Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 173 Zhao Ledjiao is in crisis, Fu Jianying goes out of the city to meet him

Chapter 173 Zhao Ledjiao is in crisis, Fu Jianying goes out of the city to meet him

"Boys, charge over there, don't fight with these Jian slaves, charge over directly."

Zhao Ratejiao waved the long knife in his hand, sat up straight, and roared loudly.

"Block all these Ming troops to me, and anyone who dares to let go will be punished by military law!"

Amin looked coldly at Zhao Shujiao, who was rushing forward, with a stern look in his eyes.

As the war horses continued to gallop, the men and horses on both sides were also constantly approaching.

Closer, closer, closer.

When Zhao Lijiao was able to see Amin's face clearly, he directly pushed out the long knife in his hand horizontally, and went directly to Amin's neck.

Under the sunlight, the knife light reflected on Amin's eyes, making him unable to open his eyes.

Suddenly, a strong wind hit, and the intuition developed over the years of fighting prompted him to shrink his neck down hastily, and his whole body lay directly on the horse's back.

The knife in Zhao Ratejiao's hand directly cut off the red tassel on Amin's helmet.

"Hehe, that's all."

When the two passed each other, Zhao Ratejiao glanced at A Min contemptuously.

As the saying goes, will be the courage of soldiers.Under Zhao Liaojiao's reckless charge, the entire army formation rushed directly into the Xianglan Banner's team like a sharp knife.

"Kill me!"

Amin felt that he had been greatly insulted, so he waved the long knife in his hand and rushed towards the Ming army who hadn't rushed over.

Dorgon's Zhengbai Banner also rushed up from the side at this time, and the two teams of Zhengbai Banner and Xianglan Banner moved towards the rear of the Ming army like a pair of pliers.

Although Jiannu's fighting power is strong, facing this kind of charge that is not afraid of death, coupled with the fact that the Ming army has twice the number of them, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to stop it for a while.

When cavalry fight, they rely on the word fierce, and they rely on a fierce attack.

Amin has been pampered and pampered for so many years, and his martial courage has already been worn away a lot.He is now over 40 years old, which can be called an old man in ancient times.At this time, where does he still have the fierceness of his youth?
When he saw Zhao Ratejiao approaching aggressively, he was terrified, really terrified.

Therefore, he involuntarily slowed down his charging speed.When he slowed down, the guards around him also slowed down, the guards slowed down, and the entire striker slowed down.In an instant, the speed of the entire Xianglan flag was full.

Dorgon was only seventeen or eighteen years old at this time, and it was the time when his blood was surging. When he saw the Ming army rushing, not only did he not have the slightest fear, but he looked excited and eager to try.


Dorgon yelled angrily, and raised the knife in his hand to the side of his body. He clamped the horse's belly tightly, and stepped firmly on the stirrup with both feet.

When driving at high speed, the cavalry didn't need to chop at all. Just relying on the speed of the horse, the long knife could tear a hole in the opponent's armor.What's more, they are passing each other now, and the relative speed is even more astonishing.


A white light flashed, and the neck of a Ming soldier was directly cut by the fast-moving long knife in Dorgon's hand.

In an instant, most of the neck was cut open, and blood gushed out in an instant.Directly dye the white cotton armor on Dorgon's body red.

Dorgon looked back cruelly at the Ming army who was slowly falling from the horse, then clamped the horse's belly again, and rushed forward.

Zhao led the teaching staff and more than 4000 people in front of them directly rushed out of the blocking circle of Xianglan flag and Zhengbai flag.

And the rest of the people were also held tightly by the Zhengbai Banner and Xianglan Banner, unable to escape for a while.

When Zhao Lediao rushed out of the blocking circle, all of a sudden, his pressure was reduced a lot.

But it's useless to rush out so few people.

Zhao Ledjiao let go of the horse's reins, wiped off the blood on his face, then turned the horse's head and led the men and horses to charge towards the Xianglan and Zhengbai flags again.

At this time, the Ming army had been cut off by the Xianglan and Zhengbai flags.

Although the Ming army was cut off, Xianglan Qi's side obviously couldn't keep up with Zhengbai Qi's rhythm, and suddenly slowed down a lot.

This caused the Zhengbai flag to rush too fast, pushing the entire Ming army towards the Xianglan flag.The speed of the Xianglan Banner was also slowed down because of Amin's hesitation, coupled with the impact of the remaining Ming army, the entire Xianglan Banner team was stretched.

More than 4000 people rushed towards the 2000-odd Xianglan Banner. In an instant, the Xianglan Banner was a little too much.

Zhao Ratejiao keenly noticed the difference, and without saying a word, he rushed directly to Xianglan Banner.

When Zhao led the team to rush into the slow-down Xianglan Banner team, A Min panicked for a moment, and then the entire Xianglan Banner team also panicked.

Xianglan Banner couldn't look at each other head to tail, unable to form a powerful counterattack, and could only watch helplessly as Zhao led the troops to charge towards him.

Zhao led the teacher to see the timing, and directly rushed to the weakest point of Xianglan Banner's team, and directly tore a hole in it.

When the gap was torn open, the Ming army, pinched by the Xianglan and Zhengbai flags, rushed towards the gap, as if the water in a dammed lake suddenly found a path to get out.

In the blink of an eye, this gap was filled to the brim.

The soldiers of the Ming army rushed out from the gap, and when Amin reacted and wanted to block it, it was already too late.

"Go, rush to the city wall."

Zhao Ledjiao turned around in a circle and led the rushing troops towards Zunhua City.

Dorgon looked at the Ming army who had escaped, and looked at Amin angrily, "What did you eat? How did you let the Ming army go? If Dahan asks, how will you explain?"

Amin looked at the angry Dorgon, and a look of displeasure flashed across his face, "What are you? How dare you talk to me like this? Even he, Huang Taiji, would not dare to talk to me like this. You How dare you scold me, do you really think that the knife in my hand is not sharp anymore?"

"Hmph, you blame others for your own incompetence. It's useless for you to say this to me. If you have the guts, go to Huang Taiji and say it?"

Dorgon glared at Amin, then led Zhengbaiqi's men and horses to chase after Zhao Lediao.

Standing on the platform, Huang Taiji looked at the Ming army who rushed out under the obstruction of Dorgon and Amin, and directly cursed: "What are these two bastards doing? Four thousand athletes can't stop eight thousand Ming troops? Really? Damn it, really damn it."

Although Dorgon tried his best to catch up, he still couldn't catch up with Zhao Liaojiao.

Zhao Ledjiao rode on a horse and led the team around the perimeter of Jiannu surrounding Zunhua City, and then rushed directly towards the city wall of the west gate.

At this time, Fu Jianying, who was fighting Jiannu on the top of the city, looked at Zhao Liaojiao who rushed over, and laughed loudly, "Brothers, our reinforcements are here, kill all the Jiannu on the top of the city for me!" .”

When Zhao Ledjiao launched an attack on Jiannu at the west gate, Huang Taiji hurriedly summoned a messenger, "Ming Jin to retreat, quickly call Jin to retreat! Let all the soldiers attacking the city withdraw!"

In a siege battle, what the siege party fears most is not a violent blow on the wall, but a sneak attack from behind.

This is like a person who walks at night with a lantern. He is always only afraid of what is behind, but never afraid of what is ahead.

Therefore, when Zhao Ledjiao began to attack the city wall of the west gate, the Jiannu who were attacking the city suddenly panicked.

Not only the Jiannu at the west city gate panicked, but even the Jiannu at the other city walls also panicked.

At this time, if the soldiers who attacked the city were not withdrawn, the soldiers who attacked the city might be defeated in an instant.

After hearing the sound of the gong from the camp, the Jiannu on the top of the city hurriedly fled down the ladder one by one.

Fu Jianying looked at Jiannu who jumped down, and laughed twice.

"My lord, our reinforcements are here, quickly open the city gate and welcome them in."

A hundred household officials rushed to Wang Yuanya and said excitedly.

"We have to welcome in, but it's not now. Jianu has not completely retreated now. If the city gate is opened at this time, if Jiannu counterattacks, the consequences will be disastrous." Although Wang Yuanya was excited, he was not dazzled.

Now Zhao Ledjiao has not rushed to the root of the city wall, and now that the city gate is opened, the threat of building slaves is very great.

"Ming dog!"

Mang Gurtai looked at Zhao Liaojiao who was rushing to kill him, and immediately shouted angrily, jumped on a horse, and led the men and horses to rush towards Zhao Lvjiao.

Because they wanted to attack the city wall, almost none of these men and horses in Manggurtai rode horses, and most of them were infantry.

All of a sudden, the combat power is much smaller.

"Azige, you lead the ten Niulu of the Xianghuang Banner, and Mangurtai and I flank the Ming army back and forth. We must kill them in front of the city wall."

Huang Taiji gritted his teeth as he looked at Zhao Ratejiao who was charging towards the west city gate wall.


A burly man in cotton armor ran out from behind Huang Taiji and rushed towards the bottom of the platform.

Azige is the elder brother of Dorgon and Duoduo, and has a close relationship with Huang Taiji on weekdays.

When Azig set off with the men and horses, Zhao Ledjiao had already led the men and horses for half the distance, and at the same time, the speed of the horses also slowed down.

"Gou Jiannu, go to hell!" Zhao Lediao brandished a long knife, slashing at the Zhenglan Banner soldiers rushing forward.

At this moment, Zhao Ratejiao only felt very refreshed.

In the past, Jiannu cavalry chased and killed Ming infantry, and even hundreds of Jiannu chased thousands of Ming infantry.

Now, the situation is suddenly reversed.

Now the Ming army is on the horse, but Jiannu has become a pawn.

With this back and forth, the combat power of the Ming army more than doubled.

Zhao led the teaching to chop and slash the incoming Zhenglan Banner infantry, their bodies were spattered with the blood of the Zhenglan Banner soldiers.

"Bring me the servants of the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty. This kind of death battlefield should be handed over to them."

Mang Gurtai looked at the Zhenglan Banner soldiers who kept falling, and his heart was bleeding.This is the family property he has accumulated through hard work for most of his life, and now he is slaughtered by the Ming army like this. Looking at all this, Mang Gurtai instantly felt like crying without tears.


Azig held a pair of copper hammers and kept waving them in the air, making a cold and stern cry of killing.

At the same time, Dorgon's Zhengbai Qi also caught up from behind.

The Zhengbai Banner and the Xianghuang Banner were joined together, charging towards Zhao Ledjiao.

The speed of Zhao's team slowed down, but the speed of the Huanghuangqi cavalry led by Azig and Dorgon's Zhengbaiqi cavalry was at a high speed.

In addition, the two yellow flags are Huang Taiji's most elite army, so when the soldiers and horses with the yellow flags rushed into the buttocks of Zhao led the team, it was like a red-hot kitchen knife cutting into butter, and a hole was cut instantly.

Zhengbai Qi was not to be outdone, and charged forward along the opening made by Xianghuang Qi, expanding the results of the battle.

At the same time, the surrounding soldiers of the Han Eight Banners also rushed towards Zhao Lediao under the leadership of their respective Gu Shanerzhen.

For a moment, the situation of Zhao Lediao became tense.

"My lord, I can't do it anymore. If this continues, the reinforcements will be wiped out."

Fu Jianying hurried to Wang Yuanya's side and said nervously.

"Then what do you say?" Wang Yuanya looked at Fu Jianying nervously.

Fu Jianying looked at Zhao Liaojiao who was fighting with Jiannu outside the city, gritted his teeth, and said sharply: "My lord, for the present plan, let me lead the soldiers and horses in the city to rush out and bring in reinforcements, otherwise If not, the reinforcements will really be gone.”

"Is this okay? Jiannu is still attacking the city."

"My lord, the Jiannu retreated early to besiege the reinforcements. Now there are no Jiannu attacking the city on the city wall. My lord, hurry up and order, otherwise, it will be too late."

Fu Jianying looked at the reinforcements falling under the horses outside the city under the siege of Jiannu, and said with a sad face.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you will lead 500 troops out of the city to support them." Wang Yuanya said in a deep voice, looking at the reinforcements fighting outside the city.

"Subordinates obey!"

Fu Jianying clasped his fist at Wang Yuanya, and then walked down the city wall with his elite servants and more than 500 guarding soldiers.

Just after walking down the city wall, Fu Jianying saw Ma Sigong, Jia Weiyao and others who were carrying earth and rocks at the city gate.

Seeing this, Fu Jianying directly pulled out the long knife from his waist, looked at them vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

Ma Sigong looked at the fierce Fu Jianying, and hurriedly said: "My lord, we are here to help you."

"Yes, yes, we are here to help you." Jia Weiyao said hastily, with profuse sweat pouring out of his face.

"You also know that I'm going out of the city to meet the reinforcements?" Fu Jianying squinted his eyes, like a sharp dagger, directly piercing the hearts of the two of them.

Ma Sigong's heart beat rapidly in an instant, and he took a few breaths, "Yes, yes, we know that your lord is going to receive reinforcements, so we came here to help you open the city gate."

"Yes, yes, brother Ma is right." Jia Weiyao chimed in with a worried face.

The shouts outside the city became louder and louder, and Fu Jianying was so anxious that he didn't think about it at all.

"Since this is the case, quickly remove the earth and rocks from the city gate. As long as reinforcements enter the city, Zunhua City will be able to completely defend it."

Fu Jianying looked at Ma Sigong and the others, and shouted anxiously.

"Yes, yes, the general is right. We will do our best to help defend the city."

A trace of sarcasm flashed in Ma Sigong's eyes, but there was a look of fear on his face.

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  I recommend a book from a friend, "The Attacking Liu Bei". This book is about Liu Bei who came home from a study tour at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and accidentally obtained three volumes of the Heavenly Book from the 21st century.Those who are interested can take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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