Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 144 Your Gun Can Fire Bursts?

Chapter 144 Your Gun Can Fire Bursts?

Zhao Wen hastily helped Sun Yuanhua up, it was a bit too much for such a great power to bow to him.

But I have to say that if Sun Yuanhua is placed in later generations, he must be a person who has devoted himself to research.Just because he is not ashamed to ask, and can bow to Zhao Wen after Zhao Wen solves the problem, this person has a heart of a child.

This kind of person is exactly what Zhao Wen needs. Although there are a lot of ammunition and bullets in the warehouse, it is impossible for Zhao Wen to equip all of them to the army.

As a precautionary measure, Zhao Wen only planned to equip all his direct descendants with the ammunition in the warehouse.

Others are assembled in part, and the rest are equipped with firearms such as flintlocks.

At any time, we must ensure that Zhao Wen's direct line has the absolute strength to crush other troops.

Only in this way can the other armies be tightly held in their hands.

Zhao Wen looked at Sun Yuanhua, and asked slowly, "Master Sun, can you make firecrackers?"

"I can even make cannons, let alone firecrackers? Whether it is matchlock firecrackers or self-generated firecrackers, I can do it." Sun Yuanhua's face was full of pride when he heard Zhao Wen mention firecrackers.

Compared with artillery, Sun Yuanhua is better at making firecrackers.Especially the self-generated fire blunderbuss, Sun Yuanhua is the master of the entire Daming fire blunderbuss world.

"Come here, bring the self-generating firecracker that the old man made a few days ago." Sun Yuanhua said to the servants standing around him with a smile on his face.

After a while, a servant came in holding a long wooden box.

Sun Yuanhua took the wooden box and took out the firecracker inside.

Like stroking his own child, Sun Yuanhua stroked the firecracker happily.

"This is a self-generating blunderbuss. It weighs ten catties, is five feet long, charges three qian, and the lead weighs five qian. It can pierce fish-scale armor within ten steps, no matter how many layers of armor the enemy wears, he will still be killed with one blunderbuss." Sun Yuanhua handed the self-generated blunderbuss to Zhao Wen, muttering excitedly.

"Moreover, this self-igniting gun does not use a match, but directly ignites the gunpowder in the charge chamber with flint, thereby igniting it."

Zhao Wen took the self-igniting gun and looked at it carefully.

The whole body of this self-igniting firecracker is dark black, and it seems to be made of refined iron.

Especially the barrel of the firecracker is half an inch thick.

Such a thick gun barrel can easily withstand huge chamber pressure.

Behind the powder chamber of the gunfire is a hammer in the shape of a bird's beak, which is topped with a flint.

Pull the hammer away, and then pull the trigger, only to hear a click, and the hammer accurately hits the back of the charge chamber.

It has to be said that this is a well made firearm.

If the Ming army could equip such guns on a large scale, how could there be wild boar skins?
"This is a good firecracker." Zhao Wenfan looked at the firecracker and admired it sincerely.

Sun Yuanhua sighed and said: "The gun is a good gun, but the cost is not low. For such a gun, the body of the gun is made of Fujian iron, while the charging chamber and hammer need to be made of cycads. Such a gun Down, the minimum cost is ten taels of silver. This is still a skilled craftsman, if you are not good at making firecrackers, it may be more expensive."

Zhao Wen played with it for a while, then returned the firecracker to Sun Yuanhua.

"My lord, your firecracker is indeed a good firecracker, but in my opinion, it is not good." Zhao Wen shook his head and said with a look of disdain.

When Sun Yuanhua heard what Zhao Wen said, he immediately became anxious.

Anyone can't bear to hear someone say that the thing they love the most is trash.What's more, what about Sun Yuanhua, who has been immersed in the way of firecrackers for a long time?
"Oh, this firecracker is not a good firecracker in your opinion, so I dare to ask you what a so-called good firecracker is?" Sun Yuanhua said coldly with a straight face.

Zhao Wen looked at Sun Yuanhua with a gloomy face, and said softly, "Please take a look at my firecracker, sir?"

As Zhao Wen said, he took out the big black eagle from his waist, unloaded the magazine, took out the bullet and handed it to Sun Yuanhua.

Zhao Wen took the bullet because he was afraid that if Sun Yuanhua operated blindly, it would cause an accident.

Sun Yuanhua took the big black star, flipped through it for a while, and said, "You are a pistol, right? But the pistol is a trail after all, it is nothing."

Zhao Wen smiled lightly and said, "My lord, don't jump to conclusions so quickly, please take a closer look."

As soon as Sun Yuanhua heard Zhao Wen's words, he began to fiddle with it carefully.

This big black star is not like an ordinary hand gun, the overall shape is extremely strange, and it is much shorter than the ordinary hand gun.

The whole body of this pistol is black, as if it was made of refined iron.But there is no trace of forging, and the outside of the firecracker is extremely smooth, without the slightest burr.When you touch it with your hands, you can't feel the feeling of time at all.

Although the shape of the hand gun is weird, the body of the gun is indeed perfect.

Sun Yuanhua really couldn't figure out what kind of skilled craftsman could create such a perfect handgun.

The handle of the handgun is not curved like other handguns. The handle of this handgun is straight up and down, which looks weird.But it feels really good to hold, and you can use your strength with one hand.

Sun Yuanhua looked through it for a long time, then looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled face, "Where is the charge chamber for your gun? Why isn't there?"

Zhao Wen burst out laughing when he heard this, "My lord, this handgun is not an ordinary handgun. My lord, please watch me demonstrate it again."

Zhao Wen took the big black star from Sun Yuanhua, took off the magazine under Sun Yuanhua's gaze, and loaded it with bullets.

Sun Yuanhua looked at Zhao Wen's operation with a look of surprise, and asked, "What is this little black box? What did you put in it?"

Zhao Wen inserted the magazine into the handle of the big black star, and said, "Back to my lord, this little black box is the charging chamber, and what is put in it is the bullet, which is what the lord calls lead."

But Sun Yuanhua still didn't quite believe it, such a way of filling lead was unheard of.

"But where do you put the gunpowder? I didn't see you filling the gunpowder just now?" Sun Yuanhua stared at the big black star in Zhao Wen's hand, and asked with a puzzled expression.

"My lord, this place for filling gunpowder is different from ordinary gunpowder. The lead and gunpowder of ordinary gunpowder are separated, but the gunpowder and lead of my hand gun are integrated, so there is no need to add gunpowder separately. .” Zhao Wen explained in detail.

But Sun Yuanhua still looked at Zhao Wen with disbelief, "Is this okay?"

"My lord, you won't know until you start firing the gun. May I ask if there is any place here to experiment with the firecracker?" Zhao Wen asked in a low voice after turning off the safety of the big black star.

Sun Yuanhua is an expert in firearms, and he opened up a place with a revolving door to experiment with firearms in the backyard of the yamen.

"Yes, in the backyard." Sun Yuanhua said to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen replied: "Since I have it, it would be great. But, I not only have this firecracker, I also have a long firecracker, but it's not with me, but with my men."

"Then let them in quickly, I want to take a good look." Sun Yuanhua hurriedly said.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Daniu and others also stood in the test field in the backyard.

At this time, Zhao Wen held the big black star in one hand, opened the safety, loaded the bullet, aimed at a wooden sign twenty steps away, and directly pulled the trigger.

A clear gunshot sounded, and the wooden sign twenty steps away was directly hit by the bullet of the big black star, and a huge hole was directly torn open in the middle of the wooden sign.

Sun Yuanhua stared blankly at the wooden sign, his mouth was wide open, unable to speak for a long time.

I didn't quite believe how powerful such a pistol could be before, but when I saw it now, I was surprised.

The power of this hand gun is almost as powerful as that of the self-generated fire gun, and this hand gun is much shorter than the self-generated fire gun.

It's really unbelievable that such a weird and incomparably handgun can have such power?

A hand gun is so powerful, so is the long-fire gun he said more powerful than a hand gun?
Thinking of this, Sun Yuanhua suddenly looked forward to it.

"My friend, your gun is so powerful, what about the long-fire gun you mentioned? Hurry up and let me see it." Sun Yuanhua said impatiently.

Zhao Wen smiled slightly, and said, "My lord, this gun's ability is more than that."

As Zhao Wen said, he pulled the trigger again on the shattered wooden sign.


Another shot rang out.

At this moment, Sun Yuanhua froze on the spot as if he had been dumbfounded. He pointed at the pistol in Zhao Wen's hand, and said tremblingly, "Your pistol can fire continuously?"

The firecrackers of this era, no matter what kind of firecrackers they are, have to be fired once, then stop and continue to reload.

Skilled soldiers can reload in a dozen breaths, but raw ones take a long time.

Sun Yuanhua is very troubled by this problem, and has always wanted to solve it.But after trying countless times and wasting countless time, Sun Yuanhua gave up this idea.

Except for the three-eyed firecracker, almost none of the firecrackers can fire consecutively.

Even if it is a three-eyed gun, it has to be reloaded after three rounds of lead have been fired.Moreover, the reloading speed of the three-eyed firecracker is more time-consuming than that of ordinary firecrackers.

No matter what, Sun Yuanhua never imagined that the problem that he had been struggling with for a long time was solved in the hands of this young man.

This hand gun can not only fire in quick bursts, but also does not need to stop to reload gunpowder and lead, which is a miracle at all.

Zhao Wen looked at Sun Yuanhua, pulled the trigger again, and fired all the bullets in the magazine in one go.

Sun Yuanhua fixed his eyes on the big black star in Zhao Wen's hand, for fear of missing something.

The hard work paid off, and under Sun Yuanhua's careful observation, he finally discovered the suspicion.

Every time this weird-looking handgun shoots a lead, the iron sheet on it will move backwards, and then a cylindrical thing jumps out of the hole in the barrel of the handgun.

When the cylindrical thing jumps out, the iron sheet on it will return to the front, and then a lead will be shot out, and then the previous action will continue.

Is the secret of the continuous firing of the handgun related to the moving barrel?Or is it related to that cylindrical thing?Or is it related to both?

And that cylindrical thing seems to be what he stuffed into the little black box before.

Could it be that the continuous firing of the pistol is also related to the lack of a huge charge chamber?
Thinking of this, Sun Yuanhua's heart almost jumped out.At this moment, Sun Yuanhua felt that he was about to find a solution to the burst of fire.

(End of this chapter)

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