Chapter 276
These more than 2000 soldiers jumped off their horses, and within a dozen breaths, they lined up in a neat queue.

Wang Ziyong looked at Zhao Wen's soldiers who stopped in front of him and did not attack immediately, his face was full of solemnity.

After a while, the defensive formation of Wang Ziyong and Luo Rucai was finally set up.

Wang Ziyong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the team that had already formed their formation.

Zhao Wen looked at the thieves who were in formation, and shouted to the soldiers around him: "Pass my order, advance slowly, advance within 150 steps, and then attack."

As soon as Zhao Wen finished speaking, the soldiers lined up slowly marched forward with the weapons in their hands.

Although there are only more than 2000 soldiers, the pressure of these 2000 soldiers is even greater than the pressure of more than 2 soldiers.

The bandit standing at the front of the formation looked at the soldiers slowly advancing towards him, sweating profusely from his head.

"Why don't they mount their horses? Do they want to rely on infantry to attack us?" Wang Ziyong looked at Zhao Wen's soldiers rushing over, frowning tightly.

Where did this army come from and why is it like this?If you don't ride horses, you have to use infantry to attack. Could it be that the general of this army is sick?Otherwise, it would be impossible to do such a mindless approach.

Luo Rucai frowned and said: "Leader, I think we should be more careful. This group of officers and soldiers have distinctive armor, and almost everyone has armor. The reason why they do this, I think they must have something to rely on, otherwise, they will not do it." This kind of thing happened."

"What you said makes sense, then let's wait and see what happens, and see what they are going to do first." Wang Ziyong nodded, and then said to his deputy: "Keep an eye on me, and tell the soldiers at the same time, You are not allowed to attack without my order. The behavior of this group of officers and soldiers is really too weird, and I am really not at ease."

The deputy arched his hands at Wang Ziyong, and then passed on Wang Ziyong's order.

Zhao Wen led the soldiers and horses forward slowly, and within a short time, they had reached the 150 paces.

Zhao Wen looked at the thieves in front of him, and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "56 and a half, light machine gun, 40 fire, attack me at the same time, remember, you must give me these in the shortest possible time. The thieves are eliminated."

As Zhao Wen's voice fell, the more than 2000 soldiers pointed their weapons at the bandits ahead.

Wang Ziyong looked at Zhao Wen's soldiers who stopped, his face was full of doubts, "What are these officers and soldiers trying to do when they stop about 150 steps away from us? Could it be that they want to attack us here? But Among the officers and soldiers, the things that can hit such a distance are artillery such as the Flang machine, but these officers and soldiers do not have these things in their hands. What do these officers and soldiers want to do?"

For a while, Wang Ziyong was extremely puzzled by the behavior of Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses.

Luo Rucai also looked at Zhao Wen's actions in a daze, "What exactly do these officers and soldiers want to do? They stopped so far away from us? Could it be that they wanted to shoot us with bows and arrows? But what kind of bows and arrows can Shooting so far? And this group of officers and soldiers didn't see any bows and arrows.

The weapons in their hands seem to be firecrackers, but can the firecrackers hit such a long distance?At best, the firecrackers are only forty or fifty steps away, but now this group of officers and soldiers is more than 150 paces away from us, and the firecrackers in their hands can't hit that far at all.What the hell are these guys trying to do? "

Luo Rucai narrowed his eyes, and looked at Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses in front of him suspiciously.

Zhao Wen looked at the group of thieves who were motionless in front of him, chuckled, and then shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Fire freely, kill the target as much as possible. Everyone, fire me."

Zhao Wen pulled out the long knife at his waist, pointed at the bandits in front of him and shouted loudly.

As Zhao Wen's voice fell, the soldier who had already prepared pulled the trigger of the weapon in his hand.

"Da da da da da!"

The Type 56 light machine gun kept spitting flames, spewing the bullets in the drum toward the front.

Wang Ziyong looked at the flames flickering among Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses, and was still a little curious at the moment.

But in the next second, the soldiers in front of his formation rushed to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of dense sound, which was like the sound of the firecrackers in the army, but it was much louder than the sound of the firecrackers in the army, and It's still going on.

Because the speed of the bullet was so fast that it had already surpassed the speed of sound, Wang Ziyong didn't hear the sound until the people on Wang Ziyong's side were hit.

Wang Ziyong looked at the soldiers rushing to the ground in front of his formation, his face was full of panic.

"What the hell is going on? Why did this happen? What kind of weapons are these officers and soldiers using? Why are they so terrifying?" Wang Ziyong pointed in Zhao Wen's direction and shouted loudly.

But before he finished speaking, Zhao Wen's 40-fire shooters had already aimed at them.

"Chi la chi la!
The rocket rushed into Wang's own formation with a whistling sound, and then exploded.

This kind of blow that transcends time and space is beyond the imagination of these thieves.

Looking at the people in front of them who kept falling to the ground and the scene of blood flying everywhere, they instantly lost their courage.

Under Zhao Wen's firepower, these thieves didn't even last for a quarter of an hour before being beaten to the ground by Zhao Wen's soldiers.

Blood spouted from the bandit's body standing at the forefront of the formation.

Bullets from later generations pierced their chests and harvested them mercilessly.

Although more than 150 steps is a bit far, it is almost a distance of more than 200 meters.

However, under the full attack of Zhao Wen's more than 2000 people, the hit rate is still quite impressive.

After all, the bandits' formation was not blocked by any bunkers, and they were all exposed to the attack of Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses.

Wang Ziyong watched his men and horses fall down one after another like harvesting wheat, and he felt very sad.

This is the capital for him to rule the world, and it is his reliance. Now he is beaten to death like this, without even touching the hem of the officer's clothes.

Now Wang Ziyong finally understood what happened to Gao Yingxiang's soldiers and horses before. Under the attack of this kind of firepower, no matter how elite soldiers and horses were, they would be useless.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Metal bullets shot out of the muzzle continuously, heading towards them.

40 fire rockets exploded in the formation one by one.

Every time there was an explosion, several thieves were killed or crippled.

For a while, the wailing on the battlefield continued.

The big formation that was finally arranged also collapsed under this level of blow.

The surviving bandit soldiers threw their weapons on the ground and fled to the rear.

However, in doing so, they left their backs to Zhao Wen and the others.

All of a sudden, hundreds of people were hit or blown away by the exploding rockets.

Blood was flying across the battlefield, and stumps were scattered everywhere.

The bandit soldiers crowded together and fled to the rear.

Now they were crushed from top to bottom by this firepower, and what's more, they were lying on the ground, crying loudly.

A rogue soldier who was running saw a rocket land about ten steps in front of him.

And there happened to be a fleeing thief soldier in this place.

Before the thief soldier could react, the rocket exploded directly.

The flames engulfed him in an instant, and the fragments of the rocket explosion also tore the man apart.

The running bandit soldiers stopped hastily.

At this moment, a person's thigh flew towards him.It hit him on the head, knocking him to the ground.

When he fell to the ground, his head was swollen, and he was in a daze.

But before he stood up, another rocket flew towards him.


Huge flames enveloped him, he screamed, and then lost his vitality.

Scenes like this are constantly being staged throughout the battlefield.

None of them would know if they would be the next to die.

All they can do now is escape.

These rogue soldiers fled towards the rear under Zhao Wen's firepower.

Directly collide with those who are not attacked in the rear.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was in chaos, and countless people crowded together.

The huge explosion and the sound of bullets piercing through the air made the war horses under Wang Ziyong's and others' crotches in the rear scream.

These war horses kept bouncing on the ground as if they had encountered a natural enemy, trying to overturn the people on their backs.

Wang Ziyong and others tightly clamped the horse's belly, trying to stabilize it.

But how can human strength suppress a frightened war horse?

Although Wang Ziyong and others tried their best to control them, they were still overturned by the horses.

Wang Ziyong fell to the ground, and the horse under his crotch neighed and stood up, and then fled to the rear.

The war horse under Luo Rucai's crotch was not much better.

Luo Rucai was also thrown to the ground by the horse.

Wang Ziyong stood up from the ground, looking at the fleeing horses, his face was full of ashes.

"It's over, it's over, this time it's really over." Wang Ziyong collapsed instantly when he saw the fleeing horses and his men dying.

"This is a war, this is obviously a massacre."

Luo Rucai stood up from the ground and patted the dust off his body. He looked at the soldiers and horses dying in front of him, trembling with fear.

He glanced at Wang Ziyong next to him, his body trembling non-stop.

"Leader, run, if you don't run, it will be too late." Luo Rucai looked at the frightened Wang Ziyong, who was out of his wits, and shouted loudly.

Wang Ziyong didn't seem to hear Luo Rucai's words, he stood there blankly, motionless, but his body was trembling constantly.

Luo Rucai saw that Wang Ziyong didn't respond, so he didn't care about it now.

He yelled at the guards beside him: "Throw away the big banner, run for your life, we are not able to deal with this group of officers and soldiers."

As soon as Luo Rucai finished speaking, the soldiers carrying the big banner threw the banner on the ground, and fled to the distance under the leadership of Luo Rucai.

Wang Ziyong watched his men being ruthlessly harvested by Zhao Wen, and his body kept shaking.

When he reacted, Luo Ru had already thrown the big banner on the ground, and fled with a few personal guards.

Wang Ziyong looked at Luo Rucai who was running away, and got ruthless. He also asked people to throw his big banner on the ground, and fled to the distance with a few personal guards.

Zhao Wen looked at the rogues who were rushing for thousands of miles and the chaotic formation of rogues, and shouted: "Stop shooting, move forward [-] steps, get close and shoot."

Under Zhao Wen's order, these soldiers put away the weapons in their hands, and under Zhao Wen's command, they forced towards the direction of the bandit formation.

After ten or so breaths, Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses advanced another eighty steps.

After reaching the position, they pulled the trigger of the weapon again, and poured bullets and rockets towards the thief.

At this time, the bandits had already been beaten to the ground. They looked at Zhao Wen's soldiers and horses who rushed up from behind, and shouted in despair.

"Run, these officers and soldiers are not human, not human, run quickly."

Countless bandit soldiers yelled loudly, let go and ran to the rear.

However, they who ran on the plain became living targets.

Zhao Wen's soldiers looked at the scattered soldiers, quietly aimed and shot.

Two quarters of an hour later, the entire battlefield was full of broken corpses and blood everywhere.

The ground on the battlefield was dyed red by the blood, nourishing the long-dried earth.

In the spring of next year, there will be flowers and plants growing here.

Looking at the battlefield where there were not many people, Zhao Wen shouted to the soldiers behind him, "Okay, stop shooting, stop shooting."

"Daniu, you bring 500 people to chase down the fleeing bandits. These people won't be far away."

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu who was standing next to him, his face was full of excitement, and said calmly.

"As ordered!"

Zhao Daniu looked excited, bowed his hands towards Zhao Wengong, and then led 500 people towards the rear, stepped on the horses placed behind, and rushed forward again.

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu who was leaving, and waved to the soldiers behind him, "Okay, let's go to Jiyuan City first, this battlefield is so big, we alone can't clean it.

These defenders have watched the scene on the city wall for so long, so it's time for them to come down and clean the battlefield for us. "

In fact, on the other side of the battlefield were the siege troops led by Gao Yingxiang's deputy, but they were surrounded by Gao Yingxiang's defeated army, and Zhao Wen's attack was not focused on them, so they had already fled.

In this way, the crisis in Jiyuan City can be said to have been completely resolved.

"By the way, there is also Gao Yingxiang, let's take a good look at this guy."

With that said, Zhao Wen led the rest of the team and headed towards Gao Yingxiang.

When Zhao Wen came to the gate of Jiyuan City with Gao Yingxiang and the remaining [-] soldiers, Qianhu, who was guarding the city, hurriedly led the troops to open the gate for Zhao Wen.

"May I ask where you are from?" Qianhu walked out of the city gate and looked at Zhao Wen standing at the gate, both excited and frightened.

What Qianhu was excited about was that Jiyuan City had finally been defended, but what he was afraid of was the strength of Zhao Wen and his group.

When Zhao Wen was fighting the bandits before, he could see clearly from the city wall. Let alone such an army, even if the entire nine elites were added up, they might not be an opponent.

If it weren't for the fact that the armor worn by this group of people was in the form of an official army, and their target was a bandit, Qianhu really wouldn't have dared to open the city gate for them.

(End of this chapter)

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