Chapter 329 Traitor?

After Putmans' order was issued, the entire city of Batavia suddenly became tense.

Soldiers from the important cities around Batavia were gradually recruited back.

The port of Batavia has been completely blocked and no ships are allowed to enter or leave.

Although a lot of benefits would be lost every day in this way, Putmans had to do this.

Others don't know why Putmans did this, but Putmans himself knows what he is going to face.

The soldiers sent by Putmans were constantly patrolling the city of Batavia.

As for the living areas of the Ming people, they were surrounded by these Hongyi soldiers, and they were always under surveillance.

There are about [-] Ming people living in Batavia, and these people are engaged in various jobs in Batavia.

Although some of these Ming people were engaged in handicrafts or service industries, most of them were engaged in the lowest and most tiring jobs.

In Batavia, Hong Yi never regarded Ming people as human beings.

Although these Ming people are very serious in their work, the Hong Yi in Batavia is not at ease with these Ming people.

Especially in this situation now, Putmans is full of vigilance against these wise people.

Putmans was afraid that these Ming people would cooperate with Zhao Wen and others to occupy the entire Batavia.

There is a slum in the northwest corner of Batavia City. The area of ​​the slum is small, about the size of an ordinary town in Daming.

3 people live in this slum, which is extremely crowded.

There are more than 3 Ming people living in such a slum. Some of these Ming people have lived here since they were young, but most of them were plundered by Hongyi from the southeast coast of Daming by Liu Xiang.

"These red-haired dogs have taken some kind of medicine, why are they patrolling so hard?"

In a small house, it was full of people.

These people are quite prestigious people in the slums.

A young man sat in the corner, cursing in a low voice.

An older middle-aged man was sitting by the bed in the room. He was holding a cigarette pot and kept smashing it.

"I'm talking about Uncle Liu, just say it, you've been smoking here without saying a word, you've made us feel really confused." The young man looked at the middle-aged man and said anxiously.

Uncle Liu took the cigarette pot out of his mouth, let out a long breath, his face was full of gloom, "I'm afraid the sky is about to change, our situation is about to change."

The man named Uncle Liu has a high prestige among these common people. Although he is alone and has no wife or daughter, this does not affect the respect everyone has for him.

"What? Uncle Liu, what do you mean by that?" The young man suddenly stood up and looked at Uncle Liu in surprise.

"Old Liu, do you mean that these red-haired dogs are going to attack us?" A middle-aged man who was about the same age as Uncle Liu had a look of panic in his eyes. He looked at Uncle Liu with a slightly trembling voice.

Uncle Liu sighed, "Oh, Lao Wang, is this not obvious? It's not like this kind of thing has never happened before. It happened more than 20 years ago, that is, when Wanli was more than [-] years old. once.

At that time, there were three or four thousand Ming people in the city of Batavia.At that time, the three major Wanli campaigns emptied the national treasury, and the temple master wanted to open mines to get some money.

I don't know which bastard told the temple master that Luzon and Java are full of gold and silver mines, and the imperial court can completely occupy these two places for mining.

At that time, the national treasury was empty, and the temple master was moved at that time, so he asked the commander-in-chief of the coastal provinces to lead the fleet to explore.

At that time, the Flangji and Hongyi people in Luzon and Java thought that Ming was going to attack them, and in a panic, they instigated the local aborigines to attack the Ming.

Alas, I heard that almost all the Ming people in Luzon were killed at that time, and more than half of the Ming people in Batavia were also killed. "

"This is the end? The court didn't care? These barbarians killed so many of us, so the court didn't care?" The young man became excited and shouted loudly.

The middle-aged man named Old Wang glared at the young man, "Qi Da, please keep your voice down, if you provoke the red-haired dog, we will die."

The young man named Qi Da shut his mouth in a hurry, and looked out the window with a vigilant expression.

After seeing no movement outside the window, he was relieved.

Uncle Liu took a puff of cigarette and exhaled a puff of thick smoke.

"Why didn't you care? After the master of the temple heard about this, he began to mobilize sailors from all over the south, preparing to conquer the barbarians in Luzon and Batavia.

However, the well-dressed beasts in the court said that the overseas people are all people who have forgotten their ancestors and disrespected their ancestors.

But who is the temple master?The master of the temple is a Mingjun who has won the three major Wanli campaigns. Can he be fooled by these beasts in clothes?

The master of the temple didn't listen to the words of these beasts at all, so he was going to let the navy conquer Luzon and Batavia.

It's a pity that the temple master died before the order was issued.At this time, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty were caught in the struggle for power and profit, so how could they care about the overseas people?Just left to fend for itself. "After Uncle Liu finished speaking, he didn't say a word.

What Uncle Liu said did happen in history, and it is roughly the same as what Uncle Liu said.

"Then what do we do now? Now these red-haired dogs forbid us to come and go at will, let us all stay here well.

There are a large number of red-haired dog soldiers guarding us outside our living quarters. Can we just wait to die like this? "The young man slapped his thigh and said anxiously.

The young man's words aroused the agreement of other peers in the room.

"Brother Qi is right. Don't we just wait to die like this? Why don't we fight Hongyi and fight to the death."

"Yes, that's right, it's a death anyway, and even if we die, we can't make Hong Yi feel better."

All of a sudden, the young people in the room became aggressive.

Uncle Liu looked at the aggressive young man, slammed the table suddenly, frowned and said in a low voice, "Keep your voice down, if the red-haired dog hears it, we're really going to die."

Under Uncle Liu's scolding, the noisy young people in the room suddenly shut their mouths.

Uncle Liu looked around and said, "Fight? What do you use to fight? A kitchen knife or a shoulder pole? These red-haired dogs have guns. They can beat you to death from a long distance. Tell me what to fight with?"

When Uncle Liu spoke, the young people in the room were speechless, and all fell silent.

Seeing this, Old Wang also said: "Old Liu is right, it's not that I look down on it. We are just a bunch of mobs, and there are quite a few old and weak among them.

Even if the red-haired dog doesn't do it himself, we can't solve it just by letting the natives do it, let alone the red-haired dog. "

"Then we have to wait to die? Just die like this? I was tricked by that bastard Liu Xiang to come here. I thought I was already unlucky enough. I didn't expect that I would die today."

Qi Da suddenly became excited, standing in the room and yelling.

"I'll tell you to keep your voice down, shut up, if Hong Yi is provoked, do you still want to live?" Uncle Liu snarled again.

Qi Da looked at Uncle Liu's cannibalistic eyes, so he had to close his mouth.

"It doesn't mean that we will lose our lives, we must resist, but we must be careful in everything.

This matter is of great importance, we must plan carefully, otherwise, our lives will be gone before the matter is completed. "

Lao Wang looked at the many young people in the room and said earnestly.

"Uncle Wang's words are reasonable, I'll listen to Uncle Wang." Qi Da nodded and said to Old Wang.

"In that case, let's make a good plan."

From now until midnight, the people in the room had a heated discussion on this matter.

As the saying goes, among the three cobblers, the best is Zhuge Liang.

After discussions among these people, a plan of resistance was also formulated.

When Lao Wang saw that there was no question in the room, he said in a low voice: "Our plan will be implemented in this way. Although it is impossible to be [-]% sure, there is [-]% to [-]%."

"Don't say it's [-]% to [-]%, as long as there is [-]% I will do it." Qi Da said.

The middle-aged man named Uncle Liu kept smashing the cigarette pot in his hand, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

His eyes kept moving over Lao Wang, Qi Da and everyone in the room.

"Okay, the plan is this plan, and we will follow this plan in three days. You can go now." Lao Wang slapped the table, looked at everyone in the room, and said.

Qi Da nodded, waved to Old Wang, thanked him, and then led a few young and strong men out.

After all, this house belongs to Uncle Liu.

After everyone in the room left, only Pharaoh and Uncle Liu were left in the room.

Old Wang stood up and said to Uncle Liu: "Old Liu, then I will leave first, and I will come to you when the scheduled time comes.

You have the greatest prestige here in Batavia. If anyone encounters something on weekdays, or is bullied by a red-haired dog or a native dog, only you dare to stand out, so I leave this matter to you. "

Lao Wang bowed to Uncle Liu as he said that, and said sincerely.

"The lives of these tens of thousands of people in the city will be entrusted to you."

Uncle Liu took the cigarette pot from his mouth and knocked it on the table a few times.

"In that case, then I will do my part." Uncle Liu couldn't see any expression on his face.

Old Wang nodded, and then walked outside.

Looking at the back of Old Wang leaving, Uncle Liu's eyes flashed with a strange light.

No matter when, there are always some shameless traitors.

They sell their comrades or the country to seek their own interests. People like this are collectively called traitors.

When Lao Wang went out, only Uncle Liu was left in the room.

He sat quietly by the bed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Half an hour later, in the dead of night, he picked up the worn coat on the bed, put it on, and walked out.

He looked around, then locked the door, and headed towards Hongyi with a dull head.

The night was quiet, and there was not even a dog barking in the entire Ming people's living area.

 Thank you for the rare update reward, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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