Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 262 The little girl begging for help

Chapter 262 The little girl begging for help

After all, Zhao Wen's war horses were all high-quality war horses obtained from Horqin, and their speed was far from that of Li Zicheng's war horses.

It didn't take long for Zhao Wen to discover Li Zicheng's trail.

"Uncle, that gang of officers is chasing up." Li Guo leaned on his horse, looked at Zhao Wen and the others who were slowly approaching them from behind, his face was full of horror.

Li Zicheng turned his head away, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, "Where are these officers and soldiers from, and why are they chasing so hard?"

"I don't know. Although this group of officers and soldiers are flying the flag, there is nothing on it. Did the Ming Dynasty have such a powerful army? Even the most elite Guan Ning Army may not be able to compare with them." Liu Zongmin looked Looking at Zhao Wen and others who were chasing after him, their faces were solemn.

The sun gradually went down, and night shrouded the earth.

Under the moonlight, two soldiers and horses chased on the ground one after the other.

"Don't worry about it, let's go to my uncle's place, and now we can only go to my uncle's place, otherwise, we will be overtaken by these people sooner or later." Li Zicheng waved the whip in his hand, and then controlled the horse to move towards Gao Yingxiang went to where he was.

Zhao Wen looked at Li Zicheng and others in front of him, and then at the moon in the sky. His face gradually became gloomy. If he continued to chase, what would Daning City do?
Now there are quite a few people in Daning City, and I didn't leave any troops in Daning City, what if those fleeing thieves rushed back and robbed the people?
Nowadays, the development of Xuan Town is very dependent on the population. The people in Daning City are extremely important to Zhao Wen. If Zhao Wen loses the people in the city in order to catch up with Li Zicheng, it will not be worth it.

Zhao Wen really didn't expect to spend such a long time chasing Li Zicheng.This Li Zicheng is worthy of being the most escaping thief in history, and he is quite capable of escaping his life.

Now, even if he catches up with Li Zicheng and others, it will not have much effect on Zhao Wen. Even if Li Zicheng is caught, if he is held to death, he will be executed.

It is of no use to Zhao Wen to execute Li Zicheng, who is like a bereaved dog.

After much deliberation, Zhao Wensi finally decided to go back to Daning City first, but this does not mean that Li Zicheng will be let go.Li Zicheng still wants to chase, but not by himself.

Looking at Li Zicheng's men and horses in front of him, Zhao Wen suddenly pulled the reins in his hand, forcing the horses to stop.

"Daniu, you bring 100 people to chase Li Zicheng. It's better if you can catch up. If you can't catch up, forget it." Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu who stopped beside him, and said in a deep voice.

Zhao Daniu bowed his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then led 100 troops to chase Li Zicheng.

Seeing Zhao Daniu's figure, Zhao Wen turned his horse's head and shouted at the soldiers behind him, "Go back to Daning City."

Zhao Wen flicked the whip in his hand, and headed towards Daning City again.

When Zhao Wen returned to Daning City, the gates of Daning City were wide open.Because he chased Li Zicheng in such a hurry, Zhao Wen didn't leave any soldiers behind, and of course the city gate was left unattended.

Looking at the wide open gate of Daning City, Zhao Wen suddenly became nervous, for fear that those thieves would rush back to Daning City again.

Zhao Wen walked into Daning City with trepidation, but the scene he imagined did not appear.

The entire Daning City was extremely quiet, and there was no one on the street.

Zhao Wen looked at the extremely quiet Daning City, and then headed towards the county government.

When Zhao Wen returned to the yamen, the area around the yamen was also quiet, and even the silver and other things that Li Zicheng got in the backyard of the yamen were still lying in the backyard.

At the same time, the people in the city had already run back to their homes. They hid in their homes and looked out through cracks in the doors or windows.

When they saw that the people who came were the official army who attacked the bandits today, the tight strings were also loosened.

If it wasn't already getting late and these people still had lingering fears about what happened today, they would definitely go out to find out.

Zhao Wen looked at the silver boxes in the backyard, and said to a guard beside him, "Go and see if there is any silver in these silver boxes."

The personal guard cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, then jumped off the horse, drew out the long knife at his waist, and walked towards the box containing the silver.

The personal guard circled around the boxes containing the silver a few times, then raised the long knife in his hand, and slashed at one of the boxes.


A dull voice sounded, and then, the iron lock that locked the box was cut off by the guard.

The personal guard put the knife into the gap on the box, tilted it hard, and lifted the lid of the box.

"My lord, all the silver in the box is here."

The guard looked at the silver in the box and hurriedly shouted at Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen jumped off the horse, walked to the guard, looked at the silver in the box, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The money is still there, which proves that the thief has never returned.Otherwise, the silver could not be placed here intact.

"It seems that none of these thieves came back, otherwise, the silver would not be intact."

The thieves in Daning City have been beaten to death by Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses today, and their souls have been scattered. How dare they escape?These thieves wished to escape as far as possible.

Zhao Wen pointed to the box, and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Tonight, you guys will divide into ten teams and patrol the city, and at the same time there will be soldiers staying on the wall. Although the bandits haven't come back, they can't So take it lightly, you hear me?

By the way, you should also pay attention to the people in the city. If you meet homeless people, you must arrange them well.Remember, you must be kind to the people. "

"Follow your lord's orders."

These soldiers jumped off their horses and gave a military salute to Zhao Wen. Afterwards, under Zhao Wen's arrangement, they formed ten teams.

After everything was done, Zhao Wen found a relatively intact dwelling near the Yamen and lived in it.

Zhao Wen saw that there was only a flat wooden bed left in the room, and he didn't feel anything, so he lay down on the wooden bed and fell asleep.

Zhao Wen was exhausted after running for a day. He lay on the wooden plank and fell asleep not long after.Although the weather was hot, the exhausted Zhao Wen really didn't bother to take off his armor and fell asleep with his clothes on.

"Master, please save my father and mother, my father and mother are about to die."

In the middle of the night, a ragged, disheveled, bruised little girl about seven or eight years old ran from the direction of the prison to the place where Zhao Wen slept.


The dozen or so personal guards standing guard at the door looked at the little girl who was rushing over, and couldn't figure out the situation for a while, and shouted vigilantly.

The little girl burst into tears and rushed directly in front of these guards.

The little girl directly hugged the thigh of a bodyguard, and kept crying, "Master Jun, please save my parents, please, please save my parents."

The guard looked at the little girl who was holding her thigh and kept shaking, and hurriedly whispered: "Whose child are you, why did you come here?

Your lord is sleeping, if you disturb your lord, will you be guilty?Hurry up and leave quickly. "

"Yes, my lord was tired all day and finally fell asleep. If you have anything to do, go to the city to find the patrolling people. They will help you." Another guard looked at the little girl and persuaded her.

As if she didn't hear it, the little girl let go of the guard's thigh, knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to the guard standing at the door, and shouted at the top of her lungs: "Master, please save my father!" Mother, my parents are about to die. Hurry up and save my parents, my parents are about to die."

"I can't go away. I have something important to do now. You should go to the city to find the soldiers of the patrol team." The former guard looked at the mourning little girl, but couldn't bear to push her away, so he gave her a hand. Show a way.

Zhao Wen was lying on the bed when he was suddenly awakened by the little girl's voice.

Zhao Wen sat up from the bed, rubbed his swollen eyes, and walked outside, "What's going on?"

The little girl looked at Zhao Wen who came out, knelt down in front of Zhao Wen, and kowtowed non-stop, "This general, please save my parents, my parents are about to die."

Zhao Wen was taken aback, then helped the girl kneeling on the ground up, wiped the tears on her face, "Speak slowly, where are your parents first? What's wrong with them now, otherwise I don't know what to do How to save your parents."

The little girl looked at Zhao Wen, pointed to the big prison not far away, and said with a sob: "My parents are in the big prison, the thieves caught my parents, they kept beating my parents, and asked my parents to hand over my parents. money in the house.

But my family is just an ordinary family, and their money has been robbed by them long ago, so there is no extra money.But the thieves didn't listen, so they kept fighting.

Now my parents are about to die, I saw that there was no one in the prison, and the cell was unlocked, so I ran out secretly.

When I came out, I found that the yamen had been turned into ruins, and all the thieves inside were gone.

I saw someone wearing the armor of the army. I thought that the bandits should have been driven away, so I came to ask some military masters for help.

Please also ask this general uncle to save my parents. "

Zhao Wen looked at the prison, and then said to the guards around him, "Go, let's go to the prison."

When the little girl saw that Zhao Wen agreed to rescue her parents, she hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face and ran ahead to lead Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen followed closely behind the little girl and headed towards the prison.

When Zhao Wen was taken into prison by the little girl, an extremely foul smell hit his forehead.

Zhao Wen covered his nose, frowned tightly, and followed behind the little girl.

Since Li Zicheng broke through Daning City, the wealthy gentry and wealthy households in the city were tied up by Liu Zongmin and put in prisons where they were beaten and tortured non-stop.

In just a few days, the number of gentry and wealthy households who died in the hands of Liu Zongmin is unknown.

If it wasn't for Zhao Wen's attack on Daning City, even more people would have died.

After turning around in the dark prison, the little girl stopped in front of a dark cell.

Looking at the dark surroundings, Zhao Wen shouted to the guards following him, "Go and light all the torches in the cell."

The personal guard took out the torch from his pocket and lit all the oil lamps on the wall.

The moment the lights came on, Zhao Wen was completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a pair of men and women hanging on the wall of the cell in this cell. Both of them were covered with scars, and the clothes on their bodies were already in pieces.

The wound on the body was deep into the bone, and under the illumination of the light, maggots could even be seen writhing. The wound had already suppurated, and from time to time, stinky pus dripped down.

The door of the cell was opened for some unknown reason, and the little girl rushed in, hugging the man's thigh hanging on the wall, and kept crying, "Father, mother, I'm looking for someone to rescue you!" .”

As the little girl shook, the men and women hanging on the wall gradually woke up.The man lowered his head, looked at the little girl who was hugging his thigh, and said with a wry smile: "Silly girl, now the county town has been taken over by thieves, and there are thieves everywhere, where did you find it?"

The man looked at the little girl, a trace of kindness flashed across his face, followed by helplessness and grief.

"Father, I won't lie to you. I really found someone. If you don't believe me, take a look." The little girl pointed at Zhao Wen and said to the man.

Only now did the man set his sights on Zhao Wen.

The moment he saw Zhao Wen, a look of excitement flashed across his face, he looked at Zhao Wen's clothes, and found that it was the official army's iconic armor, and said excitedly: "You are an official army? Has the imperial court recovered Daning City?"

Zhao Wen walked up to the man and said, "You guessed it right, I am the official army, and now Daning City has been recovered by me."

"Haha, it seems that my Ming Dynasty still has generals who are good at fighting. They are just a group of small rogues. How can they resist my Ming Dynasty's heavenly soldiers?" The man looked at Zhao Wen and laughed.

However, every time he smiled, the wound on his body twitched. Although he tried his best to endure it, Zhao Wen could still see his twitching body.

Zhao Wen said to the guard behind him: "Put them down, first disinfect the wound, clean up the carrion on the wound, and finally apply our golden sore medicine."

The guards who follow Zhao Wen dare not say that they are proficient in all eighteen martial arts, but they still know how to treat the most basic wounds.

Although the casualty rate of Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses is extremely low, these things are also one of the compulsory courses in Zhao Wen's army, especially Zhao Wen's personal guards, who are even more proficient in these things.

After the guards put down the two people hanging on the wall, Zhao Wen stood aside, watched for a moment, then heaved a long sigh and walked out of the cell.

The remaining guards hurriedly took down a lighted torch from the wall and walked beside Zhao Wen.

"My lord, we really didn't expect there to be people here." A personal guard looked at Zhao Wen with a sullen face, and hurriedly explained.

Zhao Wen let out a long breath, "Don't say you didn't think about it, even I didn't think about it either. It's okay, you don't follow me anymore, you see if there are still people in this cell, and if there are, rescue them. "

"As ordered!"

(End of this chapter)

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