The rise of the prince

Chapter 95 Step 2

Chapter 95 The second step

The reason why Li Ye only went with Wei Yubai and did not bring anyone else was because he had no one under his command.

Yan Shen, Ji Chunsheng and other nursing homes were arranged by Li Ye to investigate the whereabouts of Ding Yi and Su Huan in the plum garden that day. He always felt that this pedestrian was very strange, especially Ding Yi, and even if they There is no other purpose, and Li Ye, the poisonous plan in the plum garden that day, will not let them go.

Others are helping out at the Gufeng winery. Although the sun is shining these days, the temperature can only reach a maximum of ten degrees, and it is even close to zero in the morning and evening. Emergency at any time.

Li Ye himself was also taken aback when he arrived at Tingyulou. A few days ago, there were at most many people, but now it has completely changed. There were also many stalls at the corners and street corners, very busy, and most of the people who came in and out were luxuriously decorated and dressed as scribes.

Li Ye was surprised, and led Wei Yubai carefully to avoid the crowd, and slowly mixed in.

"What are you doing? Entering your own restaurant is like being a thief." Wei Yubai looked at him and said.

Li Ye waved his hands as a gesture of not speaking, and nervously led her into the Tingyu Building. It was even more lively inside, with a little less people on the first floor, but cheers and various cadences came from the second floor and the side rooms on the first floor from time to time. The sound of poetry reciting.

A clerk recognized him and hurriedly led the way to the back hall. Yan Kun, who was blushing from his busy face, also greeted him in a hurry, and greeted him as soon as they met: "My son, I have to take time out of his busy schedule to inspect and give advice. This old slave is very grateful. "

Sure enough, Yan Kun was much more tactful than Yan Yan. Li Ye raised his hand to signal him to get up, and then said, "I happened to have something to do, so I came here to take a look. Don't be nervous, let's go to work on your own." The many guys who gathered around dispersed. Each is busy.

"Yan Kun, has the old gentleman who used to come to the third floor come these days?" Li Ye asked while inspecting the back kitchen accompanied by Yan Kun.

Yan Kun nodded: "Come on, that old gentleman comes here often. My son, have you forgotten that whoever wrote a good poem can go to the third floor? Yesterday was the first month when the list opened. If the old gentleman We don’t know what to do anymore.”

Li Ye slapped his head, shook his head and said: "I was negligent, I forgot such an important thing." Then he thought again, now he owes De Gong a big favor.

"How did you handle it?" Li Ye asked Yan Kun immediately.

Yan Kun quickly said: "The old slave was in a mess at the beginning. No one in the restaurant understands poetry. If so many scholars make a fuss and dare not do it, they don't know what to do. It happened that the old gentleman was there and commented on the poetry. Then his granddaughter gave advice to the old slave, all the talents who can go up to the third floor will be offered free fragrant tea, wine and food, and everyone applauds us for a while, it's very lively."

"You mean Gillian?" Li Ye asked with a smile. In fact, after experiencing Meiyuan, he also knew that he might not be able to get rid of his little daughter-in-law. In fact, in all fairness, he liked the little girl very much, and he was afraid of getting into trouble before.

"That's right, but" Yan Kun stammered a little: "But the little lady Gillian wants the chef to teach her how to make those new dishes. This is a secret of the restaurant, but the old man and her granddaughter helped the old slave when they were in danger. It's not easy to refuse. Please forgive me, my son!"

Gillian learns to cook, and the little girl who doesn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers wants to learn to cook?You will definitely make a fool of yourself. Li Ye couldn't help but smile, and then said: "You are indeed guilty. This is a secret of the restaurant, but just as you said that they are kind to the restaurant, you did nothing wrong. Just pay attention to it in the future. And yesterday Originally it was my bad memory that almost made a mistake, but you are credited for being able to respond accordingly, and I will reward you with ten pennies, after closing, go to the palace to find Yan Yanti."

"Thank you, son, thank you, son!" Yan Kun said happily.

"I'm going to entertain guests on the third floor today, and I'll cook a table of good food and serve it up later, as well as good wine." After giving orders, Li Ye took Wei Yuyu up to the third floor.

Wei Yubai asked: "If you want to invite guests, who should you invite?"

"Those who can save Master Wei." Li Ye said and went upstairs.

On the second floor, many literati gathered, with pens and ink placed beside each table, and it was extremely lively. The most talked about by the literati was the recent Meiyuan Poetry Fair. Appreciate it, and then think about imitating a few sentences, which is very lively.

Of course, the most talked about is "Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden", which can be heard everywhere on the second floor, and some people want to imitate a few sentences, but they can't think of it.

Some people are lamenting that this poem is probably a unique poem about plums, and it is difficult to surpass it. Some people whispered that the poem was written by ghosts, and they did not believe that Li Xingzhou could write such a poem. In short, it was noisy.

Soon, Li Ye took Wei Yubai up to the third floor, and the whole world suddenly cleared up. The third floor was empty, and there were still only three or four tables and a pair of "November [-]th: A Great Storm" hung in the high hall.

"Sit down, you're welcome, tell me about Guanbei in detail before you're in the future." Li Ye told Wei Yubai to sit down. As for He Qian, he had already sent someone to deliver the airmail. The He Mansion is in the south of the city. , not too far from Tingyu Tower.

Wei Yubai nodded, and then spoke in detail. During the period, Li Ye also asked a lot of questions, and she answered them seriously. After more than an hour passed without knowing it, Li Ye already had an idea in his mind, and then said to her: "You can go again tomorrow morning. Seeing He Zhao, first asked him what he said yesterday, and second, he said that after the military disaster in Guanbei, the people were in dire straits, and it was the autumn harvest, and the Liao people robbed the people of their food."

"My son, in fact, the Liao people didn't take much food. At that time, the soldiers fought desperately, and the Liao people also lost many people. After the city was destroyed and looted, they hurried away in fear of reinforcements. They didn't have time to harm the food in the field." Wei Yubai hurriedly said .

"This is just an excuse. Do you understand the excuse that made He Zhao fall into chaos in Guanbei?"

She frowned, then shook her head honestly
Li Ye said helplessly: "In short, you just listen to me. Just tell him that the Liao people robbed the people of their food and they are in a difficult situation. I hope the imperial court can provide money to help the people so that the people in Guanbei can survive the war safely." day."

Wei Yubai leaned forward and said: "I'm afraid it won't happen, there have been war disasters before, and the court has only been filled with military funds, but it has never been used to compensate the people."

"Of course not, what are you thinking?" Li Yebai glanced at her, and Wei Yubai shrank his neck slightly in grievance.

Li Ye went on to say: "The imperial court won't, but He Zhao will speak up. He is upright for the people. As long as you say that, he will definitely mention it. The Guanbei matter has already entered the game, but he doesn't know it. That's all."

Wei Yubai still didn't know much about it, and finally nodded in response, and firmly remembered what he said just now.

(End of this chapter)

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