Chapter 353 This is Anti-Poetry
All eyes in the hall were on Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen looked at Chongzhen sitting on the throne and Wen Tiren standing there, his face was full of calm.

Zhao Daniu looked at Chongzhen and Wen Tiren with anger on his face.

Wu Sangui stood behind Wu Xiang with a sneer on his face.

"Zhao Bing, I often heard people say that you are very good at poetry and poetry. Now it's the Longevity Festival. Why don't you write a poem to add to the fun?" Wu Sangui said maliciously.

Zu Dashou was also afraid that the world would not be chaotic, and echoed: "Yes, Mr. Zhao is the No. 1 military general. If you want to compose poems, it's just a trivial matter for Mr. Mr. Zhao. Please ask Mr. Zhao to write poems." One."

Chongzhen pointed at Zu Dashou and the others, and said to Zhao Wen: "You see, everyone is looking forward to it very much, please Zhao Aiqing not to shirk."

Zhao Wen kept sneering as he looked at the faces of the crowd.

Seeing that Zhao Wen hadn't said anything for a long time, Wen Tiren taunted, "If Zhao Zongbing really doesn't know how to do it, then let's just say it, we people will definitely not blame Zhao Zongbing?"

"Blame? Hehe, you really have a good plan." Zhao Wen sneered.

"That's enough. General Zhao is just a general. You asked the general to compose poems? You can think of it, so why don't you lead troops to fight?" Man Gui and Zhao Wen also had a good relationship. He looked at the hall This scene in the movie, I really couldn't bear it, and shouted at Wen Tiren.

Wen Tiren looked at Man Gui who was yelling at him, his face was gloomy enough to drip water.

Man Gui is just the chief soldier of Datong, but he is the chief assistant of the cabinet. If he yells at him in front of so many people, doesn't this mean he doesn't take himself seriously at all?

"Man Zongbing, you are so angry, do you want to write a poem for Zhao Zongbing? If you want to write a poem, I will definitely not stop you.

But if you don't want to, then shut your mouth, no one will treat you as dumb. Wen Tiren pointed at Man Gui and shouted sharply.

Chongzhen looked at Man Gui and was quite dissatisfied.

"Man Aiqing, Wen Aiqing just asked Zhao Aiqing to compose a poem, it's not too much, why do you want to stop it?" Although Chongzhen's tone was calm, his expression was extremely cold.

From just now until now, Man Gui has been speaking for Zhao Wen, which has to make Chongzhen wonder if this Man Gui has taken refuge in Zhao Wen.

"Brother Man, it doesn't have to be like this. Isn't it just a poem? What's so difficult about it?" Zhao Wen stood up, walked to Man Gui's side, patted Man Gui's shoulder, and said with relief.

Seeing Zhao Wen stand up, Wen Tiren taunted: "Zongbing Zhao wants to compose a poem? Since that's the case, then I have to listen carefully and see what poems Zongbing Zhao can make. However, I still I want to persuade Zhao Zongbing, if you really can’t do it, don’t force it. But don’t make a poem that doesn’t make sense at that time, which will only increase the joke.”

Zhao Wen looked at Wen Tiren with disdain, and said in a deep voice: "You heard that I am famous for my talent, so I am sorry for you if I don't show it?"

"Hehe, since that's the case, then I want to see what poems Zhao Zongbing can make." Wen Tiren sneered again and again.

Zhao Wen withdrew his gaze, stood in the center of the hall, took a deep breath, and walked back and forth in the hall.

Wen Tiren looked at Zhao Wen like this, and sneered in his heart, "Huh, I still want to learn Cao Zhi's seven-step poem, just like you, do you deserve it?"

Wen Tiren didn't believe that Zhao Wen could make any poems at all. What he said just now was nothing more than deliberately making things difficult for Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen suddenly stopped, he let out a long breath, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Zhao Wen glared at Wen Tiren, cleared his throat, and said, "The scenery of the northern country is covered with ice for thousands of miles, and snow drifts for thousands of miles."

Wen Tiren was very disapproving after hearing these words.

"Hehe, is this the level of the chief soldier? This level is so-so, and there is nothing special about it? These poems are like the language of a villager, even a seven or eight-year-old boy can write it. No way, no way, I think Mr. Zhao should not waste his time." Wen Tiren sarcastically said.

To be honest, if you just read these few sentences of this poem, it is really not very brilliant.

But don't forget that good poems are not made of gorgeous rhetoric. After all, this poem was written by Taizu.

Zhao Wen looked at Wen Tiren, unmoved at all, but gave him a cold stare.

"Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing but turbulence; up and down the great river, it suddenly loses its turbulence.

The mountain dance silver snake, the original Chi wax figure, wants to compare with Tiangong test.

It must be a sunny day, looking at the red dress wrapped in plain clothes, it is extraordinarily enchanting. "

When Zhao Wen read these few sentences, the whole hall was filled with the sound of gasping for air.

Especially those civil servants, they looked at Zhao Wen and talked a lot.

They really couldn't understand that this general who led troops to fight could write such poems.

The previous sentence looks plain, but it paves the way for the following, pulling the field of vision to the vicinity of the Great Wall, and a sense of heroism emerges spontaneously.

Juxtaposing the Great Wall and the Yellow River makes the heroic spirit go one step further.

The last sentence is to compare with the Tiangong test, which is simply the finishing touch, and it makes people ambitious all at once.

Hearing Zhao Wen's voice, Wen Tiren's expression changed again and again.

Even Chongzhen looked at Zhao Wen with a gloomy face.

"My dear, you really know how to compose poetry." Although Man Gui didn't understand poetry, he could feel a heroic feeling in Zhao Wen's words.

"If I'm not wrong, this should be Qinyuanchun." Wu Xiang frowned, looked at Zhao Wen standing in the hall, and said slowly.

Wu Sangui said with a face of dissatisfaction: "Father, look at this rhythm, it is indeed Qinyuanchun."

Wu Xiang also reads a lot of books on weekdays. Although he can't say he is proficient in poetry, he also knows a lot of poetry.

And Wu Sangui has received a good education since he was a child, and knows a lot about poetry.

Wu Xiang looked at Zhao Wen and sighed repeatedly.

Wu Sangui's eyes were full of jealousy, he really couldn't figure out why this Zhao Wen could fight wars and also compose poems.

When Zhao Wen read this, he suddenly stopped.

Wen Tiren looked at Zhao Wen with a gloomy face, "Why don't you read it anymore? Keep reading, I want to see what else you can read. Could it be that you have exhausted your talent? I don't know how to proceed." ?”

Like a clown, Wen Tiren kept sneering at Zhao Wen.

Wu Sangui looked at Zhao Wen who had stopped, and couldn't help but let out a long breath, "It seems that he should not be able to continue, otherwise, how could he stop?"

Zhao Wen looked at Wen Tiren with pity on his face, and shook his head involuntarily.

"The country is so beautiful that it has attracted countless heroes.

Pity Qin Huang Han Wu, slightly lost literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, slightly less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles.

All are gone, a few romantic figures, but also look at the present. "

After Zhao Wen finished reading, he walked to his own table, sat quietly on the chair, filled a glass of wine for himself, and drank himself.

There was no sound in the entire hall, and everyone was shocked by the second half of the poem.

Wu Sangui looked at Zhao Wen with a dull face, and kept muttering in his mouth: "It's all in the past, counting the romantic figures, and looking at the present. I'm not as good as him, I'm not as good as him."

Wen Tiren looked at Zhao Wen in horror. He really couldn't imagine that Zhao Wen wrote this poem, and he couldn't even imagine that a general soldier could write such a poem.

Not to mention Wen Tiren, all the civil servants in the hall looked at Zhao Wen in disbelief.

They really don't understand that a military general can make such poems, and they don't understand either.

Chongzhen looked at Zhao Wen, speechless for a long time.

Man Gui looked at Zhao Wen with admiration in his heart.

Gao Qiqian muttered the last few words, the expression on his face changed again and again.

"You are anti-poetry, you are anti-poetry." Gao Qiqian pointed at Zhao Wen, and suddenly shouted.

"Pity Qin Huang Han Wu, a little less literary talent; Tang Zong Song Zu, a little less coquettish.

Genghis Khan, a generation of Tianjiao, only knew how to bow and shoot big eagles.

All going forward, count the romantic figures, but also look at the present.

You actually compare yourself with Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu, you are simply going to rebel.

My lord, this person has turned his back on me, so I ask my lord to take this thief down quickly.For the sake of the country and the country of the Ming Dynasty, I hope that the emperor will not hesitate. "

Gao Qiqian pointed at Zhao Wen with a look of concern for the country and the people.

Wen Tiren muttered a few times, and then pointed at Zhao Wen, "You are so courageous to compare yourself with Qin Huang, Han Wu, Tang Zong and Song Zu. What qualifications do you have to compare with them? You are the heart of Sima Zhao." , everyone knows about it.”

Zhao Wen drank the wine in the cup in one gulp, and then burst out laughing.

"Haha, the Taizu once said that it is a crime to speak nonsense. Today, you say that I want to rebel because of a word that you forced out? Haha, it is simply a joke."

Zhao Wen stood up, laughing loudly.

"Hmph, clever words, no matter how you explain, you have the heart of rebellion. Being able to write such poems proves that you want to rebel." After Wen Tiren said, he bowed to Chongzhen and knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please send Zhao Wen to imperial prison immediately, and kill him immediately, so as to protect our Daming country."

"At first, I just wanted to make things difficult for you, but I didn't expect you to dare to risk the displeasure of the world. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being rude." Wen Tiren sneered in his heart.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the entire hall became tense.

They looked at the scene in front of them, with different expressions on their faces.

Wu Xiang, Wu Sangui, Zu Dashou and others looked at Zhao Wen and kept sneering.

Man Gui looked anxious.

"Your Majesty, you can't use this poem to punish Zongbing Zhao, let alone be thrown into jail." Man Gui stood up and said anxiously.

Wen Tiren looked at Man Gui, and shouted angrily: "Why are you still talking to this rebel? Could it be that you are also a member of the rebel, okay, okay, really good."

"You..." Man Gui pointed at Wen Tiren, and was about to curse, but was suddenly interrupted by Zhao Wen.

"Okay, Brother Man doesn't have to be like this." Zhao Wen interrupted Man Gui, then looked at Wen Tiren and sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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