Chapter 319 Tentative Offensive

After a long time, Zhao Wen put down the binoculars in his hand, and sighed: "It is worthy of being called a coachman at sea, these sailing battleships alone are not comparable to Zheng Yiguan."

Zhao Wen turned around and said to the soldiers behind him: "Send the order, let everyone cheer me up and be ready at all times."

After Zhao Wen finished speaking, he led the guards behind him to patrol the position.

Today's position is covered with all kinds of weapons, and all the soldiers stay at their posts, looking at the fleet ahead.

There are a large number of boxes containing ammunition piled up on the position.

Five treasure ships lay across the port, facing the direction of Korn's fleet.

Time passed quietly, and the sun in the sky gradually set towards the west.

The sky in the west is covered with sunset glow, which looks a different kind of beauty.

As the saying goes, the morning glow does not go out, but the sunset travels a thousand miles.

Zhao Wen stood in front of the position, looked at the sunset in the west, and murmured: "Tomorrow will be a sunny day."

The sun gradually fell below the sea level, and the sky gradually dimmed.

The soldiers on the defensive positions also started to light fires and cook, replenishing their physical strength for tomorrow's battle.

Cohen also passed on the order for the sailors and soldiers on board to have dinner.

After dinner, it was completely dark.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the moonlight in the sky sprinkled on the sea surface, intertwined with the sea surface, glowing with silvery white light.

Soldiers in the field sleep where they are, next to their weapons.

The night watchmen patrolled the position non-stop, and the sailors and soldiers in Cohen's fleet gradually fell asleep.

In the flagship of the fleet, the cabin where Cohen was sitting was full of people.

Cohen looked at the people in the cabin and said, "We will launch an attack on Zeelandia's port after dawn tomorrow.

But judging from today's situation, the situation at the port is quite different from before.

So, I need someone to take the lead and launch a tentative attack on the port first. Which of you will go? "

Cohen looked at everyone in the cabin and frowned.

These people in the cabin are the commanders of the fleet.

This time Cohen had a total of 120 warships, which Cohen divided into eleven formations.

The [-] third-class sailing battleships were under the direct command of Cohen, and the remaining [-] armed merchant ships formed a small formation of ten, which was divided into ten formations.

When fighting, it is mainly based on small teams.

Just as Cohen finished speaking, a bearded man stood up. He looked at Cohen and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, I am willing to lead ten armed merchant ships under my command to attack the port."

"Hilde, are you sure?" Cohen asked.

Hilde patted his chest and said disapprovingly: "Your Excellency, we have never been afraid of anyone on the sea, and now we are just some small wise people, I don't pay attention to these people at all.

It's just some yellow-skinned monkeys, I still don't believe that they can be as powerful as the empire? "

This Hilde is well-known in this sea area of ​​​​Southeast Asia, and he is a scumbag.

He is the owner of a privateer directly belonging to the East India Company, and he has robbed countless merchant ships in this sea area of ​​​​Southeast Asia.

The ten ships led by Hilde are all armed merchant ships, so it would be appropriate to go to test them.

Cohen patted the table in front of him and said with a smile on his face: "In that case, I will send you there tomorrow.

Remember, you only need to test it out, but don't rush and fight, don't love to fight, you just need to test out their strength.

The five ships on the port are really too big, I always feel that these Ming people are not ordinary. "

If it were an ordinary enemy, Cohen would not be so cautious at all, just press the warship up and fire at the enemy.

In this era, few enemies could withstand the attack of twenty sailing battleships.

But the five treasure ships lying across the port were too big, and Cohen had to be careful.

Hilde patted his chest and said loudly: "I will never forget the governor's entrustment."

The night was getting darker, but Cohen's cabin was still brightly lit.

Cohen and Zhong Zhong in the cabin were constantly discussing tomorrow's battle plan.

At the same time, Zhao Wen's big tent was also discussing tomorrow's battle plan.

Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Daniu and said, "Daniu, tomorrow you will be in charge of five treasure ships."

"The subordinates take orders!" Zhao Daniu clasped his fists at Zhao Wen and said loudly.

"Song Hu, tomorrow you will be in charge of the defensive position north of the port."

"Subordinates take orders!"

"Mao Chengzuo, tomorrow you will be in charge of the defensive position south of the port."

"Subordinates take orders!"

"As for the ten coastal defense artillery batteries on the port, I will be in charge.

After tomorrow's battle started, the communication between these parties was all replaced by semaphore communication. "Zhao Wen looked at the few people in the big tent and said calmly.

"I will obey your lord's order!"

Several people stood up, clasped their fists at Zhao Wen, and said sonorously.


Overnight, the sun slowly rose from the sea level.

Cohen's fleet gradually moved into action. When the day was three poles high, Hilde commanded his ten armed merchant ships to slowly drive at the forefront of the entire fleet.

Hilde stood on the deck of the armed merchant ship he was on. He looked at the port ahead and shouted loudly: "Come on!!!"

With Hilde's order, the sails of the ten armed merchant ships were all raised, and they headed towards the port at high speed.

Standing on the port, Zhao Wen looked at the ten armed merchant ships rushing towards this side, and shouted to the orderly behind him: "Send me an order, tell everyone not to attack first, let them in first."

The messenger standing behind Zhao Wen rushed up to the watchtower that had already been built, and conveyed Zhao Wen's news to Zhao Daniu, Song Hu and Mao Chengzuo.

"My lord has a life, don't open fire yet, everyone just wait and see what happens."

After Zhao Daniu received Zhao Wen's order, he shouted at the soldiers around him, and at the same time asked the messenger to convey the order to other treasure ships.

Mao Chengzuo and Song Hu also conveyed Zhao Wen's order.

Soldiers on the five treasure ships, two defensive positions and ten coastal defense artillery batteries quietly watched the ten armed merchant ships approaching the port.

"You can't defeat them all at once. If you attack too violently, maybe this group of people will be scared away."

Zhao Wen held up his binoculars and looked at the ten armed merchant ships approaching, muttering in a low voice.

The ten armed merchant ships were getting closer and closer, less than two miles away from the port.

Zhao Wen looked at the ten armed merchant ships approaching, and said to the messenger behind him: "Send the order, let the treasure ship Yangwei fire, remember, you can only let the treasure ship Yangwei fire, and you can't attack with all your strength. Slow down for me."

After a few breaths, Zhao Daniu received Zhao Wen's order.

Zhao Daniu held up the binoculars and looked at the ten armed merchant ships in front of him, and shouted loudly: "The treasure ship Yangwei fires once every 107 breaths. Don't fire the [-] rockets on the ship. This thing fires too fast and is not suitable."

When Zhao Daniu received Zhao Wen's order, Hilde also issued an order.

He looked at the treasure ship lying in front of him, and shouted to the messenger behind him: "Turn all the warships sideways for me, and attack me violently with the side of the ship."

With Hilde's order, the ten armed merchant ships began to slow down and turned the ships sideways.


Hilde looked at the five treasure ships ahead and shouted loudly.

Although the number of cannons on armed merchant ships is not many, they are still around twenty.

There are ten cannons under each ship's side.

The artillery on the side facing the treasure ship adds up to a hundred artillery pieces.

Although these artillery are all traditional artillery of this era, the range of two miles can still be achieved.

When Hilde's order was given, the artillery of ten armed merchant ships began to fire.

"Bang bang bang!"

More than 100 solid shells flew towards the treasure ship.

The solid shells roared towards the treasure ship.

Although the artillery of this era was poorly aimed, the treasure ships were very large, and with five treasure ships lying side by side, the chances of being shot were higher.

Nearly twenty of the more than 100 shells hit the treasure ship.

However, the treasure ship was huge, and these twenty shells hit the treasure ship like tickling, and did not cause substantial damage.


Zhao Daniu looked at the armed merchant ship that had already opened fire, and shouted loudly towards the front.

As soon as the words fell, the 120 mortars and 40 guns on the treasure ship Yangwei under Zhao Daniu flew towards the ten armed merchant ships.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Mortar shells and 40-fire rockets flew forward continuously with the sound of breaking through the air.


A mortar shell landed on the deck of an armed merchant ship.

The moment it landed on it, the mortar shells exploded.

The fragments produced by the violent explosion swept away like a gust of wind and showers.

Knock down the Red Barbarians around the deck.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of fragments piercing into flesh sounded one after another, and the blood of the Hongyi soldiers on the deck kept bubbling out.

Not long after the Yangwei treasure ship attacked, the ten armed merchant ships became scarred, and two of them had begun to sink.

Hilde wiped off the sweat on his face, and shouted behind him with a loud voice: "The goal has been achieved, retreat!"

The ten armed merchant ships fled towards the rear like rabbits.

Zhao Wen watched this scene and shouted: "Stop attacking, let them go."

A few quarters of an hour later, Hilde returned to the fleet with the remaining armed merchant ships.

Hilde himself also changed a boat and headed for Cohen's flagship.

After a little effort, Hilde came to the flagship where Cohen was.

Cohen looked at Hilde, who was covered in water and was still stained with blood, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you think?"

Just now, Cohen had already seen all this scene in his eyes.

To be honest, the weapons on these huge ships are really powerful.

The power of these artillery is indeed powerful.

Hilde said: "Your Excellency, it seems that only one ship fired back at me, and the other ships did not attack.

But looking at their attack density, this kind of firepower is still within my tolerance. "

The artillery fire on the treasure ship Yangwei did not attack at all, and there was only one Yangwei, so it seemed that the attack density was not too high, and only two armed merchant ships were sunk.

But if the firepower is fully fired, few of these ten armed merchant ships can survive.

Cohen nodded, although he couldn't see how many cannons were on those big ships.

But with such a big ship, there must be a lot of artillery that can be installed.

But judging from the effect just now, the attack density of this big ship is not high.

"It seems that these smart people are not good at manipulating artillery. The attack density is too low." There was a hint of mockery on Cohen's face.

"However, Your Excellency Governor, just now, we were only attacked by one big ship, and the other four ships did not attack." Hilde hurriedly reminded.

Cohen laughed loudly when he heard the words, and he said conceitedly: "What does this mean? It means that these Ming people don't have enough artillery. Except for the artillery on the port, they can only install artillery on one ship." .

If not, they would have attacked with all their strength just now.It now appears that, except for the ship that fought back, all the other ships made up the numbers. "

"But Your Excellency Governor, there are still a lot of artillery on the port." When Hilde was attacking, he saw the artillery near the port through the binoculars, and hurriedly reminded.

"Can those things be called artillery? Can those palm-sized things be called artillery?" Cohen said sarcastically.

The artillery of this era, especially artillery such as coastal defense artillery and naval artillery, are all bulky artillery.

And Zhao Wen's artillery is much smaller than the artillery of this era in terms of volume and shape.

Therefore, Cohen did not put those artillery in his eyes.

"Quality is not equal to quantity. If the artillery of these Ming people is really powerful, then there is no need to deploy so many artillery.

The more artillery they deploy, the more guilty they are.I really can't imagine how a backward eastern empire can produce artillery that is more powerful than ours?

Besides, if their artillery is really powerful, why didn't the artillery on the port attack you just now?Presumably the range of those artillery pieces is not enough, otherwise, how could they not fire? "

Cohen couldn't help but despise Zhao Wen's cannons.

Indeed, Hongyi of this era was able to conquer so many places thanks to their powerful navy and powerful artillery.

If the Eastern Empire is really so powerful, why can they still occupy the city of Zeelandia?

If their weapons were really powerful, places such as Java and Luzon, which were close to the Eastern Empire, had already been occupied by the Eastern Empire, so how could they be occupied?

Hongyi's strength and invincibility on the sea have covered Cohen's eyes. In Cohen's eyes, Hongyi's strength is the most powerful.

"Okay, don't talk anymore. Your formation is seriously damaged, so you don't want to participate in the next battle." Cohen waved his hand at Hilde, and then shouted at the orderly behind him: "Pass me Order, when the sun rises to the sky, let all armed merchant ships rush to the port.

This time I'm going to deliver a devastating shelling of the port, crushing their forces completely. "

(End of this chapter)

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