Chapter 269 Killing Gao Yingxiang

"But what does this have to do with us?" Xue Ping looked at Gao Pingyang with a puzzled look on his face.

Gao Pingyang chuckled, "What do you know? Xuanzhen's general soldiers came to Pingyang Mansion privately as elite soldiers.

Although they regained these two cities, it is impossible for them to report the credit for recovering these two cities, so I asked for the credit.

Think about it, after we have this credit, will we lose our officials and lose our heads? "

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard this, "Your Excellency is right, as long as we get the credit, even if we can't be promoted, we are not at fault."

"Yeah, yeah, let's regain the lost land, even if we don't get rewards, we won't lose our officials and heads."

All of a sudden, people in the room started talking.

"But you have to remember that you must keep this matter a secret, otherwise, the gods will not be able to save you." Gao Pingyang looked at the excited officials and threatened.

The next day, Gao Pingyang wrote a letter and sent it directly to Taiyuan, where the Chief Secretary of Shanxi is located.

When the letter arrived in Taiyuan, all the officials of the Shanxi Chief Secretary became excited. As long as these two places were recovered, even if the court blamed them, there would be no major problems.

Just in case, Shanxi Chief Secretary directly called Gao Pingyang to Taiyuan and asked about the details.

A few days later, a good report with countless times exaggerated content went to Chongzhen.

At the same time, Zhao Daniu also rushed to Pingyang Mansion with his troops.

After these troops arrived, Zhao Wen directly asked these soldiers to organize the refugees from the entire Pingyang Prefecture and transport them to Xuanzhen.

But on the way, Zhao Wen got a message from Ye Bushuo, who was sent to Yangcheng, before he left the territory of Shanxi.

After hearing the news, Zhao Wen had to stop and asked his subordinates to take the refugees to Xuanzhen.

But I stayed behind, took Zhao Daniu and 2000 people, turned around, and headed southeast.

This news is nothing but news related to Gao Yingxiang.

Gao Yingxiang claimed that 7 people stormed Yangcheng, and Yangcheng was broken by Gao Yingxiang in less than ten days.

The gentry in the entire city were slaughtered by this group of people, and the people in the entire city and the surrounding people were all looted by Gao Yingxiang. Gao Yingxiang's troops increased from the so-called 7 to 15.

When Gao Yingxiang besieged Yangcheng, Zezhou Ningshanwei sent soldiers and horses to rescue them, but unfortunately, they were defeated by Gao Yingxiang.

The defeated army fled back to Zezhou. After Gao Yingxiang broke through Yangcheng, he led 15 people to storm Zezhou. It didn't take long for Zezhou to fall again.

After Gao Yingxiang broke through Zezhou, he searched for the people, coerced the people, and led his troops to besiege Shouyang. Shouyang City only lasted for less than three days before being captured by Gao Yingxiang.

Now, Gao Yingxiang has given up on Zezhou and Shouyang, and sent his army southward, preparing to bypass the Taihang Mountains, divide his troops into two groups, and aim directly at Jiyuan and Qinghua.

And Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, who fled to Gao Yingxiang's place, also pulled up a team again in a short period of time, and marched towards Xiuwu and Huaiqing.

For a while, after knowing the attacking direction of the thieves, the entire Central Plains became alarmed.

Chongzhen, who had been happy for a few days after receiving the good news of the recovery of Daning and other places, fell into a rage again in an instant.

Standing in the imperial study room, Chongzhen scolded viciously: "Hehe, the whole chief secretary of Shanxi is really doing a good job, a good job. This front foot has just regained Daning and other places, and this hind foot was fled to the Central Plains by thieves went.

Hehe, that's really cool.Companion, I am ordering you to go to Shanxi for a thorough investigation to see if Daning and other places have really been recovered. If these people dare to lie to me, I will definitely tear them to pieces. "

Cao Huachun, who stood aside and didn't dare to show his air, saluted Chongzhen, and then walked outside respectfully.

After Cao Huachun left, the sound of Chongzhen's anger and the sound of tables and chairs falling could be heard in the whole imperial study.

Cao Huachun looked back at the imperial study room, and couldn't help but sighed heavily.

In fact, Chongzhen can't be blamed. Judging from the route of the thief's march, it is obvious that the thief wanted to attack the Chief Secretary of Hebei from the Central Plains, then go straight to Shunde, Zhending, and finally directly to Gyeonggi.

Although Chongzhen had never fought a war, such obvious things could be seen.

This is related to Chongzhen's life, how could Chongzhen not be furious?
Just as Cao Huachun left the imperial study, Chongzhen smashed the things in the imperial study.After smashing it, he turned around in the imperial study with an anxious expression on his face.

Although it is necessary to investigate whether the good news from Shanxi officials is true, it is also necessary to guard against thieves.

These thieves are like weeds, no matter how they are wiped out, they can't be wiped out.

"Who will stop the bandits? The local guards are useless, and they will surrender if they encounter bandits.

Now the thief is very powerful, claiming to have an army of 10,000+, even if there are not so many, there should still be [-] to [-].

There are so many thieves, it's not easy to send anyone there, forget it, just let Zhao Wen go, after he calms down the thieves, I will reward him with a prince at worst. " Chongzhen sighed heavily.

To be honest, Chongzhen didn't really want to mobilize Zhao Wen to the Central Plains to quell the thieves. First, because Zhao Wen broke the siege of the capital last time. will be bigger.At that time, it will be difficult to award rewards.

You must know that the old Zhu family is very stingy with titles, they pay attention to whether they can give a reward or not.Even if there is a reward, the one who is rewarded is only Liu Jue.Even if the reward is a hereditary and irreplaceable title, in the end, they will try their best to get it down.

After the Chengzu Yongle Dynasty, the emperors of later generations were rarely ennobled, except for the emperor's father-in-law, there were only a handful of others who could be ennobled.

In addition to this reason, Chongzhen also had another concern.

That is, Xuanzhen is close to the capital, which is the barrier of the capital. If Zhao Wen is transferred away, what will happen if the Jiannu and Tartars outside the pass take the opportunity to invade the bandits?This is something we have to guard against.

If you don't transfer Zhao Wen over there, even those trash can't stop the thieves.

"Come here, draw up an order for me." Chongzhen stood in the center of the imperial study and shouted loudly.

"My lord."

As soon as Chongzhen finished speaking, Wang Chengen rushed out from the corner of the imperial study.

Chongzhen looked at Wang Chengen and shouted: "Prepare an order for me to let the general Xuanzhen lead troops to the Central Plains to encircle and suppress the bandits."

Wang Chengen will take out the pen and paper and draft for Chongzhen.

After the drafting was completed, Wang Chengen went directly to the cabinet with the drafted edict.

That night, a team led by Liu Changfu headed towards Xuanzhen.

At dusk the next day, Zhao Wen stopped about five miles away from the city of Lu'an Mansion.

Zhao Wen rode on the horse, looked at the sun that was gradually setting to the west, and said to Zhao Daniu who was following behind him: "It's getting late now, we've been running all day, let's camp first, get enough energy, tomorrow Then go on your way. By the way, is there any news?"

"My lord, there is no latest news. But according to my estimation, these thieves are probably going to Jiyuan and other places soon. Although there are many civilians among the thieves, it has been so long, and they should be here soon." Zhao Daniu said in a deep voice.

Zhao Wen jumped off the horse, looked at the soldiers who were camping behind him, and sighed, "I originally thought about going back to Xuan Town first to have a good rest. But who would have thought that the guards in these places would be As if made of mud, he was beaten like this by a group of untrained thieves.

I thought that even if Gao Yingxiang could win Yangcheng, it would be impossible to win other cities in less than a month or two.

I really didn't expect that these guard soldiers have become so useless that they can't even guard the city for a few days. "

"My lord, these inland guard soldiers have not fought for many years, and they have all become farmers now. Even if they hadn't become farmers, they would have fled a long time ago. It is better to expect sows to climb trees than to expect these people to fight." Zhao Daniu's face was full of depression.

At this time, a team of two or three people suddenly appeared in the distance. The armor on the team was in the style of Xuanzhen soldiers.

When Zhao Wen saw it clearly, he said to Zhao Daniu who was behind him: "This is our Yebuyan. We sent troops to meet them. By the way, I asked them if they were the one sent to Yangcheng."

Zhao Daniu, who was behind him, cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then led a dozen people to meet the people in front.

A moment later, Zhao Daniu brought these few nights to Zhao Wen's side with a solemn expression.

"My lord, the situation is not good. Now the rogues have rushed into the Central Plains. Judging from their marching speed, I am afraid that it will not be long before these rogues will reach Jiyuan and Qinghua." Zhao Daniu looked at Zhao Wen with an expression on his face. It is full of dignified colors.

Zhao Wen looked at Ye Bushou who was standing beside him, and asked, "Is it really what Zhao Daniu said?"

"My lord, it's absolutely true. The intention of the Liu thieves is very obvious now, and their purpose is to attack Jiyuan and Qinghua.

When I came, the thief was less than four days away from these two places.In addition to the time for the thief to cultivate, the thief will launch an attack in six days at the latest. "Yebutun, who was out of breath, looked at Zhao Wen and said out of breath.

Zhao Wen frowned tightly, "I didn't expect that, the speed of this thief is really fast."

Zhao Wen looked at these Yebushou who were too tired to walk, and said in a deep voice, "Take these Yebushou down so that you can recuperate."

"My lord, what should we do now?" Zhao Daniu looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled expression after taking these nights away.

Zhao Wen frowned and said, "Give me an order to stop setting up camp and let the soldiers eat first. After eating, mount their horses and rush to Jiyuan Qinghua and other places. Time waits for no one."

Zhao Daniu cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then walked to the back.

At the same time, Liu Changfu also rushed to Xuanzhen with the imperial decree.

"What? Liu Changfu is here? And he's here to announce the decree?" Liu Wenzhong looked at the clerk standing beside him, his face was full of horror.

Now that Zhao Wen is not in the city, how can this be accepted?

Now Xuanzhen is at the time when he is bored and making a fortune, if Chongzhen finds out about this, it will be very troublesome then.

Although the current strength of Xuanzhen is not afraid of Chongzhen, it is always good to have less trouble.

Liu Changfu has already been bought by Zhao Wen, so he is not afraid of [-], just in case.

Especially for those people brought by Liu Changfu, if there is one of them who is not strict and talks about this matter, it will be troublesome.

Liu Wenzhong stood in his classroom and walked up and down, his face full of anxiety. "By the way, it's getting late now, he didn't say when to announce the decree?"

"Return to your lord, he said that the time is too late tonight, so I put it on tomorrow." The scribe said.

Liu Wenzhong's face was full of depression, "How did this Liu Changfu do it? Why didn't you tell me in advance when he came to announce the decree, so that I could be prepared. What's going on now?"

"Okay, don't talk about it, hurry up and prepare the sedan chair, and take me to see him. How did this Liu Changfu do it, he is simply a pig, and he didn't notify me in advance of such a big event." Liu Wenzhong walked outside cursing. go.

After a while, the sedan chair stopped in front of a restaurant in Xuan Town.

With a gloomy face, Liu Wenzhong headed towards the restaurant under the leadership of the clerk.

"Eunuch Liu, I want to ask you something. Why didn't you notify me in advance when you came to Xuanzhen to announce the decree?" Liu Wenzhong came to Liu Changfu's room, looked at Liu Changfu who was sitting in the room sipping tea, and asked.

Liu Changfu was taken aback, and said: "The miscellaneous family can't be blamed for this. The imperial decree is too sudden. The emperor ordered it to be sent to Xuan Town as soon as possible. The miscellaneous family can't help it."

Liu Wenzhong sat opposite Liu Changfu, and said coldly: "My lord is not in Xuanzhen now, what purpose are you proclaiming?"

"Not in Xuan Town? What are you kidding? How could this not be in Xuan Town?" Liu Changfu looked at Liu Wenzhong in astonishment.

Liu Wenzhong snorted coldly and explained to Liu Changfu.

After a long while, Liu Changfu slapped his forehead and said, "It's easy to handle. The miscellaneous family can just call you the imperial decree. It's the same when you hand it over to the commander-in-chief."

"It's that simple? My lord led troops out without permission, which is a serious crime of treason. I trust you, but what about your subordinates? Don't they talk nonsense?" Liu Wenzhong looked at Liu Changfu in surprise.

Liu Changfu waved his hand with a smile on his face, "What is this, the people brought by the miscellaneous family are my confidantes, and they will not tell this matter.

It is enough for the miscellaneous family to hand over the imperial decree to you. Anyway, the emperor does not know that the commander-in-chief is not in Xuanzhen. "

After speaking, Liu Changfu took out the imperial decree and handed it to Liu Wenzhong.

Liu Wenzhong took the imperial decree and breathed a sigh of relief, "In this case, I will resign first. By the way, I will clean up the dust for my father-in-law tomorrow, and I hope that my father-in-law will not refuse."

Liu Changfu waved his hand and said with a smile: "I will definitely go when the time comes, so don't worry."

Liu Wenzhong nodded to Liu Changfu, and then returned to the classroom with the imperial decree.

Not long after he arrived in the classroom, he asked someone to send the imperial decree to Zhao Wen in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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