Chapter 266 Send Someone Back
After Zhao Daniu and Wang Hanhai left Zhao Wen, they led their subordinates and began to organize the people.

Now that Daning City has been recovered by Zhao Wen, the people living in Daning City are not very willing to leave, so it took a lot of time to organize it.

Wang Hanhai led a group of people to shuttle among these people non-stop, persuading them.

Wang Hanhai tried his best and spent a lot of time finally persuading these common people.

Of course, it is impossible for Wang Hanhai to persuade all these people. One is that he does not have the energy, but there are not so many people.

Wang Hanhai only sought out the famous people among these people and persuaded them.

At noon the next day, Zhao Wen led the organized people towards Pingyang Mansion.

When Zhao Wen led the people to leave Daning City, Daning City completely became an empty city.

There was almost no one in the city, only a few empty houses remained.The entire city is like a ghost town, empty and frighteningly empty.

To be honest, more than 1000 people like Zhao Wen were really struggling to transport these people to Pingyang Mansion, so they spent a lot of time on the road.

At the beginning, not all the refugees in Pingyang Mansion were taken away by Zhou Laoliu, there were quite a few left. Now with the addition of the refugees transported by Zuo Tianshi to Pingyang Mansion and the refugees brought by Zhao Wen, the number of refugees now exceeds Zhou Laoliu’s. Before Laixi set off.

After seven or eight days, Zhao Wen finally brought these people to Pingyang Mansion.

As soon as he arrived at Pingyang Mansion, Zhao Wen met Liu Wenqing who came to greet him.

After the two exchanged simple greetings, Liu Wenqing invited Zhao Wen to his home.

"Mr. Liu, I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you doing?" Zhao Wen sat in the hall of Liu Wenqing's home, looking at Liu Wenqing with a smile on his face.

Liu Wenqing let out a long breath, and said with a sad face: "Master Chief, please stop mocking me, I am almost depressed to death now."

Zhao Wen picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, looked at Liu Wenqing, and said with a smile, "What can you be depressed about? Tell me, maybe I can solve it for you."

Liu Wenqing said: "My lord, the misery I encountered is related to you."

Liu Wenqing sighed heavily, then stood up, walked slowly to Zhao Wen's side, and said in a deep voice: "My lord, the food you gave me is almost exhausted, and I can last for less than three days. In a few days, these refugees outside the city will almost run out of food."

Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenqing, who looked like he was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and said with a light smile, "I came today to solve this problem for you. I seized a lot of food from the thieves in Daning City, which is enough for the refugees in the city. It's been half a month.

In the past half a month, I can almost get these refugees to Xuan Town.So, don't worry about these things.By the way, after I left, in addition to the refugees brought over from Puzhou, how many more refugees have been added. "

When Liu Wenqing heard Zhao Wen say that a lot of food had been brought in, he was relieved all of a sudden.

"My lord, since you left, the number of refugees in Pingyang Prefecture has not increased every day, and there are only more than 1000 people in one day.

As of today, there have been a total of more than 1 people and nearly 2 people.If you add the people brought in by Zuo Tianshi, it should be around [-].

My lord, I wonder how many refugees you brought back this time? " Liu Wenqing looked at Zhao Wen and asked softly.

Zhao Wendao: "The number of people I brought is about 15. In this way, there are now as many as [-] refugees in Pingyang Prefecture."


After learning about the refugees from Liu Wenqing, Zhao Wen returned to the station.

Originally Liu Wenqing wanted Zhao Wen to live in his home, but Zhao Wen disagreed.

Now there are a lot of things going on in Pingyang Mansion, and it is quite troublesome to live in Liu Wenqing's house to deal with things, so Zhao Wen returned to the station.

When Zhao Wen returned to the station, he brought Zhao Daniu over.

Now there are not many soldiers in the garrison, only fifty or sixty personal guards to ensure Zhao Wen's safety.

As for the others, they were all sent by Zhao Wen to maintain the security of the refugees outside the city.

These refugees are mixed, and they are not from the same place. It is inevitable that there will be conflicts due to language problems.

In the resident office room, Zhao Wen sat at the desk and looked at Zhao Daniu standing in front of him.

"Daniu, you bring some people and go back to Xuan Town overnight. Remember, you must hurry up and get me another [-] soldiers from Xuan Town. These [-] soldiers and horses will come from the middle road of Xuan Town and my personal guards. Let's choose."

Zhao Wen handed a letter to Zhao Daniu, and then said: "Give this letter to Liu Wenzhong, and ask him to send some civil servants. Remember, civil servants must be carefully selected, and those who are capable and capable A man of his own.

This Pingyang Mansion will be one of our strongholds in the future, and it cannot be managed without civil servants.By the way, you can tell him again by the way, let the caravans in Xuan Town come to Pingyang Mansion more often.

Just relying on us, this power is really limited. We must mobilize all the caravans in Xuan Town.

At the same time, the caravans should take on the heavy responsibility of escorting the people. Any caravans escorting the people will have a lower price when buying goods in our factory in the future, and the business in the bank will also be given priority.

Our soldiers and horses cannot often do this kind of thing. "

Although Zhao Daniu didn't know what Zhao Wen meant by doing this, he kept it firmly in his heart.

"My lord, don't worry, I will definitely deliver these words to Mr. Liu." Zhao Daniu patted his chest and said firmly.

Zhao Wen waved his hand at Zhao Daniu, and said, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, you can hurry up and get on the road."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, Zhao Daniu saluted Zhao Wen, and then walked outside.

After Zhao Daniu left, Zhao Wen brought Wang Hanhai over again.

"grown ups!"

Wang Hanhai looked at Zhao Wen who was sitting on a chair with a smile on his face, and said respectfully.

Zhao Wen suddenly put away the smile on his face, and looked at Wang Hanhai solemnly, "I'm looking for you now because I have something to tell you, and these things must be handled by you."

Wang Hanhai took a deep breath and asked, "My lord, just tell me, I will definitely take care of it for you."

Zhao Wen nodded and said, "This matter is not difficult, I want to keep you in Daning City again."

"Stay in Daning City? Why?" Wang Hanhai was taken aback, his face full of doubts.

"You are a native of Daning. The purpose of keeping you in Daning is to hope that you can control the entire city of Daning."

"Take control of the entire Daning City?"

Zhao Wen slapped the table and stood up, "That's right, I just want you to control Daning City.

Although the current Daning City has become an empty city, it is impossible for this Daning City to remain empty forever.

So I thought about keeping you in Daning City, gathering people from all over the place, and then sending them to Xuan Town.

It's not that you send all of them to Xuan Town, you can keep some of them and cultivate them outside Daning City, and then send the grown grain to Xuan Town.

Of course, I will also leave enough manpower and money for you. "

Wang Hanhai gradually became excited when he heard this.

"My lord, don't worry, I will take care of this matter for you."

Wang Hanhai calmed down and said excitedly.

The reason why Wang Hanhai was so excited was because Wang Hanhai had always been a scholar before, and he was the kind of scholar who achieved nothing.

He has been busy for most of his life, not only is he extremely poor, but no one even thinks highly of him.

Now that Zhao Wen put him in Daning City, although he seemed to be left behind, Wang Hanhai could see the importance of it.

This is what Zhao Wen wants to let himself be the actual controller of Daning City, which is equivalent to a big official in the imperial court.

"I kept you in Daning City because you are a native of Daning City and are familiar with Daning City. Otherwise, I would not have kept you in Daning City." Zhao Wen looked at Wang Hanhai, Shen Sheng said.

"I understand what my lord means, but my lord, now Daning City has become an empty city, and I don't have enough manpower, and the people I recruited are not enough at all." One of the biggest problems.

Although there were many talented people in Daning Che City before, when the thieves came, they were basically cleaned up. After all, these people are also the richest in Daning City.

Now although some people who can write and count have been recruited, these people can only write and count from time to time. It is almost as difficult as heaven to let them govern the place.

Zhao Wendao: "You don't have to worry about this matter. I will transfer some people from Xuan Town to you in a few days. When these people come, you can work in Daning City with peace of mind."

Wang Hanhai nodded heavily at Zhao Wen, "Since that's the case, then I can rest assured."

Zhao Wen waved his hand at Wang Hanhai and said, "Since that's the case, you should go down first. I'll take a walk outside the city later to see the situation of the refugees."

Wang Hanhai said: "My lord, then I will take my leave."

Wang Hanhai bowed his hands to Zhao Wengong, then turned and left.

After Wang Hanhai left, Zhao Wen took a few personal guards to the place where the refugees lived outside the city.

It was getting dark now, and Zhao Wen smelled an extremely unpleasant smell just after leaving the city.

This smell came from the refugee camp. Zhao Wen covered his nose and said to the soldiers behind him: "You can go to Wang Hanhai and Liu Wenqing later, and you tell them that the garbage in this refugee camp must be cleaned up in time. Let the garbage pile up.

At the same time, some doctors will be brought over, so that if any of these people gets sick, they can be diagnosed and treated in time.

It's summer now, and it's the time when mosquitoes and mice breed. If you don't pay attention to these things, there may be a plague. These people will be the main force of Xuan Town's production in the future. Lost more than half. "

A few days later, Zhao Daniu rushed to Xuanzhen with Zhao Wen's letter.

After Liu Wenzhong read Zhao Wen's letter, he immediately called all the officials in the city.

There is a huge yard outside the General Military Mansion, and this yard is where these people work.There is a huge hall in the center of the yard, this hall is where these people usually discuss things.

Liu Wenzhong looked at the people in the hall and took out Zhao Wen's letter.

"Gentlemen, my lords have sent you a letter, please read it first." Liu Wenzhong passed the letter on, and waited quietly, shaking his goose feather fan.

After half an hour, after these people had read the letter, Liu Wenzhong took the letter back, "What do you think? I'll think about it and hear your thoughts."

Liu Wenzhong shook the goose feather fan, looked at the crowd, and asked slowly.

Sun Yuanhua, who was sitting by the side, pondered for a moment, then said: "I agree with your lord's idea, with our strength, although it is not impossible to transport food, but in this way, the cost will inevitably increase.

Although Xuanzhen looks pretty good now, and his family is quite solid, but it can't be ruined like this all the time. "

"Mr. Sun is right." Zhang Helang, who is in charge of the finance department, also interjected.

Zhou Runyu, who was in charge of the official room, frowned and said, "I don't really agree with your lord's idea."

As soon as Zhou Runyu finished speaking, everyone in the hall looked at Zhou Runyu.

Liu Wenzhong chuckled lightly, and said with a smile: "Does Mr. Zhou think there is anything wrong?"

Zhou Runyu looked at everyone's eyes, cleared his throat, and said, "Don't you all think that your lord is really kind to these businessmen and caravans?

If these things were placed in the imperial court, where would there be so many generous conditions?To be honest, with your current strength, who would you let your lord let go, who would dare not go?

If it continues like this, I am afraid that there will be chambers of commerce like Shanxi Merchants in the future. Everyone, I don’t need to say more about the harm of Shanxi Merchants. "

Liu Wenzhong gently shook the goose feather fan, and said with a smile on his face: "I thought you disagreed with something, so it turned out that you didn't agree with this. In fact, your worry has also been considered by adults, but now we Xuanzhen is At the time of development, and commerce is one of the pillars of our Xuan Town, and the things produced in our Xuan Town are sold to all parts of Daming, so adults will encourage commerce."

Zhou Runyu pondered Liu Wenzhong's words, frowning tightly.

Zhou Runyu is a very traditional scholar. Although his abilities and skills are not small, he is a bit rigid.

In his view, a businessman should be a cheap person.

Because this group of people is profit-seeking, and they can do anything for profit, just like the Shanxi merchants who copied Zhao Wen's home back then.

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhou Runyu, who was in deep thought, and explained in detail: "I am very clear about your concerns. You are afraid that there will be a chamber of commerce like Shanxi Merchants in our Xuan Town. However, I think you are worrying too much. Our I don’t think I need to explain what your lord is, will our lord let this kind of thing happen?”

"What you said makes sense." Zhou Runyu kept nodding his head.

Yes, adults are not afraid, so why worry about it?

Liu Wenzhong looked at the people in the hall, and continued: "Do you have any other opinions? If not, just follow what the adults said."

"I have no problem."

"I'm fine too."

The people in the hall basically agreed with Zhao Wen's idea.

"Since everyone agrees with the Lord's idea, let's look at the next thing. Now the Lord wants us to send a group of scribes. These people must have the ability to be independent. After all, they are not in our Xuan Town. Do you have any?" The right candidate?"

In the following period of time, everyone had a heated discussion on the candidates for the scribes to be sent out.

In fact, in Xuanzhen, when Zhao Wen wanted to decide something, he would ask these people to discuss it. If it was possible, he would implement it directly. If it was not possible, he would explain the reason for the failure and the solution.

This method can greatly avoid Zhao Wen's mistakes when making decisions.

(End of this chapter)

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