji Chunsheng said truthfully.

In fact, except for a few real insiders, everyone has only a half-knowledge about the sudden prosperity of Tingyulou. After all, this is knowledge beyond this era.Most people think that the general named Lu You is credited, because it is he who wrote the famous book through the ages and attracted the guests.

After hearing this, the emperor frowned and said: "Making trouble for no reason, how can there be such mischief, what kind of cloth to cover the dust with yellow cloth, he is not extravagant in the palace, if there is not Lu You, he is afraid that he will lose everything."

Hearing this, Ji Chunsheng clasped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this is the strangest thing about the humble position. The humble position has followed King Xiao for more than ten years, and I have never heard of a general named Lu You in the army."

"What?" The emperor frowned and thought for a long time, then shook his head and said, "Go on and talk about other things."


"You said he took the Wei family siblings into the mansion?" Speaking of this, the emperor's face changed, his face became gloomy, and his expression became terrifying.

Ji Chunsheng quickly lowered his head, and said in a low voice: "Exactly, the prince also prepared a good courtyard, chariots and horses for them, and gave them a lot of money, I think." He secretly glanced at the emperor's face, and finally gritted his teeth: "I think The son is a man of love and righteousness, when he was young in Guanbei, he received kindness from Master Wei, now he only wants to repay the kindness, and has no other intentions!"

"Did I say he meant something else, huh?" The emperor asked condescendingly, and Ji Chunsheng was so frightened that he immediately knelt down: "The humble official made a mistake!"

(End of this chapter)

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