Chapter 97
Wei Yubai, Wei Xingping and a few of their entourages stayed in the palace, no matter for their safety or the improvement of their living conditions, it was a good thing.

Li Ye specially vacated a courtyard with six rooms for them, and took Wei Yubai to buy clothes, shoes, socks and daily necessities, and finally gave her 50 taels of silver, but Wei Yubai refused repeatedly.

In order to take care of their tastes, Li Ye also specially assigned Yan Cook, the cook who went to Guanbei with King Xiao back then.

For decision-makers, the higher the vision, the more things they can see, and the more they can seize the opportunity. Therefore, the limitations of people's cognitive level in this era have given Li Ye an advantage when facing anyone. He has to do The most important thing is to grasp the advantages and magnify the advantages.

In the afternoon, Li Ye took the restless Yue'er to see the fermentation of the grain. The wing room of the winery was guarded 24 hours a day, and the fire in the room was kept on day and night. Quilts, quilts, etc. are absolutely excellent in heat insulation and warmth.

In the wing room, even through the thick quilt, Li Ye can already smell the sweet smell, which shows that everything is going well so far, and the starch in the grain has begun to be converted into glucose under the action of microorganisms.

Yue'er who came with him couldn't help swallowing when she smelled the sweet scent.If it is taken out at this time, it will be the sweet white wine that many people like. It is not surprising that the little girl is greedy, but the real fermentation has not yet begun.

Glucose is just sweet, but it is not wine. The next step is the key step of fermentation. Fermenting from glucose to ethanol is the easiest process to fail.

Li Ye rubbed the little girl's head: "Are you hungry?"

"No." The little girl shook her head, but her eyes were fixed on the big tile vats for wine and food. Li Ye ran out of a handful of copper coins and handed her amusedly: "It happens that I also want to eat sweet rice wine, you Let's go shopping with Qiu'er, take her out for a walk, don't stare at those math problems all day long, it's bad for your eyes, do you know where to buy it?"

The little girl's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and she nodded repeatedly: "I know, the wine shop at the corner of the street sells it!"

"Be careful on the road."

As soon as the words fell, the cheerful figure of the little girl had disappeared around the corner of the courtyard gate.

Sweet rice wine is one of the most popular drinks in this era. After all, it has a wide range of sources and is affordable by ordinary people. It tastes sweet and has an endless aftertaste.Of course, it's not just rice wine, but also hot water, otherwise how will the boss make money.

The door of the old hotel on the corner of the street is almost gone. It makes a living by selling rice wine and sweet rice wine. It is run by an old couple. It is not easy to convert starch into sugar in winter, so the business will be better during this season, and it will be sold in summer. Ice water, freshly squeezed lotus root juice, and sour plum soup will all grab business.

Qiu'er and Yue'er like his family's sweet rice wine. The first two girls only have that little money per month, so they can't afford to buy a new dress for a year. They can only look at it if they are greedy. Now Li Ye directly sells it to him. The monthly money of the two girls is mentioned as two pens a month, which is two thousand Wen, so they can often go out to eat.

In the afternoon, Yan Yan came here to remind him repeatedly that the end of the year was the Empress Dowager's [-]th birthday, and as the son of the prince, he had to prepare gifts.

Li Ye nodded casually and agreed. Tingyulou added a song "The Wind and Rain on November 5000th" to make people remember Xiao Wang, and the gifts sent to the door plus the money earned by Tingyulou. Excluding expenses, the Wangfu now has [-] taels in stock. huge.

The reason why there are so many is because his nominal guardian, Uncle Li Yu, probably felt sorry for not taking good care of him, and he was actually sent 2000 taels two days ago!The silver bullion was brought directly by horse-drawn cart.

This can be said to be a huge sum of money. Li Ye does not intend to use it as a gift. After all, he is also a cultural person who is familiar with Water Margin. He remembers that Liang Zhongshu gave his father-in-law Cai Jing a birthday gift worth 10 taels at every turn. He This is nothing.

In the spring of next year, he plans to build a hydraulic drive system in front of the door, and also plans to buy a painting boat. It may be urgent at that time. At this time, he can't spend money. As for what to give, we will talk about it later.

But speaking of it, Li Ye suddenly thought that officials from all over the country would take this opportunity to curry favor with the royal family. By then, a large amount of real gold and silver would definitely flow into Beijing, and most likely they would not be put into storage. Ten thousand taels of gold and silver is not a joke, the target is too big and too heavy, not to mention time-consuming and labor-intensive land transportation is not safe.

In previous years, the emperor might have decreed that officials were not allowed to give gifts, because if they were allowed to give gifts, the people would definitely suffer in the end, but Li Ye knew that this year, no matter how bad the influence was, the emperor would not stop them, because there was going to be a war, and fighting required money.

After dinner, Ji Chunsheng, Yan Shen and a group of nursing homes also came back one after another.

Ji Chunsheng collected the news he had heard and reported it to Li Ye. The way to inquire was nothing more than asking and searching. Ji Chunsheng used to be a member of the Wu De Division. If anyone in the capital had the best news, it must be the Wu De Division. Yes, he asked acquaintances and learned a lot, but in the end there were not many useful things.

"My son, Su Huan is indeed the son of the magistrate of Ansu Prefecture in Suzhou. He is the heir to his first wife, and his wife is a member of the local family. As for Zhong Li, he is the privy envoy of the court and the third son of Zhong Lichuan, brother of the general Zhong Daoyu. The eldest son is the county magistrate in Li County, Ansu Prefecture. As for Ding Yi," Ji Chunsheng said with a frown, "I heard that Ding Yi is a talented scholar in Suzhou. Home, nothing else."

Li Ye nodded, Zhong Li turned out to be a child of the Zhong family, no wonder he was so arrogant, but the strange thing was that Zhong Li was a child of the Zhong family, Su Huan was the son of the magistrate, their identities were far from being comparable to Ding Yi, who was from a family of merchants and had no fame , but Ding Yi was obviously the leader in the plum garden that day, which made him puzzled.

Ji Chunsheng continued: "Su Huan, Ding Yi and his party consisted of more than a dozen people. They arrived in Beijing a few days ago. They probably came to visit the capital, so they settled in Wangjiang Tower. I didn't see all of them in Wangjiang Tower. A few of them seem to have been practiced."

Li Ye nodded. At present, these people seem to have no doubts. If Zhong Li is a child of the Zhong family, it makes sense. He wants to take revenge on himself and Gillian, and Ding Yi and Su Huan, as his friends in Suzhou, will naturally help , but their relationship is still very strange, why can Ding Yi make them bow their heads.

He couldn't figure it out, so he had to put it down for the time being. What he has to do now is to save Wei Chaoren, and when something happens, Zhong Li, Ding Yi, and Su Huan will clean it up one by one!

That night, Li Ye called Wei Yubai into the room again, explained in detail what he would say when he went to the He Mansion tomorrow, and repeatedly urged that no matter how good He Zhao was towards her, he should not ask him to save her, otherwise all previous efforts would be wasted!

(End of this chapter)

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