Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 202 Zhao Wen who disappeared out of thin air

Chapter 202 Zhao Wen who disappeared out of thin air

"Where did you hear that?" Lao Wang looked at the mysterious man with a puzzled expression.

immortal?How could it be possible for a court official to become a god?You said that a Taoist priest is almost like a god. He has grown up so big, and he has never seen a court official who is a god?Isn't this bullshit?
The man looked at the disbelieving Old Wang, and said in a deep voice, "You still don't believe it? This has been spread in the army all the time. If he is not a god, then how could he defeat tens of thousands of people with thousands of people?" Jian slave? You don’t even think about it.”

Old Wang looked at him like he was looking at a fool, "Hehe, the weapon in his hand is powerful. Back then, Qi Jiguang and Qi Shaobao could kill Tartars and Japanese pirates as easily as killing pigs."

Lao Wang didn't believe that Zhao Wen was a god at all. If he was really a god, why did he still ride a horse?Can't all gods fly?What is riding a horse?
"Don't believe me, you will find out in a few days. Three days later, General Zhao will show a miracle at the gate of the county government office. Come and see it then."

The man patted his butt, dropped a sentence, and then walked away into the distance.

In this era of extreme shortage of entertainment items, Zhao Wen's performance of miracles swept the entire Zunhua City like a storm.

For a time, countless people began to look forward to it.Although everyone is looking forward to it, they are not optimistic about Zhao Wen, and they don't think he can perform any miracles.

From ancient times to the present, it has never been heard that a general leading troops in battle can perform miracles, and those who can perform miracles are basically Taoist monks and the like.

Most of the people just regarded this event as a commotion, after all, they didn't see the so-called fairy spirit from Zhao Wen.

These common people would rather believe in a certain Taoist priest or monk than believe that Zhao Wen is a god.

At this time, Zhao Wen was sitting in the county office of Zunhua City, with a brazier under his feet, holding a cup of hot tea and sipping it.

"My lord, what you ordered has been arranged."

Zhao Daniu rushed in from the outside and said hurriedly.

Zhao Wen put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Zhao Daniu, and said slowly: "How is it? How is the effect?"

"My lord, few people will believe it. They would rather believe in Taoist priests or monks than you."

Zhao Daniu couldn't help frowning as he looked at Zhao Wen who was calm and stable.

"Haha, don't get in the way, don't get in the way, you'll know when the time comes."

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu and burst out laughing.

The miracle performed by Zhao Wen is to transform people into living beings, or to disappear out of thin air.

Zhao Wen can travel through the warehouse anytime and anywhere. With this, he can completely fool the common people of this era.

As the days went by, Zhao Wen's desire to perform a miracle continued to ferment in Zunhua City. When this day officially came, the gates of the county government offices in Zunhua City were crowded with people.

They surrounded the gate of the county government excitedly, stretching their heads to look at the high platform built at the gate of the county government.

The open space outside the county government office was very small, and many people had no place to sit. Some spectators jumped onto the roof next to them and looked at the high platform intently.

Zhao Wen stood in the hall of the county government office, looked at Zhao Daniu and the others, and said in a deep voice, "Is the arrangement ready?"

"My lord, it's already been arranged, and our soldiers have been sent out to maintain the order of the people." Zhao Daniu said in a deep voice.

Zhao Wen nodded and walked outside.

When Zhao Wen came to the high platform, the people stood on tiptoe and looked at Zhao Wen excitedly.

"A miracle? What kind of miracle can it perform? I'm afraid it's those tricks that go around the world?"

A young man is now on the roof, looking at Zhao Wen, muttering non-stop.

"Hey, it's over after you read it. How can there be so many things." A middle-aged man standing next to him said to him with a dissatisfied expression.


Zhao Wen stood on the high platform, looked at the people around him, and didn't talk nonsense, he just dodged and returned to the warehouse.

When Zhao Wen disappeared, all the people exploded.

They rubbed their eyes and looked towards the high platform in disbelief.

"What about the person? Where did the person go? The person disappeared? They disappeared in place?"

Countless people looked at the place where Zhao Wen disappeared and shouted in shock.

"A miracle, it really is a miracle. This old man is a juggler inherited from his ancestors, and he has never seen such a thing before." An old man looked at the direction where Zhao Wen disappeared and hissed.

When he yelled, everyone around him looked over.

"How do you know it's a miracle and not a trick?"

A young man looked at the old man suspiciously.

The old man looked at the young man and smiled contemptuously, "Hehe, old man, I have been learning tricks since I was five years old, and I am now in my fifties. What kind of tricks have not changed? You must know that performing tricks requires props or cloth to cover them up. .

But this General Zhao is useless, just disappeared like that, you say it is a miracle or something.This can only be done by the gods in the sky. "

Zhao Wen stayed in the warehouse, thinking that the time was almost up, so he dodged again and returned to the high platform.

"Appeared and appeared again. This is really a miracle. It disappeared out of thin air and appeared out of thin air. What is it if it is not a miracle? This General Zhao is a god in the sky, a real god."

The professional arranged by the Longmen Army stayed among the common people, looked shocked at the place where Zhao Wen appeared, and then knelt down directly to the ground, kowtowing his head non-stop.

Driven by these people, all the common people began to kowtow and kneel for a while.

People have a herd mentality. Even if some people don't believe it, under the general trend, they have to believe the rumor that Zhao Wen is a god.

At this moment, they had begun to believe the rumor that Zhao Wen was a god in the sky.

Zhao Wen stood on the high platform, looking at the people below, with a faint smile on his face.

With Zhao Wen's hand, Zhao Wen started to do things logically.

When Zhao Wen said that going to Longmen Fort was guided by the gods in the sky, all the people were unconditionally convinced.

At this time, the common people had never believed that Zhao Wen was a god, but when they saw it with their own eyes, they believed in Zhao Wen. Otherwise, how could the White Lotus Sect not be wiped out?
If it weren't for the fact that there were 10,000+ people among these people, it would have been impossible for Zhao Wen to perform this transformation in front of the people like a monkey.

In Zhao Wen's view, no matter how you look at this kind of thing, it is like a quack trick, something that cannot be seen.But not to mention, this method is really easy to use.

When Zhao Wen escorted the people to Longmen Fort, Sun Chengzong hurriedly led the soldiers and horses of King Qin of the World.

 I don’t know what’s going on today, but Calvin is dead. It took me a long time to type out such a little word after sitting in front of the computer. Please bear with me!
(End of this chapter)

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