Chapter 188 I Have a Condition

"Borrowed? Borrowed and seized? This is the first time I have encountered such a thing when I grow up." Zhao Wen looked at the crowd and kept sneering.

Yuan Chonghuan looked at Zhao Wen and smiled contemptuously, "Young man, I know that your subordinates are very powerful and your weapons are also very powerful, but there are some things that you must know.

In this world, whoever has the most soldiers and the strongest soldiers will not have the last laugh.Back then, Qi Jiguang's contribution and ability were not inferior to yours, but what?I don't think you don't know what happened to him, do you?
Young people, there is nothing wrong with being young and vigorous, but don't be too young and vigorous. "

"I said Governor Yuan, what do you mean by that?" Before Zhao Wen could speak, Man Gui frowned and scolded in a low voice.

It is well known that Yuan Chonghuan and Man Gui are at odds.

Mangui was the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan back then, but because of Yuan Chonghuan, he was transferred to Datong.

Moreover, Man Gui is now shot and wounded by Guan Ningjun, and he has nothing to do with Yuan Chonghuan.

So now when Man Gui heard Yuan Chonghuan's yin and yang voice, he felt very upset.

Yuan Chonghuan looked at Man Gui and cursed: "You barbarian, do you have a place to speak here?"

When Man Gui heard this, he glared at Yuan Chonghuan directly, "I haven't settled with you for letting your men shoot me with an arrow, yet you dare to be so arrogant and domineering."

"The thing I regret the most now is that I didn't let my men shoot you dead, you tartar." Yuan Chonghuan slapped the armrest of the chair directly, and angrily reprimanded.

Mangui came from the grasslands, which is well known.

Man Gui has always been very concerned about his background, so every time he fights, he always charges forward and builds up his military exploits.

But no matter how hard Man Gui works, there are always some people who like to talk about Man Gui's identity.

What's more, it is said that the reason why the Tatars can often break through the customs is because of the letter from Mangui.

When Man Gui heard Yuan Chonghuan's words, he stood up from his chair and cursed angrily, "What did you say?"

Yuan Chonghuan sneered and said: "Hehe, I said you are a Tartar, what can you do to me? Don't forget, this official is the Liaodong Supervisor personally appointed by His Majesty, Minister of the Ministry of War.

what about you?You are just a warrior. In terms of official position, I am older than you. In terms of connections, my teacher is the emperor Sun Chengzong.What are you, Mangui, to me? "

Hearing Yuan Chonghuan's words, Man Gui's temples twitched. He looked at Yuan Chonghuan, trembling like a furious beast.Because of the excitement, blood kept oozing from the bandaged shoulder.

Seeing this, Lu Daliang on the side hurriedly pulled Man Gui back, fearing that Man Gui would do something out of the ordinary.

Xuanzhen is not far from Datong. Although the relationship between the two is not very good, it is much closer than Yuan Chonghuan.

"Papa papa!" Zhao Wen looked at the scene in front of him and clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

"Wonderful, really wonderful. What Director Yuan said just now was really wonderful, I don't even know what to say." Zhao Wen clapped his hands and looked at Yuan Chonghuan with a playful face.

For Yuan Chonghuan, Zhao Wen is very disdainful.Yuan Chonghuan in history is not only conceited, but also extremely arrogant.It can be seen from the incident of beheading Mao Wenlong privately.

Zhao Wen admired Man Gui very much.This is a man who is brave, resourceful and loyal to state affairs.

Man Gui in history died in the battle to defend the capital in the second year of Chongzhen.Because of Zhao Wen's appearance, not only did Man Gui not die in battle, but he was still alive and well.

"To be honest, I really don't understand. Since Governor Yuan is so powerful, why did he come to me today? What about your Guan Ning army? Your tens of thousands of iron hoofs? Why did you lose so badly today? Miserable?" Zhao Wen looked at Yuan Chonghuan with sarcasm on his face.

Yuan Chonghuan sat on the chair, his face so gloomy that water dripped out.

"Hehe, Huangkou boy, you didn't know where you were playing with mud when I was fighting." Yuan Chonghuan looked at Zhao Wen with a playful face, and said through gritted teeth.

If it wasn't for the purpose of getting some Jiannu heads from Zhao Wen, how could Yuan Chonghuan come to Zhao Wen?
After failing to defend the city, Yuan Chonghuan knew in his heart that if he didn't gain enough, he might be punished by the emperor.

The defense of the city is a mess today, and the defenders on the top of the city are not dumb, they will definitely report their performance to the emperor.In order to keep his official position, Yuan Chonghuan had to bow his head and come to Zhao Wen with a shy face.

"Hehe, you are powerful, you are really powerful, I am very curious now, why did you not notice when Jiannu detoured to Xifengkou? When Jiannu attacked the capital city, why did you retreat so quickly? I'm really curious about all this.

Is it true that you are a friend of Huang Taiji as others said? Zhao Wen looked at Yuan Chonghuan with a gloomy face, and asked jokingly.

When Yuan Chonghuan heard the words, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. What do you mean by that?Are you saying that I am Jiannu's spy?
However, Yuan Chonghuan can't explain this kind of problem too much. Once he explains it too much, others will only say that you are trying to cover up.

"Hmph, young man, you have to be responsible for what you say. Can you provide evidence to prove what you just said?" Yuan Chonghuan took a deep breath and asked, pretending to be calm.

Zhao Wen laughed, and said: "Then, can Governor Yuan prove that you are not? Can you produce evidence? If you can produce evidence, I will not only personally apologize to you, but I will also give you everything I have today. The harvest is given to you."

"Hehe, what you said is really interesting. How can I give you evidence for the rumors?" Yuan Chonghuan sneered twice, then sat on the chair without saying a word.

Lu Daliang looked at Zhao Wen, and hurriedly said: "Brother Zhao, this Jiannu's head is very important to us, I hope Brother Zhao can help us."

Yuan Chonghuan needs the heads of slaves, and Lu Daliang also needs the heads of slaves.

Zhao Wen looked at the eager Lu Daliang, pinched his chin involuntarily, and began to think carefully.

To be honest, the heads of these Jiannu were really of little use to Zhao Wen.Even if these heads are handed over to the imperial court, the imperial court may not be able to give out the reward silver at one time.

Zhao Wen knew what the current imperial court was like.

It is better to take good care of your own cement factory than to expect the imperial court to spend so much money at once.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Wen said, "It's not impossible to lend it to you, but I can't lend it to you for nothing."

"That's for sure, we can't be white wolves empty-handed, as long as it is a condition that we can meet, you can mention it." Lu Daliang knew there was something to be done when he heard Zhao Wen say this, so he hurriedly said.

"The conditions are not difficult. For you, it is just something within your ability." Zhao Wen pinched his chin and said with a smile.

Man Gui looked at Zhao Wen and nodded, agreeing with Lu Daliang.

"Where is Governor Yuan? Do you agree?" Zhao Wen looked at Yuan Chonghuan and said with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, just say it." Yuan Chonghuan snorted coldly and murmured.

"In this case, then I will say it. My condition is very simple, that is, I want to lend you my soldiers."

As soon as Zhao Wen finished speaking, the entire big tent became extremely silent.

Except for the people on Zhao Wen's side, everyone else held their breath and looked at Zhao Wen blankly.

What condition is this?Lend us troops?
"General Zhao, why can't I understand what you said?" Man Gui couldn't figure it out for a while, and looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled expression.

Zhao Wen laughed, and said: "What's not clear, I just lent you my soldiers. In normal times, if you encounter something, you can recruit them, and you don't have to pay the military salary. I will pay the military salary. "

When Lu Daliang heard this, he became excited instantly.

How powerful Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses are can be seen clearly in today's battle.If he really lent the soldiers to himself, wouldn't he be able to sit back and relax?
If there is an attack from Jiannu or Tartars, you only need to transfer Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses. With the strength of Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, will you still lose the battle?Wouldn't the credit come at your fingertips at that time?

With Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, he can even abolish his own soldiers and horses, leaving only some servants.I can eat all the military pay issued by the imperial court.

The more Lu Daliang thought about it, the more excited he became, and finally looked at Zhao Wen with excitement in his eyes.

"Brother Zhao, I agree with your terms." Lu Daliang said anxiously.

Man Gui listened to Zhao Wen's words and pondered carefully.

After a while, he noticed something unusual in it. Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses were tyrannical. After getting Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, could he hold them down?If he can't control them, how can he control his subordinates in the future?

Although Zhao Wen said that he could recruit at will, but when the time comes, will he really be able to use it?
If things go on like this, will my subordinates still listen to me?When the time comes, don't you have to ask Zhao Wen's permission first for what you want to do?In this way, wouldn't he become a puppet?Wouldn't he be directly controlled by Zhao Wen?

Yuan Chonghuan sat on a chair and thought about it. After he figured out the twists and turns, he stood up and looked at Zhao Wen angrily, "What do you want to do? Are you trying to control the court soldiers and horses?" ? You are rebelling, and you want to rebel?"

Yuan Chonghuan's voice was stern, and he looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

As soon as Yuan Chonghuan finished speaking, Lu Daliang yelled in dissatisfaction, "Yuan, you black-faced scholar, do you know what you are talking about? Rebellion? I think you are the one who wants to rebel.

Brother Zhao is clearly doing this for our sake, for the sake of Daming's Jiangshan Sheji.Brother Zhao knew that our soldiers and horses were not good enough to defeat Jiannu and Tartars, so he came up with such an excellent idea.

Brother Zhao lent us his soldiers and horses to fight against the Jiannu and Tartars. You can find faults in such a good thing.Now you say Brother Zhao wants to rebel, what is your intention? "

Yuan Chonghuan looked at Lu Daliang, who was blushing and had a thick neck, and scolded: "You are really stupid like a pig, stupid like a pig. How can there be someone as stupid as you among my generals in Ming Dynasty? Hmph, I don't want the head of Jiannu, you guys Do it yourself. By the way, let me tell you a word, don't play with fire and set yourself on fire."

After Yuan Chonghuan finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and walked out with his personal guards.

Lu Daliang looked at Yuan Chonghuan who went out, and said cursingly: "What the hell, isn't it just a Liaodong governor? What's there to be arrogant about?"

Zhao Wen squinted his eyes and looked at Yuan Chonghuan who walked out, without any expression on his face.

Man Gui looked at Zhao Wen and asked, "General Zhao, I want to know why you did this?"

"For what? General Man, don't worry about what it is for. We don't need to pay the military salary. We get a soldier for nothing, and we can also get the head of a slave. Why do you care about those?"

Before Zhao Wen could speak, Lu Daliang began to persuade him.

Zhao Wen looked at Man Gui, smiled, and said: "My meaning is actually similar to what Mr. Lu said. I believe you can see the strength of our Ming army in this battle. Let me put it harshly, If there is no me today, do you think the capital can still be defended?
There are so many soldiers and horses in Jiannu, and they are rampant in the capital, do you just look at it like this? "

Man Gui frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Although you said so, I still can't believe that your thinking is like this."

"Haha, what do you believe or not? I know what you are thinking in your heart. What you think in your heart is similar to Yuan Chonghuan's. You are afraid that I will use my own soldiers to control you.

But I ask you to think about it, if I was really rebellious, why didn't I just lead my troops to rebel?You also saw it today. With my soldiers and horses, do you think there are places in this world that I can't go to?Who do you think can stop my attack in the Ming Dynasty? Zhao Wen looked at Man Gui, who was frowning tightly, and laughed loudly.

Lu Daliang looked at Man Gui, who was frowning tightly, and persuaded him: "Mr. Man, Brother Zhao is right. With the soldiers and horses of Brother Zhao, who can stop the whole court?

Even if the soldiers of the entire Ming Dynasty were drawn out, I guess they would collapse instantly under Brother Zhao's attack.

If Brother Zhao really wants to rebel, is there still a need to beat around the bush?Don't be disturbed by Yuan Chonghuan. "

Hearing what Zhao Wen and Lu Daliang said, Man Gui couldn't help but shake his thoughts just now.

Yes, if he really wants to rebel, why is he beating around the bush like this?With such a powerful force, why not directly rebel?

When Man Gui thought about all this clearly, he took a deep breath and said slowly: "General Zhao, I agree with your terms."

"Haha, is this decent! Since you agree to my terms, I won't hide them anymore. I'll give you the heads of a thousand Jiannu Zhenglanqi and three thousand heads of fake slaves. What do you think?" Zhao Wen looked at Man Gui and asked.

Man Gui shook his head hastily, "No, absolutely not. I have a total of more than 4000 soldiers and horses, and now I have 4000 heads. No one will believe this if it spreads."

"Then how many would you say?" Zhao Wen looked at Man Gui.

"Five hundred heads of slave slaves, maybe a thousand heads of fake slaves. If there are more, His Majesty will not believe it." Man Gui said in a deep voice.

Lu Daliang looked at Zhao Wen, and hurriedly said, "Mine is the same as Man Zongbing's."

 Thank you bookworm buddies for your reward, and thank you readers for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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