Chapter 274 Land 270 Chapter Four: Destruction
When more than 100 rockets fell into Gao Yingxiang's old camp, those who were not hit by the old camp watched the scene of the rear explosion, and were frightened and froze in place, their faces full of astonishment.

"What's going on here? What's going on here?" Gao Yingxiang shouted in panic as he watched the successive explosions behind him.

"Run, run, run!"

Those old battalion troops who were not bombed looked at the people who were blown up in the rear, as well as the stumps flying into the sky and the blood soaring in front of them, and hurriedly shouted and fled towards the surroundings.

For a while, there was chaos in the rear of the old camp.And the panic is still spreading.

Gao Yingxiang pointed to the scene behind, and hurriedly shouted to the guard beside him: "Quick, go and see what's going on."

Before Gao Yingxiang finished speaking, another wave of rockets flew over.

The rocket bombs fell into Gao Yingxiang's old camp with a whistling sound, blowing up countless people in the old camp.

The high-energy explosives filled in the 40 fire will blow up the shell casing at the moment of explosion.

Irregular fragments flew around at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

The fragments easily tore off the clothes of the old battalion and penetrated into their bodies.

After the fragments got into their bodies, they kept rolling, tearing the large blood vessels and internal organs in their bodies.

All of a sudden, countless people from the old battalion rushed to the ground.

Blood flowed from their wounds, staining the ground red.

An old battalion officer was riding on a horse. Looking at the scene behind him, he hurriedly rode his horse and fled.

But the huge explosion sound when the rocket exploded frightened the horse under his crotch to neigh again and again.

The frightened warhorse stood up, neighing non-stop, and threw him to the ground.

Except for him, the war horses in the old battalion began to get anxious amidst the huge explosion.

The same is true for the war horse under Gao Yingxiang's crotch, jumping non-stop on the ground, trying to overturn Gao Yingxiang.

Gao Yingxiang tightly held the reins of the horse in his hand, and tightly clamped the horse's belly with his legs.

How can a person's strength compete with a war horse?It didn't take long for Gao Yingxiang to control it before he was overturned by the war horse from his horse's back and fell off.

"Hey Law!"

The war horse neighed, then stepped over Gao Yingxiang's body, and fled into the distance.

Gao Yingxiang was lying on the ground with dust all over his face and body.

The violent explosion and flames also caught the attention of the defenders on the city wall.

Qianhu looked at the sound of explosions resounding in the distance and the flames one after another, his face was full of surprise.

"What's going on here? Is this the thunder of heaven?"

Qianhu pointed to the rising flames and the successive explosions at the end of the thief, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.

Zhao Wen looked at the old battalion who had been bombed in front of him, and a ruthless look flashed across his face, "Keep bombing!"

Zhao Wen gave an order, and another wave of rockets flew towards the old camp of thieves.

More than 100 rockets fell into the old camp's troops with sharp screams.

Several rockets went in the direction of Gao Yingxiang.

"Chuang Wang be careful!"

A personal guard standing beside Gao Yingxiang looked at the rocket that exploded not far from Gao Yingxiang, and hurriedly rushed towards Gao Yingxiang.

But as soon as he jumped up, he was swept away by the air wave generated when the rocket exploded.

The whole person spun a few times in the air, and then fell to the ground.

He opened his mouth wide, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"King Chuang, run quickly, these ghost things are really evil, run quickly, otherwise you will die."

A personal guard picked up Gao Yingxiang who was lying on the ground, and fled towards the city wall.

Seeing this, the guards at the side hurriedly surrounded Gao Yingxiang, protecting Gao Yingxiang in the middle.

These personal guards were originally riding horses, but the violent explosion had already disturbed the horses under their crotches.

The frightened horses did not recognize people, so they had no choice but to jump off the horses and let the horses gallop away.

The collapsed old battalion looked at the successive explosions from behind, the stumps flying over, and the teammates who kept falling beside them. Everyone's spirits were severely hit to the bottom.

They yelled loudly and fled in all directions.

Some fled to the left, some fled to the right, and the rest fled in the direction of the city wall.

Gao Yingxiang's family fortune accumulated over the years was destroyed by Zhao Wen's 40 fires at this moment.

The entire battlefield was in a panic, and many people crowded together.

Some people who didn't stand still were squeezed to the ground, but before they could stand up, they were trampled to death by people running from behind.

When the first stampede happened, the situation was like a chain reaction, spreading to the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

All of a sudden, countless people fell to the ground and crowded into a ball.

A young soldier in the old battalion looked at the dozens of people who fell on the ground and crowded together in front of him, his face was full of panic.

He glanced back, then hurriedly ran to the side along the pile of people, hoping to escape.

However, under Zhao Wen's saturation attack, how easy is it for him to escape?
A rocket flashed and moved in mid-air, and flew to his feet in an extremely strange posture.

Before he could react, he was engulfed by the flames from the explosion of the rocket.

The fragments from the explosion of the rocket enveloped his entire body, destroying his body bit by bit.

The blood spattered from his body was also dried by the scorching heat.

When the explosion passed, his body fell to the ground like a rag bag.

The whole body is mutilated.

"Run, it's the gods who are angry, run, it's the gods who are angry."

A person who watched this scene with his eyes dropped all the things he could drop, and ran to the distance.

But before he ran far, a piece of debris flew from nowhere and hit his calf directly.


There was a crisp fracture sound, and his calf was directly broken into two pieces by the flying fragments.

He screamed and threw himself to the ground.

The sound of explosions and screams merged together, forming an extremely strange sound on this battlefield.

The sound seemed to come from hell, and everyone who heard it was terrified.

Under the protection of a dozen personal guards, Gao Yingxiang kept running towards the city wall.

But after falling off the horse, his legs hurt so badly now that he couldn't increase his speed at all.

He glanced back at the collapsed old battalion behind him, feeling sad for a moment.

"King Chuang, run away!"

A personal guard looked at Gao Yingxiang who had slowed down, and hurriedly shouted at him.

Gao Yingxiang had no choice but to speed up again, but with his legs hurting, how could he run fast?


A rocket flew towards Gao Yingxiang with a shrill cry. Hearing the strange cry, Gao Yingxiang hurriedly fell to the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, the rocket exploded violently.

The rocket landed a dozen paces to his left.

The fragments produced when the rocket exploded flew towards Gao Yingxiang rapidly.

But Gao Yingxiang was surrounded by personal guards who blocked him, so these fragments basically hit him and these personal guards.

In addition, he threw himself on the ground, so the bombed area was much smaller.


A fragment the size of a thumb hit a bodyguard in the back.

The guard let out a scream, and immediately fell on Gao Yingxiang's body.

Blood flowed from the guard's chest, and within a few breaths, Gao Yingxiang's body was dyed red.

Gao Yingxiang took a deep breath, pushed away the bodyguard who was lying on his body, and was about to stand up.

But the rocket seemed to have spotted him, and when he just stood up, another rocket flew towards him.

The rocket landed a dozen steps behind him, and the fragments of the explosion swept towards Gao Yingxiang again.

This time, the bodyguards protecting him were once again cleaned by rocket fragments.


An irregular fragment pierced Gao Yingxiang's calf bone and split his left calf in two.

Although there is still a trace of flesh connected to it, it doesn't help.

Perhaps because of his fate, Gao Yingxiang was not directly killed by the rocket's break.

Gao Yingxiang was lying on the ground, hugging his left leg and howling continuously.

At this moment, he finally knew what it meant to be afraid.

The distance between Gao Yingxiang and Zhao Wen is only six or seven miles, and this distance is also within the strike range of 40 fire.

Zhao Wen looked at the old battalion that had completely collapsed in front of him, and shouted excitedly: "Stop attacking, pass my order, everyone get on their horses, and charge me!"

Zhao Wen waved the long knife in his hand, stepped on the horse, and led the men and horses to rush forward.

The rogues and refugees who were attacking the city also began to crumble when they saw the collapsed old battalion.

Before Zhao Wen rushed down from the hillside, the rogues and refugees who attacked the city fled along the city wall and around the city wall.

Zhao Wen rushed towards the thief like a tiger descending the mountain.

As for these old battalion men and horses, they were like rabbits being chased by wolves, panicking and running with their heads buried in panic.

Gao Yingxiang's old battalion might sound powerful, but in fact that's all there is to it.

Although he was well-known in history, after meeting the Qin army trained by Sun Chuanting, he also collapsed badly.

In the end, not only his own army collapsed, the old battalion suffered countless casualties, but he himself was captured alive by Sun Chuanting, brought to the capital, and executed by Ling Chi.

From beginning to end, these thieves were in bad shape.It's okay to fight with the wind, but if you encounter a hard idea, it's almost too late.

Zhao Wen rode on the war horse, brandishing the long knife in his hand, his legs tightly clamping the horse's belly, and rushed forward.

Those old bandits who could not escape hurriedly knelt on the ground, hoping to escape their lives.

It's a pity that Zhao Wen intends to spare none of these veterans.

Gao Yingxiang's veterans are bandits who have followed Gao Yingxiang from the very beginning.

During the period of following Gao Yingxiang, these people can be said to have committed all kinds of evil.

Originally they were just ordinary and honest farmers, but when their minds were filled with desire, they fell into madness and became Gao Yingxiang's biggest accomplice.

If this group of people were let go, Zhao Wen would feel sorry for the common people who were killed by them.

Zhao Wen looked at the thief kneeling on the ground, narrowed his eyes, and a stern look flashed across his face.

"All of these old battalion men and horses will not be left behind, I will kill them all!"

Zhao Wen yelled towards the side, and the messenger next to him also yelled towards the rear.

In this way, Zhao Wen's order was passed down layer by layer.

There is a big gap between the old battalion and ordinary thieves.

Ordinary thieves only have a headscarf when they die, but the old battalion has not only the helmets that were seized from the officers and soldiers, but also the armor and other things that were captured.

Although these armors were not of good quality, they also represented their status in Gao Yingxiang's camp.

It's just that at this moment, their proud status has become their life-threatening lock.


Zhao Wen let out a loud cry, leaned out of the horse, and slashed the knife in his hand across the neck of an old battalion man who was kneeling beside him.


The man's neck was cut by Zhao Wen, and blood gushed out instantly.

He looked at the back of Zhao Wen leaving, his eyes were full of horror.

Why?why is that?Why have I already knelt down and surrendered, why are they still unwilling to let me go?

In the past, if you couldn't beat the officers and soldiers, you just had to throw away your weapons and kneel on the ground to survive.

But how could such a thing happen today?

Doubt and incomprehension flashed in the man's eyes, and then he fell to the ground.

Blood spurted from his neck, staining the ground beneath him red.


Zhao Wen raised the long knife in his hand high, shouted, and rushed forward again.

These fleeing old battalion troops have been frightened by the previous rocket bombs, how dare they resist?
Now they don't even have the thought of resisting, and they don't have any thoughts other than running away desperately.

But can human legs outrun a war horse?

Those fleeing old battalion troops were overtaken by Zhao Wen's soldiers and fell to the ground.

But there are exceptions to everything, and there are some people who want to fight to the death, but how can these infantry be the opponents of the cavalry?

Without even a chance to swing their weapons, they were hacked to the ground by Zhao Wen's soldiers.

Gao Yingxiang's old battalion had no more than 4000 people.

Adding his horse army, there are no more than 5000 people.

These people can be said to be a force to be underestimated among the thieves, but to Zhao Wen, they are just some appetizers.

Zhao Wen led the troops to rush left and right on the battlefield, quickly strangling Gao Yingxiang's old battalion.

The old camp's troops were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In addition to the old battalion, there is also Gao Yingxiang's horse army, that is, Gao Yingxiang's cavalry.

However, the horses of Gao Yingxiang's cavalry are basically rough horses, and the quality is not comparable to Zhao Wen's horses.

In addition, under the bombing of the 40 fire just now, a large number of horses were frightened and fled.

Now Gao Yingxiang's Ma Junkong has a name, but no reality, and each of them has become a pawn running on the ground.He was ruthlessly strangled by Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses.

Even if their war horses were still there, to Zhao Wen, they were nothing more than chickens and dogs.

From beginning to end, Zhao Wen did not use 56 and a half and light machine guns.

For Zhao Wen, the thieves who have already collapsed can be killed directly on horseback. This is faster than chasing and shooting with a gun, and it can save bullets.

After all, a thief who has lost his courage has no use for guns.

(End of this chapter)

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