Chapter 240 Cossack

"One bows to heaven and earth, two bows to the high hall, husband and wife bow to each other, and send them to the bridal chamber."

Qi Qingtian looked at the three people standing in the hall, and shouted with a smile on his face.

When Qi Qingtian's last words fell, the people watching the ceremony in the hall said all kinds of auspicious words to Zhao Wen, Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu.

Zhao Wen looked at the crowd, and then sent them to the backyard excitedly.

"You just wait here for a while, and I will come back after I have finished entertaining these guests."

Zhao Wen looked at the two people sitting on the bed wearing red hijabs, and said with a smile on his face.

"Master Zhao, you are not in the backyard with your bride, why are you running out?" Zhao Wen was jokingly asked by everyone as soon as he came out.

Looking at these people, Zhao Wen laughed and said, "It's still early, don't worry about it, come and drink."

Zhao Wen picked up a jug from the table and took a sip from mouth to mouth.

"Hahaha, Mr. Zhao is a good drinker." Liu Changfu couldn't help but praise Zhao Wen when he looked at him like this.

Zhao Wen wiped his mouth and said slowly: "Today is my wedding day, everyone, drink this cup to the full."

Zhao Wen held the jug, looked at the crowd, and said loudly.

"Drunk and laughing with the public for [-] games, my lord, drink." Zhang Helang sat at the banquet in the hall. He looked at Zhao Wen, directly picked up a glass of wine, and said to Zhao Wen excitedly.

Zhao Wen looked at Zhang Helang and said with a smile, "As expected of a scholar, this persuasion order is different."

Zhao Wen laughed out loud, and immediately started to drink from the jug.

When Zhao Wen appeared at the banquet, the atmosphere suddenly became active.

Zhao Wen's wedding ceremony was unprecedentedly huge, and the banquet alone occupied the entire front yard and hall to the brim.

There are still many people who have not sat down and can only wait for the next seat.

When the moon rose, everyone in the General Military Mansion left consciously, except for Zhao Wen's cronies.

Zhao Wen held a jug in his hand, and walked towards the backyard with drunken eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Daniu, who had drunk a lot of wine but acted like a normal person, followed Zhao Wen, "My lord, your two uncles are here."

Zhao Wen turned his head, looked at Zhao Daniu, and let out a mouthful of alcohol, "If you come, you will come, there is no fuss."

In this era, the natal family cannot go to the banquet, so Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili did not appear at Zhao Wen's wedding.

"My lord, these two people are here to say goodbye to your lord." Zhao Daniu saw that Zhao Wen was about to fall, and hurriedly supported Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen was taken aback, and asked slowly: "Farewell? What kind of resignation is this? Today is my wedding and their sister's wedding. Why are you saying goodbye at this time?"

"My lord, I don't know, they are in the hall now, why don't you go and have a look?" Zhao Daniu looked at Zhao Wen and said slowly.

"Go, take me there, I want to see what's going on." Zhao Wen threw the jug in his hand on the ground, and walked towards the front yard with Zhao Daniu's support.

At this time, Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili were sitting in the hall, their faces full of anxiety.

"Are we really leaving today?" Manzhu Xili looked at Wu Keshan and asked in a deep voice.

Wu Keshan said: "When we came out, Abu told us that after we finished Hai Lanzhu's marriage, we would go back immediately. Now Hai Lanzhu's wedding is over, so we will leave tomorrow."

"Who is leaving tomorrow?"

At this moment, Zhao Wen appeared in the hall supported by Zhao Daniu.

Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili looked at Zhao Wen who suddenly appeared, and hurriedly cupped their hands to make amends: "My lord, it is a good thing we disturbed you, and we apologize to you."

Zhao Wen waved his hand, and said indifferently, "If you don't make amends, let me ask you a question, why are you leaving tomorrow? Could it be that you don't give Zhao Wen face like this?"

Hearing Zhao Wen's questioning voice, Wu Keshan hurriedly said, "It's not that I didn't show you face, it's because something happened in the tribe, so we have to go back in time."

"That's right, something really happened in the tribe, otherwise, we wouldn't have rushed back in such a hurry." Manzhu Xili also hurriedly explained.

Zhao Wen looked at the two of them, and sat directly on the main seat, "Why do you have to go back in such a hurry? Why don't you tell me?"

"This..." Wu Keshan looked at Zhao Wen and was in trouble for a moment.

When he first came out, Buhe personally told him that Zhao Wen couldn't let Zhao Wen know about that.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with Zhao Wen. Although Zhao Wen is his son-in-law now, Bu He doesn't want to tell Zhao Wen everything. Too incompetent?

Besides, this kind of favor gets thinner the more you use it, especially now that Hai Lanzhu has just married, and asking Zhao Wen for help at this time, wouldn't that make him seem a little greedy?
"My lord, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's that Abu doesn't want me to say it." Wu Keshan looked at Zhao Wen with a bitter expression on his face.

"Buhe won't let you talk about it? It's strange. What kind of thing is it that Buhe won't let you talk about it? What's more, he wants you to go back in time?
I think so, you should tell me, after all Hai Lanzhu is married to me now, what can't be said? "

Zhao Wen looked at the embarrassed look of the two, and instantly became interested, "Besides, with me here, what are you afraid of?"

"Oh, Abu's order is hard to disobey, I still can't say it." Wu Keshan looked at Zhao Wen and shook his head with a wry smile.

"If you don't tell me, I will. This matter has almost become a confidant of our Horqin Department. If it is not dealt with in time, it will be a disaster for our Horqin Department."

Manzhu Xili looked at Wu Keshan who kept silent, and finally couldn't help it.

"You can't say it, but Abu won't let us say it." Wu Keshan looked at Manzhu Xili with an excited face, and hurriedly reprimanded him.

"Hehe, isn't it because of good face that Abu didn't let us say it? Didn't he just feel that Hai Lanzhu just married Mrs. Zhao, so he was embarrassed to speak up? For the sake of the so-called face, is he putting the tribe in danger like this?" Zhu Xili pointed at Wu Keshan and said excitedly.

Looking at Manzhu Xili in this state and what Manzhu Xili said, Zhao Wen instantly noticed something was wrong.

"Stop arguing, Wu Keshan, let Manzhuxi finish talking."

Zhao Wen sat up straight, pointed at Wu Keshan, and said slowly.

Wu Keshan looked at the man who was determined not to give up if he didn't speak out, sighed, and said slowly: "Oh, this matter will eventually be known by adults, you can tell."

"In that case, then I'll say it." Manzhu Xili cleared his throat, and said slowly: "My lord, actually I don't know how to tell you about this matter, so I'll just talk about it in general.

Last year, a remnant of the Tushetu Khan tribe suddenly broke into the territory of our tribe.

Almost all of these remnants were wounded, and their armor was all broken. They rushed into our territory with frightened faces, like lambs being chased by wild wolves.

This Tuxietuhan tribe is one of the three major tribes of Khalkha. It has always lived in the Mobei area. It surrendered to Jianshou a long time ago, and the relationship with our Horqin tribe is not very good, so when After they rushed in, Abu immediately mobilized thousands of people and surrounded the team.

However, after seeing our army, these remnant soldiers not only did not panic, but also felt a sense of relief.

At that time, Abu felt strange, so he sent people to contact these remnant soldiers.But the news we found made all of us very puzzled.

According to the leader of the remnants, they encountered a very strange army.

This army came from the more remote northwest. All of these people have white skin, high nose bridge, and blue eyes. They look very much like Raksha people, but they are not the same as Raksha people.

This group of people were born to fight, and they were more deadly than Jiannu when they fought.All of them were extremely fierce and dared to attack the Tuxietu Khan's tribe with only a few thousand people.

At that time, the Tuxietu Khan tribe was just in the grazing period, and the herdsmen and the army were relatively scattered. Therefore, before the Tuxietu Khan tribe had time to gather all the soldiers, they were rushed to the place where the king's tent was located.

So the entire Tushetu Khan tribe was directly defeated, and the remnant soldiers who ran to us were sent by the Tushetu Khan tribe to ask for help. Not only our Horqin tribe, they even ran to the Chahar tribe for help.

Now their king's tent has moved thousands of miles to the south.

Originally they also ran to Jiannu to ask for help, but now Jiannu's strength has been greatly reduced, Huang Taiji simply ignored this group of people and drove them out.

When we learned of this incident, we were still very puzzled, what kind of army could beat Tushetu Khan's tribe like this.

You must know that the strength of Tuxietu Khan's tribe is a very powerful existence in Mobei.

Although our Horqin tribe and the Tuxietuhan tribe are at odds, they both belong to the descendants of Changshengtian, so we can't just ignore it.

So we accepted the Tushetu Khan Ministry.After we accepted the Tushetu Khan tribe, we sent a team of 3000 people to look for traces of those strange troops. Unfortunately, these people have not returned yet.

According to our estimates, these 3000 people may have died.

And since the Tushetu Khan tribe was attacked, many tribes have also been attacked.

Except for the Tuxietu Khan tribe, the three major tribes of Khalkha were attacked to varying degrees.

Today, the three major tribes of Khalkha have migrated thousands of miles to the south.

Among them, many small tribes in the north were directly slaughtered by this group of weird soldiers.

A short-lived alliance has been formed on the grassland now, and the tribes in it include the Chechen Khan, Zasaktu Khan, and Chahar tribes in addition to our Horqin and Tuxietu Khan tribes.

When this alliance was formed, we sent a force of about 3 people to go there. As a result, only half of the [-] people came back, and everyone was injured.

According to those who came back, those people were not only powerful in fighting, but also very cruel. They would kill all the people they could see on the grassland, even newborn children.

When we came to Xuanzhen, these people even broke through to the place where the Tuxietu Khan tribe had just migrated, and by the way slaughtered several small tribes that migrated with the Tuxietu Khan tribe.

Now, the entire grassland is in a state of panic.If we hadn't gathered together and had great advantages, I guess these people would definitely not let it go. Manzhu Xili looked at Zhao Wen and said solemnly.

When Zhao Wen heard this, most of his drunkenness disappeared in an instant.

"Don't you know the origins of these people from the beginning to the end?" Zhao Wen frowned while looking at Manzhu Xili.

"My lord, these people obviously came from farther northwest, but we haven't been there for a long time, and we don't know the origin of these people." Wu Manzhu said solemnly.

Wu Keshan looked at Zhao Wen and said, "My lord, in the process of contacting them these days, we discovered a problem. These people have crazy desires for the land, and they seem to have a very similar relationship with the Raksha ghosts in the north." high similarity.

Moreover, we also found that there are quite a few Rakshasa ghosts among them, and it seems that Rakshasa ghosts are the main ones. "

"Raksha ghost?" Zhao Wen muttered the name in a low voice.

In the Ming Dynasty, the people of Daming and the people on the grassland at that time called the old Maozi in the north as Raksha ghosts.

In this way, isn't this group of troops that suddenly appeared the Cossack cavalry?

Yes, it should be the Cossack cavalry.The end of Ming Dynasty was the peak period of Maozi's expansion to the Far East, and the Cossack cavalry at this time was Maozi's main force in expanding Siberia.

These people seem to be natural fighters, and their fighting power is amazing.Not to mention the current Tartars, even decades later, they are no match for this group of Cossack cavalry.

In history, when Kangxi launched the Battle of Yaksa, he even failed to defeat this group of Cossacks with all the power of the whole country, let alone the current grassland?

Thinking of the Battle of Yaksa, Zhao Wen felt aggrieved. At that time, Maozi built a city called Yaksa in the Far East, that is, the northern left bank of the upper reaches of Heilongjiang, and the Mohe area of ​​later generations.

Only a few thousand Cossacks were stationed in the city.And what about Kangxi?It is still the elite after the pacification of San Francisco, but even so, it insisted on fighting from the 24th year of Kangxi to the 27th year of Kangxi, and the city of Yaksa has not yet been captured.

If it wasn't for the Maozi at that time who stretched the front line too long and the supplies couldn't be delivered, it is estimated that Kangxi would not even think about breaking Yaksa City even if he fought for another year or two.

The city of Yaksa was finally trapped to death by Kangxi, and at this time Maozi had no strength to expand to the south, so he took advantage of the opportunity and signed the Nerchinsk Treaty with the Qing court.

The Treaty of Nerchinsk looked like a treaty of equality, but it was not at all.

After the signing of the treaty, the Qing government gave up a large number of territories in the north, handed over a large amount of land to Maozi, and even threw away their own ancestral land.

It can be said that the Qing court liked to sign treaties that forfeit power and humiliate the country and pay compensation for land.

(End of this chapter)

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