Chapter 229 Please Song Yingxing
Wan Jingyu was holding a brush in his hand, writing and drawing on the rice paper on the table, while Song Yingxing was sitting opposite, talking non-stop.

Every time Song Yingxing said a sentence, Wan Jingyu wrote a sentence.

After a while, Wan Jingyu put down the brush in his hand and looked at Song Yingxing, "Sir, I still don't understand. You are so talented, why didn't you take the imperial examination? If you continue to take the imperial examination, you will definitely be a Jinshi."

It is not that I, Ming Dynasty, did not have examples of late bloomers. Although my husband failed several times in the general examinations, with my talent, I was still able to pass the Jinshi examination. "

Song Yingxing shook his head with a smile, and said slowly: "My ambition is not in the imperial examination, I want to write a book including agriculture, water conservancy, manufacturing methods and so on.

Back then, I went to Beijing five times to rush for the exam, but I failed in all of them.Since then, my heart for the imperial examination has died.

Today's imperial examination articles are all exaggerated lies.The sage is often discussed, the sage said, and the words of the sage are talked about every day.

If there is a little bit of other things on the test paper, you will be dismissed.I really don't understand, if what the sage said is useful, then why did my Ming come to this point? "

Song Yingxing let out a long breath and stood up. He looked at Wan Jingyu who was sitting on the stool, and said slowly: "Today's scholar-bureaucrats and scholars can only talk in exaggeration. How to implement it? One by one doesn't know anything.

The year before last, Jiannu invaded the land of Jingji and besieged the capital.Why didn't the Manchu officials say anything about it?One by one can say so, why don't they let Jiannu retreat?

If it wasn't for the defense of Longmen Fort, could the siege of the capital be won so easily?
Today's scholar-bureaucrats and scholars can talk one by one when it comes to lip service.But how many of them know how clothes are made?How many people know the difference between wheat seedlings and leeks?How many people know what kind of iron is used to make weapons sharper?
What good is a group of people who can only talk and talk, good for the country?How to rejuvenate the country without doing facts? "

Song Yingxing slapped the table and said impassionedly.

In history, Song Yingxing went to Beijing to rush for the exam five times, but failed all five times. The reason why he failed the rankings five times actually has a lot to do with his articles.

His articles are not like other Juren, who are full of empty sage words.

His articles are all about practicality, but this kind of article was not liked by the examiners at all at the time, so it is normal for him to be dismissed.

After failing the examination, Song Yingxing returned to his hometown and began to prepare for writing "Tiangong Kaiwu".

In the process of writing "Tiangong Kaiwu", the biggest difficulty is poverty and being unaccepted.

He wrote in the preface of "Heavenly Creation of Things": "It's so sad and poor!"If you want to buy strange textual research, but beg for capital from Luoxia, and want to attract colleagues, the business plan is fake, but you lack the museum of Chen Si.

It means that you want to verify it but don't have enough money, and you want to talk about the truth with people, but you don't have a place.

Despite this, Song Yingxing completed the first comprehensive work on agriculture and handicraft production in human history in the seventh year of Chongzhen.

Unfortunately, after the completion of "Tiangong Kaiwu", Song Yingxing almost failed to publish it because of poverty.It was not published until the tenth year of Chongzhen, with the support of his friend Tu Shaoying.

At that time, Song Yingxing's "Tiangong Kaiwu" also attracted the attention of those in power. Although the scholar-officials and scholars in Ming Dynasty liked to talk empty words, many people became very interested in "Tiangong Kaiwu".

Therefore, Song Yingxing became the prefect of Haozhou.But at this time, it was the last years of Chongzhen. Song Yingxing had been an official for a few years, and Li Zicheng broke into the capital.

When Nanming was defeated by Jiannu, Song Yingxing's elder brother Song Yingsheng died of poison.

Song Yingxing returned to his hometown and became a teacher.

During the reign of Qianlong, when Qianlong was in charge of literary inquisition, "Tiangong Kaiwu" was also destroyed by those in power on the grounds that "it is the words of the previous dynasty, and it may have the intention of treason".

Since then, there has been no more such a wonderful book "Heavenly Creation" on the land of China.

The ridiculous thing is that when "Heavenly Creation" spread to Japan and Western countries, it caused a huge sensation in an instant.

"Tiangong Kaiwu" played a huge role in the production of Western countries at that time, and even directly promoted the agricultural revolution in Western countries.

Later generations of foreign scholars spoke very highly of the book "Heavenly Creation of Things".

If it hadn't been for later generations to discover the original of "Tiangong Kaiwu" in the island country, I am afraid that the people of the country would never know that there is such a wonderful book in the history of China.

Of course, at this time Song Yingxing didn't know about it at all, and now he is still traveling in Ming Dynasty, preparing for "Heavenly Creation".

When Song Yingxing said those words, Zhao Wen was already standing at the door.

He didn't go in immediately, but stood at the door listening to Song Yingxing's words.

At the same time, the deeds of "Heavenly Creation" also appeared in his mind.

Zhao Wen looked at the door, heaved a sigh of relief, and then knocked on the door slowly.


When the knock on the door rang, Song Yingxing's voice came from the room.

Zhao Wendao: "I heard that Fengxin Song Yingxing is here, so I came here to see you!"

"Meet me? Come in, the door is unlocked."

Zhao Wen asked Zhao Daniu and others to wait outside, then pushed open the door and walked in.

"You came to see me?" Song Yingxing stood in the room, looking at Zhao Wen curiously.

Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing carefully.

I saw him wearing a blue round-neck shirt, wearing a world-unifying cap, over forty years old, with a beard, staring at himself curiously.

Zhao Wen walked forward quickly, cupped his hands towards Song Yingxing, and said slowly: "Dare to ask, but Mr. Song Yingxing Song?"

"It's me, why are you looking for me?" Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen and asked curiously.

Zhao Wen smiled slightly, and said: "I have admired Mr. Song for a long time, and today I am here to pay my respects."

"Looking up to me for a long time? What do I have to look up to? I'm just a white man now."

Although Song Yingxing had some fame at this time, he didn't think that his fame was so great that no one knew it, no one knew it.

Zhao Wen said with a smile: "Mr. I was joking. I came here today mainly to discuss some things with Mr. I wonder if you have time?"

"I have plenty of time, I don't know what you want to talk about?" Song Yingxing pointed at the stool and said in a low voice, "Sit down!"

Zhao Wen thanked him, and then sat on the stool.

"Daniu, show me the door. No matter who you are, don't let them get close." Zhao Wen sat on the stool and shouted at Zhao Daniu outside.

"Yes!" Zhao Daniu closed the door, stood outside the door, and guarded the door with his guards.

Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Wendao: "It doesn't mean anything else, I just don't want others to disturb you. Actually, what I want to talk to you about is not a big deal, it's what you're doing right now."

"What am I doing now? Do you know what I am doing now?" Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen and said slowly.

Zhao Wen pointed to Wan Jingyu next to Song Yingxing, and asked, "Who is he?"

"He is the son of the Shangshu of Jinling Ministry of Industry. He came to discuss some issues with me today." Song Yingxing replied.

Wan Jingyu stood up, cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and said slowly, "Yes, I am the son of the Shangshu of the Jinling Ministry of Industry. My name is Wan Jingyu. I came here today to ask some questions."

Zhao Wen looked at Wan Jingyu with a serious face, and asked, "What kind of questions are you asking? Your father said that you didn't study hard and have been doing some crooked things."

When Wan Jingyu heard this, anger appeared on his face, and he said: "My father is a stubborn old man who only makes me read books like sage cloud. Although these books are for the imperial examination, I really can't read them If I don’t go in, I like the study of mathematics. I’m reading "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" these days, but I encountered a little problem. I heard that Mr. Chang Geng has come to Jinling, so I came here to ask for advice."

Chang Geng was Song Yingxing's name, and Song Yingxing at this time was actually quite well-known in the south of Ming Dynasty.

Among the younger generation, he has quite a bit of prestige.After all, young people in the late Ming Dynasty were one of the most active periods in ancient history.

The desire for knowledge of new ideas and knowledge is not generally high.

"So that's the case, then have you solved your problem?" Zhao Wen actually wanted to talk to Song Yingxing alone, but he was too embarrassed to drive Wan Jingyu away, so he asked tactfully: "Then you solved the problem?" No?"


"You don't go back after it's settled? Your father asked me to pass a message to you. If you don't go back, he won't have you as a son, and your name will not be in the future genealogy."

Zhao Wen looked at Wan Jingyu and said slowly.

What Zhao Wen said was completely nonsense, Wan Yu never said such things to him at all, these words were just lies told by Zhao Wen in order to fool Wan Jingyu away.

Not being able to enter the genealogy was a big deal in ancient times. When Wan Jingyu heard Zhao Wen's words, he immediately became nervous. He hurriedly packed up his things, cupped his hands at Song Yingxing, and then went outside.

After Wan Jingyu left, Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing and said slowly, "Now there are only you and me here."

Song Yingxing sat across from Zhao Wen, holding a cup of tea, and looked at Zhao Wen with doubts on his face, "I really don't understand why you sent Wan Jingyu away?"

Zhao Wen said: "It's not for anything, it's just that he's here, and it's just a little in the way. Okay, let's not talk about this, I came to you just to ask, are you going to write a book called "Tiangong Kaiwu?" "Book? I want to record all the manufacturing methods of Ming Dynasty."

"I have this idea, and now the manuscripts of the first few chapters of "Tiangong Kaiwu" have been completed, but they have not been revised yet.

However, the title of my book has never been disclosed to the outside world. How did you know the title of my book?Outsiders only know that I am writing such a book, but not the title of the book. How did you know it? "Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen with a hint of surprise and doubt on his face.

Looking at Song Yingxing, Zhao Wen was taken aback for a moment, and said awkwardly, "That's not the point, it's all trivial matters, it's pointless to get tangled up in it."

Song Yingxing laughed, and said slowly: "You are really interesting. Even my family members don't know the title of my book. How did you know it? You and I are not familiar with it, right?"

"Why worry about this, anyway, I know." Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing helplessly, and said, "Mr. Song, since you want to record all the manufacturing methods of Daming, have you ever heard of it?" Steam engine?"

"Steam engine? What is this?" Song Yingxing was taken aback, looking at Zhao Wen.

Is there such a thing as a steam engine in Ming Dynasty?I have never heard of it, and there is no record in the history books.Could it be that this person is talking nonsense?

Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing who looked puzzled, and slowly explained: "Steam engine, as the name implies, is a machine related to steam. This machine is not ordinary."

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wen explained to Song Yingxing in detail.

Half an hour later, Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen in disbelief, and said in surprise, "Is this steam engine as powerful as you said? Why don't I believe it? Besides, I've never heard of this steam engine. Damn The power of water vapor is really unbelievable."

"You don't believe it? I can take you to meet him. When the time comes, won't it be over? I can guarantee that it will definitely exceed your imagination."

For people like Song Yingxing, if they use things like silver to win them over, it probably won't have the slightest effect.

If such a person is placed in later generations, he will be a very pure scientific researcher.If such people were to go to Xuanzhen, they would be no less helpful to Zhao Wen than an army of ten thousand people.

"There is such a thing? Are you lying to me?" Song Yingxing looked at Zhao Wen in disbelief.

Zhao Wen smiled and said slowly: "This thing really exists, I won't lie to you, and this thing exists in Xuanzhen, if you are interested, you can follow me to see it."

"In this case, let's go to Xuanzhen." Song Yingxing thought for a long time and decided to go to Xuanzhen.

Zhao Wen laughed and said, "If that's the case, let's go tomorrow."

Early the next morning, Zhao Wen arrived at the Tongfu Inn early.

Song Yingxing also packed his luggage and waited for Zhao Wen in the Tongfu Inn.

"Mr. Song, let's go without further ado." Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing, who was standing in the room and had already cleaned up, and said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Song Yingxing cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, with excitement on his face.

"This time we will take the boat and walk the canal first, go to the capital first, and then go to Xuanzhen from the capital. The journey may be a little tiring, please take care of Mr. Song." Zhao Wen looked at Song Yingxing and said slowly.

"Haha, I'm not those scholars who can't lift their hands or shoulders. It's just a little distance, and it's not in my eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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