Chapter 161
A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Wen sat in the hall of the Garrison Mansion and watched everyone.

"Just now the Horqin Department came, and brought important military information!"

Zhao Wen opened the bamboo tube and took out a piece of kraft paper from inside.

"This piece of kraft paper was sent by Borzigit Khan of the Horqin Department. According to their observations in the past few days, there are signs of a significant increase in the number of slaves near Xifengkou. And the increased number of people are Eight Banners soldiers. By the time he sent me the military information, Jiannu had already had thousands of people at Xifengkou, and it was still growing."

Zhao Wen spoke slowly to the people in the hall while holding the kraft paper.

"My lord, what are your plans?" Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhao Wen and asked.

Zhao Wen put down the kraft paper in his hand and said, "I want to hear your opinions!"

"My lord, hit them, directly send troops to attack them." Zhao Daniu stood up straight away, yelling with a full face of hostility.

Song Hu also said: "Daniu is right, we have to beat them. Beat them to pieces directly outside the entrance of Xifeng, and see if they dare to come."

Zhao Wen frowned and looked at the two of them, and scolded: "Hit? Hit them? It's easy to say, sending troops for no reason is tantamount to rebellion. Even if we beat Huang Taiji back, what benefits can we gain.

You must know that the imperial court does not know that Huang Taiji is planning to detour to Xifengkou.Even if we beat Huang Taiji back, the imperial court will not recognize our contribution.Isn't this doing business at a loss? "

When Zhao Daniu and Song Hu heard this, they immediately shut their mouths.

"My lord, I mean to wait and see what happens!" Liu Wenzhong stood up, holding a goose feather fan in his hand, and said slowly.

Now Liu Wenzhong is the only famous scholar in Longmen Castle, and he usually thinks of himself as Zhuge Liang, so he got himself a goose feather fan.

Although there are quite a few scholars who go to Zhao Wen on weekdays, those people are all rotten Confucian scholars who can't stand their shoulders and can't talk about it.So Zhao Wen rejected them.

In this way, Liu Wenzhong became the only famous scholar in Longmen Castle.

Moreover, Liu Wenzhong is also quite capable, able to manage the entire Longmen Fort subduedly during the time when Zhao Wen was not in Longmen Fort.

Even the rebellious warriors like Song Hu are submissive to Liu Wenzhong.

"I think the same way. Now that Huang Taiji is stationed at Xifengkou, we are going to attack. But Xifengkou is too far away from us. If we make a detour from the grassland, it will be a waste of time. But if we don't make a detour, we will It will definitely be noticed by the court. If it comes and goes, it is better to wait and see what happens."

Zhao Wen nodded, agreeing with Liu Wenzhong's opinion very much.

"My lord, we can't take the initiative to attack, we can let Horqin take the initiative. In the past few days, the military information from Horqin, I found that the soldiers who are going to break through the Xifeng Pass this time are not only Jiannu, but also many soldiers. Less Tartars. In addition to Horqin, there are Khalkha and Chahar tribes. These two tribes have sent troops to support Huang Taiji.

These two tribes sent troops to support Huang Taiji, so the tribe must be empty.I thought, we can let the Horqin tribe harass the rear of these two tribes.Even if you can't disturb their morale, it's good to grab something from them. "

Liu Wenzhong shook the goose feather fan lightly, and said with some grace.

Zhao Wen nodded and said, "Your method is good, so I'll leave this matter to you. It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not. Anyway, our weapons are powerful and our soldiers are elite."

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu and the others, "You can't be idle, you have been practicing to death for me these few days, and you have to be prepared at all times."

In Xuanzhen, Fanjiayuan Fuxiang headquarters welcomed an incomparably distinguished guest today.Even Fan Zheng had to stand five miles outside Xuan Town to greet him.

Fan Zheng led a large group of people from Xuan Town, standing on both sides of the official road outside the city.

It was noon at this time, and the weather in nearly June was extremely hot.

Fan Zheng kept wiping the sweat off his forehead and looked ahead anxiously.

Just when Fan Zheng was upset, a carriage appeared on the official road.

Although the carriage doesn't look very luxurious, the horses that pull it are all good war horses.The cabin is also much larger than usual.

On the roof of the carriage was a flag of the Fan family, which was much larger than ordinary flags.

On both sides of the carriage, there were more than 20 men riding horses, carrying long knives, and even carrying bows and arrows.

There are several carriages behind the carriage, but the carriages behind are far inferior to the carriages in front.

"I'm coming!"

Fan Zheng was pleasantly surprised, and hurried up to meet him.

But before he ran to the carriage, an old and low voice came from inside the carriage, "Don't greet him here, just go back to Yuan Fuxiang."

Hearing this, Fan Zheng had no choice but to lead the people behind him, respectfully followed behind the carriage, and headed towards Xuan Town.

More than half an hour later, Fan Zheng stood in the hall of Yuan Fuxiang's backyard, looking respectfully at the old man sitting in the main seat.

The old man was wearing a round-neck shirt embroidered with copper coins, with a green jade wrench on his right thumb, and a wooden crutch covered with pulp in his hand.

This person is Fan Yongdou, the Patriarch of the Fan Family.

Fan Yongdou looked at Fan Zheng and said with a smile, "You are a hero of our family, so you don't need to be so polite."

Fan Zheng hurriedly replied: "In front of the Patriarch, my nephew dare not make mistakes."

Fan Zhengnai is Fan Yongdou's nephew.It is the grandson of Fan Yongdou's father's younger brother, and Fan Yongdou's father's younger brother, Fan Zheng's father, is just a concubine.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for a concubine to be the head of the Fan family, but who made Fan Zheng's smart mind and Fan Yongdou's support?

"Do you know why I came to Xuanzhen?" Fan Yongdou looked at Fan Zheng.

Fan Zheng looked puzzled. When he came to Xuan Town, he was not informed of the reason for coming to Xuan Town. He was only told that he was coming to Xuan Town. He didn't say anything else.

Fan Yongdou looked at Fan Zheng with a puzzled expression on his face, and said slowly, "I came to Xuanzhen for nothing else, but for the cement factory in Xuanzhen."

"Cement factory? The cement factory is doing well now, and it's in full production. There's nothing serious about it right now." Fan Zheng asked.

Fan Yongdou looked at Fan Zheng, who didn't know why, and slammed the crutch in his hand on the ground, and said with bright eyes: "I think you know the benefits of the cement plant, and the millions of taels of silver every year are all Pure profit. If all the money belonged to the Fan family, how wonderful it would be."

Fan Zheng was greatly surprised when he heard this.

"Patriarch, this is impossible, this is impossible at all. You don't know who Zhao Wen is, but I know it very well. This guy is a person who no one recognizes. He was just a soldier at the time, and he dared to kill him. The general soldier. What's more, he is now guarding Longmen Fort, and he has thousands of elite soldiers. If we snatch him from him, the consequences will be unimaginable." Fan Zhengsheng was afraid that Fan Yongdou would do something unpredictable, so he hurried to persuade him road.

Fan Zheng immediately thought of Fan Yongdou's thoughts. In recent years, with the expansion of Shanxi merchants' strength, the Fan family has secretly annexed many merchants.

Now Fan Yongdou's words clearly intend to annex the cement factory.

But is the cement factory really that easy to annex?Others don't know who Zhao Wen is, but Fan Zheng knows it all.

But Fan Yongdou didn't seem to listen to Fan Zheng's words at all. He said impatiently: "Zhao Wen is certainly strong, but his family is not alone in this world. There are many people who are stronger than him."

"Fan Hua, come and tell Fan Zheng why we are here today." Fan Yongdou looked at his son.

Fan Hua is four or five years older than Fan Zheng, but because of the good maintenance, he looks younger than Fan Zheng.

"Hehe, if we put this matter in the past, we wouldn't dare to think like this, but it's different now." Fan Hua chuckled twice, and looked at Fan Zheng playfully.

"Why is it different?" Fan Zheng was puzzled.

Fan Hua looked at Fan Zheng who looked puzzled, and said slowly: "Huang Taiji knows, right? We have established a comprehensive cooperative relationship with Huang Taiji. Now that Huang Taiji is stationed at Xifengkou, it won't be long before they enter The Great Wall. Even if the capital cannot be conquered by then, it will still wreak havoc in the capital.

You said, if this Huang Taiji is raging here in Xuanzhen, will this Zhao Wen still survive?Even if he can survive, how many soldiers and horses are left in his hands?By then, won't this cement factory be ours? "

"What?" Fan Zheng's expression changed greatly upon hearing this.

Fan Hua looked at Fan Zheng with a shocked face, and continued: "We have obtained the garrison force and the deployment map of Xifengkou, and now they are in the hands of Huang Taiji. I believe that it will not be long before Huang Taiji The army will go south. The imperial court will put heavy troops in Shanhaiguan, but who would have thought that Huang Taiji would detour to Xifengkou?"

The more Fan Zheng listened, the more frightened he became. In the end, he was sweating profusely and his body was trembling non-stop.

Although he is the big shopkeeper of the Fan family, he is only in charge of business matters, and he doesn't know many things.

Shanxi merchants have always been in contact with Jiannu, and he also knows about it.It's just that he thought that the connection between Shanxi merchants and Jiannu was just selling food, but he didn't expect that he had already reached the point of betraying the country.

If the imperial court knew about this, wouldn't it be a capital crime of ransacking the family and exterminating the clan.

Although Fan Zheng likes money very much, he also likes making money very much.But he still has his own bottom line, which is not to make money for traitors.

Although sometimes he had to give food to the slaves as a last resort, it was beyond his control.It was Fan Yongdou's final decision to sell grain to Jiannu, and he had no way of intervening.

Don't look at Fan Zheng as a majestic shopkeeper with great power, but if Fan Yongdou really wants to dismiss him, it will only be a matter of one word.

The last time Zhao Wenhu gave Jiannu food that disappeared mysteriously on the grassland, Fan Zheng knew very early on that Zhao Wen did it, but he didn't expose it.In his opinion, even if all the food is fed to pigs, it is better than to Jiannu.So Fan Zheng didn't even bother to ask about that matter.

Fan Zheng was the son of a concubine, and he had no status in the Fan family since he was a child, and he was not welcomed by others.Sometimes it is not even as good as a servant. Over time, it develops perseverance.

Moreover, Fan Zheng's parents died early, and he had to rely on constantly pleasing people in the Fan family to survive since he was a child.

In this way, Fan Zheng's heart was honed to be extremely strong.

For the Fan family, Fan Zheng's disgust was greater than his attachment.After all, his parents were forced to death by the Fan family. He thought about revenge, but it was unrealistic. The Fan family was the leader of Shanxi merchants, and he was just a big shopkeeper. What would he use to compete with the Fan family?
Over time, Fan Zheng also slowly let go.This world is like this, the strong live and the weak die, no one should blame anyone.

Although Fan Zheng has a smile on his face most of the time, it doesn't mean that he is an honest person who only knows how to smile.

If he was just an honest man who only knows how to laugh, then how could Fan Yongdou have made him the big shopkeeper for so many years?

With the deepening of contact with Zhao Wen, Fan Zheng also got a lot of novel ideas from Zhao Wen.

For example: since Pangu opened the sky, the three emperors established the country, and the five emperors opened the borders.For the major events of every country, men should sacrifice their bodies to the country, even if their bones are piled up into mounds and rivers of blood are spilled, they should not insult the land of the country or mourn the borders of the country.

This sentence was often said by Zhao Wen. When he first heard it, Fan Zheng didn't take it seriously.But the more I listened, the more I gradually understood the meaning.

Another example: the country of China has been passed down for thousands of years.Although it has been through wind and frost for thousands of years, it has never fallen.What is it based on?It was Meng Tian who attacked the Xiongnu from the north in the Qin Dynasty; Huo Qubing went straight to Longting in the Han Dynasty; The Wushu of defeating gold; it was Emperor Taizu Gao who restored the sun and moon of the Song Dynasty; it was Xu Dabei who conquered the sixteen states of Yanyun.

My Huaxia has been the top nation in the world from ancient times to the present. In the prosperous age of Yongle, when my Ming Dynasty's sea ships covered the entire sea, who would dare to make a mistake?Who dares to say a word?Those foreign envoys, who dare not bow their heads in front of me, Daming?
My Huaxia Jiangshan was brought down by my ancestors, and the souls of my ancestors are buried here. Anyone who sells this land is selling his ancestors.

When Fan Zheng heard these words for the first time, for some reason, he always felt that his blood was boiling and burning.At that moment, he suddenly had the feeling of wanting to die for the country.

Zhao Wen's thoughts silently influenced Fan Zheng, changing Fan Zheng silently.

Today's Fan Zheng is no longer the original Fan Zheng, the current Fan Zheng is a passionate Fan Zheng.

"Are you traitorous?" Fan Zheng pointed at Fan Hua, his eyes were cold.

Fan Yongdou sneered, "What traitor? We are just chasing profit, and businessmen chasing profit, isn't this a matter of course?"

"Hehe, it's right for businessmen to pursue profit, but you have to be clear that business has no borders, but businessmen have countries." Fan Zheng pointed at Fan Yongdou's nose and said sharply.

Fan Yongdou narrowed his eyes, and a look of displeasure flashed across his face, "What are you, you dare to teach me a lesson? I pushed you up as a shopkeeper, don't be shameless."

"Hehe, no one knows who we are shameless!" Fan Zheng was like a fighter, pointing at Fan Yongdou and yelling.

The veins on Fan Yongdou's forehead popped out, and he shouted, "Lock him up!"

(End of this chapter)

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